Chapter 84 Ordinary World (13k)

"Wake up, wake up, wake up."

Denmark, County Ribe.

Fisherman Green opened his eyes and saw the face of his wife Sanna.

She was not beautiful, and a little weak, but she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.

Green quickly got up and added more firewood.

Sanna said that there is no need to waste it like this.

He smiled innocently and said nothing, but moved faster to add firewood.

The fisherman's parents and brothers are all dead, leaving only the donkey, chicken, and pig as his family.

I lived alone for many years until I met Sanna.

It was the same storm that day.

Returning late, Sanna lit the precious candle and looked for him anxiously.

"It's dangerous outside!"

He scolded, and Sanna took out the hot water cylinder from her arms.

Dim candlelight, hot water cylinders delivered to each other.

Green felt that there was light in the cramped and dark home.

While one works, another will keep company.

If one person wants to go out, the other person will be concerned.

One person is sad and the other feels the same.

Sitting on the sand dunes of the beach, although he is still very poor, when eating an apple, he feels that heaven is nothing more than this.

Even after giving birth to a son, his wife Sanna's body became weak and cold, unable to do heavy physical work.

Green still felt that life was full of hope and loved Sanna even more.

It was dark and cold outside, but the fisherman's hut was warm and comfortable.

The floor was swept clean, the fire was still burning in the stove, and the dishes gleamed on the shelves.

On the bed with a white curtain, the little boy was sleeping quietly amidst the roar of the sea breeze.

Amidst the roar of the waves and the roar of the wind, the family ate a simple and warm first meal.

Sanna went to wash the dishes, and he wanted to send his son to the monastery.

Since the queen revived Denmark, there have been more and more monasteries.

The Queen often allocates money from the royal treasury to charity.

In addition to helping women, it is also sponsoring children's literacy learning. If they perform well, they can be promoted to officials by the Queen!
Green has seen such lucky people.

He wanted his son to live a good life, so he sent the child to a monastery.

In addition to being able to learn to read and write, it is said that it can also save the family from going to heaven.

This purpose is actually somewhat utilitarian, and the simple fisherman has always been a little uneasy.

Later, someone said that the Irish people especially listened to the Holy See. The Holy See asked them to have more children, and each family would have several. There was also an agreed custom that every family must send a son to a monastery to be a priest or nun. It is also to ensure that the whole family goes to heaven. There is nothing wrong with being utilitarian.

The fisherman felt at ease.

Arriving at the monastery, when Green subconsciously opened his mouth to say something, he saw Father Raphael walking out.

The fisherman remembered what Father Raphael had said before.

"Son, study hard and become an official for the queen in the future. No matter how hard or tired I am, I will be worthy of Green. Don't say such things. This kind of love is a heavy burden for children."

"Frugality is a virtue, but letting children live with an inescapable sense of indebtedness for a long time will only make them unhappy for the rest of their lives."

"Without a son, you still have to fish like this. He didn't cause your suffering, but he has to live with inferiority and guilt."

"A normal, warm and relaxed childhood is the most precious gift you can give him, far more precious than money."

"True love is not blindly kidnapping each other with one's own efforts, but nourishing and fulfilling each other."

Father Raphael is Danish.

After showing his talent as a child, he received funding from the Queen and became a church scholar. It is said that he has been to Constantinople and is very knowledgeable.

Green was just a fisherman, and he only knew that what he said was very philosophical, but he couldn't understand many of them.

But as long as he can really treat the child well, he is willing to correct these.

So he just stroked his son's hair, and smiled honestly at Father Rafael: "Say good day to Father."

"Good day, Father!"

The son smiled brightly.

Father Raphael smiled back: "Good day, God is with us."

At this time, a carriage stopped at the door of the monastery, purchasing supplies.

The businessman who jumped out of the carriage instructed the workers to carry it, and there was a bucket with a honeycomb pattern on it.

"Honeycomb? Is it honey?"

"Little devil, you guessed right."

A bucket of honey?
Green looked at the longing on his son's face, and boldly asked, "How much is the honey?"

Merchant: "A bucket of 50 silver coins."

The fisherman raised his voice a bit: "How much?!"

The businessman said with a smile: "Winter, do you see how there is any honey here?"

"This is royal honey managed by the Queen. If you think it's expensive, I think it's too expensive."

"Fifty silver coins."

The fisherman looked troubled.

Father Raphael frowned: "Did the dean order all this honey?"

"Yes, Father Raphael."

The businessman nods.

The fisherman found Father Raphael's expression somewhat unpleasant.

Because buying too much honey has affected the business of the monastery?
Green instinctively felt that Father Raphael was not such a person.

He remembered that it is recorded in the New Testament that the first meal our Lord ate after his resurrection was honey and fish.

Honey is known as a symbol of happiness and peace, and it can also be used to brew mead, which adds a lot of fun to life.

It is said that the nobles of the Eastern Empire depended on honey for almost every dish, and honey could replace gold to pay taxes.

The icons of the Heavenly Father Church, Saint Amphrossi, Saint John Chrysostom, etc. all show people the image of holding a beehive.

In the past, only saints and people with high morals could enjoy honey.

Because of the connection between the monastery and honey, the monastery needs a large amount of beeswax to make candles. Basically, the church keeps bees, and the honey and beeswax produced are also one of the monastery's profitable businesses.

However, there is no way to grow honey in the monastery in winter, and buying some honey will not affect the business of the monastery.

Moreover, Father Rafael was never a person who valued money very much. He was a scholar with lofty ideals.

Then why did the priest find it unpleasant?
Just when the fisherman was puzzled, the businessman said with a smile on his face: "There is also a box of Io candy. People in the Eastern Empire tasted it and said it was good."

"I tried it, and it's very pure."

"I heard that the doctors in Constantinople used sugar as a medicine to treat diseases. Among the prescriptions that have been handed down for thousands of years, there is a medicine that is sweetened rose water. It is said that this medicine has magical powers when it cures colds. If you use Ioose, the effect will definitely be better and it can save lives!"

"Father Raphael, you have been to Constantinople, can you tell me it's true?"

".it is true."

Father Rafael had a sullen face, exchanged a few simple greetings, waved to the children, and led them into the monastery to study.

"50 silver coins"

Looking at the bucket of honey, Green smacked his lips and went home to work hard.

On the way back, he heard some monks praising the hard work of the Danish people.

“It was men like Pio and his sons who in their time made the country rich by their labor and turned the earth into a vassal.”

"Their deeds are as high in history as heroes."

"All in all, the peasants' daily obscurity to make Denmark fertile is far more important than all the king's wars!"

"So don't feel bitter, you are all accumulating achievements for yourself now, and you will get ultimate happiness when you go to heaven."

"Relying on your own strength to make money will make you feel at ease."

I want to praise you, praise your spirit, praise you for bearing hardships and standing hard work, it is glorious to work, it is a blessing to suffer losses, and I call on everyone to follow your example and learn from you.
The noble monk is actually praising me?
Many people were flattered, and their hearts were filled with enthusiasm.

Green is also secretly encouraging himself: "I must work harder to catch fish today. If I work harder, I can have my own long boat!"

"But before buying a boat, let Sanna taste honey first."

With this belief in mind, Green fished hard until the sky began to darken.

Open the door and a fresh sea breeze rushes into the house.

"Thank God it was a good day."

The burly and dark Green walked in dragging a wet fishing net: "Sanna, I'm back!"

Sanna was repairing the fishing net, and there was a hazy beauty in front of the candlelight.

He stared straight at his wife, motionless, even a little dazed.

At this time Sanna looked up at him, then lowered her head shyly.

Green scratched his hair: "Don't be too tired. The weather is terrible. Uh, I mean I'm going to pick up my son."

Sanna stopped him: "You know, our neighbor is dead."

Green was a little surprised: "When?"

"I don't know, it was probably yesterday."

Sanna recalled that because of the bad weather, she couldn't help but want to see if the lighthouse was on and whether her husband's boat could be seen.

The wind lifted her scarf and she saw the firewood burning in the lighthouse. She felt relieved and thought of her sick female neighbor.

"No one takes care of her!"

Sanna knocked on the door while thinking, but no one answered.

I knocked on the door again and again, but still no one answered. I became a little worried, tried, and pushed the door open just like that.

There was no stove in the house, and it was damp and cold.

Sanna held up the candle, and the first thing she saw was a bed facing the door, on which her female neighbor was lying on her back.

She was motionless, her head was thrown back, her cold and blue face showed the tranquility of death, and a pale and stiff hand hung down from the straw bed as if trying to grab something.

Right next to the dead mother, two very small children, both with curly hair and round faces, were sleeping. They were covered with old clothes and curled up, with their two little blond heads close together.

Apparently when the mother was dying, she covered them with her own clothes and wrapped their little feet with an old kerchief.

The child's breathing was even and calm, and he was sleeping soundly.

Sanna wraps the sleeping children in a turban and carries them home.

Her heart was beating violently, and she didn't know why she did it, but she felt it must be done.

Ending the memory, Sanna said softly: "Two children are beside her, asleep, they are so can't speak yet, the other just crawled..."

The fisherman frowned, and his dark face, which had become wrinkled in the wind and sun, became serious: "It's a problem."

He scratched the back of his head: "What do you think? We have to bring them here, we... we can always get through it."

"Go! Don't wait for them to wake up."

But Sanna sat motionless.

"What's the matter with you? Don't you want to? What's the matter with you, Sanna?"

"Look, they're here."

Sanna opened the curtain.

Children are very cute.

The wrinkles on Green's face softened.

Although it will be more difficult, as a fisherman, it is not a problem to work harder to support two children.

Thinking about it this way, he was not in a hurry to pick up his son, so he gathered up the catch and simmered some fish soup for the two new children.

Sanna was packing up with him, and suddenly exclaimed: "What is this?"

Green looked up and saw a blackened wooden board with something written on it.

He was illiterate and could not understand what was written.

Fortunately, there are paintings on the board.

The painting is small and realistic, and it tells about a person who has suffered a lot and finally chooses to go to the west of Norway by sea.

When I arrived in the west, I felt that the air was sweet and sweet. I lived in a big warm and bright house. The public security was very good, and I could live by cleaning the dishes. There was also a good hospital for treatment, and I lived a happy life.
Sanna was more literate than him and whispered: "Iomeng?"

Green scratched his head: "Sanna, what is this?"

Sanna didn't know either: "I don't know many words."

"It just so happens that you are going to pick up your son. Bring him to Father Raphael to have a look."

Makes sense.

Green packed up and took the plank to the monastery, and happened to meet Father Raphael.

"Father, look at this."


Father Raphael looked at the board and murmured in a low voice, "As long as you are willing to suffer, there will be endless suffering."

"Never believe that suffering is worth it. Suffering is suffering. Suffering will not bring success. Suffering is not worth pursuing. Harden your will because suffering cannot be avoided."

The voice became quieter and the fisherman could no longer hear what he was saying.

I just saw Father Rafael's expression change several times.

After hastily looking at the board, Father Rafael looked at the fisherman seriously: "Where did you get it?"

Green instinctively realized something and quickly explained: "It was fished out of the sea during fishing."

"inside the sea"

Father Rafael frowned deeply, ordered not to tell others, and left with the wooden board.

Green vaguely heard what heresy he said?
Without listening carefully, the son rushed towards him.


The son excitedly raised the honey candy in his hand: "Look! This is a reward from the dean!"

The board thing was left behind.

Green was surprised and asked his son in detail.

The son said that he performed well in literacy. The dean noticed him and asked him to collect the "Hymn" and then rewarded him with a honey candy.

"My son is awesome!"

The fisherman wiped the clothes carefully with his hands, and stroked the child's hair, his face was full of joy.

Going home happily, he met some fanatical believers on the way. The fisherman picked up his son and quickened his pace.

A frantic shout came from behind: "The corpses of these heretic priests must be dug up and burned!"

"Burn! Burn! Burn!"


The fire flickered.

The neighbor's body was simply collected and buried, and the newly formed family of five continued their lives.

The days were tougher, but it was just an extra net of fish.

Moreover, his son's performance is getting better and better, and he can often be rewarded with honey candy from the head of the monastery, and he even knows to give them to eat.

He didn't eat and gave everything to Sanna.

Unexpectedly, Sanna hid it: "It's okay to leave it alone. We can eat it later."

The fisherman thought to himself: "Soon, I can buy honey for Sanna soon, and then I can taste the sweetness of honey to my heart's content."

Savings are increasing day by day, and when the fisherman is counting when he can buy honey, he receives bad news: fishing tax will be increased.

Green couldn't help asking, "Why?!"

The tax officer's attitude is not bad: "In order to prevent people from getting sick in winter, the lord needs to prepare more honey and iou sugar. This is for everyone's sake. If you pay more taxes, you can see a doctor cheaply."

"You just pay more taxes and be more tired. If you are tired, you will not die, but if you get sick, you will die easily!"

"How to choose, everyone should be clear about it?"

In any case, the lord's decision has been made.

The life of a fisherman has become more difficult, and the growth of savings has become slower, but he can still live, that is, he has to catch fish later, pick up his son later, and there is nothing to do in the monastery.

Until one day, when the fisherman had just returned to the dock, someone suddenly called him and said that your son fell into the well of the monastery.

The fisherman didn't understand what it meant.

Lose?What is drop?fell into a well?

The brain is still dazed, but the body has already rushed out, and the legs are very strong, like a cow, so that the person who reported the message had to run after him.

Running all the way to the monastery, he saw a circle of people.

From the gap between people's legs, I saw the familiar Aiolan.

This color is what Sanna caught at a glance.

She said she wanted to go to a monastery, and she couldn't be underestimated by other children.

Pick it up and put it down at the market, put it down and pick it up again, and finally the husband and wife made up their minds together to let the child wear this color.

The color used to be like the sky, but now it's like a muddy puddle.

He grabbed the child in his arms and leaned his son's head on his shoulder, but the head couldn't stand no matter what, the head always drooped.

lean on lean on
Finally, he used his generous hand to press the child's head so hard for the first time. He wanted to say something but couldn't.

Until a hand was pressed on his shoulder, it was Father Raphael: "I'm sorry."

The fisherman looked at him blankly and saw sadness and anger on his face.

Why angry?
I don't know how long it took before he gained strength, and he staggered away with his son in his arms.

Father Rafael watched his back silently, recalling what a senior scholar once said.

"You are a poor kid from a poor family. If the priest notices you, it will be a big deal."

"When he asks you to collect Psalms, take out the trash, etc., you feel very valued and like God is asking you to help."

"You think it's weird when he tells you sex jokes, but now you have a secret with him, so you let him go."

"He shows you the color pictures, and you let him."

"Until one day, He takes it a step further. You have no way out. He has raised you to maturity. How can you say no to God?"

"In the long river of human history, truth is hard to be found because it is as heavy as gold and always sinks to the bottom of the river. Only those falsehoods that are as light as cow dung float on it and flood everywhere."

"A person who has a clear concept of right and wrong will feel very uncomfortable when he sees it. If he wants to change but cannot, it will be even more uncomfortable. Apart from putting pressure and burden on himself and causing unnecessary trouble to himself, there is no benefit at all. "

"Smart people live too clearly, it is very painful."

"There's nothing wrong with being a little confused, Raphael."

I just couldn't do it, I just couldn't bear it, so I returned to my hometown.

Father Raphael clenched his fists tightly, his chest was congested.

Mingming returned to his hometown with the idea of ​​changing his hometown, and he worked hard to treat and help many people, but now he can't even protect a child
"Father, do you want to know more about Io Cult?"

Suddenly there was a sound.

Before he could react, a piece of paper was stuffed into his hand.

Father Rafael turned his head abruptly, only the whispering crowd could not find the person who just spoke.

He raised his hand. It was a piece of Io paper with a poem at the beginning.

Darkness harvests people's sweat before the scythe.

Under the new house is the foundation that hopes to be poured.

In the nightless longhouse, only colorful candles are generous.

People in long gowns dragged fearful shadows, and the advancing collective was not allowed to rest independently.

In this humble land, youth, love, hope, are openly traded.

Waiting, waiting for later people to pick up this ruins.

Waiting, waiting for the questioning of the next era.

"Mom, I miss you"

Father Raphael put away the paper abruptly, turned and walked into the monastery, and pushed open the door of the dean.

All he got was the dean's perfunctory.

Annoyed by being talked about, the dean said: "Did you accept 50 silver coins from Ai Ou?"

"If it is confiscated, don't say anything that slanders the church. Be careful, I will sentence you to heresy."

"By the way, many people have been distributing leaflets everywhere recently, all of which are heresy, and they are still slandering our teachings."

The dean picked up the leaflet and read it casually.

"How can we complain when there is a natural disaster? The pope calls, the king calls, the church loves the country, and the sound is heard in the ruins. One million people cry together, even if they are ghosts, they are still happy."

"The silver eagle chariot saves the calf, Paul on the left, Charlie on the right, the love of the heavenly father is enough to die personally. I only hope that there will be a screen in front of the grave to watch the Olympics and cheer together."

"A good poem can be rewarded with a lot of red."

The dean snorted: "There is a good saying above, the fellow opens the door, and your poem has won an award."

"And this one."

"Born in sorrow, die in peace."

"It's so nice to him, but if you're not careful, you still have to suffer them again."

"According to my calculations, if I have a salary of 2 yuan a week, my life will be much more comfortable than if I have a AAA in Aio."

"It's hard for them to buy more honey and Iosugar to supply to Heavenly Father."

"Look, if the things Io sell weren't so expensive, would I do this?"

"Aside from the facts, isn't Ai Ou responsible?"

Father Raphael opened the door angrily and left.boom!
Sanna fell to the ground.

She is ill, very ill.

The fisherman hurriedly helped his wife to bed, and wanted to call for a doctor.

The doctor came and said he wanted 50 silver coins.

“It’s just that medical treatment is cheap, but medicine still costs money.”

The doctor said with a smile: "As you know, I am an ancestral barber. I am very skilled in my skills. I can help remove moles, skin tumors, etc. on patients. The higher the medical skill, the higher the charge. It is normal."

The fisherman gritted his teeth and took out all his savings.

"The human body is composed of four kinds of body fluids: blood, mucus, yellow bile, and black bile. Since the proportions of these four substances in different people's bodies are different, people have different personalities and temperaments. The reason why people are Sickness is caused by the imbalance of the four body fluids. As long as those excess body fluids are released, the person can recover and the disease will naturally be cured."

"Huh? Is this honey candy?"

While calculating the ratio, a candy fell from Sanna's pocket.

The fisherman subconsciously took the candy in his hand and watched the barber and doctor decide from which part to bleed and how much to bleed based on the disease's ascendant and the patient's zodiac sign, combined with the position of the planets.

Still counting, Father Rafael came: "I have studied at the Salerno Medical School, so I don't need you to treat me!"

The ignorant and backward medieval medicine hangs over Europe like a huge dark cloud, but there is still a ray of dawn tenaciously passing through the cloud, and that is the Salerno School of Medicine in southern Italy.

Father Raphael drove away the doctor and got the money back for him, and prescribed medicine to treat Sanna out of his own pocket.

Green breathed a sigh of relief and then noticed the honey candy in his hand.

He subconsciously shouted: "Son, come."

He froze for a moment.

He remembered that his son had already been buried in the ground.
He ate the candy.

Eat slowly, bite by bite, and chew slowly.

He didn't know what sugar tasted like, but he knew his son did.


Father Raphael exhaled foul breath: "The person was rescued, but not completely."

"The conditions are too simple and there are too few medicines. If you can go to Salerno Medical College, there is still a way to completely cure it, but"

"But Italy is too far away from Denmark."

The fisherman picked it up and said numbly, "Thank you priest, you have done your best."

Seeing the fisherman's numb expression, Father Raphael thought of the sentence written on the paper: After seeing the light, but having to continue to endure the darkness, how hopeless it is.

"...I'll check back in a week."

Father Raphael went back.

On the way back, I was stuffed with paper again.

This time he didn't look for anyone again.

Back inside, just as he was about to light a candle, he remembered the fisherman's numb face again.

Father Raphael moved his fingers, finally took the paper, and carefully squatted in the corner outside the dean's room, and read it seriously with the bright light in the dean's room.

"The existence of the church is a gap in demand, and it is the soil for the existence of middlemen."

"What needs?"

“It is the people’s need to safeguard their rights when their private rights are infringed upon, it is the need for private lending and finance, it is the need for social security, elderly care, childcare and funerals, it is the need for fairness and justice when encountering disputes, and it is even the need to participate in public affairs and collective affairs in politics. needs.”

"This group is the group that least understands love and lacks love the most."

"If we just eliminate middlemen instead of addressing demand, we could have big problems."

"There's this huge hole right there."

"To eliminate the happiness in the masses' fantasy, it is necessary to realize the happiness in reality as the premise."

"If the royal power is strong and the grassroots organizations are perfect, the religious power will be weak."

"If the royal power fails, grassroots organizations collapse, and a large number of localized social services in neglected corners will be taken over by religious organizations, the nobility will naturally be strongly influenced by the church."

"It's people's hearts and people's power. The latter is more important."

"Since ancient times, it has never been the one who wins the hearts of the people who wins the world, but the one who wins the power of the people wins the world."

"This people's power, you can be ① influenced, or ② tricked, or ③ forced out, or even ④ robbed and killed."

"Such as the Roman joke: Feed the cat candy."

"If you treat the cat well and make it trust you, teach it to eat candy is good for it, and induce it to eat candy, then you are ①"

"If you mix cat food and sugar and trick it to eat it together, then you are ②"

"If you put sugar on a cat's butt and force it to lick the sugar, then you are ③"

"If you pry its mouth open, the disobedient cat is slaughtered, the obedient cat eats candy stays and reproduces, and artificial breeding selects to cultivate a cat that likes candy, then you are ④"

"Winning the hearts of the people but not gaining the power of the people is equivalent to having 1000 million active believers, but not accepting advertisements, bringing goods, endorsements, or cashing in."

"This is why idealists will fail in the end, and the utopia of everyone's happiness is difficult to achieve."

"Winning the power of the people and losing the hearts of the people is equivalent to constantly pulling people down. Although you have a bad reputation and no one likes you except your own cronies, you can make a lot of money."

"So people's support is only one of the means, and people's power is the ultimate goal."

"However, gaining people's power through coercion and lure will never be as good as gaining people's support and power."

"In Rome, some people took advantage of their positions and obtained the position of provincial governor, and then used the troops equipped in their provinces to steal the allies of the Romans."

"For example, the famous Mark Antony's uncle and father-in-law, Gaius Antony Hiblida."

"During his time as governor of Macedonia, he robbed Rome's allies many times."

"How did he get his Macedonian governor? It was given to him by his fellow consul Cicero."

"The most wicked one is Crassus."

"Because the management of Rome was very chaotic, Crassus funded the establishment of a fire department. Whenever a fire broke out, his fire brigade would go to the location of the fire, then sit back and raise the price. Without paying, he would watch the house burn to the ground, and then Crassus then bought the land at a very low price, repaired it, and sold it at a high price."

"There is also a store that is not allowed to be accepted. The equipment room is required to be replaced with a Class II door. In fact, a Class II door sign is posted, and one sign is two thousand sesterce."

"Firefighting will never make you fully qualified, there is always something for you to change. These places really have fires, it's because you haven't completed the rectification, not because they haven't done a good job in acceptance."

"Because the fire protection regulations written by Crassus are not for you to achieve 100%, if something goes wrong, how can you find your fault."

"During Crassus' land sales career, one of the mansions was sold for 350 million sesterces. Who was the buyer? Cicero."

"Where did Cicero get so much money? He borrowed it."

"Who borrowed it from? The Siblida above."

"This is Rome. In 417 A.D., the Gothic army led by Alaric captured the city of Rome. He and his army were all Roman citizens, and the barbarian city defense army who watched coldly on the top of the city were also Roman citizens."

"The barbarian slave who secretly opened the city gate in the dark has no citizenship, but is still a Roman slave."

"The barbarians plundered the treasures of the Roman nobles and drank from their treasured wines. The fire burned for six days and six nights."

"The barbarians in the Senate let the Roman nobles watch their wives and daughters being tortured, and then dismembered these nobles."

"These Germans, Goths, Gauls, and Vandals were all second-class people of Rome. They farmed and fought for the first-class people of Rome. They ate pig and dog food and worked as cattle and horses. When Rome declined, , they raised their butcher’s knives against their benefactor.”

"These existing class conflicts, racial conflicts, and regional conflicts are one of the difficulties in gaining the support of the people."

"In the Aio religion, everyone is the son of Aio and shares a welfare system."

Father Raphael looked at it carefully.

Until a voice came from above his head: "Father Rafael, do you take the heresy seriously?"

Without talking, the dean directly arrested Raphael and tried him for heresy!

Green, who was waiting for Father Raphael's review, got the news that the priest was locked in the dungeon.

Heretic, he suddenly remembered the original piece of wood.

Seeing Sanna's sick appearance, the fisherman's stupid brain turned so fast for the first time.

"Hospital. The hospital to the west!"

"But is that true? Father Raphael must know!"

"I can't just watch him die like this."

The fisherman has a decision.

He entrusted his two adopted sons to friends, sketched out a plan, and then started to act at night.

late at night.

For some reason, the prison guards were dozing off and accidentally dropped their keys.

The fisherman rescued Father Raphael in a daze.

Thank you
Raphael felt warm in his heart.

He thought of the people's will on the paper, and thought of the words full of wisdom on the paper: For topics that require complex logical analysis, as well as rich information collection and knowledge accumulation, the masses will be limited in height.

The bottom of a society is often the majority. The angles and heights enjoyed by the majority who make up the bottom are very limited, their emotions are extreme, and sometimes their results are stupid.

But as long as you are by their side, they know which restaurant tastes good and which tastes bad.

People's eyes are sharp.

The masses are very clear about who is on their side, who is protecting their interests, and who is deceiving and persecuting them.

At this moment the fisherman asked, "Father, can the Westside Hospital save my wife?"

Father Raphael said firmly: "Yes!"

"The sea is not covered."

"Go to the sea and go to the west!"

Carrying the fisherman who wants to save his wife and the priest who wants to recover his lofty ideals, the fishing boat sails to the west.

Call ~
The sails puffed.

In the captain's room, Surrey opened his notebook and began to write the diary requested by the saint.

"I, Surrey, Admiral of the Discovery Fleet, to the Most High, Most Eminent, and Greatest of All Saints."

"In the summer of the first year of the new calendar, His Majesty ended the Norwegian War and concluded an agreement with Olaf III under the Husburg Fortress in Bergen."

"I saw the flag of Io raised over the land of Norway."

"I witnessed the A-flag flying high on the masts of the North Sea fleet."

"I have witnessed countless nobles knelt in front of them and repented bitterly."

"I have witnessed the persecution of the sons of Io reborn, with human dignity, everyone has food and clothing, and everyone has the happiness of healing."

"I have no doubts that we are in for a great cause!"

"When a person has ideals, expectations and hopes, and a beautiful goal that he pursues with great concentration, life has meaning, and it is no longer just living."

"In the second year of the New Year, not long after the New Year celebrations, the Saint gave me an ideal."

"He said that the world is now in a period of major development, major changes and major adjustments, and we are facing major changes unseen in a century."

"Such a major change is not a one-time event, a region or a country's change, but a change in the world, the times, and history."

"Change has become an irreversible historical trend. We can only take advantage of the trend to live up to the times and live up to the children of Io!"

"Great changes bring great challenges, but also great opportunities."

"The Holy One ordered me and Ted to lead a fleet all the way west."

"Take the sea route that has not been known so far, discover the strange world, understand the monarch, subjects, local customs and all other things there, and convert the people there to believe in the teachings of our Lord."

"The Holy One also promised me a great reward, an honorary middle name for me and Ted 'Von'!"

"In the Norse tribe, there is a proverb: No one can live a lifetime without anything happening."

"Ted and I excitedly agreed."

"The second year of the new calendar, January 1th."

"The sailing fleet loaded with supplies and crew left the port of Kirkenes."

"We lifted anchor and left the harbor, riding on the cold wind, heading to the place where we should be, presenting the saint's credentials to the kings there, and fulfilling all the missions the saint ordered me to do."

"To this end, I will carefully record everything I did, experienced, saw, and will see on this journey."

"According to the request of the Holy One, I will not only write down at night what I did during the day, and during the day I will record the voyages during the night, and I am also planning to draw a new navigation chart. all plotted in exact positions and directions, and to write an all-encompassing book, giving the latitudes from the equator and longitudes from the west, and above all, I should forget about eating and sleeping, and devote myself to sailing with all my might, because the business requires I do it this way."

"Although it is extremely hard work, everything will be ground, and no matter how difficult it is, it will eventually turn into delicious flour!"

"Sails are the wings of a ship, and ideals are the wings of a person."

"The Valkyrie carried our dreams and set off on a new route."

"In the second year of the new calendar, January 1th, with the wind."

"I saw a huge humpback whale leap out of the water, then plunge into the water, causing a splash of joy, the whole process is breathtaking."

"Ted drew this and it was ugly."

"I probably know how the twisted monsters in myths and legends come from."

"January 1, the second year of the New Calendar, with favorable wind, cloudy and light rain."

"The new sailboat is very fast, and new tools such as the octant are also very useful. The fleet has accurately grasped the direction, and the shadow of Iceland can already be seen."

"The ancient Irish legend "Imram Merduin" records that a man named Merduin took a boat to a group of mountainous islands, where glaciers and volcanoes coexist, like an island of ice and fire, and like an island of ice and fire. It’s a bowl-shaped plateau, and the island is full of chirping, chattering birds.”

"There are quite a lot of birds in Iceland. The fleet has a technical team from Sankore University."

"They said that the total distance from the sea at the end of the world to Iceland is more than 1000 kilometers, and the improved Valkyrie class can sail about 100 kilometers a day, and it only takes 10 days to arrive."

"As they said, the fleet arrived in Iceland that day and encountered fishing boats."

"After a friendly ballista exchange, we learned the history of the Icelanders from the mouth of the fisherman."

"The honor of discovering Iceland belongs to two men who arrived there at the same time."

"One of them was named Nadóul. He was blown by a storm to the Northwest Sea on his way from Norway to the Faroe Islands, and finally found a piece of land criss-crossed with ravines. These are some fjords in eastern Iceland."

"He couldn't find any people anywhere, so he turned around and sailed toward the Faroe Islands without wintering."

"The other was the Swede Gardarsvavalsson, who met the same fate on a voyage from Denmark to the Hebrides, and was drifted under a mountain cape in southeast Iceland."

"He wintered at Husavik on the north coast, then sailed along the coast, and came to the firm conclusion that this new continent was an island."

“Both navigators gave the New World its name.”

"One called it Snellan because it was snowing when he returned."

"The other named the island of Gardar after himself."

"It's still nice what the saint said about Iceland."

"Looking at the enthusiasm of the Ballista, the Icelanders happily accepted the new name."

"Because of King Blonde's persecution, more than 3500 Norwegian immigrants established 1500 farms in Iceland, and each family basically has their own land."

"The technical team of Sankore University said that Iceland is a volcanic island country with complex geological structure. The land is periglacial and close to the polar circle. The temperature is low and the climate is cold and harsh. The island is filled with volcanic rocks, and the rocks contain a variety of types. It is not suitable for agricultural cultivation, arable land is very scarce, and agricultural development faces great difficulties.”

"It may be for this reason that Iceland has no king, only laws."

"As the sage said, productivity determines the superstructure."

"Farms, large and small, are connected to each other. The people are divided into 39 clans and tribes and 13 districts according to blood and geography. The 39 chiefs are naturally born among the people. They are neither permanent nor inherited by blood."

"Chiefs cannot act as recklessly as feudal lords on the European continent, because once civilians believe that the local chief cannot solve the problems he encounters, they will easily defect to other nearby chiefs. If a chief cannot prove that he has the ability to do things, then he will He will quickly lose popular support and his title will become worthless and easily replaced by others."

"They also built a framework for a political institution, that is, the Icelandic Parliament, also known as Alting, and the chiefs gathered in the regional council copied the village assembly tradition in Norway in the past, and sent a man named Ulfjotel back I went to Norway to study law systematically, and studied in Norway for three full years before returning to Iceland, where a formal National Assembly was established.”

"In memory of him, people named the first law promulgated by Parliament as the Ulfjotel Law. Every June, people and chiefs came from all over the island to participate in a two-week public meeting here to discuss the law. and trial cases.”

"This place is cold and dreamy. It really feels like being at the end of the world. Glaciers, volcanoes, hot springs, glacial lakes, ice caps, volcanic deserts, waterfalls, craters, crater lakes, etc. can be seen everywhere. The above is written by a college student."

“Rather than customs and customs, I prefer to record the useful resources that college students find.”

"There are sulfur, lignite, bauxite and other mineral deposits, and marble and limestone are also very rich."

"College students also discovered gold mines! But mining is too difficult, and it will not be possible within a few years."

"If you want to develop, you need more people."

“This place is not suitable for agriculture, but it is very suitable for animal husbandry, because there are a lot of moss, some livestock that are resistant to rough feeding, have a mixed diet, and eat the dead grass and moss under the snow are suitable for raising in Iceland.”

“Icelanders also say that Icelandic moss can cure illnesses.”

"A medical student said that this is actually not moss, it is a kind of shrub lichen, a combination of fungi and algae, a natural health product that can treat colds, coughs and other health problems, and is often used by grandmas to treat colds, Cough, throat discomfort and respiratory problems are also widely used in ingredients such as bread, porridge, soups and medicines, and are also used as a herbal medicine for female oat feeding."

"I think if the saint sees it, he will be very happy, and it will stimulate women to spend money again (cross out)"

"Oh, it's a good thing that the Holy One is not here. After the Holy One sends a telegram asking me to come back, continue to open up the African market? (cross out)"

"...the fisheries here are very good with salmon, Atlantic cod, Atlantic redfish, rainbow trout and arctic shrimp."

"I took out the fish cakes and exchanged them with the Icelanders, and with their help, I established my first overseas base."

"There are many hot springs in this place. Icelanders say there are more than 200 of them. Just near the settlement is a vast area of ​​fountains. Hot spring water is everywhere, and the heat is diffuse, like smoke and mist."

"This endless black plain, with a heavenly silver-white glacier on one side close to the mountain, and a steaming geothermal fountain on the other side, makes people feel like they are at the end of the world. This was written by a college student."

"In short, I spent an unforgettable half-month in Iceland, and the exploration fleet set sail again."

"The second year of the new calendar, January 2th."

"We have discovered what the saints said was Greenland!"

"There are fewer people on the island than Iceland, but the resources are more abundant, but it's the same problem, it's hard to develop."

"It took a rest for three days to supply supplies, and we continued to set off."

"The second year of the new calendar, January 2th."

"The sailors lost their patience and complained that the journey was too long."

"I tried to comfort them."

"Fortunately, the power of the saint came at this time, and the sailors settled down again."

"The second year of the new calendar, January 2th."

"Another person died."

"The second year of the new calendar, March 3st, late at night."

"The sailors on the watchtower shouted hoarsely the firelight."

"The crew of the fleet are all awake, we gathered on the deck, sang songs and danced cheerfully to celebrate the exciting good news."

"The fleet lowered all the sails and let the ship approach slowly until dawn the next day and finally reached the land."

"Lowering the anchor, getting on the boat, we took our weapons and landed on the land of the New World."

"We kneel on the ground and kiss this newfound land, thank the Holy One, we are alive!"

"Chasing the sun, we finally fulfilled our dream and discovered a new continent!"

"A lot happened on this voyage, and I don't know how to write about it."

"The passion for the sea, the trust in friends and companions, the joy of chasing the unknown."

"Adventure, deceit, loyalty, betrayal, blood and tears. When I retire and write down the story, it will definitely become the children's favorite biography of the hero. I must not let Ted's paintings pollute my story!"

"But before the story, let me cheer."

Sarri put down his pen, his voice echoing the cheers of the sailors.

It was a tribute to the loftiest ideals.

"Long live the son of Io!"

"Long live His Majesty Albert!"

Merchants of the Hanseatic guild cheer in Mecklenburg.

Their eyes burned with greed.

When France fell into the quagmire of war, the German princes became independent one after another.

The co-leader of the Germanic region, Otto the Great, focused on his old enemy Charlemagne.

Also because the royal power leans on the edge of Germany and France, the control of the northern region has weakened, and the phenomenon of privatization of public power has appeared, and the royal power has become a weak and solemn phantom.

The German princes in the north exercised various privileges in their respective territories, established courts and took charge of the highest judicial power. They divided fiefdoms and granted privileges to their supporters, and they collected taxes and levied corvees in their territories. own king.

It is like a beehive that lacks symmetry. Each state and province is isolated from each other. This is how the people live in feudal hives, and all political, economic, and social events occur here.

The isolated political geography and chaotic feudal conflicts led to a rough, barbaric and warlike era. Robbers and gangs extorted and looted, and feudal lords often broke out private wars over land and vassals.

In this context, with the active trade in the Rhine River Basin, the focus of foreign trade gradually expanded to the Baltic Sea region. Various merchant organizations in the Rhine region cooperated with each other to safeguard common interests, and formed alliances with Lübeck and other North German cities that controlled Baltic Sea trade. Form an alliance to defend against robbers and pirates and ensure trade security.

So the Hanseatic Guild was established, and its influence grew.

It starts with self-preservation.

Later, it quickly shifted from suppressing piracy, cracking down on plundering, and canceling unreasonable tolls to protect business, to expanding business power overseas, monopolizing business interests, and suppressing German cities from outside the alliance and those from England, Northern Europe, and Buddhism. Rand's native commercial rivalry.

This time, driven by their strong economic interests, they picked up the Bishop of Bremen and Prince Albert of Mecklenburg, and went north to intervene in the battle for claiming the Swedish throne.

The purpose was to expand the Hanseatic Guild's control over Baltic and North Sea trade and Scandinavian politics.

As long as the war starts, it is best to win.

Hanseatic merchants would dominate trade with the Levant, Venice, Spain, France, and England in wood, furs, grains, honey, and with Northern Europe in copper, iron, etc., in exchange for spices, medicines, fruits, wine, and cotton.

You can earn even if you lose.

At that time, you can provide loans to the princes, let the princes continue to wage wars, and spend money to buy one franchise after another!
As for the people?

What about the merchants of the Hanseatic Guild!
“Trade is everything!”

"We neither fight nor steal, nor live by plunder."

"When we have enough wealth, even the emperor's crown will be mortgaged to us Hanseatic merchants in exchange for loans!"

"We will win the respect of all Europe with commerce and force!"

Looking at the advancing army, the Hanseatic merchants were ambitious.

Small people, despair, hope, faith, freedom, heresy, adventurer, high ideals, base desires, mercantilism.
What their simultaneous existence shapes is this ordinary world.

 Thanks to 'Half a Leaf 82' for the 100-point reward.

  My head hurts when I write it, I post it first and then revise it.

  The members of the king's royal family include his relatives and his own soldiers, who are responsible for defense and combat, and the king also provides them with daily necessities. As the affairs of the royal family become increasingly complicated, some small officials appear to manage some specific tasks. matter.

  Among these official changes, the palace minister was in charge of the king's bedroom and dressing room, which contained the clothes and boxes placed by the king, and kept valuables.

  Including the king's treasures, money, books, documents, etc.

  As the king's items gradually increased, Jinyiku appeared and became one of the royal departments.

  The English etymology of Jinyiku comes from Latin, which translates as a wardrobe. It is the place where the medieval king stored robes and other clothes, as well as some valuables of the king.

  Therefore, Jinyiku has become an important treasury for the king. It not only stores clothing such as fur robes, but also stores the king's rare treasures, gold and silver coins and expensive furniture, books such as poetry and knight novels, royal vouchers, and registers. and diplomatic documents are kept in Jinyiku.

  There are also positions of power such as the director of the clothes store.

(End of this chapter)

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