Final priesthood.

Chapter 216: Heaven Descends!

Chapter 216: Heaven Descends!

The flowing clouds and mist broke through the layers, onto the speeding shuttle.

Lu Yuan stood in the center of the snow-white super alloy floor, and two white bears, one after the other, were quickly dressing him in the golden bear's special combat protective clothing.

The dark blue and black superfiber material fit Lu Yuan's skin inch by inch, giving him the feeling of wearing a military uniform.

"Have the Crane faction left?"

He tried to use other topics to suppress the restless fighting spirit that had grown up prematurely.

Xiao Ren stood next to him and replied: "Not yet. It seems that he is preparing to attend the opening ceremony of the competition."

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered, and he could probably understand Liu Daoyuan's behavior.

With Lao Liu's character, pretending to be better and then not showing off to others would be even more uncomfortable than killing him directly.

It’s just that Lao Liu continues to stay there
Lu Yuan frowned and quickly said to Xiao Ren: "Go back now and help me protect the people of the Crane Sect. If anyone wants to do harm to the Crane Sect, then..."

A hint of coldness flashed in Lu Yuan's eyes.

Xiaobian understood and nodded "Okay".

Then he walked out directly.

The cold light floating in Lu Yuan's eyes gradually subsided.

Yu Wentong told him that in the old city circle, he had a casualty target of [-].

He was not very worried about the revenge of the ancient martial arts sects against the He sect. He was mainly worried about Pei Ye.

"You must not seek death."

Lu Yuan said softly and slowly exhaled.

The combat protective clothing is put on.

The dark blue and black combat protective clothing fits well and is comfortable, like a second skin.

Under the soft white light, the surface of the protective clothing was flowing with a water-like luster, highlighting Lu Yuan's almost perfect figure.

On the left chest, the Golden Bear logo shines brightly.

The theoretical defense value of this protective suit is that it can withstand most S-class thermal weapons and physical attacks.

Lu Yuan has always advocated extreme martial arts.

But for the upcoming battle, it would be good no matter which aspect the numerical value could be slightly improved.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes and stood quietly for a while.

At this time, his heart was like a frozen lake.

But under the thick ice cover, there were flames igniting little by little.

Everyone around him had a solemn and solemn look on his face.

A depressing and tense atmosphere flowed in the small shuttle cabin.

Lu Yuan breathed slowly, feeling the flames under the ice lake. The invisible smell of gunpowder smoke in the air made his skin tighten and relax with the frequency of his breathing.
The long sword hanging above his head, tied with horsehair, had dropped.

Lu Yuan could almost feel the sharpness getting closer and closer, the cold light pointing towards the center of his eyebrows, irritating the small patch of skin to wrinkle slightly.
This long-lost feeling.
It was wonderful.

Lu Yuan opened his eyes, breaking the stagnant atmosphere in the cabin.

"What's the situation on site now?"

Taking over the position of Xiaobian, Peregrine Falcon who was standing aside quickly took two steps forward and presented a light blue video light curtain.

"very bad!"

The peregrine falcon’s voice was heavy.

Lu Yuan looked towards the light screen calmly.

The real-time situation of the prepared battlefield and quarry is displayed above.

The picture still showed a black shadow that could not be captured.

At this time, the black shadow was in the middle of the quarry. More than fifteen combat shuttles were bombarding it wildly, and dazzling energy beams continued to streak through the sky like the light of dawn.

There are also a large number of combat robots and semi-automatic mechanical power armor teams mobilized by Lu Yuan on a temporary basis.

The black shadow was swallowed up in the fireworks of countless hot weapons time and time again, but the black shadow representing the fluctuation of evil energy not only did not weaken, but was erased from the picture.

On the contrary, it is becoming more and more prosperous, and even has a trend of continuous expansion.

Wherever the black shadow went, the ground collapsed, collapsed, rolled, and flew like snowflakes.
It rushed into the pile of combat machines, like a steamroller ramming into the grass.

In less than a second, a black shadow floated by, leaving only broken limbs and arms on the ground.

Those manned mechas didn't dare approach at all.

They can only attack from a distance with the thermal weapons mounted on the mecha.

But sometimes a large boulder suddenly flies out of the black shadow, and the screen instantly explodes with sparks caused by the explosion of the mecha.

Lu Yuan looked at the scene in front of him, and could not help but picture an elephant rushing into an ant nest, its heavy and thick four hooves trampling back and forth among the ants.

"Those arrangements we made before."

The voice of the peregrine falcon came from the side of the ear, with a certain thick and harsh tone.

"It is estimated that it will completely lose any blocking effect within 45 minutes.

Based on its current destructive power, a depth of 200 meters underground may not be enough for it to dig for 10 minutes."

Lu Yuan asked: "How long will it take for us to get there?"

"Probably, half an hour."

"That's enough."

Lu Yuan's expression calmed down.

He watched the black shadows fighting in the picture very carefully, and countless pictures flashed through his eyes like a revolving lantern.

The data is like a waterfall.

In his mind, a shadow with only an outline was outlined.

Its capabilities in all aspects are quickly filled bit by bit
Lu Yuan tried to fight it in his mind.

Without seeing a real person and unable to activate [Imagine Enemy], he could only use this clumsy method to imagine a battle.

three times
Lu Yuan was knocked down again and again in his imaginary battles.

Then he started over again and again without changing his expression.

No one in the shuttle cabin spoke, there was only the constant sound of explosions in the video, and the atmosphere was so quiet and oppressive that it made people feel uncomfortable.

at last

Lu Yuan exhaled and looked away from the video screen.

During the eighth battle of No. 70,
He chose to give up.

At this time, nearly three and ten minutes had passed.Lu Yuan looked calm and casually ordered Peregrine Falcon to open the shuttle's hatch.

The fierce high-altitude air flow poured in from outside the open hatch, mixed with a little water vapor, bringing the slightest bit of coldness.

Lu Yuan walked step by step to the door of the cabin. The strong wind blew the black hair from his forehead back, and the sound of "whirring" was heard in his ears.

Lu Yuan stood at the door of the cabin, squinting his eyes and looking down to see the col of the quarry below in the distance.

Balls of fire burst out.

His mental power spread outwards, entangled with the surrounding clouds and mist, and kept falling, falling.
"It seems."

"I had to add some extra points on the spot."

Lu Yuan thought to himself.

A thought quietly crossed the career panel.

The number of available attribute points at 3 points was reduced by 1 point, and then the value in the strength column quickly changed from the original 19 to - [20 (limit broken: 1)]


In the shuttle cabin, Peregrine Falcon and the other White Bears were waiting behind Lu Yuan, not knowing what he was going to do.

Suddenly, he was knocked backwards by an invisible and terrifying impact.


There was a crisp sound of bones, and a sound similar to the tightening of steel bars.

Peregrine Falcon and others saw that the tall figure standing at the cabin door was expanding and growing taller.

Behind the figure, there seemed to be a faint scarlet mark showing through the dark blue protective clothing.

An extremely terrifying oppressive force radiated from his body.

He blocked the open door of the shuttle, and the air flow into the cabin seemed to have suddenly weakened a lot.
"Finally, all four items have reached the limit once."

Lu Yuan closed his eyes and felt the aftertaste of the muscle fibers growing thicker and denser in his body.

After all four basic attributes reached the limit once, an indescribable and wonderful feeling arose spontaneously from the bottom of Lu Yuan's heart.

His whole person seemed to have undergone some kind of qualitative transformation at the moment when his strength broke through the limit.

It was as if a door suddenly opened in front of you, and golden light spilled from behind the door.

He was bathed in this golden light, and his body was changing and reorganizing all the time.
At this time, the shuttle was less than 1000 meters above the ground, and the battlefield below was clearly visible.

Lu Yuan finally saw the full picture of the black shadow raging on the battlefield.

His eyes lit up for a moment and then closed quickly
Opened again.

"not enough."

On the panel, the remaining 2 attribute points completely disappeared.

Instead, it is - [Strength: 21 (Breaking limit: 1)]


An invisible impact that was even more terrifying than before spread out.

This time, Peregrine Falcon and others were almost overturned.

Everyone's spirit was suppressed to the extreme at this moment, and the air seemed to freeze.

A mountain was pressing down on them, and they could clearly hear the pounding of their hearts and the sound of blood flowing in their veins.

The facial features of Peregrine Falcon and others were distorted, and hallucinations even appeared in front of their eyes.

They saw a rough dark blue wave rushing in from the hatch.

They were so pressed that they couldn't breathe, so pressed that they were almost suffocated.
But the next second.

All these illusions disappeared.

Peregrine Falcon and the others slowly got up from the ground with pale faces.

The strong wind rushed in, whistling wildly.

Only then did they discover
He had been standing at the cabin door looking down at the figure below.
do not know when.
has disappeared.

On the top of a mountain somewhere, two figures stood facing each other.

One is a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes, a standard Xia nationality appearance.

His eyes were clear, his body was tall and well-proportioned, and he wore an ordinary black protective suit. A diamond-shaped crystal emitting a bright blue light was inlaid on his heart, which looked extremely dazzling.

The other person has deep eyes, a high nose, and fiery red hair.

He is a head taller than the handsome young man, and his body is also burlier. There are obvious signs of transformation on his torso and limbs.

Both of them cast their gazes towards the quarrying battlefield in the mountain col in the distance.

Among them, a huge figure with a pitch-black body, four meters tall, and thick limbs like elephant hooves attracted most of the two people's attention.

"You stopped me just to show me the farce of you yellow bears trying to stop a walking man with toys?"

The red-haired man turned to look at the handsome young man beside him, his tone was calm, but there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.

The handsome young man yawned and replied: "Don't worry, the protagonist hasn't appeared yet."

"Ha ha--"

The red-haired man smiled disdainfully.

The handsome young man picked his ears and muttered: "Honestly, I'm just a theatergoer.

I don't know what will happen next?
Is it likely to overturn?That special squid. "

The handsome young man seemed to be inoculating himself and the red-haired man. He reached out and patted the other man on the shoulder and said, "If things get really bad later, remember to help me control the situation."
This thing is tough enough for me to hold down on my own.

Otherwise, if something happens, the adult behind me will get angry.

I said you were the one causing trouble, and you have to take the blame with me."


The red-haired man glared at the young man and cursed in Xia Mandarin, which was not fluent in Chinese, "Shameless!"

The handsome young man smiled playfully and was about to say something more.

Suddenly, the two of them seemed to sense something, their expressions changed, and they both raised their heads and looked at the sky.

Both of them saw something, and a small black dot falling rapidly was reflected in their eyes.

There was a strange light floating in the eyes of the handsome young man, and his expression gradually became expectant.

He narrowed his eyes, smiled and said slowly: "It's done as promised, you see.

Isn’t this protagonist here? "

The red-haired man's eyes flashed quickly, his lips pursed slightly, and he said nothing.

ps: Let’s brew up our emotions first. If we don’t want to force the code, I’ll post the next chapter during the day.
(End of this chapter)

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