Starting from blacksmithing, riding and chopping Europe

Chapter 60 A woman for all men, a man for all women

Chapter 60 A woman for all men, a man for all women
Norway, Sifor.

The Court of the Blond King.

Harald, who wore an iron crown and had blond hair as messy as a lion, sat on a high-backed chair.

He looked to be about 60 to [-] years old, with a rather strong and muscular body, and an aura of calmness and dignity.

But now the Mad King of Norway was humming softly: "In the spring he has many seeds to sow, and he works very hard."

"And then he's going out to sea, going out to sea to raid the Hebrides, Ireland, what he calls a spring outing."

"He returns home in mid-summer, and when the seeds are ripe and harvested he goes out to sea again, and returns after the first month of winter is over, which he calls an autumn excursion."

dong dong!

The sound of hurried footsteps interrupted the reverberation of the singing.

An old and anxious voice came: "King, Olaf III has formed an alliance with the Lord of Finland!"

The blond king said casually: "This smart coward didn't find his mother this time?"

"Unfortunately, this time he still has to rely on a woman to save him."

The blond king straightened his back: "My military and political minister, what do you think of launching a general offensive now?"

The old man shook his head again and again: "King, the city of Bergen is too well-defended, so we will lose too many troops, and those war chiefs will not agree."

The blond king smiled and said, "What if I don't want a single silver coin?"

The old man opened his eyes wide: "What...what will your soldiers do?"

"I will give them a satisfactory reward."

The blond king Haral stood up, raised his sharp face, and looked at the many magnificent islands off the coast of West Fort.

From a distance, these islands look like gems scattered in the ocean, some surrounded by towering mountains, others surrounded by endless coastlines.

Watching the waves crashing against the rocks, the blond king suddenly said, "My father, the black-haired Halfdan, had a previous marriage, and he has a son with the same name as me, Harald."

"But my elder brother died at the age of 10."

"Maybe it's because of this, my father was very indifferent to me since I was a child, and he went to Valhalla when I was 10 years old, haha."

"When he was alive, I liked watching deer when I was in a bad mood."

"I found that female deer are very picky, and they are only attracted by big horned bucks, and they mate with them to give birth."

"In this way, other sad bucks without forked antlers were ruthlessly eliminated, and soon the herd completed a metamorphosis."

The old man listened quietly.

Listening to the blond king speak slowly: "Many years have passed, and the female deer has not changed much. It remains as simple as ever."

"For the female deer, the male deer all have bifurcated antlers."

"The long horns of the stag are intricately branched. I have even seen a large deer with more than thirty prongs."

"Under the snow, it is like the deer of the seasons - Durrasol."

"I looked into its eyes and suddenly had an idea."

"A female deer can change a male deer. Can I change a person?"

The blond king raised his hand.

The aging but still powerful palms are closed: "For these animals with horns on their heads, they usually use their own horns to decide the outcome."

"It could be a doe, or it could be a patch of moss."

"On the snowfield, a herd of reindeer is foraging, and two bucks will fight over the lichen under the snow."

"Before the fight begins, the two stags will stand apart, with a distance of three to five meters, and then the two stags will accelerate towards each other and use their well-developed horns to hit the competitor."

"They also stand upright and hit each other on the head with their broad front hooves."

"Then the two stags retreated a few meters each, then lowered their heads and accelerated toward each other."

"With a loud bang, the two stags collided, and each was ejected several meters, but they still refused to give in and continued to collide."

"Many bucks will get their heads bruised and their antlers broken during the fight."

"Some bucks were killed during the violent impact, but the antlers of the two deer were intertwined and could not be separated, and the other surviving buck could only drag the opponent's body to wander."

"This poor stag that survived can only wait until the opponent's body rots slowly and live with the opponent's head in the next spring. When the horns on his head fall off naturally, he will have the opportunity to shake the opponent's head. Lost and regained freedom, survival of the fittest, deer will constantly change according to the changing environment."

"Norwegians are also deer in my opinion."

"Caesar was the man of all women, and the woman of all men."

"I want to try to be a doe that can change the Norwegians."

"I really want to see if people who were originally weak will become strong in the future?"

"Will those who were originally strong grow more forked antlers?"

The blond king looked in the direction of Bergen.

The wind ruffled the messy hair.

He grinned wildly at the corner of his mouth: "I sat on the throne at the age of 10, and there were more than 30 kingdoms in Norway at that time."

"Every time I grow a year old, a country will be destroyed!"

"Decades have passed, and there are only two kingdoms left in the land of Norway!"

"This is the last battle feast!"

"I want to see if that coward Olaf III grows a big horn in front of the feast!"

"I want to see a pile of corpses, I want to see the moaning and wriggling of half people!"

"Lord of Finland? Let the sea wolves weigh him first to see if he is qualified to participate in this feast!"

In many countries destroyed by the Blond King, large numbers of refugees fled and immigrated one after another in order to escape the fate of being enslaved.

In addition to Shetland, Auckland, and the Faroe Islands, Iceland was also discovered by refugees at this time and became their new settlement.

Some fled, and some chose to join the blond king.

Atelias is a war chief who has surrendered.

The battle with Olaf III can be regarded as the key battle for King Blonde to unify Norway.

According to the order, Atelias led ten warships under his command, like a pack of wolves on the Norwegian Sea, constantly harassing the Queen of Denmark's milk infusion route.

Regarding naval battles, Aitelias has its own set of fixed tactics.

Before the battle begins, he will divide his pirate force into three parts.

In the first part, after getting the exact caravan information, they will choose a suitable nearby island or reef group and prepare for an ambush.

After the caravan enters the predetermined ambush circle, it will use the extremely fast speed of the warship to approach the merchant ship, and then start a boarding battle.

Another team of pirates was responsible for intercepting the Danish warships that came to support after the merchant ships were attacked, and bought enough time to rob.

The last group of pirates was responsible for cleaning up after the battle, returning the loot, wounded and prisoners to their base camp.

This set of tactics of 'dividing the whole into parts and attacking from three fronts' is the key to Atelias's reputation as a sea wolf.

Even if a small part of the main force was wiped out by the Danes by chance, the other surviving pirates still escaped, and it won't be long before they recover like the Hydra in the ancient myth.

One head was cut off, and two grew back!
He originally wanted the name Hydra, but unfortunately it was taken by another big pirate...

In addition to this fixed tactic, Atelias also has a set of intrigues that he is good at.

The most commonly used is ridicule, which stimulates others to become angry and deceived.

Just like now, Atrias stood at the bow of the ship and shouted towards the dock: "The Lord of Bergen is a coward!"

"You must miss the time when you were eating O in your mother's arms!"

"I heard that you are looking for someone to form an alliance with? You used to rely on your mother, but now you rely on your wife!"

"Everyone says you are so courageous, you don't dare to fight and run away!"

"You're weird and stupid, you're retarded and confused!"

"You are weak and cowardly, you are mean and cynical!"

"I'm going to give you a nickname, I think it's good for Viking!"

Atelias continued to choke and charge, showing Viking's top level of fighting sentences.

While swearing, he made the younger brothers dance mockingly, trying to get the people from Bergen to come out to sea battle.

The Minister of Military and Aircraft attaches great importance to this method of harassment.

It is said that the spies got some inside information from Denmark, the Queen's transportation line was affected, and the supplies of the soldiers in Bergen began to be tight.

Therefore, the Minister of Military Aircraft ordered him to strengthen and increase the number and intensity of attacks on this long section of the coast.

Altrias had a pretty good life at first, grabbing boats every day, and getting a safe harvest is not bad.

But now.
"Don't pay attention to that piece of shit, the dog bit you, you want to bite back?"

Dock, Bergen's Guards said calmly.

The militiamen were so angry that they wanted to compete with each other, but they listened to Atelias' fancy and cool sentences.
Even if I have been practicing for two and a half years, I still can't compare to this notorious sea wolf!
Pick up an ax and fuck him?

I really want to, but the impulsiveness I had before is gone forever.

Thinking of these painful experiences, they endured it under the pressure of the Guards!
The dock is unresponsive.

Atelias taunted for a while, looked at the quiet port, and waved his hands in annoyance.

He gets excited at the slightest reaction.

He didn't have any passion for not responding like a dead person, and he didn't have any inspiration for his fighting sentences.

It was also since they did not respond and the transportation line stopped, the harvest of the sea wolves has been decreasing day by day.

To be honest, Atelias was already a little tired of carrying out such harassment operations every day, and he was full of energy but had nowhere to use it.

Bergen is like a turtle shell.

In the opportunist style of sea wolves, if you have time to gnaw on turtle shells, you might as well plunder them in places that are easy to bully.

But there is no way, the higher-ups demanded, so I can only.
"Boss, good news!"

At this time, the younger brother who was standing on the watchtower ran over excitedly: "A signal was sent over there. The blond Wang gave new orders and changed to a new target. You don't have to stay in Bergen anymore!"

"The signal says that this time the target is a big fat sheep!"


Atelias immediately came to his senses, and asked with bright eyes, "Who?"

"It's the Lord of Finland, and the signal says it's Olaf III's new ally."

The little brother said excitedly: "I heard from Norwegian and Danish businessmen that the Lord of Finland came from the Eastern royal family and has countless Eastern secret treasures!"

"The glazed cup that is sought after by nobles in the northern world now comes from the Lord of Finland!"

"A glass cup can be exchanged for a lot of gold!"

"Rooting him is no worse than robbing Olaf III, and his ship doesn't even have the walls of Bergen!"

The younger brother's tone became more and more excited.

Atrias was instinctively cautious: "I heard that he defeated Blood Axe. How is the navy's strength?"

"Even if King Bloodaxe's navy is about the same size as ours."

The younger brother said disdainfully: "Even if he inherits the navy of King Bloodaxe, there will only be a few hundred people at most."

"Even if the Finns and Slavs are ruled... do they know how to sail?"

"A navy cannot be built in a few years. The Lord of Finland must have only a few hundred truly useful sea fighters."

"It's completely within our hunting range, boss!"

This is true.
Atrias stroked his chin.

Even if the size of the fat sheep's navy exceeds expectations, they must be full of logistical supplies in order to participate in the war.

The ten warships of my own are lightly loaded, and they can escape if they can't snatch them.

Thinking of this, Atelias clapped his hands: "Done!"

"Signal to the brothers."

"Change the course and slaughter the big fat sheep of the north!"

Amidst the screams of the Vikings, ten warships left Bergen.

Vondorf stood at the bow and pulled out the monocular.

With my eyes facing the back, I made a slight adjustment, and the first thing I saw was the magnificent fjord along the coast.

The stretching towering mountains stand upright under the blue sky, reflecting each other with the ocean, and the white sandy beaches extend to the blue water.

A gentle breeze blew across the sea, bringing a touch of cool, and also news of the enemy ships: ten Viking warships in all.

The mast hangs sails high, painted with the coat of arms of King Blonde, and next to it is a lifelike wolf's head.

Wolves in the sea?

The great Norwegian pirate?
The Norwegian message from the intelligence network flashed through his mind, and Feng Daofu asked, "Ava, how many kilometers do you think we are from them?"

Ava silently activated her smart head, calculated for a few seconds and said, "About 20 kilometers."

"A firm tone?"

"I'm also Norwegian, and I grew up on a boat."

The Valkyrie heaved, but Ava was steady.

Feng Daofu thought about it for a while, seeing and touching the muscular lines on her body these days.

The red-haired princess often practiced with Brunhilde.

May be born with genetic problems, not as explosive as the silver-haired girl, but lighter, like a red-haired playful little deer girl walking out of a magic forest.

Feng Daofu resisted the urge to brush his hair: "I'm pretty much the same as you."

Even if a telescope is used, the curvature of the earth is also determined, and the human eye can only see 6 to 25 kilometers at sea under a clear sky.

According to the curvature and combined with the formula, the distance can be roughly estimated.

For a naval battle, 20 kilometers is already a distance to prepare for the battle.

"Because of the obstruction of the coastline, it was discovered late. According to the lookout's judgment, the distance was 20 kilometers."

Douglas walked over with windy steps and said the same number as them.

If you want to overcome the curvature problem, you can climb a little higher and you can see farther.

In the era of sailing and naval warfare, lookout posts were set up on the tallest main mast of warships. By borrowing the height of the mast, the viewing distance can be extended to about [-] to [-] kilometers. The game can't find the opponent under the nose.

"We are against the wind. If we take the initiative to pursue it and the other party doesn't move, it will take about more than an hour."

The old captain talked about all the situations and said: "If both of us want to fight, it will take about half an hour to get to the right distance."

Feng Daofu said: "It looks like there is going to be a fight on the other side."

Within the telescope, ten Viking warships adjusted their direction and actively sailed towards them with the help of favorable winds.

"Holy one?"

Douglas looked to Vondorf for advice.

Feng Daofu nodded: "Use these sea wolves as sacrifices to kick off the legend of the Valkyrie!"

The first naval battle is about to begin!
 Thank you for the 500-point reward of "The Nobleman in the Dog", and thank you for the 100-point reward of "I planted flowers to see the world with the knife".

(End of this chapter)

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