Courtyard light

Chapter 312 Not doing business properly

Chapter 312 Not doing business properly (first update)
The regular meeting on Monday in the factory basically covered the same thing, but this time they added the air defense drill, which meant that when the air defense siren sounded, they had to go to a nearby air raid shelter as soon as possible.

Then there are the New Year benefits and so on.

After Liu Hai finished the meeting, he returned to the maintenance department, gathered people together, and conveyed the spirit of the meeting. The morning was over.

After lunch, Liu Hai closed his eyes and rested for a while. After all, he was at his hometown last night and didn't have much rest.

It can be said that Liu Hai is very free now. If he wants to sleep, he can just sleep in the lounge next door. If he wants to go back to his hometown, he can go back to his hometown. If he wants to enter the aircraft carrier space, he can enter the aircraft carrier space.

"How can we bring out battery technology?" Liu Hai has always had ideas about batteries. Cars and airplanes use a lot of batteries. After all, current lead-acid batteries are not as good as later maintenance-free batteries.

When Liu Hai fell asleep, the unit leaders waited for their superiors to finish their meal before reporting on their work.

"Leader, the small aircraft we reported to you some time ago has been tested by us. This is detailed information, which is better than the theoretical data designed by Comrade Xiao Liu." The leader of the unit picked up a document and handed it to the superior leader.

The superior leader had just finished eating, the secretary made tea, and he was lighting a cigarette. After throwing the match in the ashtray, he picked up the documents and started reading.

"This small aircraft uses a piston engine, which is a very mature technology. The biggest advantage of Comrade Liu's aircraft is its low cost."

"The empty weight of the entire aircraft is less than 300 kilograms, more than half of which is made of wood, and only the overall frame and engine are made of metal."

"In terms of cost, it's about the same as a 125 motorcycle." The troop leader reported.

"Isn't the plane a little small?" The superior leader asked, looking at the small plane that could only seat two people.

"Small size also has advantages. After testing, we can remove the door on one side of the aircraft, and someone from the other side can use a light machine gun or automatic rifle to attack the target below."

"In addition, this small aircraft is the best for patrolling. For takeoff and landing, it can open up a small airport in the camp."

"Especially in border patrol, the cost of building one car can be used to build two or three airplanes, and the airplanes are not restricted by terrain, and follow-up maintenance is also very simple. The key is that we can manufacture these small airplanes in batches." The leader of the army felt that This small plane is very good for patrolling, and it is not impossible to modify it and put a machine gun on it.

"In addition, it can also be used for forest fire prevention. Although this aircraft is technically backward, its overall cost is very low, which has great advantages." The leader of the army said again.

"Then build it." The superior leader also saw that it was equipped with a radio in the document. This is at least much better for reconnaissance than ground reconnaissance.

"Understood." The troop leader nodded.

Liu Hai woke up after two or three hours of sleep in the maintenance department, feeling energetic and hurriedly drawing.

Big Brother needs sports cars as well as motorcycle racing, both of which are urgently needed.

When the motorcycle racing renderings were displayed, Liu Hai picked up the paintbrush and started working on it.

"Xiao Liu, our superiors have approved our manufacturing of aircraft, all of which will be supplied to the troops. The superiors have made a request, can we add weapons to the aircraft?" Sun Aiguo came to the maintenance department and looked at Liu Hai, who was drinking tea from a teacup. Putting a drawing on the table, he said excitedly.

Liu Hai nodded: "You can equip a machine gun on one side of the hatch. The internal structure of the aircraft needs to be modified."

If a machine gun is to be installed, the aircraft frame must be strengthened. After all, the recoil of the machine gun is still very strong.

"Tell me about it?" Sun Aiguo asked quickly when he heard this.

Liu Hai picked up a piece of paper, then picked up a pen, roughly drew a door of the plane, and then said: "It's impossible for a person to hold a machine gun on it, so we need to put a fulcrum here to support the machine gun. , and then the person sits down this way, and the machine gun swings back and forth on this fulcrum."

"However, the recoil and vibration of the machine gun require some internal reinforcement."

When Liu Hai drew like this, Sun Aiguo immediately understood: "Why don't you modify an airplane first and let them use it for testing."

"That's no problem." This kind of aircraft is equipped with a machine gun, which is actually very effective in dealing with ordinary conflicts, almost like a helicopter.

It is better to use it for border patrol. Some of the border patrol guys with bad intentions cannot be equipped with much powerful firepower. The deterrent effect of a heavy machine gun is still very strong.

"No problem, I'll take it out as soon as possible." Liu Hai nodded.

Because there were many things to do, Liu Hai simply moved into the maintenance department. The main thing was to take out the renderings of the motorcycle racing cars first. One was a road racing car and the other was a mountain bike. They were just the same appearance. As for the horsepower of the racing car, this It just depends on how old the dealers are.

The next day, I went to the District Armed Forces Department for a meeting. In fact, I asked the following militia platoon and company commanders to organize militia training in their factories. On Sundays, they could take people to the shooting range for target practice.

But unfortunately, there is nothing about bangs here, because the factory where bangs is located is higher than the district, and the motorcycle factory is an exception. The equipment of the armed department in the factory is very powerful, comparable to the average garrison, to say the least What sounds better is the regular army.

Even Li Bing of the steel rolling mill only listened to the spirit of the meeting and did not receive any tasks. The nature of the security department of the steel rolling mill is similar to that of the armed department of the motorcycle factory.

So after the meeting, the meeting is over and there is nothing to do with bangs.

Liu Hai plans to resolve all the important matters in his life before the end of the year.

He also oversees the automobile and sports car workshop, the motorcycle and sports car workshop, and now an aircraft workshop.

"M249!" When designing and changing the aircraft, Liu Hai thought of a machine gun.

The requirements for machine guns on airplanes are relatively high. This machine gun was very good in later use. It comes with a 200-round magazine and the barrel can be quickly replaced.

The machine gun is placed on a gimbal, and the crew on the aircraft just needs to aim at the target.

"Ignore it for now!" But thinking of a lot of things happening to him, Liu Hai decided to ignore it for now.

There is also a Maserati sports car. The drawings for this also need to be produced as soon as possible.

Liu Hai also has one more thing to do, which is to find a place in the factory to build an airport where small aircraft can take off and land, because the aircraft produced by the motorcycle factory must undergo test flights.

So the bulldozers and excavators rumbled into action, and the employees of the motorcycle factory were not surprised.

However, when the first aircraft in the aircraft workshop was assembled and the test started on the field, it attracted a lot of people. It can be said that everyone who could come to watch the excitement came.

"Is this made by our factory?" Onlookers came one after another and soon surrounded the airstrip. Many people looked at the small white plane and were a little stunned.

This small aircraft has no need to keep it secret at all, so it can be shown to those intelligence dealers openly.If you hide it, maybe those intelligence dealers will come to sabotage it.

This time, Sun Aiguo was sitting in the co-pilot's seat. Of course, this airspace had been reported by the Air Force.

However, there is still a tower, and the tower allows aircraft from Liu Hai's side to take off.

The small plane flew more than 200 meters and circled in the sky.

Sun Aiguo looked down at the motorcycle factory, a little excited and a little excited. It was hard to imagine that he could carefully look at his own factory from a plane.

The sound of the plane also alerted the surrounding factories, but these factories had already received the news.

“Can a motorcycle factory build airplanes?”

"The plane was made by a motorcycle factory?" Many people heard the sound of the plane. Some ran out to watch, and some leaned in front of the windows to watch. Everyone knew from their superiors that it was the motorcycle factory testing its own aircraft.

A small white plane was standing at an altitude of [-] meters. It was so conspicuous. Coupled with the sound of the plane's engine, it was particularly noticeable.

Everyone who heard the news was shocked. A motorcycle factory can actually manufacture airplanes?
And it seems to have been successful?
It was the first time that Sun Aiguo saw the city he lived in from this perspective, and it felt particularly strange.

Liu Hai flew around and put the factory director down, then took the secretary and flew around again.

For the aircraft's factory testing, the Air Force department transferred several pilots, all of whom were older and ready to retire. There was no problem at all in flying such a small aircraft.

After the aircraft is successfully tested, it will fly to a nearby military airport and be handed over there. As for where these aircraft will be sent later, it has nothing to do with the motorcycle factory.

Because large-scale manufacturing of small aircraft requires a lot of wood accessories, the task was assigned to other furniture factories. The main reason is that the motorcycle factory's woodworking workshop is relatively small and cannot complete such large-volume tasks.

Of course, the motorcycle factory dispatched technicians.

After the successful test flight of the first small plane, there were planes flying in the sky every day. People below heard the sound of the plane flying and ran out to see it. However, after a few days, no one wanted to see it.

Ten days later, things at Liu Hai were on track. The main thing was that the aircraft workshop had started formal production, the people in the assault vehicle workshop had also left one after another, and the people in the maintenance department had returned.

While Liu Hai was drawing, he gave the drawings to the people in the maintenance department, mainly Maserati drawings.

"Er Zhuzhu is married?" Liu Hai was about to go back to the courtyard in the afternoon. The second uncle said to Liu Hai after getting in the car.

"Xiao Qin's cousin." The second uncle said.

The second uncle simply said it, and Liu Hai understood that it was the second uncle who Er Zhuzhu went to ask for, and he asked the second uncle to introduce him.

Although it is said that the second uncle does not want to see Er Zhuzi, when someone comes to ask for help, the second uncle also makes it clear. Anyway, tell the other party your details. It is fine if the other party has no objection. If he has an objection, it does not matter whether it is successful or not. own things.

Unexpectedly, this happened as soon as he said it. Xiao Qin's cousin wanted to marry in the city. Even Xiao Qin said that Er Zhu was not a good thing, but her cousin ignored it.

"I don't know why this happened. Xiao Qin had a falling out with her cousin because of this matter." The second uncle also shook his head.

Liu Hai does know one thing. If a girl from the countryside wants to marry a city man, first of all, she must be a particularly outstanding one, and secondly, the girl in the city has some flaws.

Fortunately, Erzhuzi has no parents, otherwise it would be very difficult to marry a country girl. Even if he would rather find a crooked melon from the city, he would not marry one from the country.

Qin Jingru was also criticized in the countryside because she refused to go on blind dates again and again, so she was poked in the back by others with irresponsible remarks. Now she can be proud of being married to a city man. As for Erzhuli's bad reputation, that's it. It depends on personal opinion.

The second uncle's initiative to get closer to Er Zhuzi also expressed his goodwill. In the past few years since he was an official, the second uncle's behavior has become more smooth.

As for the first uncle, he has not been taken seriously by the second uncle for a long time. After all, the second uncle is the dignified director of the large workshop. You, the first uncle, are the team leader, and may be the team leader for the rest of his life. How can the second uncle still treat such a person? Do people take it seriously?

Besides, the first uncle didn’t dare to stab the second uncle.

After the car was fully loaded, Liu Hai started driving.

"Brother? Can your factory really build airplanes?" The motorcycle factory can build airplanes. This thing is quite magical. Many people don't believe their eyes. The first thing Xu Damao asked after getting in the car was this.

"Small fixed-wing aircraft, the technology is relatively simple." Liu Hai replied while driving.

"My dear, that's an airplane. No matter how simple the technology is, it's still an airplane." Xu Damao exclaimed when he heard Liu Hai's affirmative answer.

"Chief Liu, have you gone to see it in person?" someone else asked in the car.

"I also went to watch the fun. The plane is not very big and can only seat two people." Liu Hai nodded and replied.

"It's good to have two people. This is an airplane, and there are many capable people in the motorcycle factory."

"It's not that bad. A few years ago, the motorcycle factory was a small factory and now it has become such a big factory."

"This is just a den of bears. As long as the leaders of the factory are good, their workers can buy roast chicken and duck at cost price. What about us?"

"Those bastards in our factory have no sense of responsibility, and the leaders are just scheming."

"It's already very good. The welfare benefits of our steel rolling mill are much better than those of other mills."

"It's not like I'm taking advantage of the motorcycle factory."

After parking the car, Xu Damao helped Liu Hai surround the car and asked in a low voice: "Brother, can you buy some roast geese over there to use at my father-in-law's house during the Chinese New Year?"

"Of course, no problem. I'll give you the cost price when the time comes." Liu Hai nodded.

"Thank you, brother. You don't know Er Zhuzi's lover. Less than two hours after the second uncle talked about it, Qin Jingru moved into Er Zhuzi's room and had a big quarrel with her cousin because of this." Xu Damao He said softly again.

(End of this chapter)

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