Final priesthood.

Chapter 220 The Demon of Perfection

Chapter 220 The Demon of Perfection
The Elephant Man's neighing suddenly stopped.

The ugly elephant head, like it was carved out of black rock, slowly twisted.

The monstrous eyes on his forehead suddenly opened and stared in one direction.

The handsome young man and Fire Fist Julian in mid-air also looked somewhere suddenly. The former's eyes flickered with light, as if a large amount of data was constantly beating up.

The expressions of both of them became strange.

The Huang Xiong and the members of the Sleepless Man organization who were watching seemed to have sensed something, and they stopped what they were doing in unison.

The huge battlefield suddenly fell into an eerie silence.


There was a slight shaking sound in the broken battlefield.

Scattered on the ground, the gravel rocks began to roll randomly.



A voice sounded.

It's like beating a drum.

It seemed to be coming from deep underground.


Each blow is like a blow to the heart of the listener.

There is an inexplicable, invisible pressure seeping out from under the mud and rock formations, and unknowingly, it fills the entire battlefield space.


Some people began to breathe uncontrollably, clutching their chests, trying to hold back the discomfort and looking around for the source of the sound and pressure.

It's actually not that hard to find.

Tracing back to the source, we can clearly see——

Somewhere on the battlefield, on the edge of a deep and huge pit, the broken ground "bang-bang-bang" moved upwards with a drum-like heartbeat.

It's like, something is trying to break free from inside!

"This location."

Many people were slightly in a trance.

If they remember correctly.

The Golden Bear class that had a fierce battle with the Elephant God before and was severely knocked away by the Elephant Man's punch was here. This is where it finally fell.

That huge and deep pit was created by that golden bear level.

Countless people subconsciously activated their own detection methods and started monitoring that location.

Waterfall-like data poured out and flashed through countless eyes.
"The vital signs are twice as strong as they were at the beginning."

"Still improving. Three times."

"Five times?!"

"What method did this kid use? How did he do it?"

High in the sky, the light in one eye of the handsome young man suddenly bloomed to the extreme, and then his whole body trembled, and his expression fell into some kind of astonishment and slight sluggishness.

A word murmured from his mouth.

"Ten times?!"

"How is this possible?!"

next second.

The ground at the edge of the deep pit agitated to a certain extreme, and finally couldn't bear the force that exploded from the inside out, and completely exploded.


A large amount of rubble rushed high into the sky, but no flames of energy appeared.


Just twisted air.

Large swaths of twisted air spread rapidly from the location of the explosion.

Then, a figure floated slowly and appeared completely in everyone's field of vision——

This is a figure over three meters tall.

The skin color is almost pure black, and the muscles are well-proportioned and strong, not exaggerated.

The level of complexity and density is far beyond that of ordinary people.

A large number of scarlet blood vessels and meridians, like some kind of red plant roots, trace out the twisted and complicated patterns on the body along the black muscle skin, like eyes and flowers.

The pattern grew to the sides of the man's cheeks.

His face is extremely handsome, his eyeballs are pure black, but the center pupil is a bit of rich scarlet.

His hair was extremely long and spread out wantonly, but it was automatically suspended by the invisible twisting power emanating from his body, like a black cloak.


The first word that pops into everyone's mind when they see this man is - perfect!
It has nothing to do with appearance, but more of a life form approaching perfection.

Although this is perfect in front of me.
Full of some indescribable magic!
"Can you levitate off the ground just by relying entirely on the energy emitted by your own life magnetic field?"

The handsome young man who had been staring closely at the visitor, watching the demonic figure stepping on the air and walking away step by step in the direction of the Elephant Man, saw this scene and involuntarily let out a sigh that was almost like a groan.

"How is this possible?"

The next second, he seemed to suddenly think of something again, his eyes flashing sharply.

“Has this kid already accepted that adult’s inheritance?
There is no trace of transformation, just the physical body to do all this.
Very likely, very likely."

He seemed to have finally discovered something, and after making some contacts, he seemed to suddenly realize the truth about the purpose of his trip in an instant!
This caused his eyes to change immediately when he looked at the figure below.

It becomes completely different from before.

Surprise, envy, mixed with a trace of admiration?

Fire Fist Julian also looked dazed, as if he had seen a scene beyond his level of understanding, which was an incredible thing in itself.

The handsome man full of magic stepped on the air and walked up from the pit step by step.

It reminds people of the demons that emerge from the abyss of the earth in myths and legends.

Everyone's eyes were involuntarily attracted to him and they looked at him intently.

But before everyone could start thinking more about it.

The figure suddenly disappeared.

Then he appeared in front of the elephant god walking like a teleport.

Looking down at each other from a high position, his handsome face showed no emotion, and his eyes were as cold as frozen iron.


The strange eyes cracked on the Elephant Man's forehead rolled like stone balls, staring at the demonic man in front of him.

From his perfect demon body made of scarlet and black, to his long black hair that floats freely on his back like a cloak.

It was as if he was examining, observing, and sizing up this "old" opponent.

Its muddy and stupid consciousness seems a little impetuous.

Perhaps he couldn't understand why his body was much taller, burlier, and stronger than his opponent's.

But it can only look up at each other.And why does the opponent's not-so-strong body exude a trace of aura that makes it feel trembling and uneasy?

This uneasiness makes the Elephant Man appear particularly irritable.


It neighed again, as if it wanted to suppress the fear that was about to grow in its heart.

"Are you a dog?"

The handsome man full of demonic nature spoke expressionlessly.

The terrifying sound wave made by the Elephant Man's neighing overturned layers of earth and rocks, and when it hit the man head-on, it couldn't even move the black hair floating behind him.

The elephant man seemed to become angrier when he heard the taunts coming from the man's mouth.

About to make an attack.

The next second, the handsome man full of demonic aura in front of him moved one step ahead of it.

"Only barking?!"

The aura around the man, as well as the black hair floating like a cape behind his back, exploded in an instant.

The so handsome and enchanting face suddenly became ferocious and even more demonic!
The palm of his right hand suddenly appeared above the head of the Elephant Man, and he naturally clasped the Elephant Man's head, and then pressed it down violently.

In everyone's field of vision, only that patch of air was severely distorted.

The towering Elephant Man, like a "magic mountain", collapsed instantly!


Its entire head and body were pushed directly into the ground by the man.


A terrifying impact force immediately erupted, and the ground within a radius of nearly one kilometer around where the two stood collapsed.

The broken earth and rocks flew into the air and exploded
It was as if an invisible giant stomped down!

The smoke has not completely dissipated.

A roar full of anger was heard.

Everyone saw a huge figure with an elephant head and a body standing up awkwardly from the broken earth and rocks.

Then he suddenly rushed towards a suspended figure with flying long hair.

A second deafening roar followed.

More smoke rose.

The terrible crashing sound seemed to make the onlookers' hearts feel affected, and they suddenly jumped.

But more people still opened their eyes wide, wanting to see clearly what was happening inside the smoke.

Soon, the billowing smoke gradually dissipated.

The scene at the center of the battle group appears——

Everyone's eyes froze slightly.

I saw two figures, one large and one small, resisting each other.

The five-meter-tall Elephant Man leans forward, as if a city wall is about to tilt.

But under this city wall, someone was quietly supporting it with both hands.

The handsome man full of demonic nature stretched his arms naturally, one on the left and one on the right, just in time to touch the two elephant hooves of the elephant man.

His body was still suspended, and there were circles of air ripples visible to the naked eye under his feet that were constantly forming and spreading.

Where the two people touched each other, white air waves exploded, and the explosions continued.

This shows how terrifying these two forces are competing.


The Elephant Man panted violently, and strange lines lit up on his body that looked like a pile of rocks.

A glow belonging to Ganesha enveloped it.

The endless power from the ancient magic mountain is being continuously instilled into its body.

Victory will surely belong to it.

Suddenly, a voice sounded close at hand.

The elephant man's single-eyed look was startled.

It seems a bit unexpected that the opponent can still speak under the pressure of such terrifying power?
The strange eyes on the Elephant Man's forehead were cracked to the extreme, and he tried to open them wide, trying to see his opponent clearly.

Soon, it saw its opponent quietly raising his head, revealing a handsome and charming face, and demonic eyes dotted with scarlet in the darkness.

"I like the way this fights."

The corners of the man's mouth rose silently, forming a cold arc.

Immediately afterwards, the scarlet veins on his pure black demonic body began to glow slightly.

An indescribable terrifying power was transmitted along his hands.
"Crunch crunch—"

With all the strength of the elephant people and with the blessing of the great elephant god, two huge elephant hooves came from the magic mountain.
At this moment, it was lifted bit by bit.


The elephant let out a short neigh, and the strange eyes on his forehead revealed a look of disbelief.

Its shallow wisdom obviously cannot comprehend the occurrence of this fact.

As a result, a certain firm belief in my heart can only continue to be impacted and shaken violently.
"Quack quack—"

The sound of prying became more and more intense, and the amplitude of the prying became larger and larger.
when reaching a certain level.


There was a teeth-searing cracking sound.

The elephant man watched helplessly as the ten fingers of his opponent's hands were like black magic knives, forcibly pinched into its indestructible elephant's hooves and sunk deeply into it.

A large amount of black rock fragments from the magic mountain slipped from the opponent's fingers.

Haven't waited for the elephant man to react.

All he saw was a flash of ferocity in the opponent's demonic eyes, and then he raised his arms, and an unprecedented terrifying force struck him.

The wrestling is over.

The Elephant Man staggered back.

The sides of its shoulders were bare, and its two arms as thick as doorposts were gone.

Dark red liquid flowed from the wound, and a large amount of rock-like flesh and blood spattered wantonly.
The Elephant Man took a few steps back and steadied himself.

Looking at his missing arms, he felt a little dazed for a moment.

But before it could recover from all these changes.

That cold, demonic voice sounded in my ears again.

"Give it back to you."

The elephant man turned his head following the sound, his forehead and one eye shrank sharply.

next moment.


Two thick elephant hooves like doorposts had been stuffed into the mouthparts under its nose in an extremely brutal and brutal manner.

(End of this chapter)

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