The best waste god

Chapter 088 A Good Fairy 【Request】

"Damn, this is definitely a fairy-level beauty, why isn't it my wife, damn it, it's unreasonable to follow such an old and immortal person, don't people nowadays like me as handsome and unrestrained Is he a suave man?" Nangong Haotian couldn't help sighing in his heart, and a feeling of desolation subconsciously grew.

However, when seeing the woman named Meng'er looking at him from time to time, the intriguing look in her eyes, especially the suspicious look when she glanced at Xiao Haotian from time to time, made Nangong Haotian furious , I can't wait to ooxx her on the spot, let her know how powerful Xiao Haotian is!

Especially, when Nangong Haotian saw the old beggar who was running in the front, he had a half-smile and a very complacent look on his face, and he hated the old beggar even more, wishing to peel his skin and eat it. His flesh, drinking his blood, blowing his ass, robbing his beautiful girl, breaking his virginity!

"Me! @#¥%...You two adulter|husband|prostitute|women, you are actually like this...Isn't this bullying me, a 20-year-old virgin? Hehe, I will definitely report you, so that everyone in the world will know You are hiding in the grass, oh, no, you are doing bad things in the pine forest, hey, those cheaters who claim to be chivalrous will definitely advertise me for free, and everyone will know it by then, let’s see what you do !" Nangong Haotian couldn't help thinking evilly.

But seeing the smug look on the old beggar's face, Nangong Haotian couldn't help being angry for a while, snorted coldly, and cursed bitterly: "Despicable, shameless, and obscene, it's really embarrassing to carry out a secret sneak attack."

Nangong Haotian felt that this old beggar was too despicable and shameless, unexpectedly at the age of 70 or [-] years old, he actually carried out a sneak attack behind his back without saying a word. Maybe my own chrysanthemum was confessed here.

When the old beggar heard Nangong Haotian's words, he laughed "hehe" twice, opened his mouth wide, and said with a smile: "To those of you who specially follow behind the beautiful girl, strike up a conversation, create opportunities, commit rape, and have evil intentions!" Boys, there is no need to talk about politeness and rules..."

Hearing the words of the old beggar, the beautiful girl called Meng'er blushed immediately, and shouted softly: "Master, how can you say that, what is rape, you are playing a hooligan again, I really can't do anything about you ..."

When Nangong Haotian heard this, he became even more furious. He couldn't help but raised his hand and pointed at the girl in Yunshang, glaring angrily, and said sharply: "Shut up, she was the one who seduced me at the mountain pass to go to the Lotus Festival Temple, and then The one who seduced me from the Lotus Festival Temple came to this place, if you don’t believe me, you can ask her..."

But before Nangong Haotian finished speaking, the old beggar also glared angrily, and yelled: "Shut up too, here, you kid must open your eyes to see clearly, look at our Menger's appearance, Appearance and figure, do you look like a girl who ran to the mountain pass to seduce wild boys..."

Speaking of this, the old beggar paused, raised his finger and pointed at the girl named Meng'er, and continued: "My Menger is a big yellow girl, how could she do such a thing, you must be beating the cat because of lust You have a heart, you want to follow my Meng'er and commit rape, hehe, but my old man found out!"

As soon as the words fell, the girl in Yunshang, who was already blushing beside the old beggar, couldn't help stomping on her little boots, and shouted shyly: "Master, how can you say that, old man, you called me..."

But Nangong Haotian didn't take it seriously when he heard this, "Fuck, you think I'm a fool. Although I haven't seen a real person, I have seen eight hundred if not a thousand movies. Your Menger , Nima, although the face is enough, but the figure, compared with the famous Mr. Cang who has dominated the av film and television industry for many years, I don't know how much it is, so I am ashamed to say."

Although Nangong Haotian was thinking like this, he didn't say it out. He didn't want to expose his identity because of anger, and Nangong Haotian was a quick-tempered person. If anyone offended him, no matter how beautiful he was, he would not I will take a closer look and pay more attention.

Nangong Haotian didn't even look at the girl in Yunshang, he sneered, and replied: "No matter what she looks like, if she came down to this place, she was the one who attracted her, that's right..."

But before Nangong Haotian finished speaking, the old beggar suddenly burst into hair, glared very angrily, and said sharply: "Shut up, you are such a bastard. Knowing to accept lessons with humility, like you fledgling boys, never know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, and you will not be given some hardships. You will always think that your martial arts are the best in the world, and you can go anywhere in the sky and on the earth. "

Having said that, he then hummed, suddenly put on a posture of attack, and shouted angrily: "Come on, come on, quickly show your kid's door, let me see which master can teach you this kind of 'superior disciple' 'Come on, lest my old man offend your old friend after beating you up..."

Seeing this, Nangong Haotian smiled coldly, and replied: "I don't have any sects, and I don't know how to put on any posture."

Hearing this, the old beggar said "Oh" in surprise, and asked in confusion, "Then who is your master?"

"I don't have a master." Nangong Haotian paused, then replied calmly.

Hearing this, the old beggar stared fiercely with a pair of tiger eyes, and then said "Oh", and continued: "So, you kid is self-taught?"

"You can also say that." Nangong Haotian nodded, and replied with a "hmm".

The old beggar's big eyes flashed twice, and he gritted his teeth, as if he had made up his mind to fight Nangong Haotian.

I saw the old beggar nodded resolutely, said "yes" bitterly, and continued: "In this way, my old man will learn from you that you kid can learn the 'martial arts' without a teacher..."

But before the old beggar finished speaking, the girl in Yunshang, who was holding a dog-beating stick beside the old beggar, said anxiously: "Master, you old man, please take it easy..."

But just as the words were out of his mouth, the old beggar yelled angrily: "Don't worry about it! Today, the old man will teach this ignorant brat a lesson, and see if he still dares to be self-righteous."

Although I heard the old beggar say so, the Yunshang girl still called out anxiously, "Master" paused, and continued blushing, "Don't hurt..."

However, the old beggar who finished speaking didn't listen at all, raised his eyes to look at Nangong Haotian, was stunned for a moment, and asked curiously: "Hey, why didn't you ask me that the old man is Huai?"

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