When Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu got up, Master Faming and others had already removed the long table.

The remaining twelve second-generation monks moved nine futons and arranged them in a herringbone shape in the hall.

Master Fajue waited until Master Huikong placed the tray in the center of the shrine, and introduced them to Nangong Haotian one by one. According to the time before and after the entry and their age, they were all seniors of Nangong Haotian.

The remaining twelve second-generation monks, although some of them are in their sixties, all went forward to pay respects, and they were honored as Uncle Nangong Haotian.

After introducing the preface, they sat cross-legged on the futon one by one.

Master Fajue first said solemnly: "Master Uncle Hongguang, he was motivated to study hard and studied Bodhidharma martial arts for decades. Although he succeeded in the end, he has reached the end of his life, so he passed away on Sanjian Island."

Nangong Haotian said in a respectful voice: "When I got the two secret books, I swore to open a vat and build a temple for the master, and the seat was paid for."

Master Fa Jue said: "September next year will be the [-]th Buddha's birthday of my uncle, at that time Brother Yu will send a special person to invite my younger brother to come to re-discuss the opening ceremony of the vat."

Nangong Haotian respectfully answered yes.

Master Fajue continued to say solemnly: "Although the seniority of the younger brother is ordered, he is not included in the Shaolin gate wall, nor will he hold the ceremony of returning to the sect..."

Nangong Haotian was startled when he heard that, and asked in amazement: "Brother, why?"

Master Fajue sadly said: "Although the younger brother has excellent martial arts in Shaolin, he has not officially held the ceremony of worshiping the master. It is just that the younger brother is of excellent nature. The fortune is very rich, guided by the Buddha, and he has a predestined relationship with Shaolin..."

Nangong Haotian said anxiously: "But..."

But as soon as the words were spoken, Master Fajue smiled calmly and said: "Junior brother has achieved today, and we are all honored, and we have unavoidable difficulties in our sect. Please keep the matter of today, junior brother and the four girls, confidential. Never mention it to anyone."

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu's fourth daughter were all stunned, not knowing what was going on.

Master Fajue continued to say dignifiedly: "Master Uncle Hongguang devoted his whole life to studying the two secret books."

Nangong Haotian understood, leaned forward hastily and said: "I don't dare to carry this treasure book about martial arts disasters and peace with me often, but I will send it right away after I return to the dormitory."

Master Fa Jue resolutely said: "No, we must set up a plan for auspiciousness."

Master Fa Ming leaned forward and said in a low voice: "Brother, when he returns home this time, there will definitely be a big ceremony. At that time, we will make an appointment to watch the ceremony, which is a great opportunity to return the secret books."

Nangong Haotian readily praised it.

Master Fa Jue happily said: "Brother Yu will go there in person."

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu were very excited, but Master Huikong said hesitantly: "If senior brother goes to watch the ceremony in person, it will definitely arouse the world's martial arts..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Fa Jue said with a smile: "I will make my own arrangements then."

Having said that, Huikong and the others are inconvenient to say anything more.

Master Fa Jue asked again with concern: "When will the younger brother and the four girls go down the mountain?"

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to say: "My little brother also wants to visit Wei Guzhu of Brownstone Valley..."

Before he finished speaking, Master Fa Jue hurriedly said: "Shortly after the meeting ended, Master Wei led his subordinates down the mountain first, and turned back to the southeast."

Nangong Haotian let out a disappointment, and just as he was about to say something, Master Fajue nodded meaningfully and praised twice.

Seeing the situation, Nangong Haotian was self-sufficient and couldn't say anything more.

But Master Faming seemed to have realized something and said: "Oh, the two masters Wu Yin, Miejue and Fairy Jiuyouhua have gone down the mountain first. When they left, they had explained that they went to the Zuibinlou Inn to wait for you first."

Nangong Haotian clasped his hands and said with a smile, "The younger brother will go down the mountain in time..."

Master Fajue said with a peaceful smile: "The situation on the mountain is complicated, everything needs to be dealt with extremely, and Yuer will soon stay with the younger brother and the four girls."

While speaking, they all stood up from the futons and walked out of the Buddha hall one by one.

Gutou, Aunt Shan and the four maidservants of Chunlu nodded when they saw Nangong Haotian and others coming out.

Nangong Haotian walked to the inner steps of the nunnery, seeing several Shaolin female disciples standing respectfully and sending them off, he also humbly said a few words to express his gratitude.

As soon as they left the gate of the nunnery, Nangong Haotian and others stopped and turned around, clasped their fists together, said goodbye to each other, and went down the cliff with Shangguan Xiaowan and others, and flew directly down the mountain.

Nangong Haotian had already visited the Shaolin Temple twice, while thinking about it, even in the afternoon, he still led Shangguan Xiaowan and the others to gallop down the mountain, because everyone has the lightness of going to the temple, so they are not afraid of danger.

Arriving at the northern foot of Songshan Mountain, the red sun has already set on the western mountain, and the twilight has shrouded the Dazhendian in front, but the Zuibin Building, which stands out from the crowd, has been lit up with brilliant lights.

When Nangong Haotian and others arrived at the entrance of the town, all the shops on the two streets were lit up, but none of the martial arts heroes who were bustling on the street yesterday had disappeared.

Suddenly there were so few people on the street, and it looked extraordinarily deserted and quiet. The shop boys and shopkeepers in the shop also seemed to be listless and listless.

, There are no more boxing orders and loud shouts in the restaurants, and there are no more strings and bamboo silks and graceful singing under the singing booths of tea shops.

However, because Nangong Haotian and the others were about to rush to the inn, they became excited when they saw Fairy Jiuyouhua and the two teachers.

While thinking about it, everyone has not reached the front of the inn, not only has everyone's pace quickened, but also everyone has a smile on their face, wishing to step in front of Jiuyouhua Fairy and the three of them.

The two shop boys sitting under the light of the shop door, when they saw Nangong Haotian and others coming back, they had already stood up from the bench with smiles to greet them.

As soon as Nangong Haotian arrived at the door of the store, the two shop boys stood up to welcome him and said respectfully: "Report to Haotian, an old hero has been waiting for you for two nights and two days..."

Nangong Haotian and the others were about to nod their heads and enter the store, but at this moment they all stopped in surprise.

I just heard the guy from the store continue: "The young hero left the store the day before yesterday, and the old hero has arrived."

Nangong Haotian let out a cry of surprise, and before he could speak, Zhao Linger asked with concern: "You mean there is only one old hero, not a middle-aged woman and two teachers?"

The two shop boys were taken aback by the question, looked at each other in bewilderment, shook their heads forcibly and said with a smile: "The shopkeeper above didn't explain..."

Before she finished speaking, Shangguan Xiaowan said in a harmonious voice: "We've arrived at the store, let's go in and take a look."

Nangong Haotian hurried to the store first.

Arriving at the entrance of the courtyard, before entering the door, I heard the happy laughter of Liu Jingwei, Wuying in the Cloud.

Liu Qianwen's eyes lit up when she heard this, and said anxiously: "It's my father, my father is here!"

While speaking, Nangong Haotian was the first, and everyone rushed into the courtyard gate excitedly.

Everyone raised their eyes to look at the small hall, and found that in the brightly lit small hall, the graceful and luxurious Fairy Jiuyouhua and two teachers and wives were sitting, and Liu Jingwei, who laughed heartily, was sitting on the main seat to accompany them.

When Fairy Jiuyouhua and others saw Nangong Haotian and others rushing into the courtyard gate, they were overjoyed, and hurriedly straightened up to face the outside of the hall.

Nangong Haotian and the others quickened their pace and climbed up the steps hurriedly. They all stepped forward to salute and greeted Yunli Wuying.

Two little maids sent by the store rushed to pour tea for everyone.

Aunt Shan first rewarded each of the little maids with a piece of silver, and told them to go back to the store to rest, and ordered good wine and vegetables and two vegetarian dishes.

As soon as the two little maids left, Miejue Shitai first asked, "Why did it take you so long to come back?"

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to say: "Master Fa Jue has an interview, so he was delayed for a while before coming back."

The four daughters of Shangguan Liu gathered in front of Fairy Jiuyouhua, and asked with a concerned smile: "Senior Fairy, how did you join this review meeting immediately?"

Fairy Jiuyouhua smiled and said, "It's okay to say it now, in fact, shortly after you left Honey Tower, I accepted the invitation from Shaolin Temple."

Aunt Shan said: "Sure enough, the young master guessed right about this matter." Fairy Jiuyouhua and the two teacher wives asked in confusion, "What did you guess right?"

Aunt Shan said sternly: "It's this meeting that made it clear: our young master saw that the Snow Mountain School in the southwest and the red and yellow lamas from the Western Regions had come, so he guessed that the meeting had been prepared for a long time."

Fairy Jiuyouhua said seriously: "According to what the silver-clothed swordsman told me, it seems that when you came back from Sanjian Island in the East China Sea and met Master Faming and the others in the small village of Langsha, they had this motive."

Miejue Shitai continued: "Because Haotian talked about the two bold words in the cheat book at that time? Master Fajue also wanted to take this opportunity to confirm that he really invited you to go in the name of Shaolin Temple. I'm afraid you might not be willing to go. , so I thought of this best-of-both-worlds solution..."

Yun Li Wuying said disapprovingly, "Teaching and mobilizing so many people, is it the best of both worlds?"

Mrs. Wu Yin said with relief: "At least another martial arts catastrophe has been resolved, and the resentment between Haotian and other factions has been resolved."

Yun Li Wuying smiled lightly and said, "A character like Wu Danai of Tiemenzhai also wants to dominate the martial arts world, it's really unbelievable."

Miejue Shitai said sternly, "But, once he becomes a hot topic, it will be very difficult to deal with him."

Liu Qianwen was afraid that her father would argue over this matter, so she hurriedly asked cheerfully, "Father, why did you come here in person?"

With such a question, Nangong Haotian and the others also asked with concern: "Uncle, did something happen at home?"

Liu Jingwei smiled and said, "If something happens at home, I can still sit on the chair until now!"

Saying this, everyone not only felt relieved, but also laughed.

Fairy Jiuyou Hua smiled happily and said, "Old Hero Liu has come here specially to distribute the wedding invitations for the five of you to all sects and sects."

Having said that, although the four daughters of Shangguan Liu were all pretty and blushed, they asked in unbelief in unison, "Really?"

Miejue Shitai raised her hand and pointed to a large cloth bag on the high table behind the table, and said cheerfully: "Here, look, that's a wedding card."

Although Nangong Haotian didn't smile on his handsome face, he didn't look angry either, because this sudden incident must be the decision of the elders.

select. , so hasty, so eager, there must be a reason for it, but he also firmly believes that Liu Jingwei, Wuying in the Cloud, would never dare to do this without his consent.

However, Liu Qianwen was deeply afraid that her father would make unsolicited opinions, so she first asked with a smile and respect: "Father, is it too hasty?"

Liu Jingwei smiled and said, "The Venerable Master thinks that the sooner the better..."

Before she finished speaking, Xue Binger said excitedly: "My grandpa..."

Liu Jingwei nodded and said, "That's right. After receiving Shaolin's invitation, the Master wrote a letter to Haotian and rushed to Nangongzhuang immediately."

Nangong Haotian was refreshed when he heard it, and said excitedly: "My master is already in Nangongzhuang?"

Liu Jingwei smiled and said: "Not only is the old man in Nangongzhuang, but he is also enthusiastically instructing He Zhong to paint the walls, and is planning how to receive the Wulin congratulators who will go there!"

Having said that, Xue Binger jumped up and down excitedly and said happily: "I'm going to go back right away, I'm going to go back to see my grandpa right away."

Seeing that Xue Binger still looks like a lively and lovely doll, Fairy Jiuyouhua also smiled jokingly and said: "Could it be that she rushed back to be a bride in a hurry?"

Having said this, Xue Binger's pretty face immediately turned red behind her ears, and she suddenly stood there with her head bowed and did not speak.

When everyone saw it, they all laughed happily.

The auspicious time has finally arrived.

Haotian's vast and magnificent house has already set up a festive archway, and the lanterns and festoons have been hung. Inside and outside, the decoration is completely new, and there is joy everywhere.

Fairy Jiuyou Hua, Jue Jue, and Wu Yin's two teacher wives had all arrived a day earlier, and with the arrival of the female relatives from various martial arts families, the whole inner house suddenly became lively.

Since the Yellow River is a few miles away from the village, congratulators from various sects and sects, in order to reduce Haotian's busy hospitality, all came by boat, and the big boat was moored by the river in front of the village.

However, the leading leaders of various sects and sects headed by Master Shaolin Fajue were still firmly invited to the Haotian Mansion by Master Tianwai, Yunli Wuying, and Bingguai Zhang.

Except for Kongtong and Xueshan, all martial arts sects and aristocratic families from all over the world have arrived, but some have sent elders and representatives with high status, but the head of the sect is unable to come.

However, it is even more glorious to have Shaolin's Master of Jue, Wudang's Taoist Master Wuchen, and all the masters who besieged the Demon Dragon Slayer back then.

In particular, Tie Mian Beggar, the leader of the Beggar Gang, brought dozens of smart and capable young and old beggars to help with affairs, and it was even more lively. They not only helped with affairs, but also performed many festive performances, beating, playing and singing. It made the whole Haotian, inside and outside, the laughter of adults, women and children resounded everywhere.

Yinxiao Xiaoyaoke, Liu Zhengzhao and Liu Yanzhao, led the masters at the helm of the Northwest Headquarters to handle errands as early as two days ago, and at the Southwest Border Pass, three hosts Ma Jinbao led the Tianxing altar leader Ji Hu and others to arrive.

The most rare thing is that Chu Meng's father, the old island owner of Qinhuangdao, also came to congratulate him.

Wei Xiaoying from Brownstone Valley did not come, but Si Yunyi, head of Diancang, and Lin Tianxiong and Lin Jinxiong from Dananzhuang also invited them to bring rich gifts.

The most surprising thing is that Wulao Village Master of Southeast Tiemen Village also came with congratulatory gifts.

After Nangong Haotian received the report, he followed his ancestor Tianwai Venerable and his father-in-law Yunli Wuying and others, and went out of the house to welcome them in person. The elders and representatives of all the sects, sects and families were very moved.

Everyone agreed that Nangong Haotian's wedding ceremony also brought peace, tranquility and peace to the bloody martial arts forest that had been chaotic for many years.

Suddenly so many martial arts heroes and chivalrous women from three mountains and five mountains came to Nangongzhuang.

While thinking about it, before the neighbors near Haotian entered the courtyard, they all set up banquet sheds and filled them with banquets. One group had just finished eating, and the other group followed, and they ate until after sunset and dusk.

Especially those dozens of drummers who were invited took turns to play, and the music stopped. In addition, the beggars played flower drums and danced lions and dragons. It was so lively that even people from dozens of miles away came to watch It's lively, these people sit down to eat when they are hungry, and they don't know anyone anyway.

This kind of joyful atmosphere never stops from day to night, especially after dusk when the auspicious time is approaching, the lights are brilliant and bright as day, making the atmosphere even more lively.

Nangong Haotian had already put on the auspicious clothes in the hall, and the fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu had already put on the phoenix crown and Xiapei.

Aunt Shan, with four ticks in spring and green, waited on her, never daring to leave her.

These four brides who have traveled all over the world and traveled all over the country, have gone through so many bitter scenes and fought so many tense battles. Now they are sitting there waiting for the auspicious day to come. I don't know how to calm down.

On the hall of the most magnificent forecourt.Under the dazzling and colorful lights, male and female congratulatory guests from all walks of life and families have already gathered, all of them are waiting to have a glimpse of the beauty of the five newcomers.

On the tall screen in the middle, there is a special happy character composed of six Xiyu, which is shining golden and dazzling. Everyone praised the originality when they saw it.

The auspicious time finally arrived. Amidst the sound of music, crackling of firecrackers, and bursts of laughter, the congratulators sang loudly and blessed the witnesses in place.

Master Fajue of Shaolin Temple wears a red Buddha hat, a bright red monk robe, a golden silk cassock, and a big red flower on his chest.

Wudang Taoist priest Wuchen wears a Taoist crown with a gold statue and a jade hook, and wears a bright red eight trigrams water and fire Taoist robe, on which the gold rusted Yin and Yang eight trigrams and pine cranes are even more glittering and dazzling.

The rest took their places in sequence, the Master Tianwai, Wuyin, Juejue and Yunli Wuying, followed by Jiuyouhua Fairy and Silver Shirt Swordsman leading the elders and representatives of the sects, as well as Tiannan Xiushi, Tianxuan Shenjun and others entered the VIP audience.

Inside and outside the hall, there was a lot of voices and laughter, and everyone stretched their necks to look into the auditorium.

Among the people watching the ceremony, as well as inside and outside the house.Many people were also sent to secretly guard against the sudden appearance of the second Wudie.The old head is the general guiding figure of these people.

The old man was in a disturbed mood and looked anxious, standing at the entrance of the hall, his eyes constantly searching the faces of every congratulatory guest, because he was also afraid that the second Wu Die would mix in with male and female congratulatory guests after putting on makeup.

Especially for those female guests who are dressed in bright red, the ancient head is watching secretly. No matter how the second Wu Die dresses up, her small, exquisite, fat and thin body can never be hidden from the old head's eyes.

The auspicious time finally arrived. Under the singing of the congratulators and the cheers of all the congratulators, Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu were respectively introduced into the auditorium by ten golden boys and jade girls.

What puzzled all the congratulators the most was that the last two male and female flower girls were holding a white peacock with shiny white feathers together.

The white peacock's red cheeks, pearl-like crown, snowy and beautiful white fur, and the bright red silk tied around its neck and chest make it even more eye-catching and eye-catching.

When the congratulators saw it, they couldn't help speculating and discussing it.

Some said that the bride was far away and might not be able to come back in time, while others said that the bride was ill and could not get up to attend.

, the representatives of the elders of various sects and sects invited to prepare the post, have already passed the explanation of the Master Tianwai, and they all know that Bai Wudie is the only daughter of the Guanwai Zhenguandong, and this girl is still in the cultivation of the Tianshan God. Sitting in the gate everywhere, but unable to participate in time.

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu's fourth daughter, amidst the sound of music, firecrackers, praises and blessings, finally bowed to heaven and earth, thanked the elders and sent them to the bridal chamber, and completed the grand ceremony.

The congratulatory guests who talked a lot did not see the beautiful faces of the four brides, because they all had a red hijab on their phoenix crowns.

Under the guidance of Fairy Jiuyouhua and some close female relatives, as well as Aunt Shan and Four Maids of Spring and Green under the guard of guards, Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu stepped on the red carpet in front of twelve colored lanterns and entered the palace. Through the central gate, pass through the hall, enter Tongge, and go straight to the central building.

In the central building, some female relatives had already set up a red velvet bench and six exquisite wine glasses connected by red strings. When Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu sat on the red velvet bench, everyone filled them with wedding wine.

The Spring and Green Four Maids also seemed very happy, but because the second Wu Die couldn't come to participate in time, their expressions were somewhat sad.

While thinking about it, Xia He placed the white peacock beside Zhao Linger, while Chun Lu, Qiu Ju, and Dong Mei sprinkled the wine on the red silk around the neck of the white peacock.

After drinking a cup of wine, there was a burst of bridal disturbance, but no one knew how heavy and sad Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu were.

Some women's family members and children continued to make trouble until after the third watch, and then they went downstairs and left one after another under the persuasion of Aunt Shan's good night.

Aunt Shan and the four servant girls of Chunlu hurriedly took off the wind crown for the fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu, and brought the newly prepared wedding banquet.

As soon as the banquet was set up, the clever Aunt Shan knew that the five of Nangong Haotian must have a lot to say, so she deliberately explained with a smile: "The bridal chamber wedding feast, outsiders are not allowed to watch, to show reunion and reconciliation, and grow old together, my wife Please take your leave."

In the end, all blessings.

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu also got up at this time and said with a smile: "Aunt Shan, you have worked hard all day, so go to rest earlier!"

Knowing that the four of them were included, the Spring and Green Four Maids also saluted and bid farewell.

However, Dongmei, who was about to turn around, suddenly stopped and turned around, asking, "Do you want to take out this white peacock?"

Nangong Haotian was afraid that Xue Binger or Zhao Linger would talk fast, so he hurriedly said: "You should stay in the room."

Dongmei should have walked out and closed the door behind her.

Nangong Haotian stared at the closed building door in a daze, and heard Aunt Shan order the four maidservants in Spring and Green, each of them guarding a new room.

Because, Nangong Haotian had already told them that the five of them would stay together in the main building until dawn on the night of festivities.

Seeing that Nangong Haotian was still staring at the door in a daze, Xue Binger said softly, "Sit down, Brother Haotian."

Nangong Haotian must be in his mind, hurriedly groaned, sat down and said: "Can you see that there is something strange about the four of them?"

Shangguan Xiaowan held the pot and filled the wine for Nangong Haotian, Liu Qianwen, Zhao Linger and Xue Binger, and said: "It's only natural to lose your mind."

When Liu Qianwen and the others saw that Shangguan Xiaowan filled the wine for them, the delicate bodies who had just sat down hurriedly stood up again, and thanked them in unison.

Shangguan Xiaowan filled another glass for herself, and after taking a seat with Liu Qianwen and the other three, she continued: "However, it seems generally happy."

Zhao Ling'er said in a low voice: "Looking at her expression, Dongmei is more sad."

Nangong Haotian agreed and said: "That's because the second Wudie treated her very well."

Liu Qianwen said in amazement and bewilderment, "It's strange, why hasn't the second Wudie appeared?"

Nangong Haotian sighed sadly: "That's good, lest we make a fool of ourselves on the spot, and even make jokes all over the world."

Zhao Ling'er also said sadly: "It seems that the second Wu Die has completely realized what he did before."

Nangong Haotian sighed: "I hope she can turn over a new leaf and start a new life, but she has spent so much energy and painstaking efforts to build such a vast mansion for us, but she is alone People live in Tianshan, how can this make us feel at ease?"

Having said that, Shangguan Liu's fourth daughter naturally bowed her head in apologetic embarrassment.

In their minds, a girl in white fur with scars all over her face also appeared, sitting on the top of Tianshan Mountain, facing the Zhengdong Central Plains, weeping sadly and silently.

Because the building is very quiet, in the gentle night wind, suddenly there is a flute sound, and this flute sound can be heard very far away, like weeping and complaining, mournful and miserable, just thinking of the pity of the second Wu Die The fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu almost cried out.

Nangong Haotian was shocked when he heard it, and said sadly: "The second butterfly!"

The four daughters of Shangguan and Xia were startled when they heard this, their beauty suddenly changed, and they asked in unison: "Could it be her?"

Nangong Haotian said: "On the night of our wedding candles, who is blowing such desolate withers outside the window!"

Shangguan Xiaowan felt that it was reasonable, she got up and said: "Then let's follow the sound to find it now."

Having said that, Nangong Haotian also hurriedly stood up, and the five of them quietly opened a back door and walked out of the building one by one.

The five people stood under the back eaves, and saw that all the colorful lights were still on on the treasury attic and the flower viewing pavilion in the garden, but no one could be seen.

Nangong Haotian listened intently to the sound of the flute, felt that it fluctuated up and down, flickering, and said: "She may be on a hill one mile away from Zhuanghou."

Shangguan Xiaowan guessed how miserable the second Wu Die was at this moment based on the ups and downs, the flute sound that appeared and disappeared from time to time.

While thinking about it, he hurriedly urged: "Then let's go quickly."

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu's fourth daughter flew into the garden, crossed the garden, and flew directly to the outside of the villa.

As soon as the five of them arrived outside the village, the sound of the flute could be heard more clearly.

Nangong Haotian was indeed in the hilly forest in the northwest.

The five of them galloped over three hills, and with the sound of the flute, they suddenly found a woman with shawl hair and a faintly golden dress sitting under a few small trees on the ridge line of the opposite hill.

I saw that woman, with her head slanted down, with a jade flute in front of her lips, and her slender jade fingers pressing the holes alternately, she was blowing raptly there.

Nangong Haotian stopped his body first, waved his hand to signal Shangguan Liu Sinu to stop, and he started to move forward with his light and delicate body technique.

The fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu couldn't see the woman's face clearly, because she was sitting cross-legged under a small tree, she couldn't tell whether she was the second dancer or not.

Nangong Haotian suddenly became surprised because the distance was getting closer, and the bewildered expression on his handsome face suddenly became.

He was startled, his eyes were bright, and he flew up to the woman playing the flute with a swish.

The woman playing the flute was startled when she heard the sound, and subconsciously stopped flute and raised her head.

At the same moment when she raised her head, Nangong Haotian shouted in shock: "Princess, it really is you!"

The person sitting on the hill playing the flute was Princess Hama, who had recently ascended the throne of Chagan Hama Kingdom and inherited the throne.

When Princess Hama saw that the person standing in front of her was Nangong Haotian, who was dressed in auspicious clothes, black hat and golden flowers, and there was a surprise on his tear-stained face. He straightened up, stood up, and cried out, , threw himself into Nangong Haotian's arms.

Nangong Haotian's shock was no small matter, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

Because, his four beautiful wives were standing at the foot of the slope tens of feet away.

However, he could neither say anything nor ruthlessly push Princess Hama away.

However, Princess Hama, who threw herself into Nangong Haotian's arms and hugged him tightly, cried out excitedly: "I once prayed to God, if you hear the sound of the flute and find it, it will prove that you still have a heart." With me, now you really found me..."

Nangong Haotian was really suffering and couldn't tell. If he said that it was because he suspected that the second Wudie had returned, how embarrassing and heartbreaking would it be for Princess Hama?

However, he had no choice but to quickly push Princess Hama away, and asked with concern, "Where did the princess get here?"

Princess Hama said with a tearful smile, "I arrived last night. First, I took a look at your gorgeous house, and today I personally visited the wedding ceremony of you and the four girls..."

Nangong Haotian was secretly surprised when he heard it, and felt that Princess Hama was too courageous, so he said in surprise: "What if you are recognized by the old man?"

Princess Hama smiled proudly, "I'm a middle-aged man dressed up by Fairy Jiuyou Hua, how could he find me?"

Nangong Haotian's shock was no small matter, he couldn't believe his ears, Jiuyouhua Fairy would enter the hall of his house disguised as a middle-aged person on behalf of Princess Hama to watch the ceremony.

Seeing that Nangong Haotian was stunned, Princess Hama acted coquettishly and proudly said: "You didn't expect that..."

Nangong Haotian could only nod his head and said, "I really didn't expect that."

Princess Hama continued: "I don't want her to tell you, and she doesn't agree with me telling you. She said that it will not only make you uneasy, but also affect the emotions of you and the four girls. On the contrary, it will harm you. It hurt me too."

Nangong Haotian was shocked when he heard that, and said, "I also harmed you?"

Princess Hama said sternly: "Yes, if the news is leaked, the emperor of the Celestial Dynasty will know that I did not obey the order and trespassed in the Central Plains, and he will punish me."

Nangong Haotian was startled, took the opportunity to push Princess Hama, and said anxiously: "Oh princess, you are right, you should go back quickly, if the court finds out, it will not only offend you, but also implicate me. "

While speaking, although she pushed Princess Hama anxiously, she held her tightly and refused to let go, and said softly, "You haven't kissed me yet?"

There was a bang in Nangong Haotian's head, like a sudden burst of spring thunder around him, his whole body trembled, and beads of sweat rolled down immediately.

Upon seeing it, Princess Hama asked with concern: "Are you hot?"

At this time, Nangong Haotian was already in limbo.Just nodded in bewilderment.

When Princess Hama saw it, she hurriedly pushed it away, reached out and took out a fragrant handkerchief from her clothes, and wiped off the sweat on Nangong Haotian's forehead, complaining: "Since you come out, you should take off your auspicious clothes. Makes you sweat all over your face."

Nangong Haotian wiped his sweat with his sleeves, and hurriedly urged: "Princess, to tell you the truth, I am really anxious because of your trespassing in the Central Plains..."

Princess Hama confidently said: "Don't worry, I'm galloping on a flying horse now, and I'll enter my country before noon tomorrow."

Nangong Haotian wiped his sweat with his sleeves, and hurriedly urged: "Princess, to tell you the truth, I am really anxious because of your trespassing in the Central Plains..."

Princess Hama confidently said: "Don't worry, I'm galloping on a flying horse now, and I'll enter my country before noon tomorrow."

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