Final priesthood.

Chapter 225 You are here with me, there will be no next time

Chapter 225 You are here with me, there will be no next time

At this moment, everyone was stunned. One foot in the distance was already in the air, and Pei Ye, who was about to jump up, was also stunned.

Looking down from a high altitude, the Yellow Bear Troop headed by a handsome young man quickly flowed into the field like black water, surrounding everyone on the field.

The black muzzles of hundreds of energy guns were pointed at everyone standing on the field. The blue and orange lights gathered at the muzzles puffed out and scorched the air.

Many strong men from ancient martial arts schools on the field suddenly looked suffocated, their faces tightened, and their muscles all over their bodies became stiff unconsciously.

Lu Yuan quickly walked to Liu Daoyuan, squatted down, took a light blue potion from the hands of the strong red bear man next to him, pierced Liu Daoyuan's neck directly, and injected it.

This temporary life-saving potion that comes standard with the Yellow Bear Organization is extremely effective. After being injected, the blood that kept pouring out of Liu Daoyuan's mouth stopped within a breathless time, and the situation gradually became stable.

"Ho ho ho"

When Liu Daoyuan saw Lu Yuan, he seemed to be quite excited. The threads in his mechanical electronic eyes were spinning wildly and flashing blue light.

He seemed to want to say something to Lu Yuan, but no sound came out of his mouth, and the muscles on his face kept twitching hard.

"You want to say this, right?"

Lu Yuan picked up a thin booklet on the ground and wiped off the blood stains on the booklet. The four words "General Outline of Hegemony Fist" were soaked in blood and were a little blurry and swollen.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Liu Daoyuan leaned back, his thin chest pulling violently like a bellows, as if in response to Lu Yuan's words.

Lu Yuan carefully stuffed the pamphlet into the inner pocket of his protective clothing, patted it gently, indicating that he had put it close to his body.

Looking at Liu Daoyuan in front of him again, "Put it away, are you relieved now?"


Liu Daoyuan's breathing gradually calmed down, and the flashing blue light in his eyes gradually became gentle.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but be amused when he looked at him like this.

He summoned two white bears, carefully lifted him up, and quickly sent him to treatment.

It wasn't until he watched Liu Daoyuan's figure disappear at the door of the shuttle cabin that Lu Yuan seemed completely relieved and let out a breath.

Stand up slowly and turn around.

He casually glanced at the headless corpse of a certain Penglai Holy Envoy lying on the ground at his feet, and then looked at the group of ancient martial arts masters participating in the siege in front of him. The expression on his face had completely turned cold.

At this time, all the masters of ancient martial arts schools in the field also recognized Lu Yuan's identity.

The night before the official start of the competition, Lu Yuan led Liu Daoyuan to pick out thirteen first-class sects.

Although he kept a low profile during the operation, he was found out long ago. Many sects knew that the poisonous Crane Demon of the Crane Sect had accepted a demon-like true disciple.

Now, I can finally see it with my own eyes.

What they didn't expect even more was that this evildoer was still in a high-ranking position within the Xia Kingdom Yellow Bear Organization!
Lu Yuan didn't care about the various looks that were thrown at him, which were either shocked, confused, awe-inspiring, hostile, or unbelievable and unbelievable.

He gently raised his hand and gave a simple order to the strong red bear man behind him: "Take them all back and kill those who resist on the spot!"


Following Red Bear's cold reply, hundreds of Yellow Bear members in the field raised their firearms and made a uniform and solemn sound.

In an instant, the faces of all the ancient martial arts masters in the field changed drastically, and they all became nervous and ugly.

Pei Ye kept his feet motionless for a long time.

His eyes flickered.

Twitching slightly.

The expression on the handsome face kept changing between cloudy and sunny.

At this time, Pei Ye was almost completely overwhelmed by anger and collapse.

What he feels now is like a grand and grand performance show reaching the climax of the plot.

Immediately afterwards it was his turn as the protagonist to appear.

He groomed himself, looked forward to it, and was ready to go on stage and enjoy it to the fullest.

A large group of police officers rushed in and forcibly stopped the performance on the grounds that they were operating without a license. The actors on the stage also held their heads in their hands and prepared to take them all back.

Pei Ye's long and carefully prepared plan was completely ruined.

Thinking of this, the aura on his body was surging like water about to boil.

A large number of black moths, invisible to ordinary people, flew out of his body.

More and more, more and more.

In the end, a shape like a black hurricane formed around him.

When climbing to a certain peak.


This black hurricane turned into a tornado, soared into the sky, and exploded with a bang.

Pei Ye's whole body was wrapped in rich black air, and the hem of his windbreaker moved without any wind.

His facial expression could not be clearly seen, and all he could see was a pair of cold black eyes flashing continuously.

Staring somewhere down there, he made a voice full of hatred and murderous intent.

"Damn you!"


At the moment when Pei Ye's evil power broke out, Lu Yuan keenly felt the fluctuations in the air.

Turning his head suddenly, his eyes immediately caught a glimpse of two figures standing on top of a building several kilometers away.

Pei Ye!

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with light, and he was about to rush in that direction as soon as he moved.

But as soon as he rushed out, he was stopped by a figure that suddenly stood in front of him.

"You are the Poison Hand Crane. Are you Liu Daoyuan's true disciple?!"

The person who stopped him was a tall, strong young man with a temperament as sharp as an unsheathed sword.

He stood in front of Lu Yuan, looked at him with slightly focused eyes, and said, "I am Tong Lin from the Shenyi Sect.

I heard that Xue Guangyao of the Heart Refining Sect was also defeated by you.

You are Huang Xiong and an ancient martial artist.

What's the point of using force to overwhelm others? If you have the ability, use pure force with me. Let's have a good fight."

Before the young man finished speaking, his martial arts sense was fully activated and he suddenly sensed an unprecedented terrifying crisis.

All of a sudden, the hairs on my hair stood up and my scalp was numb.


A black shadow suddenly arrived at the side of his face, accompanied by the sound of violent wind and thunder.He caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye, his pupils shrank, his true intentions burst out, and then
"Bang!" A huge muffled sound.

The tall young man didn't even say a word, but was slapped away by Lu Yuan. He was thrown sideways for more than ten meters, and he didn't stop completely until he hit a concrete pillar.


There was a deathly silence in the field.

Lu Yuan didn't even look at the other person. He waved his hand in annoyance and said to the red bear behind him: "You should pay attention here."

Then there was a "boom", his feet suddenly smashed a large piece of concrete ground, and the whole person flew out instantly like a cannonball taking off.

"How dare you take the initiative to catch up?!"

Pei Ye looked at the figure leaping among the buildings, and in an instant the distance between him and him was greatly shortened. A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he sneered murderously: "You are really looking for death!"

After saying that, the windbreaker swelled, and the whole person was about to greet him.

But a big hand pressed hard on his shoulder.

"Are you crazy?!"

The burly black-robed man stood in front of Pei Ye and said coldly: "This is full of Huang Xiong's people. Leave first, then think of a solution later. Isn't the person who gave you the inner demons a chance to die?"

You have another chance. "


Pei Ye's shoulders rose and fell for a while, and his eyes flashed violently, as if he was weighing something.

Finally, the murderous intent and anger on his face gradually subsided and he responded: "Okay."

At Lu Yuan's current speed, the distance is several kilometers and he can reach it in a few breaths of time.

Even if it is not flat ground and there are buildings blocking it, this time will not be extended for too long.

Lu Yuan quickly approached the two figures. During the mental detection, the murderous intention, anger and evil power erupting from one of them were as eye-catching as a torch in the dark.

But just when he was about to catch up with the other party.

The murderous intent and evil power in the latter's body suddenly disappeared without a trace, and then he turned around and ran away with another figure.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, his thigh and calf muscles suddenly bulged, and his veins bulged.

The terrifying physical power was transmitted under the body, and with a "boom", the cement blocks that were as tall as a person under his feet were crushed to pieces, and the forward speed became several hundred percent faster.

However, the figure of the latter is erratic, wandering back and forth between buildings like a ghost.

Lu Yuan smashed a street lamppost nearby with a palm of his hand.

Grab a lamppost several meters long in your hand and make a throwing gesture. Lock your eyes and mental power to the opponent at the same time. The muscles in your arms swell and rise, accumulating strength.
Try to throw it out hard to prevent the other party from escaping.

Lu Yuan's gaze moved upwards, towards the bustling downtown area further ahead.

Eyes flashing
Finally, he put down the lamppost in his hand.

He moved and jumped onto the roof of a building.

Watching the two figures go away.

The latter seemed to be very aware of Lu Yuan's concerns and even took the initiative to stop a few kilometers away.

He looked at Lu Yuan with a smile, opened and closed his mouth, and waved goodbye to him.

"See you next time, my dear, little junior brother of the Crane Sect."

"next time."

Lu Yuan watched as the figure turned around and was about to disappear into the crowd of people in the busy city with leisurely steps.

His face became calm, and he whispered: "There will be no next time for you to be here with me."

The next second, red light bloomed in Lu Yuan's eyes.

lv1 [Hunting Perception].


Market, Huangxiong branch base.

A bright, clean and tidy room with snow-white surroundings.

A fully enclosed white treatment chamber is placed in the center of the room, surrounded by many advanced and complex instruments, with various reminder lights and various data indicators constantly flashing.

Liu Daoyuan was lying quietly in the treatment chamber, his thin and incomplete body completely soaked in the translucent healing fluid.

The snow-white beard and hair are floating in the liquid like seaweed, giving off an inexplicable sense of tranquility and serenity.

Lu Yuan stood beside the treatment cabin, lowered his head, looked at Liu Daoyuan in the cabin, and whispered something in his mouth.

"It was Pei Ye who did it."

"You should know, right? After all, you are so smart."

"How do you want him to die?"

“When someone throws dirty water on you, you explain; when someone hits you, you beg for mercy.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Children understand the truth, but you still want me to teach you? "

"You are so old, why are you risking your life with others?"

"I am leaving."

"take a good rest.

"Old Willow"

Lu Yuan walked out of the treatment room with a calm expression.

The red bear who was waiting aside immediately came to greet him.

"Sir, we have arrested all the people from the ancient martial arts sects? How should we deal with them?"

"Keep it locked for now, wait until I get back after finishing my work."

Chixiong's expression changed slightly when he heard Lu Yuan's words, and he immediately said, "Sir, are you going to arrest that Pei Ye? I'll go and transfer people now."

"Need not."

Lu Yuan shook his head and said calmly: "I can go alone.

too many people.
It will scare him away. "


I want to go to bed early tonight, so I’ll update tomorrow during the day.

(End of this chapter)

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