Final priesthood.

Chapter 226 None of you should interfere! 3-meter magic crane!

Chapter 226 None of you should interfere! 30-meter magic crane!
Lu Yuan walked out of the Huangxiong branch base quietly without disturbing anyone.

In an open space at the entrance of the base, board a shuttle that had been prepared long ago.

He was the only one in the shuttle, the autopilot mode was turned on, and it took off.

Lu Yuan sat quietly in the shuttle cabin, with his eyes closed, and continued to issue route correction commands to the shuttle through the optical brain connected by his consciousness.

At this time, gray fog surged in his mind, and the outline of a figure was looming.

And between Lu Yuan and this figure, there is a line of light red smoke, connected to it across countless spatial distances.
Only Lu Yuan himself can see it.

This is the skill effect of lv1 [Hunting Perception] on the [Spear Bearer (Extraordinary)] career panel——

Guided by the great god of fighting and hunting, a true hunter will never lose his chosen prey.

The silver-gray shuttle quickly flew out of the trading market under the light red smoke.

The outline of the figure in Lu Yuan's mind became clearer and clearer.
In the end, the other person’s face and appearance were even completely revealed,

It was a handsome young man wearing a black trench coat. He was sitting on the sofa with his fingers crossed and talking to others expressionlessly.


Lu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking down through the window of the shuttle, he found that he had arrived at a suburb of the neighboring city of Pan City, and the shadows of several buildings were clearly visible below.

Lu Yuan took a breath and stood up calmly.

A villa somewhere in the wilderness.

In the living room, Pei Ye sat on the sofa expressionlessly, with three figures standing in front of him.

"Killing one red bear and a dozen white bears. People who mess with yellow bears have nothing to gain.

Good, good, good.”

A silver-haired old man with a gloomy face and a slightly hooked nose stared at Pei Ye and sneered: "He is indeed our Ye Emperor. He is really amazing, amazing."

Next to the hook-nosed old man, a middle-aged man with a pair of triangular eyes and a horse face couldn't help but frown and said: "You did a terrible job this time.

Protector Lei was originally very powerful, so it was very difficult for the three of us to elect you as the new Evil Emperor.

Now that Huang Xiong has been offended, if Huang Xiong takes the opportunity to put pressure on the alliance.
The other guardians will have even more reasons to prevent you from ascending to the throne!
Why didn't the Elephant Protector stop him when he was doing something? "

The horse-faced middle-aged man looked at a huge body hidden in a black robe to one side with questioning eyes.

The latter's eyes flickered, but before he could speak, Pei Ye, who was sitting on the sofa, burst out unbearably.


Pei Ye stood up coldly, and black moths kept appearing around him, fluttering in his windbreaker, like black paper ashes blown away by the wind after burning.

"I am the Evil Emperor!

You are just the protectors who assist the Evil Emperor.

When do I need you to teach me how to do things? ! "

Pei Ye's aura spread all over his body, he looked at the old man with a hooked nose and the middle-aged man with a horse face in front of him, and said in a solemn tone: "It's because you are so timid and cowardly, and you are hesitant in doing things, afraid of this and that.

Only then would the Shenwu Alliance decline to this point.

If I break through my inner demons and combine the realm of martial arts master and divine power, I will achieve the realm of supreme divine martial arts master.

Huang Xiong and Penglai will all kneel at the feet of me, Pei Ye, and bow their heads! "

Pei Ye suddenly stepped on the marble coffee table in front of him, causing large cracks. The hem of his windbreaker danced wildly, and he said word by word with an arrogant expression: "When the time comes, will the problems you are worried about still be considered problems? "

The aquiline-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man were temporarily overtaken by Pei Ye. Their expressions changed. They wanted to say something, but they couldn't find the right words to refute.

He could only snort and stop talking.

Pei Ye looked at the two men and sneered, took his feet back from the coffee table, and was about to speak again.

at this time.


There was a loud noise suddenly.

The four people in the living room turned their heads.

I saw a big hole suddenly opened on the top of the villa where they were.

A black shadow fell from the sky and landed hard in the middle of the living room. When it hit the ground, it exploded with a huge impact that directly lifted the tile floor of the entire living room into the air. Visible waves of smoke and dust spread out, blowing four people away. The clothes on his body made a rustling sound.

The expressions of the four people changed slightly, and they were instantly ready to fight. Among them, the middle-aged horse-faced man and the burly man known as the Elephant Guardian quickly disappeared and rushed outside the villa.

Soon, the smoke and dust dispersed, and the appearance of the fallen figure appeared completely in front of Pei Ye and the old man with a hooked nose.

I saw a large pit several meters deep in the middle of the villa hall.

In the pit, stood quietly a young man with short hair, about 1.8 meters tall, well-proportioned and handsome.

Wearing a pure black combat protective suit, he stood in the huge pit and looked at the two people calmly.


When he saw the figure in the pit clearly, Pei Ye was stunned, and then his eyes quickly turned cold.

"no one."

The elephant guardian and the horse-faced middle-aged man left and returned quickly.

"There are no enemies within a few kilometers except this kid."

"he looks like"

The elephant protector looked at the handsome young man in the pit and said hesitantly: "I came here alone."

"you sure?"

The coldness in Pei Ye's eyes gradually disappeared, and his expression became weird little by little.

"Who is this kid?"

The hook-nosed old man asked coldly.

"Yellow bear's people."

The Elephant Protector paused and added: "People who have been causing trouble for us."

The hook-nosed old man's face changed slightly, but his eyes soon became serious: "Do it and kill him! Since the thing has been done, we might as well do it to the extreme!"

In an instant, several murderous intentions erupted in the hall, firmly locking the figure of the handsome young man in the pit.

The air flow surged silently, and the atmosphere quickly became oppressive.

"and many more!"

At this time, Pei Ye suddenly spoke.

"You all should stay out of this matter."

I saw Pei Ye's expression was strange, his eyes were cold, and he slowly said word by word: "Let me solve it by myself."

With that said, Pei Ye walked calmly step by step towards the handsome young man in the pit.

While walking, gently move your shoulders, hands and feet.

There was a crisp bone-chilling sound coming from the body, and cold murderous intent surged up in waves.

"You ruined my long-planned plan. I didn't go to you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door.

Good, good, good.”

A cold smile appeared on Pei Ye's face, and he said softly: "Today, I am okay?!"

Before Pei Ye finished speaking, his pupils suddenly shrank.

Out of the corner of his eye, he only caught a glimpse of a black shadow tearing through the air quickly, followed by a "bang" sound, a heavy hammer-like force coming from his chest, his eyes bulging, and then his whole body felt like he was hit by a dump truck. Go up to the general and fly out hard.



Pei Ye smashed into several walls one after another and flew dozens of meters away.

The corners of the eyes of the three Elephant Guardians in the hall twitched slightly, and they glanced at the handsome young man who took the place where Pei Ye had just stood, with a calm expression and slowly closed his fists.
After hesitating for a moment, he finally chose to take a few steps back and watch the battle with peace of mind.

"Good, good!"

Not long after Lu Yuan punched, he heard a sharp roar filled with anger.

Then a figure rushed in from the outside again like a ghost.

Lu Yuan took a breath.

The next moment, light flashed in his eyes.

lv3【Absolute concentration】!
lv1 [Invincible Instinct]!
Both skills are activated simultaneously.In an instant, the whole person immediately entered a state where he was driven by instinct, but his brain was as clear and calm as an icy lake.

The sense of martial arts was brought to full level.

The timeline seemed to be stretched, and all the pictures in front of him slowed down.

The ghostly figure soon became clear, as did Pei Ye's face, which was slightly distorted by shame, and every change of expression and every movement.
All captured perfectly by Lu Yuan.

lv2 [Must kill - Linghe method. Picking fairy orchid by mistake]!
Lu Yuan raised his right hand, his fingers flexed and raised.

What was so wonderful was that the moment Pei Ye stepped one meter in front of him and raised his hand to attack, he gently and deftly grabbed his arm.

The five fingers clenched, contracted, and dug deeply into his flesh.

A backhand swing!
"Boom! Bang!"

A large crater suddenly opened up on the ground in the living room of the villa.

Pei Ye was thrust straight into the concrete ground in an upside-down position.

After completing this smooth movement, Lu Yuan took two steps back and waited for Pei Ye to get up with a calm expression.


The three elephant guardians who were standing nearby twitched their mouths slightly and moved their fingers slightly, but they still endured it.

"Ah! Boom!——"

The ground exploded, and Pei Ye jumped out of the cement pit with a sharp cry and reappeared on the field.

At this time, the windbreaker and the lining of the windbreaker were in tatters, and he was stained with a lot of dirt.

There were no signs of injury, but the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

"Good good."

Pei Ye's handsome face was slightly distorted, his eyes were fixed on Lu Yuan, and he said in a cold tone: "As expected of this old guy, he is the only true inheritance.

At a young age, he was quite good at martial arts training in the Crane School.

You want to compete with me, right?"


A ball of rich white power exploded from Pei Ye's body, traveling around his body like liquid silver.

The windbreaker swelled, and all the dust around him was pushed outwards, forming a rolling air wave.

A ten-meter-tall spirit crane with snow-white wings flapped its wings and appeared above Pei Ye's head.

Suddenly, Pei Ye's entire aura reached an unprecedented peak.

".I am only one step away from the master realm. The true meaning of the realm is the limit. Have you ever seen the true meaning of the ten-meter-high white crane?"

Pei Ye's face was ferocious and arrogant, his arms were spread out like cranes, and his momentum was overwhelming. He looked at Lu Yuan and laughed crazily: "My dear little junior brother of the Crane Sect.

Today, let me, my senior brother, teach you a lesson
What is the Crane Sect!What is martial arts! "

Pei Ye's momentum was like a tornado, stirring up the airflow and sand and gravel in the entire villa hall.

The pure martial prowess he displayed at this moment made even the three Elephant Guardians who were watching the battle unconsciously show a hint of appreciation in their eyes.

They selected Pei Ye and wanted to elect him to become the next Evil Emperor, but not only because of his natural evil physique. He was lucky enough to get the Evil Emperor's relics from the previous Evil Emperor.

The main reason is because Pei Ye's own talent and talent are also outstanding!

At a young age, he will enter the realm of pure martial arts master.

Looking at the entire ancient martial arts world, how many people can do this? !
Lu Yuan's expression remained calm.

The surging air blew the hair at his temples, and his eyes were like deep pools without any ripples.

lv1 [Linghe True Meaning], activate!


Lu Yuan's true meaning was also released.

A six-meter-tall white crane appeared overhead, facing Pei Ye's ten-meter-tall white crane.

But both in terms of momentum and body shape, they are quite different.

Pei Ye twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain.

But next second.
lv1 [Unyielding Will], activate!

The sound of the vast ancient tribal horn sounded in Lu Yuan's mind, and his spirit and will were further inspired by the surging fighting spirit.

The six-meter-tall White Crane Zhenyi's size skyrocketed, growing to more than seven meters tall in one go.


Pei Ye's expression changed, with a slightly surprised look on his face.

But his expression was still contemptuous and disdainful. He twitched the corner of his mouth, sneered and said softly: "It's a bit interesting.

But not much”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of depression.

The facial features seemed to be severely distorted.

Immediately afterwards, he found that all the air in the entire living room seemed to become distorted.

These twisted airs were like translucent swimming fish, rushing crazily towards the true meaning of the white crane far away.

In an instant, the true meaning of the seven-meter-tall white crane continued to surge.


Ten meters!

It's about the same size as Pei Ye's peak True Meaning level, the Ultimate White Crane True Meaning.

But it's not over yet.


The true meaning of the ten-meter-tall white crane rises again!

The body size reaches 15 meters in one breath!
"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The 15-meter white crane's true meaning has grown in size step by step with the infusion of those transparent swimming fish.

Soon it broke through the limitations of the villa and expanded to the outside.

Not only that, the appearance of the originally agile and elegant White Crane also underwent tremendous changes during this process.

The agility on his body quickly faded away, and a cold and strange aura climbed up, dyeing the white crane's feathers black.

After a moment.

The atmosphere in the entire villa was extremely depressing.

Pei Ye and the three guardian elephants who were watching all had dull expressions.

Raising their heads, they stared blankly at what was before them——

A full 30 meters tall bird with scarlet eyes, jet-black wings, and a hint of black energy exuding from its entire body. It looks like a crane but not a crane, and looks like a crow but not a crow.

This terrifying giant bird directly wrapped the entire villa under its wings.

It flickered its wings slightly, and the whole villa began to shake.

The air in the villa seemed to be stirring up huge waves, which gave Pei Ye and the other four people an indescribable and heavy sense of suffocation.

Compared with this super huge terrifying black bird True Meaning, Pei Ye's ten-meter white crane True Meaning is like an underdeveloped chicken? !

"What kind of airplane is this?"

Pei Ye raised his head and murmured with a dull expression.

No one answered him.

Lu Yuan, who has black hair and black eyes and is dressed in black, is standing under the true meaning of the 30-meter-tall terrifying black bird.

The airflow around him was slightly distorted, and with every movement of his hands, it seemed as if he could set off a hurricane or a tsunami out of thin air.

He looked at Pei Ye in front of him calmly and slowly raised his hand.

The black energy behind him surged into the sky, and the terrifying black bird's true meaning with scarlet eyes also synchronized with his movements.

next second.

A ten-meter-tall white crane Zhenyi on the field was directly caught and exploded by the claws of a pitch-black terrifying bird.

A figure was shot away like a cannonball, crashed through the inner wall of the villa with a bang, and was blown away again and again.
(End of this chapter)

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