Final priesthood.

Chapter 218 Crazy fighting, the origin!

Chapter 218 Crazy fighting, the origin! (6112 added!)

The evil elephant roar resounded throughout the venue, forming a huge sound wave that spread out, raising large swaths of dust and shaking the eardrums of the onlookers.

All eyes were focused on the scene.

There, a terrifying body more than four meters high, with an elephant head and a human body, and a body like a rolling and towering magic mountain stood, raising its head and roaring.

At this moment, countless people's minds were captured by it, and their spirits were in a trance for a moment.

Whether it was Lu Yuan's blow from the sky just now or a punch that exploded with all his strength, the power was terrifying enough.

But the elephant god walking who endured these two blows seemed to have nothing to do with it.

Not only did it appear to be intact on the outside, but it even made a powerful counterattack, showing an almost dominant level of terrifying combat power.

Walking level.

It was much scarier than they imagined.

"Three keys, two for me and one for you."

On the top of the mountain, a bright red light lit up on the red-haired Julian's body, and he said lightly: "I'm ready to take action."

The handsome young man next to him grabbed him, shook his head and said, "No hurry, no rush."

There was a rare serious look on the young man's face, his eyes were focused on the battlefield, and a large amount of blue data flashed through his pupils, as if he was calculating something.

"The vital signs are still very strong. This battle has just begun."

Julian frowned, and finally, the red light on his body went out.


The evil elephant man vented his anger and finally stopped neighing.

It seemed like it had just completed some kind of celebratory ritual to declare its bravery.

After it was over, the single eye on the forehead began to scan the surroundings, and the long trunk, like an octopus tentacle, pumped in and out.

Finally, his eyes focused on the ground beside him.

He strode over with his strong feet and pressed his hands down, as if he was preparing to dig.

And at this time.

A few hundred meters in front of the Elephant Man, a stone slab suddenly exploded, and a figure stepped out.


At this time, Lu Yuan was wearing a dark blue golden bear-level combat protective suit that was said to be able to block the highest S+ level attacks.

At this time, a big hole opened in the chest, and the remaining intact parts also looked dull and tattered, as if the soul had been scattered.

There were no obvious injuries on his body, but it was stained with a lot of dust and looked a bit embarrassed overall.


Lu Yuan simply tore it off, pulled it off casually, and threw it on the ground.

Revealing a majestic body like cast iron.

“I’ve been around for a long time”

Lu Yuan stared at the four-meter-tall Elephant Man in front of him, stretched out his hand to wipe away the faint traces of blood from the corner of his mouth, and slowly said word by word: "I have never been beaten so painfully."

The next second, Lu Yuan's eyes burst out with blazing fighting intent.

"Bang" sound.

A big hole opened up in the ground beneath his feet.

The whole person disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he was already very close to the Elephant Man.

At this time, Lu Yuan felt like a fire was burning in his chest.

The icy lake in his heart had been completely broken by the elephant god's walk just now.

The magma and flames flowing under the ice spurted out, turning into raging fighting spirit, burning every cell in his body.


Lu Yuan punched hard, the air in front of him was distorted, and his fist suddenly touched the Elephant Man's chest.

Compared with the elephant god who is more than four meters tall, he is only [-] meters tall and looks like a child fighting with adults.

But the powerful punch of these two hundred tons still knocked the Elephant Man away.

The Elephant Man flew into the air and flew upside down, like a heavy truck that had been overturned by brute force.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed for a moment, and he kicked off his feet, creating a large pit several meters deep. He once again caught up with him like an arrow from a string.

On the way forward, several career panels opened at the same time.

Skills are activated one after another like light bulbs being lit one after another.

lv8 [Wang of Death].
lv2 [Eye of Omen of Death].
lv3 [Martial God Strength].
lv3【Absolute concentration】.
lv1【Invincible Instinct】.
lv1 [Blood-burning body].
lv1 [Unyielding meaning].
Two kinds of light, black and gold, wrapped around Lu Yuan's body at the same time. His eyes turned into pure darkness, and all the emotional fluctuations completely dissipated in a second.

Under his skin, scarlet mist came out thickly, and his body quietly expanded slightly.


A huge white crane silhouette quietly emerged from his body, distorting the air.

Unyielding, immortal, undefeated!

Fight, fight!
The fire in Lu Yuan's heart burned even more intensely.

There was almost only one thought left in his mind, and that was - win!

Fuck Ganesha Walking!

Damn the double S-class!
He wants to win, he just wants to win!

Completely dominated by instinct, Lu Yuan bullies the body of a human being near and far, with his limbs, trunk, and every part of his body turned into a weapon for attack.

On several career panels, the combat skills above are like rolling and jumping lanterns on a slot machine.

On and off, on and off.
[Must kill——The crane shadow floats in the sky! 】

[Must kill—picking fairy orchids by mistake! 】

[Must kill——Penglai Miaomiao! 】

[Must kill——Dragon covers the body! 】

[Must kill - overturning the sea! 】

[Super sure kill - die on the road to death! 】

Lu Yuan's speed was extremely fast, and his body created a series of black and golden afterimages in the air.

The three true meanings of spiritual crane, dragon shape, and giant whale rapidly switched back and forth on him.

Sometimes it expands, sometimes it contracts, sometimes it turns into aerosol, sometimes it returns to one point.
"Boom boom boom!"

One-hit sure kills and super sure kills hit the Elephant Man like a violent storm.

There is a silver full moon hanging in the sky, the River Styx flowing, and the illusion of a thousand crows flapping their wings constantly flashing in and out.

Under the use of Lu Yuan's ultimate martial arts, where all four basic attributes reached the limit once, every sure-kill burst out with brilliant colors like fireworks.

Lu Yuan was completely immersed in the attack.

He was driven by his invincible instinct and only wanted to hit the opponent in front of him.

Blackjack strength, basic punching power exceeds twenty tons!
Driven by the ultimate power-generating technique, Lu Yuan's punch power exploded higher and higher.

Soon it exceeded two hundred tons.

Start moving towards 220, 240, 260 or even three hundred tons.

Unknowingly, the bloody lotus eyes appeared behind Lu Yuan.

The lotus petals covering the pupils spread out.

The whole blood eye pattern seems to be completely opened.

With the blessing of this great power, every blow he makes has the terrifying effect of distorting the air and squeezing out layers of white waves.

But the price is.
Many blood vessels on Lu Yuan's body burst, and even his 20-point constitution could not withstand the continuous explosion of power.

He was covered in blood.

But it was as if he didn't realize it.

He just felt that his body was in a wonderful transformation process all the time, constantly telling him——

He can be stronger, stronger and more powerful!

At a certain moment, a large amount of spiritual light suddenly surged out of Lu Yuan's mind.

[Flash of inspiration] triggered accidentally.Like flipping a switch.

The visualization picture of the true power recorded in Xiang Lei's martial arts notes suddenly came to mind, belonging to the "Ten Thousand Refining Realm Breaking Technique".

The black vortex broke free from the paper and swirled in Lu Yuan's mind like a black hole.


The true meaning above Lu Yuan's head suddenly collapsed at this moment, and then turned into a dark swirling image.

He slowly punched forward as if it was natural.

"Crash! Crash! Crash!"

The veins and capillaries on the arm, which had gathered an unprecedented three hundred tons of force, exploded.

Lu Yuan punched out.

The twisted air on the fist peak formed turbulence and vortex visible to the naked eye, containing some kind of indescribable and terrifying aura, which hit the elephant god's chest hard as he walked.


There was a crisp sound, as if something was breaking.

Unusually clear.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment.

Then, I saw the elephant god walking, who had been reduced to a sandbag that Lu Yuan was passively beaten from the beginning of the battle.

A shocking crack burst out on the body, which was as towering and solid as a magic mountain.

Spreading around at a slow but unstoppable speed.

The entire body is showing a tendency to fall apart.

The elephant man looked up to the sky and roared.

But this time, the neighing sounds seemed more like some kind of terminal wail.

Lu Yuan's pure black eyes fluctuated slightly.

Covered in blood and looking extremely miserable, a pure smile slowly appeared on his face that had always been as calm as a lake.

"win win"


At the edge of the battlefield, the expressions of all the onlookers were frozen at this moment.

There was a dazed look on his face.

On the top of the mountain, Fire Fist Julian and the handsome young man were also in a trance.

"Really. Did you win?"

Julian looked stunned, with a lot of surprise and disbelief in his eyes.

It's just a golden bear level, fighting against a walking level, and there is still an obvious gap in combat power between the two sides.

The former actually won?

Relying on those complicated and almost gorgeous fighting skills, and...the persistent and unyielding fighting spirit?

Julian sighed subconsciously.

The handsome young man was stunned for a while, and then a smile quickly appeared on his face.

The look of surprise and disbelief on his face was no less than Julian's, but it was more of a surprise.

He turned his head and was about to say something.

Suddenly at this time, Julian's expression suddenly changed, while he was still feeling emotional, and his eyes suddenly became serious and sharp.

"not good!
This thing is not an ordinary walking class! "


The handsome young man suddenly turned his head when he heard this, and his eyes focused on the field.

"We win. Lord Golden Bear wins!"

After a brief period of silence, the Yellow Bear members suddenly burst into enthusiastic cheers.

Full of joy of victory after the war.

Each and every member of the Yellow Bear looked at the figure far away in the middle of the field, and all they could see was fanatical admiration and admiration.

This is the Golden Bear!
The golden bear level of their yellow bear!

Even the terrifying monsters that cannot be hindered by numerous thermal weapons will eventually fall to the hands of their golden bear-level adults.


The sleepless people watching from a distance were also in some kind of inexplicable shock.

The blond sleepless man in the lead had a complicated expression on his face.

Who would have thought that the double S-level Elephant God Walking would actually be about to be defeated by a mere Golden Bear-level man.

If the results of this battle were to spread, I am afraid it would cause quite a stir in extraordinary organizations around the world.

The S-class leapfrog challenge defeated Double S, and it was purely based on one's own strength. It's really incredible.

was thinking.

Suddenly, the blond sleepless man heard the enthusiastic cheers from Huang Xiong's side in his ears, as if being cut with a knife, and he suddenly stopped.

Instead there were all kinds of panic-filled commotions.

His expression changed and he quickly raised his head.

The next second, his pupils shrank severely.

"I knew it. It's not that simple."


The sounds from the Elephant Man continued.

But this time, it’s not that the body is cracked like a stone;
Gather and heal!
The smile on Lu Yuan's face disappeared, and he watched helplessly as the Elephant Man was about to collapse like a mountain and fall to the ground.

There seemed to be a strange light flickering in the dark chest.

Then the whole figure seemed to be injected with some new power.

The cracks and injuries on the body healed quickly.

In just the blink of an eye, he was completely back to his original state.

Not only that

A terrifying aura far greater than before suddenly erupted from his body, directly shaking Lu Yuan away.

It has become stronger than before!

After being "resurrected with full health", the Elephant Man's body grew and became larger and larger.

The body size almost exceeds five meters.

It stamped its foot violently.

With a "boom", all the earth and rocks within a few hundred meters around it burst into the air, and a force was transmitted into the ground.

Three radiant stone balls immediately broke out of the ground and rose into the sky.

Looking at the three stone balls, the elephant man beat his chest with both hands, his weird trunk raised high, and the mouthparts cracked like petals underneath emitted a neighing sound that was worse than before.

"Magic Mountain!"

The terrifying air waves spread out along with the roar, flying away countless amounts of earth and rocks.

The arrogance is monstrous!

Lu Yuan was the first to bear the brunt of this air wave. At this time, he even had to cross his arms in a defensive posture to barely keep from being blown away by this force.

At this moment, Lu Yuan's mind fell into a moment of confusion.

He has almost exhausted all his cards.

Everything seems to be back to the original starting point.


It is a situation even worse than the original starting point.

ps: There is another chapter in the early morning, but I don’t know what time it is, so I don’t recommend waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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