Final priesthood.

Chapter 224 I’m Liu Daoyuan!

Chapter 224 I’m Liu Daoyuan! (5k chapters)

"Liu Daoyuan, you killed seven of my disciples of the Four Tigers, and seriously injured two of them! You also took away the inheritance of the true skills of the Four Tigers and the visualization chart. Today I want you to pay with your blood!"

A burly old man, as majestic as a tiger, stood out from the crowd, his tone was solemn, and his cold eyes stared at Liu Daoyuan.

There was a violent and violent aura surging through his body.

"Liu Daoyuan, you destroyed thirteen sects in one night.

How many people hold grudges against you and blame you. Fortunately, I stood up and said a kind word for you.

I never thought you would repay me like this."

A middle-aged man with sunken cheeks and a goatee, his face flushed, stood up trembling with anger, pointed at Liu Daoyuan and said loudly: "Thirteen disciples of my Lingyao Sect were brutally killed by you, and the only one who survived was still alive." I had my eyes gouged out because of what you looked like.
You want the inheritance of my Lingyao Sect so much, okay."

The middle-aged man with the goatee shook his hands, and a raging murderous intent erupted from his body. He gritted his teeth and said word by word: "I will teach you in person today."

"Liu Daoyuan!"

One after another, the sect leaders stood up, either angry, cold, resentful, or full of murderous intent, accusing Liu Daoyuan of various cruel behaviors.

These sounds were like thunder and lightning striking the bodies of the Crane Sect disciples again and again.

They were shocked, stunned, and stunned. In the end, they could hardly believe that Liu Daoyuan, standing in front of them, quietly turning his back to them, was still the familiar teacher in their memory.

If one or two people stood up and said this, it could be interpreted as someone else's targeting and slander of the Crane Sect.

But so many people, so many sects came forward.

And the crowd is excited and the mood doesn't seem to be fake, then this matter

Zhuang Xiujie looked at Liu Daoyuan's back and asked in a low voice, "Is this true?"

Zhuang Xiujie said these words.

The back seemed to tremble slightly.

It may also be Zhuang Xiujie's delusion.


after a few seconds.

Zhuang Xiujie didn't hear the answer she wanted.

Only a slightly tired old voice sounded, and the voice was calm and without any ripples.

"You go."

Zhuang Xiujie and other He Sect disciples looked dazed, and for a moment they didn't know what they read in this sentence.

"Liu Daoyuan"

The Penglai Holy Envoy with short braids took two steps forward, with a trace of inexplicable pleasure in his twinkling eyes. He looked at Liu Daoyuan and said, "You are despicable, shameless and violent. Now even your direct disciples are... Not convinced by you.

When you committed those heinous crimes, did you ever think that you would be where you are today? "

Liu Daoyuan's face was expressionless, his long eyebrows lowered.

From the time he was blocked, questioned, accused, and insulted by a group of people until now, he seemed to be in this calm state.

However, this gesture only aroused the anger of others. The eyes of the masters of the sect were cold and cold. They were already gearing up and wanted to rush forward and tear him alive at any time.

Liu Daoyuan began to undress.

He slowly unbuttoned his loose coat, revealing a white shorts underneath.

He casually took off his coat and threw it backwards, and Liu Si caught it steadily.

Liu Daoyuan lightly adjusted his clothes, slowly raised his head, and the threads in his mechanical and electronic eyes were spinning. He looked at the sneering Penglai Holy Envoy in front of him, and spoke calmly word by word: "What kind of person am I, Liu Daoyuan?"
When will it be your turn to be judged by a shit-eating dog from Penglai? "


The short-braided man looked suffocated and was stunned for several seconds.

The next moment, murderous intent surged on his face, and his tone became extremely cold.

"Liu Daoyuan, you deserve to die!"

"I'm damned."

Liu Daoyuan spoke calmly, and an inexplicable aura slowly flowed out of his body that was so thin that it was almost dry.

"But it's not your turn to kill us, you bunch of idiots and good-for-nothings like chickens and dogs."

"It's just a fight, there's no need for so much nonsense.

You want to take the head from my neck, Liu Daoyuan.

just right"

Liu Daoyuan took a deep breath, and his shriveled body suddenly expanded as if it were inflated.

An extremely powerful momentum suddenly spread out, and a huge invisible white crane nearly ten meters high rose into the sky.

A terrifying aura enveloped the place.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone present, including the short-braided man, changed, and they all showed expressions of shock, horror, and disbelief.

The next second, Liu Daoyuan's calm and arrogant, wanton, unruly and domineering old voice resounded throughout the audience.

"I also want to use the power of you losers to completely step into the legendary realm!"


The breath exploded, the huge white crane flapped its wings, and the sound of the crane's chirping shook the sky.


Pei Ye seemed to sense something and turned his head suddenly. His original leisurely expression disappeared instantly, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"Want to make a breakthrough on the spot, old guy?"

Pei Ye quickly pulled his hand out of the chest of the person on the ground.

Under his feet, there were corpses and blood flowing everywhere.

Pei Ye quickly shook off the blood from his fingers, squinted his eyes and looked in a certain direction for a while, then bounced high like a big bird, and rushed towards the place where the aura broke out.

The tall man in black robe followed him like a shadow.

The two of them soon reached a high point, looking down 45 degrees, giving them a perfect view of the battlefield below.

Take a panoramic view of the battle that is breaking out on the train waiting platform.

Pei Ye watched quietly, and with his perception, he could clearly see a huge white crane on the field, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, grabbing and pecking at each other, randomly sweeping away the different true meanings.

"It's amazing, teacher. If I hadn't intervened, maybe I would have succeeded you."

Pei Ye murmured lowly, and his expression suddenly became evil and ferocious.

"But, this is not what I want. Teacher!"

After saying that, Pei Ye suddenly closed his eyes and spread his arms as if embracing the air.

Following this movement, translucent, ugly and weird black moths quickly swam out of his body.

These moths swarmed forward quickly, swooping towards the battlefield.

No one on the battlefield could sense the existence of these moths.

The black moths flew to those who besieged Liu Daoyuan, and immediately and silently melted into the other party's body.

Immediately more murderous intent and anger emerged from the latter's eyes, his aura seemed to become stronger and stronger, and his moves became more and more fierce, vicious, and crazy.
Pei Ye stood on the high top, surrounded by countless black moths, and countless strange air currents surged around him.

He looked at the increasingly fierce battle situation, as if he was watching a show that he personally promoted and directed was reaching a certain climax.

His expression was crazy, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter, and the smile on his face became more and more exaggerated and weird.

"Let this fire burn brighter."

The haze left in his heart by that rainy night 15 years ago will be completely broken and dispelled by his own hands today.

This time, no one can stop him.

"All dead?"

"Okay, I see."

Lu Yuan cut off the communication with Sackford, his face remained calm, but his eyes became colder.

"How long will it take to reach Panshi?"

The red bear beside him obviously felt the change in his mood at this time.

It's like magma flowing under a thick layer of ice.

It seems peaceful from the outside.

But God knows
When will the terror underneath suddenly erupt?

"Half an hour. Oh no, 25 minutes!"

Red Bear reports a number quickly and accurately.

"Can it be faster?"

"Reporting back to your lord is already the fastest."

"Are there any organization members nearby that we can recruit?"

"We have arranged for the nearby guys to go there, but the fastest time to arrive at the market is about the same as us."

"What's the situation over there now?"

Chi Xiong choked, paused for a second, and then forced himself to report in a low voice: "Someone pretended to be the leader of the Crane Sect Liu Daoyuan and killed many disciples of this martial arts league.
Now the Crane Sect and his group are being besieged by dozens of sects."


After Chi Xiong said this, he immediately felt that the atmosphere around him was depressing to a certain extreme in an instant.

He could clearly hear the sound of his heartbeat and feel the traces of sweat rolling down the sides of his cheeks.

at last
The almost stagnant atmosphere was broken by a calm voice.

"Transfer the live footage to me."


If Chixiong was granted amnesty, he immediately clicked on the real-time footage sent back from the scene and presented it to Lu Yuan.He stepped aside and looked at Lu Yuan's expressionless expression as he quietly checked the surveillance screen.

The expression on his face changed.

Suddenly he couldn't bear it anymore and strode into the cab. He lowered his voice and asked irritably and hastily: "Can it go faster? Think of a way!"


Liu Daoyuan's right hand was shaped like a claw, and he struck out with a flat palm.

The mechanical prosthetic arm is more flexible than flesh and blood. It drives straight in front of the opponent and gently slaps the opponent's chest with a palm.


The latter's chest collapsed immediately, and his whole body flew out like a cannonball.

After executing this move, he didn't pause for a moment, and quickly raised his hand to catch an arm attacking from the side, holding half of the blade tightly.
Every breath.

There were at least eight true meaning level experts, attacking his eight different vital points from eight different directions, almost in no particular order.

And at least half of these offensives shone with the icy sheen of cold weapons.

His opponents seemed to have completely abandoned the perseverance and morality of ancient martial artists, and simply wanted to kill him.

Liu Daoyuan's face was expressionless, and the martial arts moves belonging to the Tianshuihui Crane School bloomed in his hands with unprecedented dazzling brilliance.

Every move and every move is as if it were made from nature, indescribably exquisite and natural, and even has the feeling of turning decay into something magical.

The ten-meter white crane hanging above his head had long since disappeared, but there was an inexplicable thin layer of force field surrounding him.

With the blessing of this force field, the lethality of his moves is astonishing, far exceeding that of ordinary true-level fighters.


Liu Daoyuan casually punched an old man who was holding a knife in both hands, with a red face and shaggy beard and hair, and was beaten until he vomited blood and retreated wildly.

The besiegers finally became unable to hold their nerve any longer, with obvious looks of shock and horror on their faces.

"Fuck! This poison-handed crane demon wasn't that strong before the competition started? It's only been a few days. Did he take some magic medicine? Why did he suddenly reach this point?"

"Is it possible that he really wants to use the power of all of us to become a grandmaster today?"

"I bother!"

Suddenly someone spat loudly and walked out of the crowd with a ferocious expression.

"Grandmaster? Just him? Is he worthy?"

Penglai Holy Envoy, a short-braided man, held a red iron whip and was filled with murderous aura. He pointed at Liu Daoyuan and said loudly: "

Moreover, he has incomplete limbs and a disabled body. He wants the trinity of true power, strength and body to merge into a master force field and take that step completely. It is simply a dream!
Didn’t you realize that his four prosthetic limbs were severely damaged and were not far from being completely damaged? "

The short-braided man looked at Liu Daoyuan's slightly twisted prosthetic leg, which emitted tiny electric sparks, and sneered with disdain.

Suddenly he waved his hand and said in a cold tone:
"If he can't take this step, the next step will be backlash. He won't be able to hold on much longer!"

"Kill! Kill the other members of the Guanghe Sect first, and then kill him last!"

The besiegers' eyes suddenly lit up when they heard this, and then they all rushed in different directions and began to attack the direct disciples of the Crane Sect.

When Liu Daoyuan saw this, Gujing Wubo's eyes flashed and he rushed out like a hurricane.

Move around the place quickly.

He knocked away several opponents who tried to attack him. Suddenly, when a flaw was revealed, a long red whip bit him like a poisonous snake.

"It's now, let's go together!"

The cold voice of the short-braided man sounded, and several figures on the field suddenly rose up and rushed towards Liu Daoyuan.


A white crane silhouette that was almost about to move from illusion to reality suddenly burst out, and all these figures were bounced away.

Just when everyone was once again frightened by Liu Daoyuan's power, and was in a state of panic.
Liu Daoyuan, who was standing proudly, suddenly swayed and spat out a mouthful of blood. The aura circulating around him disappeared in an instant, and the whole person's aura suddenly became sluggish.

Seeing this, the short-braided man had a cold smile on his face and said softly: "Come on."

After a while, the fighting stopped.

Broken and twisted mechanical prostheses were scattered on the ground like garbage.

Liu Daoyuan leaned against a stone pillar in the platform, his beard and hair were messy, and almost all of his clothes were stained red with blood.

He lowered his head and half-sat on the ground quietly.

He had no limbs, but he still refused to fall proudly. Only his weak breathing proved that he was still alive.

"Da da--"

The short-braided man held a red whip and walked slowly towards Liu Daoyuan step by step.

He also looked a little embarrassed, even a little injured.

But it didn't affect his mood at the moment at all.

He had a smile on his face.

For some reason, he felt an indescribable and indescribable pleasure in his heart when he thought that he was about to snuff out the last breath of the stick-like guy in front of him.

The short-braided man walked up to Liu Daoyuan and looked down at him coldly.

He flicked the opponent's chest casually with the red whip in his hand, and a thin booklet fell down with a splat.

""General Outline of Hegemony Fist"."

The short-braided man read out the words on the booklet softly, smiled, and said lightly: "Liu Daoyuan, both the person and the person got the stolen goods, what else do you have to say?"

Not far away, Liu Si, who was lying among several He Sect disciples, covered with bruises, spoke intermittently, and narrated in a low voice: "...The night when the young master led the old master to smash the venue, the old master's heart barrier was broken. , hopefully a master
It's a pity that he was attacked once, because the mutilated body failed and suffered backlash. He was injured and kept vomiting blood.
The inheritance of the Naha Fist Sect was bought by the old gym owner from a disciple of the Ba Fist Sect at a huge price."

In an instant, the few He sect disciples who stayed beside Liu Si were all speechless as if struck by lightning.

Unfortunately, Liu Si's voice was too quiet, and no one heard it except a few of them.

Of course, even if someone heard it.

At this time, it no longer seems important.

"Liu Daoyuan, Liu Daoyuan, you really deserve it, you deserve to die!"

The short-braided man knelt down, picked up the pamphlet on the ground, patted Liu Daoyuan's cheek gently, and sneered: "Everyone wants you dead. You should have died 15 years ago."

Liu Daoyuan slowly raised his head, his lips moving, as if he wanted to say something.

The short-braided man narrowed his eyes and leaned a little closer, trying to hear what he was going to say.

But as soon as I got closer, I heard a "tui" sound,
A mouthful of bloody phlegm rushed towards him, spraying all over his head and face.


Liu Daoyuan leaned his head on the pillar and laughed at the embarrassed man with short braids.

Every time he smiled, more blood gushed out of his mouth, like a fountain that couldn't be stopped.


In an instant, the murderous intention in the short-braided man's heart surged to the extreme. He instantly stood up and raised the red whip in his hand high.

At the same time, at a high place not far away, Pei Ye, who was wearing a windbreaker, stretched out and said with satisfaction: "Finally, it's my turn to play."

"Death to me!"

The short-braided man's eyes flashed with cold light, and he was about to chop down Liu Daoyuan with the long whip in his hand.

at this moment

A strong dark blue light beam flashed across everyone's field of vision, and with a "boom", a huge spark exploded somewhere behind them.


The short-braided man stared blankly at his right hand that had vaporized and disappeared for no apparent reason.

If he remembered correctly, just a second ago, the part of his arm above the elbow existed.

This sudden change stunned everyone present, including Pei Ye, who was preparing for the hero's appearance in the distance.

And before they could come back to their senses.


The second dark blue light beam lit up again, piercing the sky.


This time it landed so close that it almost exploded in the crowd.

The shock wave caused by the explosion caused many people from the ancient sect to panic and run away.

But before the panic lasted long, someone's trembling voice was heard: "His Majesty the Holy Envoy."

Everyone looked at the short-braided man's position.

When they saw the scene there clearly, everyone's pupils shrank hard and their expressions were suffocating.


I saw a body with no head and half an arm, standing quietly in front of Liu Daoyuan.

The hot blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain.

At this time, a burst of dense footsteps sounded from not far away.

Everyone on the field turned to look at the sound.

Only seven or eight shuttles were seen hovering in the sky.

Hundreds of fully armed and well-equipped Yellow Bear members came towards them in a hurry.

And at the forefront of this group of yellow bear members.

A young man dressed in black, with a tall figure and a handsome face.

With an expressionless face, he strode forward and casually threw a silver-white giant energy gun over one meter long and half a meter high in his hand to a thick-browed man wearing a red bear uniform behind him.
 I like Lao Liu, what about you?

(End of this chapter)

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