Final priesthood.

Chapter 219 Are you calling me?

Chapter 219 Are you calling me?

The situation took a sharp turn.

The terrifying aura of the "newborn" Elephant Man enveloped the entire battlefield.

The joy and joy of each Yellow Bear member was completely extinguished by a basin of cold water, and their faces turned pale.

Even if he was just watching, he was already as silent as a cicada.

This is especially true for Lu Yuan, who faces this terrible pressure.

He narrowed his eyes and looked up at the Elephant Man.

He is still in the state of [Eye of Death Omen].

This skill itself is not far from being upgraded. Just after using it in a series of battles, it was directly upgraded to lv3.
But even the lv3 [Eye of Death Omen] could not find any trace of death in the Elephant Man.

Didn't just find out.

This was discovered after Lu Yuan activated this skill.

"Not a living thing?"

An idea came to Lu Yuan's mind, but now was not the time to think about it.

At this time, his five senses have been distorted to a certain extent, and even his mental strength has been affected.

The neighing sound emanated from a human body, and the waves of tsunami-like terrifying aura made him feel unprecedented terrifying pressure.

It's like being in a gravity field two hundred times stronger.

In his sight, the Elephant Man's black body kept getting bigger and longer.
It seems to have really turned into a rolling black mountain, covering the sky, and people can't help but crawl at its feet and worship.

Lu Yuan's mouth quickly filled with the sweet taste of blood, and the tingling sensation on the tip of his tongue made him quickly break away from the illusion caused by the pressure.

He swallowed the blood expressionlessly.

His face remained calm.

"An opponent as majestic as a mountain, towering, huge, and indestructible."

Lu Yuan looked at the Elephant Man in front of him quietly, and a skill on the career panel quietly shined.


He slowly clenched his right fist again.

On the scarred arms, the wounds began to bleed, flowing rapidly along the ravines between the muscles.

The aerosol-like mental energy began to boil, and the air more than 100 meters around began to twist, like a school of transparent fish swimming towards him quickly.

It gathered on his bloody right fist and kept shining.

He seemed to be holding a ball of "light"!
"Just smash the mountain into pieces."

Lu Yuan thought calmly.



Extraordinary Martial Arts: [Super Certain Kill——Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon]!


Lu Yuan held the "light" and pushed the transparent twist forward in front of him.

Under the terrifying momentum of the elephant god walking like a tsunami, it seemed that a huge wave of rebellion had been set off in it.

The neighing sound of the elephant god walking suddenly stopped.

next second.


Lu Yuan's lv2 super-killing punch hit it firmly on the chest, where Lu Yuan's blow had originally cracked it open.


The "light" condensed to the extreme exploded on the Elephant Man.

In an instant, many people watching the battle seemed to have seen——

The full moon hangs in the sky, and the River Styx flows quietly and boils.Thousands of black crows cover the sky and the moon, and the huge full moon turns into an illusion of strange crow's eyes.

Beautiful and strange, silent and noisy, there is a thrilling cold murderous intention hidden under the calm... Following the spiritual perception, it brings deep shock and horror to everyone who sees the fantasy.

However, the next second.

A dull thump brought everyone's attention back.

The fantasy dissipated and everyone's pupils shrank.

They saw a figure flying backwards like a cannonball, "bang bang bang" knocking open layers of ground, and they didn't know how many meters deep into the ground it was.

Look at the field again.

The elephant god with an elephant head and human body walked and stood quietly. His feet did not seem to move a step. Only the spiderweb-like cracks on his chest were quickly closing and healing.

Ganesha is walking and standing.

Then the figure that was just knocked out was...
"Boom boom-"

Lu Yuan felt that he was falling continuously in a piece of extremely viscous water.
There were various tingling sensations all over my body.

But compared to the pain in his chest, it was nothing.

"I lost."

"Am I going to die?"

Lu Yuan's consciousness was chaotic, retaining only a trace of clarity.

He was hurt badly.

"Not really."

"Yu Wentong knows my strength and the ability of the Elephant God to walk. She must have a backup plan and will not let me die."


Lu Yuan tried to get up from his falling trend, but his whole body seemed to be falling apart.

"I'm really not reconciled!"

[Invincible Instinct] is still activated, how can I be willing to fall down like this?

But he couldn't do anything.

Those extraordinary powers he has mastered, those sure-kill, super-sure-kill, attributes that break through the limit once.
All these things he was proud of.

In front of the walking-level Elephant Man, everything looks like a joke.

A deep sense of powerlessness enveloped Lu Yuan.

At a certain moment, he felt as if he had returned to the time when he had not yet entered martial arts and unlocked the [Fighter] panel.

At that time, the family was under heavy financial pressure. He saw his parents living in anxiety every day. He wanted to help, but he couldn't do anything.


The falling trend finally stopped, and Lu Yuan fell heavily to the bottom of the "abyss".

He could clearly feel that many of the bones in his body were shattered and his internal organs were severely damaged.

Although it was not considered near death, the injuries were really serious.

Lu Yuan struggled to bring up his career panel.

His consciousness is becoming increasingly cloudy, and it is estimated that he will enter a "forced shutdown" state of self-protection before long.

Before that, he tried to find another point where he could make a comeback, just like when he faced the Crow God Cult Kalofis.

This time he chose to walk alone in front of the god of objects, and he boasted about it in front of Yu Wentong.

He was really unwilling to end it in such a hasty manner!

[Student], [Ancient Language Expert], [Fighter], [Reporter to the Dead (Extraordinary)], [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)]

Five professional panels with dozens or hundreds of skills.

Lu Yuan swept over one by one, turning over and over.

But he couldn't see the slightest hope of the comeback he wanted.

His skill points and attribute points had all been used up before this battle began.

He seems to be really at his wits end.Lu Yuan's consciousness began to blur, and his eyelids became heavier and heavier.

Fatigue and pain rolled over him in waves.

Lu Yuan could not even maintain his career panel, and began to twist, deform, and shake like a water curtain.

"Really. No way?"

Lu Yuan tried his best to open his eyes wide and see the light leaking from the mouth of the abyss that he blasted out with his body.

He tried to catch that light.

That light has become weaker, and the world in front of us has become darker and darker.

Accompanied by a sigh in my heart.

Lu Yuan closed his eyes.

However, that moment before all the light disappeared.

He seemed to see it.
On your own panel, the numbers behind the four basic attributes
Shaked slightly, and then
It melted like water.

His [Invincible Instinct] seems to be still on.


The handsome man in a black trench coat gently broke a person's neck and threw it on the ground like trash.

The man glanced around at random. In the hall of this villa, at his feet, corpses were lying strewn about, with blood flowing freely on the floor.

A muscular man with blood on his face and a look of horror covered his broken arm and leaned on the wall not far from him, shouting at the man: "Liu Daoyuan, you are crazy! How dare you kill someone?! "

The man walked towards the strong man step by step with a smile on his face, and as he walked, he said, "Why don't I dare to kill someone?
Is there anything in this world that I, Liu Daoyuan, dare not do?
Hand over your inherited true skills, and if I'm in a good mood, I might be able to spare your life."

"You're dreaming!"


A few minutes later, the man strolled out of the villa with a casual look.

In the open door behind him, a man fell in a pool of blood, seriously injured but not dead.

His eyes were fixed on the man's leaving figure, but what was reflected in his pupils was a thin and old shadow.

"The poisonous crane monster, you killed my fellow Ba Fist sect and this is a life-and-death feud!!!"

When the man walked out of the villa, there was already a burly man in black robe waiting for him at the door of the villa.

“It went more smoothly than expected.”

"The old one didn't leave, but the little one ran away first."

The man smiled, and then said lazily: "Let's go to the next one."

The man in black robe did not speak, but followed him silently.

The two of them walked swaggeringly through the villa area.

What people passing by in the villa area see
But they are all scenes of an old man with white beard and hair, a cold expression, and a face full of murderous intent and evil intentions, running around.

"The vital signs are still there, okay, okay."

On the top of the mountain, the handsome young man stared at something, his pupils shining with light.

When the target was detected, he let out a sigh of relief. He had already prepared a tube of medicine in his hand and stuffed it back into his pocket.


The handsome young man sighed softly, with some regret.

"If he were a serious walking level, this kid would definitely become famous in one battle.

Although it’s almost the same now, it’s almost meaningless to say it out loud.”

"Not bad, a very good seedling."

Next to him, Julian the Fire Fist rarely made trouble. He nodded in agreement and said, "No wonder a mere golden bear has to send a flying bear like you to guard him secretly in the future.

worth. "

"I, the Great Xia, have countless talented people. If you don't just grab a handful of geniuses of this level, there are a lot of them. You can't envy them."

The handsome young man grinned, with a look of pride and pride on his face.

Julian's face darkened, and he regretted giving too much color to the "shameless man" in front of him.

His tone turned hard and he changed the subject coldly: "You can start now."

"of course."

The handsome young man patted the diamond-shaped crystal on his heart.

In an instant, the crystal blue light shines brightly.

Countless dark blues flowed all over the young man's body like running water. In the short time it took him to breathe, he was already wrapped in a set of exquisite and gorgeous exoskeleton armor.

"Let's first decide how to divide it?"

A red light quickly bloomed on Julian's body, and both of them jumped into the air almost at the same time.

The handsome young man moved and his whole body turned into a dark blue stream of light and flew out.

He left only one sentence to Julian.

"You idiot, of course whoever grabs it will get it!"

"shameless bastard!"

Julian swore harshly in Havel language and quickly took off to catch up.

Two streams of light, one blue and one red, streaked across the sky like shooting stars.

The yellow bears and sleepless people below who were in various emotions, saw the two streams of light appear, and their flagging spirits suddenly revived.

"It's Lord Julian the Fire Fist!"

On the Sleepless Man's side, the blond man at the head looked surprised and quickly announced, "Lord Fire Fist has taken action, everyone is ready to take action!"


A group of sleepless people immediately began to deploy according to the plan they had made long ago.

In the team, there was only an ordinary beautiful woman holding a telescope, her brows slightly furrowed, as if she was still thinking about something.

"Academician Bai, what's wrong?"

The blond man noticed something strange in the other person's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"It's nothing, I just think it looks a bit similar. I must have felt wrong. How could it be possible?"

The latter said a few words, but quickly shook his head and rejected it.

The blond man didn't understand what she meant and had no time to ask in detail at this time. He just told her to hide in the bunker and remember to protect herself when fighting later, and then hurried away.

Here, the handsome young man and Fire Fist Julian have arrived at the quarry battlefield.

The Elephant Man, who had just confirmed his dominance on the battlefield, was about to pick up the three stone balls.

After commenting on the strong hostility conveyed by the two people.

The elephant man immediately stopped and began to stamp his feet and beat his chest. He raised his trunk and neighed loudly at the two of them.

"Magic Mountain!"

The terrifying sound waves spread out again, which of course had no impact on the handsome young man and Julian.

The two of them had expressionless faces, knowing clearly the meaning of the elephant god walking.

This symbolizes some kind of ritual declaration of war against the enemy.

It can also be understood as a provocative method unique to the Ganesha Cult.

The two men's eyes moved slightly, and they were about to swoop down and start taking action.

However, at this time.
A hoarse voice that seemed to be suppressed so deeply that it was so heavy that it was unspeakable.

Breaking through the layers of sound waves of the terrifying roar of the walking elephant god.

In the ears of two people, in the sky of the battlefield
It sounded slowly and coldly.

"Are you calling me?"

 A character card has been added to Lao Liu. If you have nothing to do, you can give Lao Liu a thumbs up~
(End of this chapter)

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