Nangong Haotian said anxiously: "But, you are driving at night alone..."

Princess Hama smiled and said, "Don't worry, General Huda and Deputy Commander Bada will each lead a sentry team, and they will stop hundreds of feet away to protect you..."

Nangong Haotian was even more horrified, and said anxiously: "You led an army to invade the Central Plains, and you should be executed for your crime..."

Princess Hama said coquettishly, "I miss you in my heart!"

When Nangong Haotian arrived here, he had no choice but to urge in relief: "As soon as things on my side settle down, I will bring Sister Wei and the others to see you."

Princess Hama acted coquettishly and said, "You will fulfill what you said at Honey Tower after you go?"

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to beg her to leave quickly, and without hesitation, he nodded his head and said anxiously: "Okay, okay, definitely."

Princess Hama went further and said: "If you break your promise, be careful that I will take your first son away to make a prince."

Nangong Haotian didn't have the heart to argue with her, he nodded in agreement and said in a hurry: "Okay, okay..."

Princess Hama looked at Nangong Haotian affectionately, and said softly and happily: "Then I'm leaving."

Nangong Haotian hurriedly cupped his hands and said in a humble voice: "Princess, go slowly, I'm sorry I won't see you off."

Princess Hama chuckled again and said, "You should go back too. If the four brides know that you're here to have a secret love story with me, it's no wonder they aren't so mad!"

Nangong Haotian's forehead was soaked with sweat again, at this moment he hesitated and said something, and only thought that she had better leave as soon as possible.

Princess Hama giggled, turned her delicate body, and galloped away like flying, and disappeared in the dark forest ahead in the blink of an eye.

Nangong Haotian stared blankly at Lin Qian where Princess Hama's figure had disappeared, raised his sleeves to wipe his sweat, and did not turn around and gallop back until he was sure that Princess Hama had gone far away.

The four daughters of Shangguan Liu, who were hiding in the shade of the trees, all had natural expressions, as if they hadn't seen the scene just now. When Nangong Haotian came to him, Shangguan Xiaowan said in a harmonious voice: "Let's go back!"

Nangong Haotian glanced at the four girls with shame and anxiety, and could only say angrily: "I really didn't expect it to be her!"

But Liu Qianwen said naturally: "I don't think you can do anything if you don't go to Chagan Hama country."

Nangong Haotian's handsome face flushed, and he said resolutely in a deep voice: "No, I will never go."

After saying that, Zhao Linger said coldly: "You'd better go, otherwise, none of the four of us sisters would dare to give birth to a son for you first."

Shangguan Xiaowan glanced at Zhao Ling'er uneasily, and found that her pretty face was not only not red, but livid, how jealous and angry she felt in her heart at this moment.

Shangguan Xiaowan naturally urged: "Let's go back quickly, let them find that we are gone, and there will be another chaos."

Nangong Haotian had no choice but to nod his head in agreement, unfolded his movements, and flew forward first, and the four girls followed behind.

The five of them were speeding, only to find that their mansion was still brightly lit and bright, especially the colorful silk red lanterns hanging from the cornices of the tall building Lige, which looked very beautiful from a distance.

After crossing the last hill, there is a patch of rocks and bushes behind their house.

The five of them were waiting to cross the chaotic rocky area, when a woman weeping and sobbing suddenly came from the front right.

The five of Nangong Haotian were startled when they heard this, and hurriedly stopped.

The five people's concentration seems to be sent out among a pile of chaotic rocks and small trees tens of feet away in front of the left.

So, the five of them held their breath and flew forward.

Although the movements of the five were light and agile, the woman suddenly stopped crying when they were still about twenty or thirty feet ahead. It was obvious that the other party had extraordinary skills and hearing.

When Nangong Haotian and the other five heard that the other woman had stopped crying, they immediately raised their vigilance, thinking whether to go over.

Although the woman stopped crying, she still couldn't restrain her natural sobs after crying.

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu thought it was strange?Who came to cry outside the village in such a deep night?

The five people stared forward, but they couldn't see the woman's position at all. It was obvious that she was sitting on the grass under the stone.

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu advanced several tens of feet, and sure enough, in the chaotic rocks in front of them, the woman's deep and stern voice suddenly came and asked: "Who? What?"

When Nangong Haotian and the five people heard the woman's questioning voice, they were all taken aback, and flew towards her with lightning-like agility.

The five people looked down and saw a woman with a beautiful face and old white clothes sitting on the grass under the stone, she also raised her head to look at the five people in surprise.

When Nangong Haotian and the other five looked at it, they all trembled, exclaimed, and froze with their mouths open.

The woman sitting on the ground was none other than the second dance butterfly that Nangong Haotian and others had been guarding against her appearance at the wedding.

The second Wu Die's face is also beautiful and intact, and she doesn't have the scars on her face as imagined, but her forehead is combed into bangs, reaching to her eyebrows, and her bun hair on both sides covers half of her cheeks.

While the five people were staring at each other, the second Wudie suddenly covered her face with her hands, lowered her head and cried, "I don't want to see you, I don't want to see you, I don't have the face to see you again..."

Nangong Haotian knelt down slowly, and whispered in an excited voice, "Sister Wudie..."

As soon as Sister Wudie uttered the words, the second Wudiejiao, who covered her face and cried, trembled, and suddenly stopped crying. She couldn't believe her ears, let alone that the voice of Sister Wudie came from Nangong It was exhaled from Haotian's mouth.

However, the facts proved that it was not a dream, a pair of firm and warm hands had already held her pair of jade arms.When Shangguan Xiaowan saw Nangong Haotian, she squatted down and held the arms of the second Wudie, took off her Xia Pei and colorful embroidered gold and red satin auspicious clothes, and put them on the second Wudie.

The second Wu Die was shocked when she saw that it was Shangguan Xiaowan who took off her Xia Peiji clothes and put them on for her, she burst into tears and said anxiously: "No no, big sister, I can't wear this, I don't have the qualifications , nor worthy..."

Shangguan Xiaowan squatted down with a smile, kindly covered the second Wudie's auspicious clothes, and said sincerely: "Sister Wudie..."

The second Wu Die heard that Shangguan Xiaowan also called her sister, her expression became more anxious, she quickly shook her head and said anxiously: "No, you are my sister..."

Shangguan Xiaowan smiled and said: "We sisters don't distinguish between each other, whoever is older is the elder sister..."

While speaking, Liu Qianwen, Zhao Linger, and Xue Binger also squatted down, watching the second Wudie with concern.

The second Wu Die looked at her tears, and said in a low voice with shame: "Sister Wen, Sister Ling'er, Sister Bing'er, I'm sorry for you, I'm very sorry for you..."

The three of Liu Qianwen also said solemnly: "Sister Wudie, stop saying that, we will all be sisters in the same room from now on..."

Before the words were finished, the second Wudie said firmly: "No, I am very satisfied now. Brother Nangong is with me in auspicious clothes, and the elder sister puts on Xiapei for me. I have no whiteness in my life. It's worth living, I will never go into the house."

When the three of Liu Qingwen heard that the elder sister put on Xiapei for me, they all felt touched.

In fact, the second Wudie also knew in her heart that only Shangguan Xiaowan dared to take off the auspicious clothes and put them on the second Wudie's body, and only Shangguan Xiaowan had the qualification.

Shangguan Xiaowan smiled and said comfortingly: "Stop talking nonsense, why can't you go home when you come back?"

The second Wudie cried firmly: "No, I said before, I will never go home, and I also heard that my name is listed on the wedding invitation, and I came back to prepare for it." blocked..."

During the conversation, I found that all five of Nangong Haotian looked sad, so they could only continue to cry: "Uncle Li Ji Dani asked the new head of Tianshan to shave her..."

Liu Qianwen sighed and said, "Why does she have to lose her hair?"

The second Wudie said in tears: "She had sworn a solemn vow not to leave the spiritual pavilion of the nun when she was dying."

Shangguan Xiaowan also said sadly: "She can still guard the spiritual pavilion of the nun without losing her hair."

The second Wu Die shook her head suddenly. Although Shangguan Xiaowan stopped talking, she still hesitated for a while before she said vaguely: "She said she can't stay on Tanfeng any longer because she doesn't lose her hair."

The fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu knew it well in her heart, that is to say, she would not come to Nangong Haotian again if she was determined to lose her hair. This did not mean that she no longer missed Nangong Haotian in her heart.

Nangong Haotian, who had already retracted his hands naturally, lowered his head sadly.

But the second Wu Die continued: "I have promised my uncle that I will accompany her for the rest of my life..."

Nangong Haotian suddenly raised his head when he heard this, Shangguan Xiaowan and the others also changed their expressions in surprise, and exclaimed, Zhao Linger and Second Wudie still had feelings of pity, their eyes were moist unconsciously, and Qi Sheng asked: " why?"

The second Wudie suddenly cried sadly: "I feel that my sins are serious. Only by regurgitating scriptures every day and worshiping Buddha day and night can I reduce my past mistakes."

Zhao Ling'er spoke bluntly, but also said in a somewhat angry way: "Then why are you back?"

Shangguan Xiaowan and Liu Qianwen looked at Zhao Linger with surprised and complaining eyes. Zhao Linger said that there was no malice in that sentence, but after saying it, she immediately regretted it. He immediately lowered his head in panic.

The second Wu Die didn't mind and said: "Uncle Master insisted that I send back a pair of golden gallbladders to Brother Nangong, and asked me to go back after receiving Brother Nangong's receipt."

While speaking, she took out a pair of golden gallbladders from the small bag beside her, but she didn't hand them to Nangong Haotian, but handed them to Shangguan Xiaowan, and said cordially: "Elder sister, please accept it. "

Shangguan Xiaowan took it with both hands, feeling very courageous, knowing that there must be something wrong here, she said gratefully: "It's really hard for you."

But the second dancer continued: "Master Uncle Li Ji Dani said that with brother Nangong's skill, he can read the secret books of Master Jindan, and his future martial arts achievements should be comparable to that of Tianshan God and nuns."

After the words fell, he stood up and said, "I should go now."

When Nangong Haotian saw her, he hurriedly pressed his hands on her fragrant shoulders, stared at her pretty face, and asked seriously: "Are you really going back to Tianshan?"

The second Wu Die saw the warmth in her heart, pressing her hands on her shoulders, and when You Qi met his eyes, the love and infatuation suddenly surged in her heart, she covered her face with her hands, and cried.

The fourth daughter of Shangguan Liu cried sadly when she saw the second Wu Die, suddenly she didn't know how to comfort her.

, the fourth daughter could also see clearly that the second Wudie felt contradictory at this moment, she didn't want to let Li Ji Dani stand alone on the top of the Tan Peak, and she couldn't bear to leave her infatuated and beloved Nangong Haotian.

I saw Second Wudie covering her face in pain and shaking her head, crying and saying: "I now understand why my uncle asked me to hand over this pair of golden galls to Brother Nangong in person... In fact, she has already seen through my Second Wudie. Die, as long as I see you, I can't bear to leave anymore...I admit...I admit..."

Shangguan Xiaowan and Liu Qianwen also figured out Li Ji Dani's intentions, because Li Ji Dani had already seen through the second Wu Die, and as long as the second Wu Die saw Nangong Haotian again, she would never want to go back to Tianshan.While thinking about it, the two said tactfully: "Sister Wudie, why bother to torture yourself like this, but you still remember Gutou and Aunt Shan..."

Before finishing speaking, the second dance butterfly hastily raised her head and cried: "No, I definitely didn't hold grudges against the two of them. I really deserved to die at that time, but they definitely had no intention of throwing me off the peak. The rope suddenly It's God's will to break it."

Shangguan Xiaowan also had no choice but to say: "It would be great if my sister could forgive their unintentional mistakes. In fact, we were really panicked at the time, and we had no master..."

The second Wudie stopped crying and said sadly: "At that time, I was hung in the air on a slanted pine tree. I heard everything you said in panic. From that moment on, I swear to the sky that the second Wudie has died Falling into the abyss and falling to death, there is no such evil second dance butterfly in this world..."

Liu Qianwen hurriedly comforted her and said: "People are not sages, no one can be without faults, if you know your faults, you can correct them. There is nothing good about it. Don't regret what happened in the past."

The second Wu Die burst into tears and said: "How can I not be sad? How can I not hate myself for worshiping the wrong master and hurting myself? Especially when I look at the mirror every day and see the scars on my face... "

Nangong Haotian and five people were startled when they heard this, and their eyes immediately fixed on her pretty face.

The second Wu Die saw it, Qi Sheng said: "Didn't you see that my hairstyle is different from before?"

But Xue Binger said: "We think you are more beautiful than before."

The second Wudie's pretty face flushed immediately, and she explained: "Sister Bing'er, you just saw my front face, there are slanted and punctured scars on both cheeks and forehead..."

Nangong Haotian, Shangguan Xiaowan, and Liu Qianwen had previously suspected that the second Wudie's change of hairstyle might have something to do with the scars on his face. At this moment—listen, it really is good, and they also took the opportunity to ask: "You How did you get to the top?"

The second dance butterfly said sadly: "I don't know why, it may be that my body hit the slanting pine-dun relationship, the long rope fell rapidly, and it happened to be entangled on the messy branches of the slanting pine..."

Nangong Haotian and Shangguan Liu Sinu also secretly called out luck for the second Wu Die.

The second Wu Die continued: "In addition, Gu Tou and Shan Auntie tied me up without balance, turned my feet top-heavy, and my head fell down. I immediately hooked the tree trunk with my toes..."

When Xue Bing'er and Zhao Ling'er heard this, they shuddered when they thought of the thrill at that time.

The second Wu Die continued: "At that time, I struggled several times before reluctantly climbing up the tree trunk. I first broke the rope on the rocky corner of the peak wall, took out the knife wound medicine on my body and applied it, tore my skirt cloth and tied it up, and then After taking a blood-enriching, Qi-relief and pain-relief pill, I fell asleep on the tree trunk..."

After a few days, Xueyan subconsciously said: "Did you not fall?"

The second Wu Die looked at Xue Binger and smiled, and said with a smile: "I don't know how to tie myself up with the ready-made rope?"

Having said that, the five of Nangong Haotian couldn't help laughing dumbly.

Because of the smile on the face of the second dance butterfly, the atmosphere suddenly became warmer. While thinking, she continued automatically: "I didn't dare to go up at that time. When I was hungry, I ate the little red fruits that grew on the peak wall. When I was tired Sleep as soon as you wake up, I wanted to climb up several times to tell you about Brother Nangong being trapped on the Tan Peak, but I don't have the courage, if you throw me down again, there will be no chance to get entangled in the slanted pine ..."

Nangong Haotian thought of the situation of the second Wudie at that time, and Chu Meng's story about how Elisa Xi saw the second Wudie in the central hut on Tengmu Peak, and looked at the second Wudie with affection and concern.

At the end of the second Wudie's speech, she happened to shift her gaze to Nangong Haotian's handsome face. When she saw Nangong Haotian looking at her with concern and pity, her heart was sweetened, and two red clouds flew over her cheeks. A burst of boundless happiness made her feel as if she was flying into the blue sky.

Seeing the second Wu Die, Zhao Linger was fascinated for an instant, as if she had forgotten that the four of them were still standing in front of her.While thinking about it, he coughed hastily and asked, "Sister Wudie, how did you get to the peak?"

The second Wu Die calmed down, and immediately fell back to reality, oh, and looked at Zhao Ling'er blankly.

Among the four daughters of Shangguan Liu, except for Xueyan, the other three have experienced the bitterness of lovesickness. Shangguan Xiaowan knew that the second Wudie didn't listen to her, so she kindly changed the subject and said: "Master Zu Had an all-night banquet with the leaders of the various factions in the front hall, if the old man heard that you were back, he would not know how happy he would be!"

As soon as the Master Tianwai was mentioned, the second Wu Die's expression immediately became very excited, and he said gratefully: "The old man treats me so well, it must be his intention to print my name on the wedding invitation."

Xue Bing'er asked suddenly: "You didn't express that?"

The second Wu Die was stunned when he heard that, and shook his head and said: "I never expressed anything to the old man, I just told him that the former residence of Brother Nangong, I have recruited more than 70 fine craftsmen and more than 800 workers Under reconstruction..."

As soon as the Chinese characters were spoken, Nangong Haotian stretched out his arms to hug the ground.

The second Wu Die looked startled and exclaimed coquettishly, with a pair of jade hands, she hurriedly covered her blushing pretty face.Nangong Haotian didn't allow the second Wudie to struggle, and he fully understood that the second Wudie had never been to the Central Plains since he was thrown off the cliff.The Master Tianwai completely saw the second Wudie's intentions, and in order to repay her for saving her, he engraved the second Wudie's name on the wedding invitation.

As for the past behavior of the second dance butterfly, it was learned from the hero Hu Jingfeng and Yunli Wuying.At this time, they have all realized that all the previous judgments are completely coincidental. It seems that if they speculate, they will often miss important things.The five people's movements were extremely fast, and they arrived at the garden in an instant, and reached the central downstairs after a few ups and downs.

Nangong Haotian's figure kept moving, pointing his toes, and jumped up the pavilion.

Shangguan Liu Sinu also followed closely behind and flew up.As soon as the five of them flew up the stairs, they saw Aunt Shan and the four maidservants in Chunlu discussing a lot inside, and they couldn't figure out why the groom and the bride had all disappeared.

However, when the five of them saw Nangong Haotian holding a woman who was wearing auspicious clothes and covering her face with jade hands, they asked in unison in shock: "Young master...the four ladies..."

During the interrogation, Nangong Haotian had already put the second Wudie, who was covering his face with jade hands, on the chair.

Shangguan Xiaowan looked at the four servant girls in spring and green with astonished expressions, and said: "Your lady is back, and I haven't seen you before."

The four spring and green maidservants exclaimed and rushed to the second Wu Die's body one after another.

Aunt Shan's complexion changed drastically, she exclaimed and was stunned.

The four maidservants of Chunlu rushed forward, and the young ladies knelt down one after another with a shout.

Only then did the second Wu Die put her hands down, looked at the four servant girls of Chunlu and cried: "You are very obedient, the young master said that you are very well-behaved..."

Xia He was the first to say: "I heard that you have lost your temper and cannot come back to participate in the grand ceremony. The four of us have been very sad..."

The second Wudie raised her sleeves and wiped her tears, "I'm back, haven't I?"

Qiu Ju complained, "Miss, why didn't you arrive a few hours earlier?"

The second Wudie forced himself to smile and said: "The gate is not full, so how can I come out early." Because the second Wudie kept raising his sleeves to wipe away tears, the four of Chunlu found that Miss's snow-white silk sleeves were now gray again And dirty, asked: "Miss, why are your clothes..."

The second Wu Die saw Wenwen Qiao blushed and explained: "I have to travel day and night, so I don't have time to wash clothes. In fact, I haven't eaten since this morning."

Aunt Shan hurriedly said cheerfully: "My old lady paid a visit to the Young Madam, the young master and the five Young Madam's reunion banquet with candles and candles, nothing moved, and now it's time to re-enter the table for dinner."

Having said that, the four servant girls of Chunlu hurriedly got up to fill up the wine, and the six of Nangong Haotian also re-entered the table.

However, when Xia He hugged the snow-white peacock tied with silk, the second dancer asked: "Xia He, what is that?"

Xia He didn't even think about it, and said, "Miss, this is you."

The second Wudie was taken aback for a moment, and Nangong Haotian and the others all laughed happily.

Lu Linge's smile was like a spring breeze, sweeping away the deep silence.Although Huang Xiao's smile was plain, it was wonderfully different.The so-called way of heaven, what is the way of heaven.With the innate state, step into the extreme, communicate with the nature of the world, and use the natural power of the world to azimuth the way of heaven.The realm of heaven and man.It's hard to imagine that unless you are within the Dao of Heaven, no matter how much you imagine, you can't describe the beauty of the Dao of Heaven, or describe the beauty of the Dao of Heaven.

Lu Linge's hands were empty, while Huang Xiao's hands were colorful, with swords and Xiao.Immediately, there were figures all over the sky, and Lu Linge's movement was like a phoenix dancing.Nine days of wonderful movement.Huang Xiao's sword is full of purples and reds, like falling flowers, scattered in all directions.It is like peach blossoms falling from the sky, giving people a wonderful feeling.It's like a flying phoenix dancing among the peach blossoms in the sky.Between the palms of the two swords, it was like walking, like dancing swords, without giving off a chilling aura at all.

It's different from a duel between two people.Zhou Shentong used left and right fighting skills, Kongming boxing and other unique skills, but he was jokingly fighting against Zhang Wuyou.Zhang Wuyou is the leader of the Ming Sect, and he has learned many unique skills, including the Great Shift of the Universe, Nine Suns Magic Art, Tai Chi, Tai Chi Sword, Seven Injuries Boxing... In this comparison.The fight between the two was very lively, and I saw Zhou's supernatural powers fighting each other from left to right, as if one-on-two, displaying the spiral nine shadows in the Nine Yin Manual.Cooperating with his own Kongming Fist, Nine Yin God Claw and other unique skills, the two of them fought on equal terms in no time.In the fighting room, there is also a lack of chill and more joy.

And that Dugu Ba used the holy spirit sword technique, subduing dragon legs, and other unique skills, and he was fighting against Murong Bolong.Murong Bolong, with the way of the other, return it to the other body.In the rivers and lakes, in addition to embedding flowers and grafting trees to use the other's way, it can also be used on the other's body.Only Murong Family's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi can use the other way and return it to the other body, although the methods of performing the two are different.Although the casting effect is quite different, its essence is to completely reverse the attack.Just ask such a unique skill, who doesn't have a headache.

The 23 forms of the holy spirit swordsmanship have only been practiced by sword masters since ancient times. For thousands of years, no matter how talented people are, they can only understand 22 swords.It's just that the first 23 swords of this sword alone have ruined the world, not to mention the swords 21 and 22 that have not yet been shot.

Morong Bolong's smile disappeared, no one knew that the Murong Family's Dou Zhuan Xing Yi was just the general outline, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi was broad and profound, just like the Dugu Nine Swords, no matter any weapon or unique skill, it could beat back his martial arts and unique skills.Just as the Dugu Nine Swords have the general tactic, the broken sword style, the broken knife style, the broken spear style, the broken rope style, the broken palm style, the broken arrow style, and the broken air style. There are seven forms of Zhuanjin, Xingyijin, Qiankunjin, Tiandaojin, and Pokongjin.It is really broad and profound.

At this moment, no matter what sword moves or kicks Dugu Ba used, they were all beaten back by Murong Bolong.It's like two identical Dugu Ba are fighting each other, as much as you fight, you will get back as much as possible.Exactly the same, generally the same.However, if this is the case, there will be no victory or defeat.However, this is not the case. Duguba finally used sword 22. This move has infinite changes. As soon as the move is used, the whole field is filled with murderous aura. Everyone feels this murderous sword. Feeling that everything about him slowed down strangely, even Murong Bolong on the field, and even the Heavenly Dao masters who were dueling in several other arenas also strongly felt how powerful the sword that was about to strike was.The murderous aura of the attacking gesture alone has made most people short of breath, as if they were suffocating.Just the weird scene where the movement was normal, but seemed to be slow, or even immobile, made everyone tremble in fear.

Murong Bolong's face changed, and he made a mysterious move with both hands, and suddenly a bright power gathered in his hands as if gathering the power of all the stars in the sky.Pushing out mysteriously with both hands, he met the countless sword shadows and sword energy that descended from the sky like a demon god.The sword energy swept over the sky, Murong Bolong's hands seemed to have the power to turn the world around, countless light rays as bright as stars enveloped countless sword energy, Murong Bolong suddenly shouted, and saw the sword energy sweeping away Back, it is also overwhelming, but it lacks the demon god-like momentum and murderous aura.Under the confrontation between the two, the two fell into a panic.

Dugu Ba frowned, as if he disdained this style of play.However, at this moment, Dugu Ba didn't want to stop, but saw a flash of his figure, as if suddenly disappeared into the void, and when he reappeared, he saw my thousands of white lights emitting from Dugu Ba's whole body, and those white lights were like peerless swords. One after another, they either whirled, stabbed, sliced, or spun... Attacking Murong Bolong with different postures.But at this moment, Dugu Ba's figure was hard to distinguish, he stepped down the void, and flew away step by step, but he turned into a peerless sword energy, and stabbed Murong Bolong directly with his sword.

The power of this sword surpassed the limit of manpower, combined with the power of heaven and nature, and integrated into himself, only to see Dugu's domineering aura shrouded in it.Everything seemed to stand still.Dugu Ba's man and sword merged into one, just two steps, he was already in front of Murong Bolong.That sword stabbed straight at Murong Bolong's chest, but at this moment, Murong Bolong's hands were opened and closed, the space was distorted, and a mysterious and unpredictable force was suddenly absorbed into Murong Bolong's body like a black hole, and then Seeing Murong Bolong stand still and shattered in front of him, a finger sword that gathered Dugu Ba and Murong Bolong's own skills shot out.Then I saw the figure of Dugu Ba flying from the void pause, and pause again, as if every step forward is extremely difficult.In the end, when he stepped in front of Murong Bolong, the power of this sword was gone.

Go halfway.On the other hand, Murong Bolong created countless phantoms with both hands, covering the sky, and then with one finger, he carried the power of heaven and earth.Point to Dugu Ba's chest.Duguba's expression changed, his sword turned around, pierced out of the void, and he stabbed nineteen swords in an instant.I saw that each of the nineteen swords had thousands of changes, and the sword energy was vertical and horizontal. For a while, the duel between the two set off a climax again.

Nangong Haotian let out a long breath, and sighed: "This is a master of the Dao of Heaven, as expected, everyone is very powerful. I didn't expect that Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is so powerful. I didn't expect that the sword of the Holy Spirit is so powerful. The move just now is comparable to that move of Flying Immortal Outside the Sky. Could it be?" That move is sword 23..."

#Three cast it out, destroy the world, the might of Duguba is amazing, but it is still far away, presumably he didn't really comprehend that sword. "

Suddenly Nangong Haotian said strangely, "There are rumors in the rivers and lakes that although Dou Zhuan Xing Yi is different from Yihua Xingshu, they are comparable. I have also learned Yihua Xingshu, but I feel that it is not as good as this Douzhuanxingyi."

Bu Mingxin laughed loudly and said: "It means that you only learned the front part, but not the back step. The internal force of transferring flowers and trees is Mingyu Gong, and the way of transferring flowers and trees is completely green blood shining on the heart. You only learned that of transferring flowers and trees." One move is not a complete transfer of flowers and trees, just like the change of stars. They all have their own powerful systems."

Nangong Haotian suddenly realized, he just realized it, but he didn't expect the inside story to be like this, sighing in his heart, he saw that the first duel was over, and the 12 people in the second one went to the field one after another.Nangong Haotian was very excited, thinking that it was his turn to play soon, and he didn't know who his opponent would be, so he lost his mind for a while, and only after he regained his senses did he become alert.

In the second duel, Ximen Chuihan faced Mo Zuijiu, Ximen Chuihan used the sword technique Wanmei Chuixue Sword, and Mo Zuijiu performed Yi Jianshu, the Jiuxuan Dafa.Guo Long confronted Yue Zhan, Guo Long performed the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, the Dog Beating Stick Technique, the Nine Yin Manual, and Yue Zhan Tianmo's strategy, which is supreme and authentic.Jiang Wuxian buried flowers in empty trees and drew sword skills against Fu Yueshu.Bai Xuanyin Guiyuan's cheat book confronts Chu Xunxiang.

There is a kind of person who can approach the realm of God because he is ruthless.

There is a sword technique that no one can see.Because everyone who has seen it has been buried.

There is a loneliness that cannot be described.Because it comes from the depths of the soul.

My sword is not for viewing, because this kind of swordsmanship is a murderous swordsmanship. When that sword pierces their throats and sees the snowflakes blooming under your sword, if you can see the brilliance of that moment If you look at the glory, you will know that there is absolutely nothing that can match that kind of beauty.This is Ximen Chuuxue's aesthetics, and it is also the kendo aesthetics that Ximen's family has always taught.Ximen's sword is a sword for killing people, not a sword for showing people.After Huamanlou listened to Ximen Chuuxue's words, he said to Lu Xiaofeng: "Now I understand how he can practice that kind of swordsmanship. Because he really regards killing as a sacred and beautiful thing." He has dedicated his life to this matter, only when he kills, he is truly alive, other times, he is just waiting."

Those people with high talents but bad luck, cynical people, and those who like happy and enmity, more or less have this kind of mentality, and they will practice a certain skill to the point where they can't stand the cold.

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