The best waste god

Chapter 089 The Old Beggar

Nangong Haotian smiled coldly, the corners of his mouth pulled slightly, his handsome face was mocking, and he replied: "Why should I ask you, your name is none of my business, fuck!"

The old beggar was stunned by Nangong Haotian's scolding. After muttering for a long time, he could only say angrily: "You can also see if my old man is an old friend of your master's acquaintance?"

The back of Nangong Haotian's head and neck was swept by the palm of the old beggar just now. Although it didn't hurt very much, it was still a bit hot and uncomfortable, which made Nangong Haotian feel even more uncomfortable.

Thinking of the old beggar's sneak attack just now, Nangong Haotian couldn't help but sneer coldly, his handsome face was covered with chills, and he replied coldly: "Don't say that I don't have a master, even if there is a master, he wouldn't make friends like you This kind of despicable villain who specializes in secret evil, hum..."

Before he finished speaking, the old beggar suddenly glared angrily, and shouted angrily: "You bastard, you are so arrogant to the extreme. Today, my old man will definitely teach you a lesson for your master."

While speaking, the old beggar shook his shoulders, his body suddenly rose, and he slammed forward, swung his right palm in the air, and slashed directly at the Tianling Gai of Nangong Haotian, causing bursts of piercing sounds, If it is hit, it will be skinned even if it is not dead, it is really vicious and vicious.

Nangong Haotian saw that the move was so deadly, he couldn't help but snorted, and stepped forward. Although he had murderous intentions in his heart, he didn't confirm that the old beggar and Yunshang girl were fellow travelers of Shangguan Mie. Still unwilling to put the other party to death, Nangong Haotian's heart is kind after all.

The speed of the other party's moves was extremely fast, and Nangong Haotian already felt the sense of oppression in the moment of trance just now. The left palm was pinched quickly, and the right palm formed a halberd to point directly at the opponent's old beggar's face.

Nangong Haotian didn't expect that at the same time as he made a move, the old beggar snorted softly, and the gesture of his palm suddenly changed. The move to capture, unexpectedly squeezed a space, and didn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes.

Seeing this situation, Nangong Haotian couldn't help being startled, without hesitation, he flew back and retreated violently. At the same time, he gathered his power and prepared to swing his right palm to strike at the old beggar.

However, that old beggar's figure was too fast, and before Nangong Haotian's retreating figure had stabilized, the shadow of the flying palm had followed closely, heading straight for Nangong Haotian's face. So that he has no chance to gain a foothold, let alone counterattack.

Seeing the boundless shadows of palms all over the sky, Nangong Haotian was startled and angry, he thought his martial arts could be regarded as a master of the previous generation, but he never thought that any old beggar could have such kung fu, beating him to the point where he was powerless to fight back.

Suddenly, Nangong Haotian yelled loudly, and still used all his strength to slash out his right palm. If he uses the style of attack, the saying goes: Don't be afraid of the enemy's hard work, just be afraid of the opponent's death!

Nangong Haotian feels that only if he implements this style of play can he carry forward the brilliance of Chairman Mao and shine in all directions, and only then can the world have one less old beggar and one more peerless master!

There was a loud "bang", dust and smoke shot out everywhere, the sound of breaking wind turned into howls, Nangong Haotian's blood fluttered, his shoulders shook, "dengdengdengdeng", his figure kept moving backwards.

However, looking at the old beggar who opened his eyes fiercely, he gritted his teeth, waved his palm again with a stern look, and continued to strike at Nangong Haotian. Seeing that posture, it seemed that Nangong Haotian really hit him.

The Yunshang girl at the side saw this situation, her face changed rapidly, her face turned pale with fright, she couldn't help screaming in shock, and said anxiously: "Master, master, master..."

At the same time as the girl in Yunshang was shouting anxiously, Nangong Haotian, who had already lost his chance, saw the old beggar's thunderous palms, so he had to yell loudly and wave his palms to meet them. At the same time, Nangong Haotian didn't Forget Taijiquan and Baguazhang that you learned in your previous life.

Those are things that the world in the 25th century needs to learn. Although Nangong Haotian is a martial artist, he has to learn a lot. Although he could not show his power before, it is different now. Nangong Haotian has become a master.

There was a crisp sound of "cracking", Nangong Haotian and the old beggar matched six palms in a row, I don't know if the old beggar deliberately gave in after listening to the girl Meng'er's urgent cry, or Nangong Haotian had the upper hand in palming. He actually blocked the old beggar's attack, and forced him back half a step.

The two sides stopped their hands, and each secretly used their true energy to perform kung fu. They stared at each other motionlessly. If the extension could kill people, I am afraid that both of them have already been sacked by the other party for 18 yuan and exploded|chrysanthemum a hundred times.

The old beggar looked at Nangong Haotian, snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "I said you have learned some invincible skills, but they are all three-legged hairs. If you want to become famous in the martial arts world, you must create Once you become famous, you still have to seek a teacher, and you need to find a famous teacher. If you want to accomplish great things based on your two strokes, I tell you, you will never become famous."

Hearing this, Nangong Haotian snorted coldly. Although he already knew that Demon Slaying Dragon King's martial arts could not be considered the best in the world, he was born with a stubborn temper that would rather give in than surrender. Moreover, his major was not Demon Slayer The martial arts of the Dragon King is the art of turning waste into gods. Of course, Nangong Haotian will not be "smart" enough to say it by himself.

At this time, after hearing the old beggar's words, although Nangong Haotian agreed in his heart, he just turned a deaf ear to it, and naturally he would not think about the meaning of the words, some things do not need others to know.

Nangong Haotian thought for a moment, and stared at the old beggar angrily. He gritted his teeth for a moment, his handsome face had turned livid, and his right hand had already lightly pressed the dumb spring, " There was a light click, and a dragon roar of "choke", only to see a red light flash like lightning, and the Nether Dragon Slayer Sword had been pulled out of its sheath.

The old beggar looked at Nangong Haotian, who was full of evil spirits, and couldn't help but froze for a moment, his white eyebrows were tightly knit together, and at the same time, a trace of solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Seeing this, Yunshang girl blurted out in shock, "Nangong Haotian, you..."

Nangong Haotian was completely irritated by the old beggar this time, and he failed to achieve any results after three or two moves. He was impatient and couldn't help doubting his own strength. Now he only wanted to kill the old beggar. The girl called his name directly, without listening to him at all, even if she heard it, she would not take it to heart.

At this moment, the old beggar with a dazed expression finally came to his senses, and anxiously stretched out his right hand to Yunshang girl, and at the same time said in a deep voice, "Meng'er, bring me my dog-beating stick."

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