Starting from blacksmithing, riding and chopping Europe

Chapter 61 Aquaman shoots through the sea wolf!

Chapter 61 Aquaman shoots through the sea wolf!

Douglas came to the hatch and blew the three-level readiness whistle.

The lookout immediately sounded the alarm.

With continuous alarm bells, the Valkyrie was like a behemoth that was suddenly awakened. Countless crew members rushed out of the cabin like a tide, and rushed to their respective jobs.

The roll call began on the deck first. After the roll call, Douglas loudly arranged the tasks: "The carpenter and the rigging captain start to check!"

"Chef cooks!"


This time we were running in both directions, and there was still half an hour before the battle, so there was no way we could just wait without doing anything.

Officers and petty officers at all levels, including the navigator, helmsman, rigging master, first mate, second mate, third mate, bosun, and catapult master, began to play their roles.

While the logisticians are busy, the sailors are also busy.

Part of it is to assist the non-commissioned officers to rearrange the positions of the items in the storage compartment, which can improve the center of gravity of the ship's navigation and prepare for naval battles in a better state.

Part of it is to check the condition of the ballista on both sides and front of the ship with the craftsman, check the state of the crossbow strings, and prepare the ballista so that it can be used as soon as it is needed.

The last group of sailors went to the lower deck, collected the hammocks, brought them up to the deck and tied them to the side of the ship.

According to the test, if there is a battle, these canvas hammocks fastened to the ship's fence can block arrows to a certain extent.

It cannot completely block the effect of a buckler, but it can only effectively reduce the kinetic energy of arrows and reduce arrow damage, which is equivalent to a soft city wall.

After the sailors finished all their preparations, they came to the deck and lined up to eat in an orderly manner, so as to reserve energy for the possible boarding battle.

Feng Daofu is also eating with the ascetic monks.

He has always paid attention to logistics, and the guarantee is in place.

The main fresh water problem, brought a lot of ale instead, and brought a lot of wood tar.

It can be used for fire attack when needed, and it can also be used to distill seawater when it is not needed-heat seawater to boiling point to generate water vapor, and then condense the water vapor into fresh water.

But fuel is very important, mainly relying on ale.

After a long voyage, the fresh water for drinking on board will quickly become smelly. Even if it is boiled and stored in wooden barrels, it will become smelly and green in less than a month at sea.

In addition to replenishing fresh water on the islands along the way, we can only rely on long-term preservation of wine to make up part of it.

The staple food is wheat porridge, and the pressed barley flakes are easy to store. If you don’t like it, you can also choose ancestral fish cakes.

Side dishes include dried radish, dried cabbage, dried turnip and other dried vegetables made by air-drying and drying.

In the northernmost region of Norway, the weather is extremely dry and cold, so the air-drying and smoking methods from the northeast are also popular.

Feng Daofu took a spoonful. The taste was average, but it felt a little like home.

It is said that the Viking voyages rarely caused vitamin problems for future English sailors. This may be due to the advantages of dried vegetables brought by geographical factors.

There are rice and vegetables, and plenty of meat and vegetables to supplement protein.

They are mainly dried and pickled sea fish such as sardines, cod, salmon and salmon.

The only problem with sea fish is insufficient fat intake.

The Nanzheng Navy brought the traditional Viking linseed oil, hemp seed oil and rapeseed oil, which can be supplemented by frying fish, and there is also a thick and fragrant lard kelp soup.

In addition, nuts and jams can also make up the part.The nuts are mainly hazelnuts, and the more forests there are, the more hazelnuts there are, so there is no need to import them.

The same forest specialties include raspberries, such as blackthorns, plums, apples and blackberries, as well as raspberries, hawthorn fruits, cherries, sour cherries, plums, wild yellowberries, etc.

When the food is in place, the morale of the sailors is in place.

Before eating, he said devoutly: "Thank you, the Holy One, for giving me food and clothing."

"Door A!"

Stop after eating about [-]% full.

In this way, there will be sufficient energy reserves, and a large amount of blood will not enter the gastrointestinal tract due to eating too much, resulting in a relative reduction of cerebral blood flow, dizziness and sleepiness, which will affect the naval battle.

As for the fifty plate-armored ascetics who were the core of the main battle, considering that they might not be able to swim out if they fell into the water, they still wore the previous composite linen armor, and their weapons were still two-handed axes, which required more energy.

Vondorf gave each of them three air-dried pork strips.

Penance requires frugality of the soul, not material needs. Even the monks of the Wanzi Sect eat meat to strengthen their bodies.

Pork is all selected from castrated pigs. Castration from a young age can remove androsterone and skatole, the two hormones that are the source of pig urine odor.

The good hind leg meat is cut into strips along the grain and then air-dried, with some seasonings added.

When you bite into it, it feels very fibrous, and after your saliva soaks it, it has a dry and fragrant taste.

Brooke, who was transferred to a penance guard, muttered: "It would be great if I could have another bite of garlic. I always feel that there is something missing when I eat meat without garlic."

Feng Daofu glanced at him: "I think you forgot about the last rehearsal."

Brook immediately stopped talking about garlic.

You need to be fully armed for the drill, and wearing a helmet will be stuffy and airtight.

In this situation, if you take a bite of garlic, the smell of garlic and sweat will mix together. Just thinking about it will make you feel like you are about to be vomited.

Because of his greedy nature, Feng Daofu ate more than them.

After eating, they began to wipe and maintain their weapons. The sailors also applied black eyeliner to prevent the reflection of the ocean's sunlight. In addition, they also used charcoal to smear a few words on their faces.

Some bless me by smearing Io, and more bless me by smearing saints.

This is an old tradition of the Vikings. They have a superstitious understanding of some special words, because some sacred phrases must have magic power. If you engrave the phrases on your body and weapons, you can have magic power and become a perfect amulet. Therefore, Only then will the Rune Great Blacksmith appear.

They faced each other in pairs, blessing their comrades and welcoming the upcoming battle.

Everything on the Valkyrie worked like a clockwork machine.

As the gears bite, it turns into a real sea war machine!

Ava had a dried meat stick in her mouth, like chewing on a flesh-colored lollipop.

Holding the binoculars in his hand, he looked at the screaming and excited pirates, and felt pity for no reason: "Poor sea wolf, I don't know what kind of opponent you have provoked, I hope you can die sooner, If it falls into the hands of the saints, there will be no good fruit to eat."

Feng Daofu suddenly sneezed and turned to look at the red-haired girl: "Are you talking bad about me behind my back?"

Ava smiled back: "I just suddenly found out that you're handsome again!"

Feng Daofu smiled: "Although the Ao Cult encourages telling the truth, telling the truth also depends on the occasion."

Seeing that the relative distance was almost the same, Feng Daofu patted his buttocks and came to the bow to face all the sailors.

He said: "Sailors, I am surprised by something."


The sailors looked at the saint in confusion.

Listen to him say: "The sea wolves raised by King Blonde don't run away when they see us!"

"What a disgrace, it's more than an insult to me personally!"

"Therefore, I will lead everyone to make Mad King Jin's army tremble in fear when they see our flag!"

"For God God Io, for our country, our honor!"

Feng Daofu raised his two-handed sword high: "Sail!"

"I'll split their skulls!"


Everyone roared wildly.

After carefully observing and distinguishing the target, the lookout shouted: "Report to the captain! The target is 15 degrees to my starboard!"

"The distance is 3 kilometers! Spread out and form a horizontal line, using pincer tactics!"

"Want to clamp us like a crab's pincers? Don't think so!"

Douglas picked up the tin horn and yelled: "Two forwards! 30 degrees to starboard! Grab the wind!"

The helmsman began to execute the movements quickly while repeating the command: "Forward two! Right rudder 30 degrees! Fight for the wind!"

The sailors were busy operating the rigging.

The bowsprit, jib sail, and mainmast were all swollen to the maximum at the same time.

The slender hull crushed the sea water, leaving narrow to wide water marks at the stern.

With a huge arc, it crossed the wind belt and entered the downwind position.

A ballista is ready.

Vondorff personally operated the bow ballista.

Medieval naval warfare mainly relied on three methods: bow and arrow shooting, angular impact, and boarding battle.

The Valkyrie relies on the firepower of its crossbows and must seize the upper wind. Not only can it launch attacks more conveniently, but the favorable wind can also increase the range, speed and accuracy of its crossbows!
Feng Daofu aimed at the ten Viking warships that were getting closer, and his black eyes like hawks locked on those sea wolves.

Beihai No. [-] Cannon King is ready!

Three kilometers away, the Sea Wolf warship.

Atelias raised his eyebrows: "Oh, how dare you adjust the wind direction to approach me? Did you choose to walk towards me instead of turning around and running away when you saw my flag?"

"Brothers, who do you think gave them courage?"

"Is it a big ship? There is only one big ship, with at most one or two hundred people. Do you think you can defeat the Sea Wolf in this way?"

Hundreds of Vikings sneered, and some looked at the large ship in the distance with pity.

Although the sailing ship on the opposite side is very fast, if they don't escape now, they will fall into a semi-surrounded pocket soon.

Even if they are very powerful, so what, with their superior numbers, the battle piles on board can kill this big ship!
Atelias shook his head: "A ship first, I really don't know what the Lord of Finland thinks."

"Maybe it's because I defeated the Blood Axe, and with some achievements, I thought the navy could be that simple, but I didn't know that a calm ocean would never produce skilled sailors!"


Atrias turned his head to look at the shadow of the boat behind him.

Leaving the port of Bergen, the gang hangs behind.

Needless to say, the people at the pier also understood the semaphore of the golden-haired king, and reported the news of the arrival of the allies to Olaf III. The cowardly king sent a fleet to meet him.

If it weren't for the fact that some Swedish and Danish merchant ships hadn't merged with them on the way, and their strength made him a little scrupulous, he would have dealt with these people long ago.

"Still the old tactics, keep a reserve team. If these people want to come to support you, go and intercept them."

Atrias gave an order, and the three Viking warships broke away, and the other Viking warships began to accelerate.

Further afield, the Bergen fleet.

The head of the navy had a complicated look on his face.

If it wasn't for his subordinates, he would really want to yell at him now.

What happened to these allies from the far north?Didn't the queen say sea wolf?

Even if there is only one ship, there is still the Queen's fleet, so we can follow along!

The confidant asked: "The king wants us to support our allies, but we alone may not be enough. What should we do now?"

The navy leader looked at the Danish and Swedish fleets next to him.

Although they are happy to do business with Bergen, they do so purely for profit and are not allies.

Many Danish and Swedish businessmen are even part-time pirates, and they are all in the mood of watching the fun.

Because they were all pirates, they knew how powerful Atrias was. When they glanced at the difference in numbers more than ten kilometers away, they all shook their heads.

"There is really no suspense in this naval battle."

"Yeah, I really don't know what the Lord of Finland thinks."

"I heard that the Lord of Finland is very rich, but it's a pity that he can make money but not naval battles. His wealth is cheaper than sea wolves."

Most people are pity and greedy, eager to grab a vote instead.

There are also some people with extraordinary eyesight who have noticed something: "Those who know how to do business are not weak-minded. Things may not be that simple."

"It's a bit far away. I think that big sailing ship looks different. Maybe it's this new ship that gives the Lord of Finland confidence."

Seeing their attitude, the navy leader had an idea.

"If the Lord of Finland really relies on new ships and can deal with this bastard Aitelias, we can gain the favor of the Lord of Finland without paying too much for our past support."

The navy leader knew that these people were only seeking profit, and gave them reasons directly from their interests.

It's just an exaggeration - yes, the navy leader thinks that the Lord of Finland can deal with it, which is already a great exaggeration.

Even if you have money, you can't use arrows for money, but the Viking pirates all brought their own round shields, and they can't kill people with bows and arrows.

With a new ship, it is very difficult to be able to fight ten against one!

The caravan captains all knew this, but they still accepted the invitation.

Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, it doesn't affect them.

If Sea Wolf wins, I just took the opportunity to hold a sea trade fair, without middlemen to make the difference, these freshest first-hand goods can be much cheaper.

If only I could get this big sailboat.
The caravan captains were so greedy that they forgot to think about what the Lord of Finland would do if he won, and directly ordered the sailors to speed forward.

In the blue ocean, the three forces are all acting.

When the sun reaches its highest point, the distance has shortened to within one kilometer.

Atrias roared excitedly: "Brothers, paddle with all your strength!"

"We are pirates!"

"Fierce pirates!"

"Holding the wine bottle in the left hand!"

"Holding the treasure in the right hand!"

The singing is the beat, and the pirates are paddling barebacked, with their thick arms and backs like crabs holding two super claws.

As the water splashed, seven Viking warships moved forward at full speed in a collision formation!
1000 meter.
900 meter.
800 meter.
Atrias seemed to be able to see the frightened faces of the sailors on the big ship opposite.

He raised his sword high and let out a battle cry: "Lord of Finland, I will take your wealth"

Eight black shadows shook the air, and with a terrifying sharp roar, they crossed the sky and fell towards the Viking warship!
Atelias's pupils suddenly narrowed, and he jumped into the sea reflexively.

The next moment, the javelin-like crossbow penetrated each Viking pirate and penetrated deeply into the oak hull!

The screams of the sea wolves kicked off the Norwegian naval battle!

 Thanks to 'Noble Dog Among Dogs' and 'Inexplicable Narcissist' for their 500-point rewards, and 'Zheng Xiaojun' for their 100-point rewards.

   The carrack ship type of the 15th century was a combination of rudder rod + stern rudder.
  Rudder + steering rod + pulley group that controls the rudder + steering wheel = steering wheel system. This is something from the 18th century. The reason for its emergence is that the steering wheel is more convenient than pushing the steering rod by hand, allowing one person to steer under normal circumstances.

  The triangular sails at the bow probably began to exist in the 17th century, and the triangular sails at the stern were replaced by quadrilateral sails in the 18th century. The main purpose of these sails parallel to the hull is to make better use of crosswinds and auxiliary rudder steering.

  The stern rudder of a sailboat is essentially an unbalanced rudder, and the force required to turn the rudder is relatively large.

  Full right rudder and forward four are navigation passwords.

  Full right rudder is to turn the rudder to the right, full 90 degrees, which is equivalent to turning the steering wheel of the car all the way to the left. The larger the rudder angle, the faster the steering speed. Full rudder is the maximum rudder angle.

  Forward four is a power gear, which is equivalent to a manual gear when driving.

  Usually ordinary boats have four gears and can only enter four, so generally four means full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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