Final priesthood.

Chapter 209 Fire Fist, Flying Bear

Chapter 209 Fire Fist, Flying Bear

Liu Daoyuan's tepid voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Recently, I have a few old friends from the Luoguang Sect who insist on sending me the body-building inheritance of their school.
Although Luoguang Sect is not a top-notch sect, their "Five Gongs Body" is still somewhat unique.

I read it and it should be helpful to your practice in the Palace of Flesh.

After all, it is the wish of our elders. When will you come back and learn this inheritance?"

Lu Yuan didn't speak.

Silently, he opened Huangxiong's internal network and quickly searched for information about "Luoguang Sect".

The first piece of news that popped up was - [A major theft case occurred at Luoguang Gate in the city. Now the owner of Luoguang Gate has called the police and the case is being urgently investigated]


Lu Yuan took a breath and said in a low voice: "Teacher, I have something busy recently, and I may not be able to get back for the time being."

"It's okay."

Lao Liu didn't seem to care, and said calmly: "Back when the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League starts, I will give you the things when we meet.

You are always going to compete this time, right? "

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he wanted to say something, but he pursed his lips and finally replied: "Okay."

After receiving Lu Yuan's affirmative reply, Lao Liu's tone relaxed and he casually told him, "You must not suffer any loss when you are away from home." Just go back to Crane and send for someone" and "Don't slack off in martial arts practice" and so on.

After hanging up Lao Liu's call, Lu Yuan's face showed a hint of complexity.

During this period of time, I have been busy with the stone ball and the walking elephant god, and I almost forgot about my promise to Lao Liu to participate in the Southern Hundred Cities League.

Calculating the time, there are only a few days left.

There are only four days left before the league will be officially held.

"Four days."

Lu Yuan recited this number silently.

On the one hand, he hopes that the Walking Elephant will appear within these four days, so that after solving the Walking Elephant, he can still rush to participate in the martial arts league without any delay on either side.

On the other hand, he hoped that the Ganesha Walk would come two days late, because he had not yet completed a series of preparatory work to deal with the Ganesha Walk.

The later the elephant god walks, the greater his certainty.

It's just that this may conflict with the progress of the league.

Lu Yuan thought for a moment, but still couldn't think of a good solution, so he could only put it aside and take it one step at a time.

Time is like water, four days passed by in a flash.

"Whoa, whoa-"

It rained heavily and the huge quarry was muddy, but there were still many engineering vehicles working nervously.

Above the quarry, a silver-gray shuttle was floating quietly like a giant silver fish, silently overlooking everything below.

In the shuttle, Lu Yuan sat cross-legged on a soft cushion. There were two light screens floating in front of him, playing different video images.

One shows a huge blue whale swimming in the deep sea. Its huge body stirs up countless currents and creates waves, showing the attitude of the overlord of the ocean.

Another screen showed a damp and dark underground well. Several Yellow Bear members wearing black protective clothing and searchlights above their heads were carefully placing three stone balls that shone slightly in the dark on a platform.

Xiao Ren stood beside Lu Yuan and reported in a low voice and quickly: "All means have been prepared. According to the data, with our current arrangement, even an S-level opponent can withstand more than eight hours, and there are 30.00% to [-]% chance of killing
Even if the enemy's strength far exceeds expectations, they choose to blow up this 300-meter-deep mine.Without the corresponding means, don’t even think about taking away the stone ball easily in a short period of time.”


Lu Yuan nodded slightly.

Yu Wentong asked him to fight against the Elephant God Walking independently. Lu Yuan could not apply for reinforcements from Huang Xiong's top management, but he was not stupid.

As the highest-level Golden Bear in the Old City Circle, he naturally mobilized all the power he could muster.

Lu Yuan thought about it, and when the Elephant God walked over, he would first let the yellow bears under his men use several waves of hot weapons to wash the ground.

Weaken the elephant god's walking strength to the extreme, and then wait for an opportunity to end.

If you can beat them, hit them. If you can't beat them, blow up the mine where the stone balls are placed, and just shoot them apart.

Even if the elephant god has strong walking ability, it would still take a lot of time to dig 300 meters underground, enough for him to organize the next round of counterattack.

“I feel like I was influenced by Lao Liu subtly.
If it were me in the past, I probably wouldn't have been able to come up with this rather rogue-like idea. "

Lu Yuan reached out and touched his cheek. Just as he was thinking about it, a call suddenly came in.

The caller ID was Zhuang Xiujie.

Today was the last day before the start of the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League. Lu Yuan could guess what Zhuang Xiujie was calling without having to answer it.

Subconsciously I felt a headache, but I picked it up anyway.

"Aunt Zhuang."

Lu Yuan shouted, and Zhuang Xiujie's questioning voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Senior brother, why haven't you come yet?"

"I was delayed by something, and I couldn't make it right away."

Lu Yuan felt helpless and waved his hand to the side. Xiaobian and others immediately turned around obediently.

"Brother, hurry up. The league will officially start tomorrow."


Lu Yuan responded, and then heard the fighting sound of "Bang! Bang -" coming from the other end of the phone.

There seemed to be someone vaguely shouting, "Liu Daoyuan! I'm xxx!"

Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and said quickly: "Aunt Zhuang, what happened to you over there?"

Zhuang Xiujie replied in a low voice: "What could possibly happen? The teacher got into a fight with someone.

We arrived early this time, and we ran into several teachers’ old enemies on the way. We have fought seven or eight times in the past few days, big and small.”

When Zhuang Xiujie said this, she paused for a moment and added: "It was all started by the teacher."


Lu Yuan was silent for two seconds and said, "Is it okay, teacher? Is anyone injured?"

"Don't worry about this."

Zhuang Xiujie replied: "Here in the south, there are not many fighters who can hurt the teacher.

Our Crane Faction’s real enemies are all elsewhere, so we won’t meet them this time.
Moreover, everyone was fighting, after all, they were all here to participate in the competition, so their strikes were measured, and there were no injuries. "

"That's good."

Lu Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly heard Zhuang Xiujie say in a hurried tone: "Okay, little senior brother, come as soon as possible. The teacher has said it several times. I won't tell you anymore, I have something to do here."

Immediately afterwards, the tone quickly turned cold, as if shouting at someone: "Little beast! Leave me the paw you just threw the chair with!"



Lu Yuan listened to the busy tone in his ears and fell into a long silence.

He originally didn't plan to participate in the league. Anyway, Mosa is one of the organizers of the league. When the time comes, he can directly get a ticket from the inside to go to Wusheng Island.

But now it seems.
It seems impossible not to go.

The league hasn't officially started yet, but in two days, Lao Liu has already led the He Faction to fight eight times.

I already have enemies all over the place, but if I still act so arrogantly after "returning to the world", I don't want to provoke public anger again and be besieged by the crowd.

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered, and thoughts were running in his mind.

He quickly gave an order to Xiaobian on the side - "Call Sakfu of Mosa for me."


A moment later, Sackford, wearing a silver sheep mask, appeared in front of Lu Yuan via video.

"What are your orders, Lord Silver Spear Bearer?"

In the video, Sackford showed no less respect and still knelt down.

Lu Yuan looked at him and said coldly: "Find a way to postpone the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League for three days."

Sackford was silent for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

Lu Yuan cut off the video, his face as dark as water.

Three days.

He will wait here for three more days.

If the Elephant God still doesn't come during these three days, he will go to the league.

Lao Liu treated him well.

He is a good-looking person, even though he has no limbs, he can still walk with just his mouth.

If he could fight for this tone, he would try his best to fight for it for Lao Liu.


Lu Yuan let out a breath, and after making up his mind, his mood quickly calmed down.

His eyes fell back to the blue whale video playing on the side, and he began to watch intently.

In the past few days, he has been pondering the inheritance of practicing "Whale Body Covering the Sea Current" and has gained some insights.

At the beginning of the war, it would be good to increase our strength a little more.

On a hill several kilometers away from the quarry, a group of people stood among the trees, their whole bodies shrouded in a faint transparent light film.

This is a device unique to the Sleepless Ones that can block signal perception, and it is also one of the things they rely on to appear here unscrupulously.

"What are the Huang Xiong people doing?
You don’t really think that you can stop the walking-level monster of the Elephant God Cult with this method alone, do you? "

A tall man with deep eyes, a high nose, and short blond hair sneered and spoke in Havel.

“They have never faced the monster in person, and they have no idea of ​​its horror.

These backward and clumsy methods were a joke before the elephant god walked.
Huang Xiong’s people will definitely suffer a big loss this time! "

Someone whispered in agreement, mentioning the words "Elephant God Walking", and the expressions of many people in the team changed.

As if thinking of some nightmare experience, Bai Ying, the only ordinary person in the team, her pretty face turned pale, and her hands subconsciously clenched the sides of the hem of her clothes.

"Huang Xiong doesn't seem to have any decent strong people present this time?
Why don't we go and snatch the 'key' right now.

Anyway, we have Lord Julian of the Fire Fist here, and he is a Level [-] Sleepless Man! "

Someone in the team of sleepless people spoke in confusion.

The blond man who was the first to speak cursed: "Idiot, even if we grab the 'key' now, don't we still have to face the pursuit of the walking elephant god?

Rather than letting Sir Julian face the Elephant God Walking in its prime, it would be better to let the Yellow Bear's people consume the opponent first, and then Sir Julian can feel more relaxed.

Anyway, the 'key' is always here and will not escape."

"I'm just worried that if this continues, the top figures from Huang Xiong will arrive, and many variables will arise."

"There is nothing to worry about, Xia people have always been arrogant.
Besides, this is Lord Julian’s decision, we just have to implement it. "

The blond man said, raising the watch in his hand to check it, with a faint look of doubt on his face.

"It's strange. Logically speaking, Lord Julian should have arrived. Why haven't he been seen yet?"

at the same time.

Located above this quarry, at an altitude of 5000 meters.

A strong Havel man with flaming red hair and dark blue flames spurting out from the soles of his feet floated quietly, narrowed his eyes and looked at the person in front of him, and slowly spoke in Xia Guoyu, which was not very fluent: "Xia Guo, Flying Bear? "


Standing opposite the red-haired man, a tall and handsome man wearing a set of dark blue gorgeous exoskeleton armor smiled and made a "right answer" gesture.

Then he glanced down and said softly: "The adults in our family said it.

No one is allowed to interfere in this matter. "

 I recommend a super cool new book, if you are short on books, you can check it out.

  "Dreams Connect to Ancient Times?"I'm really not the ancient Taoist ancestor" Happy Six Ears

  Introduction: In the spring of 6823 New Year, Lu Xuan, a federal gangster from Xiacheng District, hid outside the high school classroom, secretly learned a practice technique, and embarked on the path of spiritual practice.

  On the same day, he returned home and had a dream as always. In the dream, he was in the storage room of the Spring and Autumn Period. The current storage history was named Li Er.

  Later, Lu Xuan dreamed that he had become the successor of Shou Zangshi, Confucius' second teacher, Zhang Daoling's senior brother, and the First Emperor's sub-father...
  Later, someone dug out a roll of bamboo slips from the ground, which recorded an incident.

  [No.18 Ren Zangshi Lu Xuan, with sword energy like a waterfall, stabbed Duke Huan of Qi in the palace]

  The bamboo slips are like this, and more than that.

  The ancestors are quarreling, the years are broken, the rituals are broken, the music is ruined, and the heaven and earth are no longer clear!
  He existed in the Spring and Autumn Period, he existed in the Immortal Qin Dynasty, and he existed in the creation of the world.

  Born in the present, enlightened in the past, yet another word determines the future!
  "I have one wish, that the world be pure!"

(End of this chapter)

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