Courtyard light

Chapter 311 Aircraft Workshop

Chapter 311 Aircraft Workshop (Second Update)

There are still more than 20 days before the Spring Festival. Sometimes, Liu Hai sleeps in bed alone, which feels a little uncomfortable. After all, he is a young man in his prime.

However, it is more convenient for one person. You can study as long as you want in the aircraft carrier space at night.

"Xiao Liu, do you think we can make a batch of airplanes first?" Sun Aiguo was still thinking about the small airplanes, took a sip of water, and asked Liu Hai.

Liu Hai nodded: "Of course, even if the troops don't like it, it's still good for local patrols and fire prevention."

Fire prevention is what every dynasty and every country must do, especially the earlier forest fires are detected, the better.

After the twin-engine transport aircraft comes out, Liu Hai plans to build a fire-fighting aircraft. This kind of piston-engine fire-fighting aircraft has an extremely long service life and is relatively simple to maintain.

"Then set up a separate workshop for the time being, and you will be in charge of this workshop." Sun Aiguo said immediately after hearing Liu Hai's agreement.

"Of course it's no problem." Liu Hai didn't mind taking care of another workshop. Anyway, the people in the maintenance department had nothing to do for the time being, and the renderings of the motorcycle racing hadn't been released yet.

Moreover, the motorcycle racing car can be manufactured without the motorcycle factory. The drawings can be given directly to Mr. Huo, who will directly connect with the motorcycle factory in the south.

So an aircraft manufacturing workshop was born. There are only more than 50 people in this workshop, mainly responsible for the engine. The rest of the wooden parts are all made in the woodworking workshop, and Liu Hai is responsible for acceptance.

Half of the people in the maintenance department are still in the assault vehicle workshop and will not come back until everyone in this workshop has left.

Liu Hai arranged the rest into the aircraft workshop and supercar workshop.

The entire area of ​​the motorcycle factory is filled with the aroma of roast duck, roast chicken, and barbecue.

At this time, the employees of the motorcycle factory are blessed. Those who voluntarily work overtime can buy roast duck, roast chicken or beef jerky at cost price. Of course, it is rationed.

A roast chicken is at least one yuan cheaper than the one sold by an external supply and marketing cooperative. If you encounter larger ones like roast goose, it is possible to be 2 to 3 yuan cheaper.

So if I have relatives in a motorcycle factory and want to give gifts to others, I entrust them to buy these things.

Liu Hai's main focus is on the TBM. The racing part can be copied in the aircraft carrier space.

"The blade will be piled with material for the time being." Liu Hai was ready to pile material directly on the blade cut by the shield machine. After all, the blade on it is big.

The working methods of TBMs for excavating soil and excavating stones are different, but the general principle is the same.

"With the shield machine that can dig rocks, it will be much easier for us to build railways." Liu Hai knew that the Ministry of Railways was a huge organization at this time, and there were many people building railways in it.

So what Liu Hai first engaged in was a shield machine that excavates rocks. This is a huge system project.

Liu Hai is planning to build a ten-meter-diameter shield machine. To drive such a large machine, the power system, control system, etc. are all very important.

"Now we can design the speed to be slower and just use time to accumulate it slowly." What the shield machine pursues is not speed.

The average daily tunneling speed of modern shield machines is only 8-10 meters.

When Liu Hai built this shield machine, he mainly wanted to build a starting point, a beginning, the overall structure and working principle of the shield machine, including crushing the mined stones and then making them into modules for subsequent installation.

Naturally, someone will develop this project after it gets started. As long as Liu Hai brings out the mature overall architecture and framework, subsequent people will continue to develop on it.

When I returned to the courtyard after get off work, the neighbors in the courtyard were responding to the call, digging cellars, and posting slogans with big characters.

Trucks transporting soil are placed outside, and there are also trucks for recycling materials, because when the cellar was dug, there was a lot of scrap copper and iron in it.

Anyway, everything is dug out. Every day, people dig out various gold and silver treasures, cannonballs, graves, and some unlucky ones who don't follow the technical staff's requirements and are buried inside.

If an unknown object is excavated, it must be reported as soon as possible, otherwise it may cause serious consequences.

People at this time did not believe in ghosts and gods, so they excavated tombs and other things. The archaeological team came and cleaned out the contents. It turned out that the people who dug the cellar took advantage of this tomb chamber to build a cellar and store various things in it.

Anyway, when Liu Hai gets off work every day and takes the second uncle and others with him, the people in the car just talk about these gossips.

Others unearthed gold and silver treasures, hid them secretly, and then went to the pigeon market to trade them before being caught.

Although the Pigeon Market is relatively famous, Liu Hai has never been there once, because Liu Hai knows that this kind of private trading market is actually under official surveillance. You can buy and sell a little grain, chicken, duck, goose, vegetables, etc., and no one will take care of it. .

The newly unearthed gold and silver treasures can be seen by connoisseurs at a glance.

"Xiao Liu, do you need a gas tank here? Let's do statistics on the street. Who is willing to burn the gas tank?" Liu Haigang was about to dig his cellar when the first and second uncles came to the door with small notebooks to do the statistics.

"Yes, I want one." Liu Hai said quickly. There is a gas stove and a gas tank will be much more convenient in the future.

"I'll register for you, but you have to pay. The gas tank and gas stove cost 15 yuan. The price of a tank of gas is based on the weight." The second uncle said.

Liu Hai took out 15 yuan. At this time, the prices of industrial products were relatively high, while the prices of agricultural and sideline products were low, forming an upside-down phenomenon.

In fact, the inversion here is not serious, but the inversion on Big Brother's side is serious, because Big Brother seems to have only changed the price of grains in the past two years. Can you believe that in the past few years, Big Brother was still implementing the prices of agricultural and sideline products in 1929? .

This is also the reason why Big Brother's agriculture is getting worse and worse, and the prices of industrial products are rising.

If a collective farm works for a year, it cannot afford to buy industrial products.

"How is the repair of Xiao Liu's cellar going?" The second uncle looked at a 1.5-meter-square hole in the corner of the house and asked.

"It's okay, I'll dig slowly after get off work." Liu Hai replied while pulling the money out of his arms.

"Be careful when digging. The yard next door collapsed when we were digging, and people were buried inside. Fortunately, they were dragged out." The second uncle registered and the first uncle collected the money. The two uncles didn't care about this kind of thing. Find the third uncle.

"Thank you, second uncle." After Liu Hai sent the two uncles out, he started to do his own thing.

After the basement is repaired, the bangs will have a hiding place from now on.

After the basement was dug, Liu Hai went to buy this house as a private residence.

When Liu Hai was digging a basement in Kyoto, Liu Hai's father-in-law's glasses shop opened on Hong Kong Island. Liu Hai's father-in-law's glasses shop was like most shops on Hong Kong Island now. Liu Hai's father-in-law lived upstairs. Below the house is where the business is done.

The glasses shop is not very big, only 120 square meters, with more than 20 workers.

There are several shops below Liu Hai's father-in-law's house, all of which sell various small household appliances, such as electric fans, rice cookers, washing machines, etc. wholesaled from Mr. Huo.

The optical shop opened together with the electrical appliance store next to it, and Mr. Huo came to congratulate him personally.

On the third day after Liu Hai's father-in-law arrived in Hong Kong Island, a police post appeared next to Liu Hai's father-in-law's house. There were five policemen in this police post. The main purpose of these five policemen was to keep an eye on a dog.

Any stranger who tried to approach the dog would be tackled to the ground by the police.

Xiaoyun has several nannies at home, some taking care of the children, some cooking, and some doing hygiene.

Slowly, Xiaoyun began to get used to life here on Hong Kong Island. There are TVs and radios here. You can also go to the theater and play mahjong if you have nothing to do.

"Brother Lou, I have applied for the patent you gave me last time and it is already in the publicity stage." In the evening, Liu Hai's father-in-law hosted a banquet for Mr. Huo and several wealthy local businessmen from Hong Kong Island. Eat in a restaurant.

"Thank you, Mr. Huo." Liu Hai's father-in-law knew that he was talking about absorbent materials.

"Brother Lou, if you build a factory or something in the future, you can come to my industrial park and have a look. Don't worry about the personnel and equipment. In addition, the sales channels are completely guaranteed." Although Mr. Huo didn't know the application materials, What's the use? But the identity of Liu Hai's father-in-law is very important to Mr. Huo.Liu Hai's father-in-law raised his wine glass and nodded: "Will you still trouble sir?"

The other wealthy businessmen felt a little strange when they heard the two people calling each other strangely. One called him brother and the other called him sir. However, there was no other person on Hong Kong Island who could be on an equal footing with Mr. Huo.

Liu Hai's father-in-law likes the environment of Hong Kong Island very much. There are several nannies at home, and they come and go by car. If you have nothing to do, you can go to drink tea, go to the theater, watch TV and listen to the radio. This is basically impossible in the mainland.

And here you can eat whatever you want and wear whatever you want.

As soon as Mr. Huo heard this, he knew that the other party was going to build a factory, and he became even more puzzled, what was he going to build?
Liu Hai's father-in-law only applied for a patent for absorbent materials at first. After the patent is announced and production officially starts, he will apply for patents for diapers and sanitary products, including various designs and materials. Liu Hai is prepared. OK

Don't underestimate this market. If it gets bigger, it will make more money than making cars.

After the meal was finished, Liu Hai's father-in-law took a few people to watch the theater. At this time, Liu Hai's father-in-law sat together with Mr. Huo, drinking tea, and whispered: "I will bother you, sir, to establish two The factory also needs to recruit some female workers.”

Liu Hai's father-in-law felt a little embarrassed. After all, a grown man used those gadgets to make women. Of course, he also had a solution, which was to let Xiaoyun be the boss, superficially.

"That's no problem. There are many female workers in my factory there. Brother Lou can help more female workers earn money, which is a good thing." Mr. Huo took a sip of tea and replied in a low voice.

"I want my daughter to be the boss of the factory over there. I have to trouble Mr. Huo with the procedures. The company must still be registered in London." Liu Hai's father-in-law whispered again.

Mr. Huo nodded. There is a lot of knowledge in company registration. His company has many lawyers. Doing these things is very simple, because different companies have a series of issues related to taxation and so on.

Liu Hai's father-in-law has a business acumen. With Mr. Huo as his lap, he will definitely embrace him. Moreover, deep down in his heart, Liu Hai's father-in-law does not trust those foreigners.

Xiaoyun still doesn't know that she is going to be the boss, and is shopping outside. Hong Kong Island is still relatively prosperous at this time, but only within a small area.

Behind Xiaoyun and his group, three policemen followed slowly. Xiaoyun was not surprised. They were not here to protect themselves, but to protect the dog next to them.

On Monday morning, Liu Hai got up under the quilt in his hometown.

"Slow down on the road, you still need to find a wife. Come back once a week, just like a donkey, endless." Wang Hongmei was sleeping on the kang, and opened her eyes in a daze, watching her bangs getting dressed. , and said.

"Where is it so easy to find a wife? You have a good sleep, and don't forget to take back the roast duck and chicken. I won't come back until the Chinese New Year next time." Liu Hai said while getting dressed.

"Slow down on the road!" Wang Hongmei felt sore all over. She fell asleep when she heard bangs closing the door. A hidden lock was installed on bangs' side to prevent Wang Hongmei from getting up and closing the door.

The van stopped under a thatched shed in the yard. He opened the quilt on the van and got in the van to light the fire. Liu Hai then took out the gun and loaded the gun.

After 20 minutes, Liu Hai turned on the hot air in the van. At this time, the sun was just shining.

Liu Hai drove out of the courtyard gate, then got out of the car and closed the courtyard gate.

When I got in the car, I took off my cotton-padded jacket and looked at the time on my watch. There was no problem in going to work at the factory.

"It's convenient to have a car." Liu Hai drove out of the village. There was still some distance between the village and the main road, and people could already be seen walking on the road.

Bangs has no good intention to pick up with these people. Who knows who these people are. They are wearing thick cotton-padded jackets in the winter. Who knows if others will bring something out to ask you to hand over your money when they get on the bus.

Coming to the asphalt road, this road is now a two-way four-lane road from Kyoto to Pingchang District. It used to be only two lanes. Now due to the industrial level, the increase in chemical companies and the increase in refineries, Kyoto to the surrounding areas Districts and counties basically have four lanes.

There were two people waving at the roadside. Liu Hai pretended not to see them and did not stop. However, after driving past Liu Hai, he felt something was wrong, so he stopped and reversed and turned around.

"Sister Qin?" After reversing the car, Liu Hai realized that the person waving to him had taken off his headscarf and it was Qin Huairu, the second uncle's apprentice.

"Chief Liu, I see the license plate is your car. Where are you going?" Qin Huairu was also confused. The road Liu Hai drove just now was also the road to his parents' home.

"Get in the car, I'll go back to the factory to work."

Qin Huairu was two people together, both wearing thick cotton-padded jackets and turbans, covering their heads tightly, obviously waiting for the passenger shuttle here.

"Sister, there is a stove in this car. Is it so warm?" The two opened the car door. After getting in the car, the other person also took off his headscarf and asked curiously.

"Jingru, this is the car air conditioner." Qin Huairu also took off her cotton-padded clothes and explained.

Liu Hai looked at the girl following Qin Huairu in the rearview mirror and muttered in his heart: "This girl wants to marry a city man, but Xu Damao is already married."

But bangs had no intention of offending these older girls. These days, older girls are not easy to mess with.

"Er Zhuzi's opportunity has come, but I don't know if he can seize it!" Liu Hai muttered in his heart while driving.

"This car is too warm." The girl behind said as she took off her cotton-padded jacket and looked at her bangs carefully.

There was basically no conversation on the road, except for the two passengers behind who murmured.

Liu Hai dropped the two passengers at the entrance of the alley, then stepped on the accelerator and went to work.

Qin Jingru watched Liu Hai's van leave and asked, "Sister, is this Section Chief Liu really married?"

"We are neighbors. I don't know whether he is married or not? Just stop worrying about other people." Qin Huairu also had a headache. Her cousin had been marrying to the city and she had to introduce someone to her by herself.

But how can it be so easy for a girl from the countryside to find a partner in the city?Moreover, a good introduction is a benefactor, and a bad introduction is an enemy.

Not only did she go back this time, but her cousin's family also came to intercede, and he took her to live in the city for a while, and then took her back together after the Chinese New Year.

"What a shame, driving such a nice car and wearing such a nice watch."

"Come on, I'm just taking half a day off today." Qin Huairu went back to see her parents.

Just at the entrance of the alley, they met the first man and the second pillar. The second pillar's eyes lit up when he looked at the girl dressed in rural clothes behind Qin Huairu.

The pace couldn't help but slow down a lot. The second uncle, Xu Damao and several others were behind him. When Qin Huairu saw the second uncle, she quickly shouted: "Master!"

"You came back so early?" The second uncle looked at Qin Huairu and was also very curious. You must know that the bus from Pingchang to Kyoto does not arrive until at least ten o'clock.

"I met Section Chief Liu's car on the road. This is my cousin, Qin Jingru, who is coming to the city to stay for two days." Qin Huairu explained.

Xu Damao's eyes lit up when he looked at Qin Huairu's cousin. This girl was handsome, but looking at the rural clothes she was wearing, he muttered to himself: It's a pity that she is a rural girl.

"Sister, does your master have a son?"

"Sister, are any of them unmarried?" Qin Jingru kept asking in a low voice after they separated.

"They are all married, and people in the city get married too early." Qin Huairu felt a little headache about her cousin. Several people were introduced to her in the village, but she refused to agree to marry a city person. Her master's elder brother My son graduated from a technical secondary school and became a cadre when he came out. I don’t know how many people said he was close to me.

Liu Hai drove the car to the factory and bought two pork buns in the restaurant on the way. The pork buns were one big as a fist, so Liu Hai could eat two of them.

Monday was a regular meeting. When Liu Hai signed in, Sun Aiguo said, "Xiao Liu is back so early?"

"Don't dare to delay work. There is still a lot of work before the year." Liu Hai quickly explained.

"Tomorrow your militia will inform you to go to the district for a meeting, don't forget it." Sun Aiguo heard this and said to Liu Hai.

(End of this chapter)

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