Final priesthood.

Chapter 208: Burning Blood Body, Prepare

Chapter 208: Burning Blood Body, Prepare

The room of about twenty square meters was illuminated by bright lights.

The floor is made of thick, dark white stone tiles, pieced together piece by piece. There is a hemispherical warning light between every two stone tiles, which is constantly emitting brown-yellow light.

The entire room was almost sealed, the air flowed extremely slowly, and there was an indescribable feeling of depression.

Lu Yuan only wore a pair of special shorts and sat quietly on the floor naked.

In front of him was a two-meter-long ornate spear and a vial containing red liquid.

The spear exuded a faint silver light, and a mysterious aura circulated back and forth between it and the vial.

The two seemed to be echoing each other, and the silver and red halos alternated between light and dark.

"No wonder a bottle of divine blood can provide so little professional experience. It turns out that this divine blood is not important at all.

The key is the spear. "

Looking at the scene in front of him, a faint understanding appeared in Lu Yuan's eyes.

This bottle of divine blood was sent back by Lin Zhiqin.

As Lu Yuan expected, Lin Zhiqin barely wavered between Mosa and Huang Xiong and chose the latter without hesitation.

Now, under Lu Yuan's arrangement, he took the shuttle to accompany Lin Mo to the Yellow Bear headquarters in Xia Bang again.

Lu Yuan drank the last bottle of divine blood in a hurry and didn't realize what happened.

This time the second bottle of divine blood was in front of him, and he quickly realized the mystery.

Mosa's system upgrade method is completely different from that of Crow God Cult.

The latter is simply absorbing the death energy, condensing the death energy, and continuously deepening the Crow God's infection and transformation.

Therefore, every Crow God Envoy Crow God Attendant will have evil essences such as red beads and death energy crystals in his body.

Lu Yuan is also very convenient to absorb. Just like taking drugs, the experience value increases slowly.

But the former is different.

“The divine blood only plays an entry-level role in Mosa’s system.

The user's physique is initially transformed into a shape that can be infused with the power of the evil god Mosa.

What truly gives the Mosaic followers the power is the Mosaic heritage spear! "

For example, the silver spear in Lu Yuan's hand.

The spear contains the mysterious will belonging to the "God of Martial Arts and Hunting". Hold the spear tightly and accept the washing and baptism of the will, and the power will become stronger and stronger until it reaches a certain limit.

"No wonder, within the Mosaic sect, those who are qualified to receive this inheritance are called Spear Bearers."

The spear bearer should be regarded as the core believer of the "God of Martial Arts and Hunting".

The spear-bearer system is far more hierarchical than the accuser system.

As long as the ordinary divine servants of the Crow God Sect continue to absorb the death energy, have a hard enough life, and are lucky enough, they still have a chance to break through to the level of a strong divine servant or even a divine envoy.

The spear bearer is different.

Without the silver spear, the black iron spear bearer will never be able to break through to the level of the silver spear bearer.

Tyrant King is the best example, A+ level is his limit.

It's useless no matter how much divine blood he saves, he can only stand still for the rest of his life.

Only by receiving appreciation and commendation from the top of the Mosa Church, being promoted to a Silver Spear Bearer, given a Silver Spear, and receiving the instillation of a higher level of will can a breakthrough be possible.

"But this method doesn't work for me at all"

Lu Yuan frowned.

The divine blood that Mosa used to transform the core believers entered his stomach and was immediately converted into experience by the career panel and absorbed. He still had his original physique.

He could sense the mysterious will within the silver spear, but he could not direct it.

Naturally, you will lose the qualification to upgrade through this way.

"There should be other ways to gain professional experience, but I haven't discovered it yet."

Lu Yuan picked up the divine blood in front of him, unscrewed the cap, and drank it in one gulp, thinking to himself: "If this is really the only way, then at worst, I can just keep drinking the divine blood.

Although this thing does not provide much professional experience each time, as long as the amount is large enough, it can be upgraded quickly."

After he became the Silver Spear Bearer, no one from Mosa came to contact him. It was as if the southern diocese was simply left to him.

Lu Yuan guessed that the top management of Mosa might also have a headache now. After all, his identity as a golden bear was there, and they were probably also worried about how to arrange him.

He didn't bother to think about it. Now there was an elephant god walking on his forehead, and he was so anxious that he couldn't care about it.

[Your [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] profession is improved, and professional experience +50].

After drinking the divine blood, a familiar panel prompt popped up.

Lu Yuan took a look and saw that the level of [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] had been raised to lv2.
There is 1 more attribute point and 1 more skill point on the panel.

Without any hesitation, I directly used skill points to unlock the last basic professional skill on the [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] panel.

Then, as expected - [Burning Blood Body lv1 (0/100)].
"Try it."

Lu Yuan took a breath and slowly stood up from the floor.

The room he was in now was a gravity training room specially built for him by Huang Xiong.

We are currently in an environment with eighty times the gravity.

This gravity multiplier puts a certain amount of pressure on Lu Yuan, but not much.

lv1 [Blood-Burning Body], activate!

In an instant, Lu Yuan felt that the blood flowing in his body began to get hot quickly.

It seems to be burning, turning into mist, and quickly integrating into every inch of the body.


Lu Yuan's body made a slowly expanding sound.

He clearly felt that his muscle fibers were thickening and getting stronger.

The skin becomes firmer and tougher, the bones become stronger, and the internal organs become stronger.


Lu Yuan took a deep breath.

The air in the whole room seemed to be moved.

The pressure exerted by eighty times gravity is almost unfeelable.

The change in Lu Yuan's body shape has completely stopped, and it is far less exaggerated than the original Tyrant King.

Not even as good as the body shape contrast after a period of transformation.

But Lu Yuan clearly felt that his physique had improved a lot.

His three stages of transformation are just an in-depth exploration of 20 points of physical fitness, so that the body can better withstand the burst of power in the ultimate state of exertion.

The strength of the constitution itself does not change.

However, the skill [Burning Blood Body] really improved his physique.

The effect is very strong!

But it was earned in exchange for life.

"It's very similar to the kind of magic power described in fantasy novels that burns blood and essence in exchange for a burst of strength in a short period of time."

Lu Yuan looked at his arm, a thin layer of blood mist flowing on the surface of his skin.Scattered like smoke.

Burning Blood Body Burning Blood Body is exactly what the name of this skill describes.

He is literally "burning" his blood now.

"But my physical constitution is 20 points, and my bone marrow is highly efficient in producing blood. At this current blood consumption rate,"

Lu Yuan made a rough calculation and said, "It will probably last me several days."

How long does it take to resolve a battle?
This consumption is equivalent to no consumption.

"Divine skill."

Lu Yuan gave the evaluation with satisfaction.

The Burning Blood Body doesn't offer much improvement over the Tyrant King, it can only make it more resistant to beatings.

But for Lu Yuan, who has [Ultimate Power], it is a fundamental improvement, and his combat effectiveness has directly soared a lot.

Lu Yuan tried to increase the gravity multiplier little by little.

Ninety times gravity.
One hundred times gravity.
In the Smokeless City, one hundred times gravity is almost his limit.

But now, after activating [Burning Blood Body], he increased the gravity to 130 times, and then he felt the heavy pressure as if he was in the deep sea, falling and squeezing desperately from the inside out, affecting all five senses and thinking.


He took long breaths again and again, trying to adapt to this environment.

Then, the muscles on the body rippled and rolled.

Start practicing [Steel Bone] and [Wan Lian Shen].
three days later.


Lu Yuan punched the large force measuring instrument half embedded in the wall in front of him.

Accompanied by a huge and dull hitting sound, a number popped up on the instrument - 4532kg.

"Wan Lian Shen has reached the full level, the strength attribute has been increased to 19 points, and the basic punch power has reached 4.5 tons."

Lu Yuan casually took the towel handed over by Peregrine Falcon respectfully and casually wiped the light sweat on his face and body.

In three days, with the blessing of the gravity training room and Huang Xiong's various high-tech auxiliary training methods, he successfully filled up the last point of experience in [Wan Lian Shen].

As Buju Luyuan expected, Wan Lian Shen after reaching the full level did increase the strength attribute by 1 point, reaching 19 points.

That is the theoretical limit of strength that ordinary people can achieve.

Going up further, you have to experience breaking the limit.

"There are still 3 attribute points left, do you want to add them?"

Lu Yuan looked at his attribute panel, hesitated for a moment, and finally chose not to add it yet.

After breaking the limit, every additional attribute point requires 1 attribute points.

Double the cost.

The effect of ancient martial arts techniques on improving him is getting smaller and smaller. In the future, it will be increasingly difficult to rely on breakthroughs in techniques to improve his attributes.

Attribute points become more valuable.

If he could break the limit on his own, Lu Yuan would still like to save 1 attribute point.

Feeling his current power, Lu Yuan thought back to imagining various exaggerated manifestations of God's walking.

Shaking his head, he felt that the gap was still quite large.

His consciousness turned to the visualization chart of the "Ten Thousand Refining Realm Breaking Technique" left by Xiang Lei.

A black hole-like vortex slowly emerged in my mind
Lu Yuan just figured out some flavor.

Suddenly, a knock on the door sounded in my ears.

"grown ups."

Lu Yuan raised his head and saw the cold-tempered Xiao Ren standing at the door of the force measuring room, looking at him with a strange expression.

Lu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, and light flashed in his eyes.

Xiaobian also nodded and opened his mouth.

"The three stone balls left in Shuangliu Port Bay have been found."

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes, threw away the towel in his hand, and strode towards the door.

"it is good."

5 minute later.

Three separate stone balls were placed quietly in front of Lu Yuan.

The stone ball is gray-white, made of some special kind of rock.

Each stone ball is engraved with the patterns of the magic mountain and eyes unique to the Ganesha cult.

There is nothing special about the appearance.

Because they have been soaked in the sea for a long time, each stone ball has been washed very clean, and there are still traces of moisture.

Lu Yuan put his hand on one of the stone balls, and felt a rough touch between his fingers.

He slowly penetrated his spiritual power and "saw" a ball of "will" wrapped inside the stone ball.

It was beating slightly like the heart of a living creature.

Every time it beats, a wave with a unique rhythm will be emitted, quickly spreading to the surroundings.

"Have you found any traces of Ganesha walking around?"

Lu Yuan touched the stone balls one by one and asked Xiaobian.

Xiao Ren looked slightly solemn, shook his head and said: "No evil energy fluctuations above A level have been detected in the entire south.
However, there were traces of people from the Insomniac organization. It seems that these guys haven't left yet.

They probably knew that we still had three stone balls in our hands, so they were unwilling to give in and wanted to wait for an opportunity to fight for them. "

"Never mind them."

Lu Yuan took his hand back, paused, and asked: "I asked you to prepare, how is the progress?"

"Following your instructions, we are already mobilizing forces to build a 'trap battlefield'.
It is estimated that it will be completed within ten days. "

"too slow."

Lu Yuan shook his head and said: "The Elephant God Walking may appear at any time, and you don't want us to be like Havel's Sleepless Man, getting beaten up and then giving things away obediently, right?"
This is our home court, there is no reason to lose. "


Xiaobian nodded, "I will urge them to speed up."


Lu Yuan wanted to say something more, but suddenly his expression changed.

He gave Xiaobian a look.

The latter understood the situation, quickly dismissed everyone in the room, followed him out, and respectfully closed the door for Lu Yuan before leaving.

After all his men were gone, Lu Yuan tapped his ear and answered a phone call.


(End of this chapter)

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