Final priesthood.

Chapter 217 Demon!Mountain!

Chapter 217 Demon!Mountain!

Located above the quarry, on a shuttle at the edge of the battlefield.

The temporary combat headquarters was filled with an unsettling atmosphere of tension.

A large number of people wearing yellow bear uniforms were walking around. A group of people gathered in the corner and had heated discussions. From time to time, there would be sounds of table slamming.

The piercing sirens never stopped and continued, making everyone in the shuttle feel even more anxious and agitated.

A man with regular features, about forty years old, and wearing a red bear uniform stood in the crowd.

His broad-knife-like thick eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes were fixed on the scene of the battle in front of him, his face was tense, and he was listening to the reports and suggestions of the people around him while giving various instructions very quickly.



The entire shuttle shook violently, the ground swayed, and sharp alarms rang in the ears.

A short low cry sounded in the shuttle cabin, everyone's bodies swayed slightly or heavily, and everyone's footsteps stopped.

The cabin instantly became quiet.

But the atmosphere suddenly became extremely solemn.

The shuttle returned to stability, and the dark red warning light rotated and flashed.

After a few breaths, a deep voice sounded.

"Report the situation."

Then came a difficult answer.

"All combat mechas have been destroyed. The mecha combat team has suffered more than [-]% casualties and has retreated. The overall defense system is only [-]% intact.
The estimated remaining blocking time is less than 2 minutes! "


A slight intake of breath.

The thick-browed Chixiong's face twitched slightly, he was silent for a few seconds, and then slowly spoke: "Where is your lord?

Isn’t Lord Golden Bear here yet? "

A slightly surprised voice quickly sounded: "There is a message from Peregrine Falcon, confirming that Lord Golden Bear has arrived at the battlefield."


Everyone in the shuttle cabin suddenly became energetic after hearing this, as if they suddenly had a backbone.

The thick-browed red bear quickly walked to the reporter and asked quickly: "Can I contact you, sir?"

"Applying for connection. Connected!"


A light curtain jumped out, and there was a slightly noisy background sound, like the sound of an extremely violent strong wind.

Then a calm voice came from the voice communication.

"what's up?"

The thick-browed red bear looked happy and said hurriedly: "Sir, we only..."

"I know, I can see it."

A calm voice casually interrupted Chi Xiong's report.

The latter blinked and asked cautiously: "Sir, where are you now?"

This time, the voice just replied lightly.

"Look up, look up."

Everyone in the cabin who heard this voice immediately raised their heads subconsciously.

The top of the shuttle cabin immediately switches to barrier-free exterior simulation mode.

A scene of blue and clear sky appeared in front of everyone's eyes. In the field of vision, a black spot with a faint red light was approaching quickly.

The screen automatically zooms in.

The moment he saw the appearance of the black dot clearly.

The pupils of everyone in the cabin shrank, and their faces showed an almost suffocating look of shock.

The thick-browed Chixiong looked at the rapidly falling figure with a shocked expression, and murmured in his mouth: "You are worthy of being a golden bear-level master."

"Boom! Boom!"

The sound of fierce battles echoed from the battlefield in the distance.

A group of members of the Insomniac organization used technology to hide their figures and stood on the edge of the battlefield, watching the scene in front of them with moved expressions.

No one in the team spoke.

Even if he had already faced that terrifying monster in person.

But the scene before them still caused unspeakable impact and shock to them.

"Is this the true strength of the walking double S-class evil gods? It's too scary. Fortunately, we gave up decisively and took away the 'key' last time."

"The base that Huang Xiong put in place has almost been demolished. Aren't these guys willing to give up the 'key'?

He is really stubborn."

Someone made a slight mocking sound.

But he was quickly refuted by others.

"They seem to be stalling for time, waiting for the real rescue character to arrive."

The blond man at the head of the team was answering when suddenly his eyes flashed quickly and he said briefly.


Everyone else also noticed.

All I could see was a black shadow emitting a faint firelight falling rapidly in the sky.

Before they could capture the specific appearance of the black shadow, it had already fallen heavily on the battlefield.


There was a deafening huge crash.

The ground beneath everyone's feet shook slightly, and the leaves of the surrounding vegetation rustled.

A small gray mushroom cloud rose in sight, followed by a huge plume of smoke and dust.

The terrible impact force knocked half of the ground of the quarry into pieces. The ground around the impact point fluctuated like liquid, and then cracked piece by piece.

The shock wave visible to the naked eye spread out from the point where the mushroom cloud erupted, and quickly dissipated, but when it reached the location of the sleepless people, the sudden wind could still be felt.

Everyone had serious expressions and stared intently at the center of the battlefield.

at last.

The thick smoke and dust dissipated, and a huge pit appeared in front of them, as well as a figure standing quietly in the pit, falling from the sky like a meteorite.


After seeing the figure clearly, the blond sleepless man couldn't help but frown slightly.

He clearly saw the golden bear logo on the left chest of the visitor's uniform.

"Just the golden bear?"

"Huang Xiong's people have been delaying for so long, and they have collected a lot of data on the walking strength of the Elephant God. Are they just waiting for a Golden Bear level?"

The blond sleepless man's face couldn't help but become strange.

Based on his understanding of the yellow bear's physique, the strength of the golden bear level combat power will never exceed S+.

Although it is very strong, it is still compared to the double S-level elephant god walking.
The difference is not just one point or two points.

"Proud and arrogant Xia people."

The sleepless blond made a quick comment, but felt relaxed.

The Xia people are so generous, and the result is that they have a greater chance of obtaining the "key" during this trip.

After all, they had Lord Fire Fist Julian who was also double S-level present.The blond sleepless man did not notice that among them, there was a beautiful woman who was focusing on the battlefield with a high-power telescope.

When he saw the appearance of the golden bear clearly, his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Is this the protagonist you're talking about?"

On the top of the mountain, the red-haired Julian looked at the handsome young man beside him with a mocking look on his face and said, "One. Golden Bear level?"

The handsome young man looked at the field with a strange expression and made a silent gesture.

"Shhh - don't make any noise, I'm also in an accident, okay?

Golden Bear Class. How could it be Golden Bear Class? "

"There are no traces of new weapons or modifications, and the combat power is estimated to fluctuate between S~S+.

How to fight this?Aren't you going to die? "

"No wonder that adult asked me to watch from the sidelines."

The handsome young man scratched his head and couldn't help but sigh: "Old squid, it looks like we have to take action later."

"Ha ha."

The red-haired Julian kept sneering.

Lu Yuan stood in the middle of the field, his feet sinking deeply into the solid rock soil.

At this time, he was [-] meters tall, with long hair that spread to his waist.

The muscles all over the body are tangled, the skin is red, and the veins are bulging. Wrapped under the dark blue golden bear-level protective clothing is a body that seems to be poured from lava that has not yet cooled down.

Behind the back, a vaguely huge bloody lotus eye is about to open.
The whole person is like a blazing hot furnace, with rolling heat waves radiating from all over the body.


Lu Yuan tried to calm his breathing.

Falling from an altitude of [-] meters, although the death air wings were used to condense the wings in the middle, part of the fall was slowed down.

When he landed, he activated the [Clothes of Hades] instantly, coupled with the shock-absorbing effect of the Golden Bear-level suit.

The huge repulsive force of landing still gave him a big impact.

"After breaking the limit for 20 points of physical fitness, I almost couldn't bear it."

But there are pros and cons.

The force of the shock after falling to the ground seemed to speed up the process of wonderful transformation of his body after all four basic attributes broke the limit.

After he activated the three stages of ultimate transformation, his body size could skyrocket to two and a half meters, which was related to this transformation.

"I don't know what kind of changes will be brought about when the transformation is over."

Just as Lu Yuan was thinking, the ground beneath his feet suddenly shook.

His expression suddenly became solemn, his eyes narrowed, and his mental energy quickly penetrated underground.

in "vision".

Lu Yuan could clearly "see" a huge black shadow emerging from the ground like a cannonball.

“The peerless technique that fell from the sky almost shook my own body to pieces.

After such a blow, he is still alive and well? "

Lu Yuan was slightly startled, and the next second, his face suddenly turned violent.

He took a long, deep breath, and seemed to absorb all the heat waves radiating around him back into his body.

The demon-like body is tense like a big bow, the right arm is stretched upward, and the chest is raised high.

On the dark red muscles, the protruding veins almost bulged into small balls.

"Boom boom-"

The ground beneath his feet kept shaking, and the huge black shadow rising violently from the ground was about to approach the ground.

Lu Yuan's body quickly surged with black death energy like a wave, and then all the death energy gathered on his extremely charged right fist in an instant.

A dark, gloomy, ugly and weird elephant head roared out of the ground.

The deformed eyes with the split between the brows looked like the mouthparts of some monster, with dense jagged teeth all around the edges.

At the same time, Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly burst out with extremely intense light.

He snorted coldly, and punched down hard with his right fist that was completely wrapped in death energy!

Break the limit once and get up to 21 points of power!

lv4 [Special Power] The ultimate power effect to promote!
A terrifying force of nearly two hundred tons!
and also
[Super sure kill - die on the road to death]!

This punch hit the weird elephant head firmly.

The moment the punch was struck, the bloody lotus eyes behind Lu Yuan seemed to open and close quickly.

Lu Yuan felt as if he had been hit by an extremely hard steel stone.

The shock wave and sound wave erupted from where the fist and head collided.
"Boom" sound.

With him as the center, all the earth and rocks within a hundred meters of the surrounding area shattered into smaller pieces, and then all flew several meters into the air.


The blazing death energy is like a burning black flame, erupting from the ground in a columnar shape.

A large number of rocks and soil were washed into fine sand by the raging dead air.

The large battlefield area where Lu Yuan was standing collapsed directly and continued to collapse.
This extremely terrifying power made the Yellow Bear members who had retreated to the sidelines look horrified, but soon revealed uncontrollable enthusiasm and admiration.

Golden Bear!

This is the combat power of a Golden Bear-level adult!

On the top of the mountain, Julian and the handsome young man, who were watching the battle, had sparkles in their eyes.

The latter couldn't help laughing, pointed down and said to Julian: "What? Isn't this worthy of being the protagonist?"


Julian's slightly narrowed eyes were revealing, but he quickly regained his composure, glanced at the handsome young man, and said calmly: "But if you want to compete with the walking class of the Elephant God Cult, this ability is far from enough. .”

The handsome young man snorted, as if he was disdainful, but did not refute.


Lu Yuan stabilized his body in the slowly crumbling ground and slowly kneaded the wrist of the hand he had just punched.

[Super sure kill - Death on the road to death] + Nearly two hundred tons of punching power after breaking the limit of strength!
This punch was definitely his most powerful punch ever.

The feeling of punching that swept everything and crushed everything even touched some inspirations in his heart, which were colliding and bursting out quickly.

"It seems okay?"

Lu Yuan frowned and quickly searched the ground with his mental energy.

But he lost the trace of the walking elephant god who was knocked into the ground again with his punch.

A faint sense of uneasiness and crisis enveloped Lu Yuan's heart like smoke.

As this feeling gets stronger and stronger, it becomes stronger and stronger.
Lu Yuan's face changed suddenly, and his strong body was instantly covered with a layer of brilliant gold and deep black.

Composite version of [Amitabha Golden Clothes] + [Clothes of Hades]!
It was also at the moment when he used these two methods at the same time.


A huge, demonic figure suddenly emerged from the ground beneath his feet.

Accompanied by a vast and ancient sound, but with a strong sense of evil, the elephant hissed.

Lu Yuan was caught off guard and was hit high into the sky by this figure, and was shot away like a cannonball.

Ancient Phoenician.

"Devil! Mountain!"

(End of this chapter)

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