Chapter 85

"Decision Complete: The Great Explorer Fleet!"

"Get a Heroic Explorer!"

"Father Rafael, Mr. Green, I have understood your request. Your wife and two adopted children will be properly treated."

Fondorf was wearing a coat stitched with sable fur, and looked kindly at the priest and fisherman in front of him.

Before meeting the holy man, they all cleaned off their dirt in the sauna and put on clean clothes.

Only the priest, under a strong request, only wore a rather plain coarse linen, pursuing his ideal.

After the fisherman left ecstatically and gratefully, Father Rafael stayed and had a brief conversation with the saint.

After a few words, Raphael made up his mind: "Holy One, I request to study with you."

Feng Daofu agreed, and then saw a prompt pop up on the panel.

"Name: Raphael"

"Sex: Male"

"Life: 105"

"Fertility: 100%"

"Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 5, Intelligence 13, Charm 5"


"Smart (good at learning, intelligence +2, general learning experience +100%)"

"Frugality (living frugally, luxury will increase stress, intelligence +1, health +5)"

"Justice (fairness and integrity, favoritism will increase pressure, intelligence +1, personal administrative efficiency +10%)"

"Pleasant scholar (outstanding scholar, intelligence +2, conspiracy discovery rate +20%, personal management efficiency +20%)"

"Medical experts (accept complete medical education, intelligence +2, disease resistance +20%, treatment strength +20%)"

As expected of a man named Raphael, his intelligence is even higher than that of the black-haired lady!
But looking at the composition of traits, it is obvious that she is inclined to simple scholars, and she is not as good as Mrs. Brunette in intrigue.

Just looking at this composition, Vondolf knows why he is an explorer.

Such a pure person is indeed very suitable for overseas adventures.


Vondorf personally arranged the house and study schedule for Raphael.

After a wave of favorable impressions, Feng Daofu took stock and said to himself: "I didn't expect the public opinion war to be connected with decision-making."

Several months have passed since the decision to launch a public opinion war years ago.

Either for medical treatment, or for a better life, or simply being attracted by the ideas taught by Io. Now Danes and Swedes come here every day, and thousands of immigrants have accumulated in a few months.

It may not seem like much, but this is the effect of war and the sea is not safe.

Sweden does not share a border with continental Europe.

If Albert wanted to invade Sweden, he had to go by sea, and the risk of naval battle made many people take care of it.

Even if they invaded the Jutland peninsula at this point, the distance would only be closer, and ships would still be needed to transport troops.

What's more, they couldn't break through the Danne Welk wall in Jutland at all.

There were 5000 soldiers from the Second Brigade sent by Feng Daofu to guard the side wall, and they had no temper at all to block Albert's [-] troops.

It is said that there is an army of [-], most of which are recruited farmers and soldiers.

Only the few thousand members of the direct line were truly capable of fighting, and their overall quality was not as good as that of the Second Brigade commanded by Brook, so there was nothing they could do about it.

"Spring plowing is about to begin, and when the fighting stops and the trade war gradually intensifies, the number of immigrants should surge."

Vondorf picked up the Battle of Jutland.

"Your Majesty, we can't get close to the city wall!"

Battle of Jutland, the orderly shouted anxiously.

Albert looked at the Danish border wall in the distance.

Siege soldiers would use shields to prevent arrows or stones from being shot on the wall when they pushed the ladder close to the city wall.

But the Io soldiers in uniform uniforms fired tar very unscrupulously!

The flames were burning, making most people daunted and afraid to approach them at all.

Even if someone really leaned the ladder against the city wall, it would be pushed away immediately.

Seeing this situation, Albert sighed in his heart: Why didn't the ancestors tear down this city wall!

Dannewilk can be said to be the Danish version of the Great Wall.

After several generations and hundreds of years of construction, it has reached a length of 30 kilometers, an exterior wall height of 7 meters, a width of more than 20 meters, and the material has completely changed to granite stone wall.

There is also a moat outside, which itself is on a soil slope, condescending, and the terrain in the southern part of the Jutland Peninsula is very bad. It is difficult to transport heavy construction machinery to fight the city, and can only rely on ladders.

In this case, the siege party is at a huge disadvantage.

If there are enough defenders, the enemy attacking the city is dozens of times the defenders, and there is nothing to do.

Even Charlemagne was frustrated on the side wall-this is also because of the insufficient naval strength.

As long as the navy is strong enough, the terrain of the Jutland peninsula will have flaws!

"Your Majesty, I have a solution!"

A Hanse merchant who accompanied the army said: "You can hire the fleet of our Hanseatic guild to transport the army."

"Bypassing the side wall and blocking the logistics transportation to the rear, it is useless to have a side wall without supplies!"

"You are the knight of the heavenly father, what a great honor and achievement it is to eradicate these heresies of the Io religion!"

The Hanseatic merchant was an old Gonghuo master, and he knew very well what the key points of these northern Germanic princes were.

With the decline of royal power in the northern region, the influence of religious power has also increased, filling the gap in demand.

The princes need to rely on the church to better rule their territories.

In this case, the strength of the Bishop of Bremen is getting stronger and stronger.

It was with the help of the Bishop of Bremen that Albert obtained the claim to the Swedish throne.

Heretics are the best targets for gaining merit!
Albert cut off the idea of ​​giving up: "I will do what they can't do!"

"Let those conscripts carry the ladders in their fashionable clothes!"

The orderly wanted to persuade that the levies were unarmored light infantry, and that doing so would expose them to crossbow bolts.

But looking at the Hanseatic businessman who was on fire, and Albert's resolute eyes, he had no choice but to pass on the order.

Under the coercion and lure of the warlords, the conscripts wore wet clothes and began to rush forward with the ladder on their shoulders.

"God bless us!"

"For the bounty!"


The German peasant soldiers rushed over howling.

The lookout reacted immediately: "Brigadier Brooke! The enemy has begun to use cannon fodder tactics!"

"Want to consume supplies?"

The disadvantage of Jutland's terrain is clear to the enemy, and so is Brook.

His order was concise: "One group goes down to rest, and the second group comes up in rotation."

"Keep the tar, split half of the crossbowmen, and shoot with precision!"

The second brigade has a total of 5000 people. When defending the city, they are not all arranged on the city wall, but they are rotated in groups to defend the city with the army of the Duke of Jutland.

This kind of succession is a trick that Viking's traditional shield wall has been playing badly.

After half a year of professional training, the soldiers of the Second Brigade became more proficient at playing.

The Sami crossbowmen, with their own precise shooting characteristics, quickly blocked some of the ladders.

However, due to the problem of the firing frequency of the steel crossbow and the precise shooting, more ladders came closer.

A Germanic warrior rushed up a ladder before it was pushed down.

Before he could shout excitedly, he faced the coordinated attack of the Io shield spearmen.
He only had time to protect his upper body with a shield before his toe was pierced by a spear.


"Ah! despicable!"

With shrill screams, the Germanic warrior was tied up into a corpse and thrown out of the city.

There was a fierce fighting and fighting, and other enemy troops who rushed to the city wall also met the same end. The corpses of Germans lay under the city wall.

Although they met a tragic end, they still greatly inspired the German army.

Seeing the hope of conquering the Danish side wall head-on, Albert raised his arms and shouted wildly, and more cannon fodder began to rush.

He also gritted his teeth and dispatched his direct line fighters, wanting to use strength to make a wave of stud.

They went up, but they were no longer facing the shield spearmen, but the heavy infantry battalion recharging their energy.


Behind the plate armor mask, the corners of Brook's mouth raised, and he led the five hundred heavy infantry to give the Germans the warmest greeting.

Even the warriors of the vassals are at most only equipped with chain mail + leather armor, and the quality is completely inferior to the Aiou army.

The heavy infantrymen of Io held long-handled high-quality steel axes with both hands, and slashed people's helmets with unparalleled terrifying power!



The long-handled ax heavy infantry is like a rampant chariot, crushing all enemies into slag on the front line of the city!

On the top of the Danish wall, there was the sound of bones breaking and flesh and blood flowing for a while!
The screams resounded through the sky!
The loss of hundreds of direct soldiers made Albert stare wide-eyed and unable to breathe!

The losses of these hundreds of direct lineage soldiers are much greater than the losses of thousands of cannon fodder peasants and soldiers!

This tragedy at the top of the city also caused the morale of the entire German army to fluctuate.Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

After persisting for another meeting, the sky darkened, and Albert had no choice but to cease fighting.

For a few days after that, I didn't try the edge of the side wall again.

As soon as Io's ace heavy infantry at the bottom of the box appeared, Albert knew that it would be difficult to penetrate the side wall from the front, so he chose to follow the advice of the Hanseatic merchants and tried to fight a war of attrition from the logistics aspect.

Then it suffered a dimensionality reduction attack from the Io Valkyrie.

Seeing their fleet burned to rubble, the Hanseatic merchants could not laugh.

When it was time to make war fortune, they actually lost money!

"Why is there such a big ship?!"

"Why does this heresy have Greek fire technology?!"

The news of the Norwegian naval battle was well blocked, and many secret weapons have not been circulated so far.

As soon as the big stick of information gap was released, the Hanseatic merchants were stunned.

She wanted to take revenge. At this time, Margaret I ordered the Danish navy to join the war on the grounds of supporting her alliance allies.

"Heretical? I don't know. We are married normally. It is reasonable to help our allies."

Faced with accusations, the confused queen said so.

The stalemate in the Jutland War lasted for several months.

"Family: Feng"

"Patriarch: Feng Daofu"

"Lineage: 2 generations - 9 people"

"Bonus: 1 point of strength, 1 point of intelligence, 1 point of charm"

The second year of the new calendar, May.

The moon hangs in the night sky, and its light is as bright as silver.

Feng Daofu looked at his new heirs.

Except for Big Mao Luo and Chang Mao Luo, the two mothers-in-law got a total of 300 prestige points, giving a wave of bonuses.

"have a good rest."

Feng Daofu gently massaged them.

There are first-time mothers, and there are re-mothers.

Although they have different temperaments, they are all beautiful in appearance and exude an alluring aura.

The hair is slightly disheveled, making people feel even more excited.

Ingrid's physique is stronger than Mrs. Brunette's, and she has a lot of strength.

She propped herself up and leaned back, and still had the strength to ask, "What are you going to do with this daughter?"

Feng Daofu said as a matter of course: "Of course it is our daughter."

"What about Bergen?"

"You are the queen, she is Princess Bergen."

"You don't want to."

"Don't think it's so complicated."

Vondorf smiled, leaned over and whispered something in Ingrid's ear, which made the nun not sure what to say.

At this time, the black-haired lady came to her senses and took the initiative to change the subject: "When will we attack Denmark?"

"They are all allies, what to start with, am I that kind of person?"

Vondolf spoke righteously.

The mother and daughter Mrs. Brunette and Slude looked at him silently.

The nun also gave him an unspeakable look.

This can not trouble Feng Daofu.

He said nonchalantly: "I won't attack if I attack. I never backstab my allies."

"However, if there is a problem within the allies, such as the nobles and monasteries in order to enjoy more honey and sugar, causing anger in the territory, so that they will not affect the reputation of my new mother-in-law Margaret I, as my son-in-law, Of course I have to help her!"

"It's like mother-in-law, you gave me a lift and helped me a lot."

"Help each other. I helped my new mother-in-law, and when the time comes, my new mother-in-law will come to help me. Anyway, this will take time to brew."

The women in the bed are all their own people, and there is no need to hide many things.

In the end, Feng Daofu said something bluntly: "The essence of this world is very simple, fighting for resources."

"Whether it's between countries or domestic officialdom, as long as you have enough resources, you are basically invincible."

"However, such cases are rare, and in most cases resources are quite limited, and insufficient resources are the norm."

"If the resources are sufficient, then if you are good to me and everyone is good, why is there any need to fight?"

"Living people need to do two things, produce and distribute."

"There are two main forms of distribution, trade and plunder."

"Because there is inequality between people and between countries, transactions cannot be completely fair, so doing business is also a disguised form of plunder."

"A trade war is an invisible plunder?"

The black-haired lady is extremely perceptive.

In addition to her, there are also people who understand this level, such as the little Maoluo who secretly rolled into her arms: "I know, the master said that the core goal of the trade war is to pursue a trade surplus!"

Feng Daofu combed her hair and said: "The trade itself is about the production capacity of both parties."

"To put it simply, it is to make us make more money and let Denmark make less money."

“We want our products to sell better than other countries’ products and make higher profits, and we want other countries to do more business with us and less with Denmark.”

"Especially in the current metal currency, the surplus is the inflow of money, and the money is wealth."

"The honey trade is just the first phase."

"At this stage, besides honey and sugar, white paper and white salt are also important keys."

"White paper is second, white salt is very important."

"Compared to the Baltic countries such as Denmark and Sweden, we have the North Sea. The salt content of the seawater is much higher than that of the Baltic Sea. Coupled with innovative technology, the overall cost of salt production is much lower than theirs."

"Having eaten high-purity white salt, can you still stand the harsh garbage salt in the past?"

“Human needs are unlimited.”

"It is through these hard currencies that the wealth of Denmark will flow into our pockets."

"But if this continues, it will inevitably attract the attention of my queen mother-in-law."

"She is just like you, madam, both extremely smart and excellent women."

Vondolf looked at his wife and said: "She seeks the throne of Norway and Sweden because she knows very well that if the country does not expand, or if the expansion is unsuccessful, it will have no choice but to become involution."

They are very clear about what involution means.

Just look at the stickiness of little Moluo fighting for food, and you will know that she has understood the essence of introversion.

Without the huge advantage of big hair, and without the specialty of long hair, she can only rely on introversion.

Thinking about little Maoluo makes me want to cry: Who would want to be introverted if it is possible!

Feng Daofu continued: "In this way, the trade surplus will continue, and the gold and silver on hand of the church and the feudal nobles will become less and less."

"They also need to maintain their own enjoyment. In order to maintain their high standard of living, there is no way to make a big cake. They can only intensify the exploitation of farmers and serfs, and they can only increase taxes on the common people crazily, which will shake the rule."

"This is something that Margaret I absolutely did not allow."

"So I'm not going to do that directly."

"Such a trade war is too simple and crude to deceive her."

"I will keep the money I earn in Denmark to do business in Denmark."

The corners of Vondolf's mouth rose: "Now is the time for spring plowing, and I have already released the news to purchase wool from Denmark at a high price."

"After purchasing the wool and keeping the currency in Denmark, the Danish powerful will still have money in their hands, and the internal affairs will not be shaken immediately, and Margaret I will not be so vigilant."

"But she didn't know that sheep can eat people."

Sheep eat people?
They were all a little confused.

Hilde, who has a slightly protruding belly and secretly eating snacks, glanced at Ingrid's sheep tail oil, and nodded in agreement: "Sheep can indeed eat people."

The nun glanced at her, always feeling that she was saying something bad, but it was difficult to do anything. She could only listen to Vondorff say: "I want to make the Danish dignitaries think that raising sheep and shaving them is extremely profitable."

"Buy our hard currency for more money, and they will find a way to get more wool."

"The easiest way is to raise more sheep."

"They will fence their own land and the public land in the residential area and turn it into private ranches and large farms."

"Some will use violent means to seize farmers' land as their own, and even demolish their houses to raise sheep."

"What about the food?"

"Wool is money. Now that everyone has money, they can buy food from other countries. Why bother to pick food from the ground?"

“So the farmers who were driven out of their homes became homeless vagrants.”

"The docile sheep, driven by human desires, will become greedy and vicious, and will flatten the fields, houses and towns of the Danish lower class."

"This is sheep eating people."

"When the internal conflicts are getting bigger and bigger, that's when the hero comes on the scene."

Feng Daofu stood up straight, making Little Mao Luo look admiring.

Those who subdue the soldiers without fighting are the good ones!

 Thanks for the monthly pass!
  The main line of the battle for hegemony has been promoted, and there will be an additional update today!
(End of this chapter)

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