Final priesthood.

Chapter 227: One day I will be the Demon Emperor, and you can all sit on the lotus platform!

Chapter 227: One day I will be the Demon Emperor, and you can all sit on the lotus platform!

On the [Fighter] career panel, the super-kill lv2 [Thousand Crows Song Moon] is shining slightly.

Lu Yuan looked at the giant strange bird floating above his head, which looked like a crane, but had black wings, crow's eyes, and a black air all over his body, as if it was about to go from illusion to reality in the next second.

Even I was slightly surprised.

This is a stroke of genius.

He tried to use the lv2 [Super Certain Kill - Thousand Crows Ode to the Moon] method to stimulate the true meaning of the spiritual crane, but he ended up with such a weird true meaning that the crane is not like a crane, and the crow is not like a crow.

But don't say it, the effect is unexpectedly good.

Under the "feeding" of lv2 super-kill, Lu Yuan's true meaning skyrocketed to more than 30 meters, far beyond the limit of true meaning.

It can no longer be said to be the true meaning, but more like some kind of martial arts method? !
It was as if a path had been opened by him unexpectedly.

"Ordinary martial arts condense the true meaning of martial arts. I am the extraordinary martial arts, condense the martial arts law."

Lu Yuan thought for a moment, and his expression quickly became relieved.

"Very reasonable."

He raised his hand at will and punched.

The 30-meter magic crane behind him synchronized with his movements. The huge black crane claws pressed gently into the void, and an invisible force suddenly burst out.


Lu Yuan just made a punching motion, and the entire inner wall of the villa hall in front of him was completely shattered and collapsed.

"Yes, this power is closer to the concept of extraordinary. The future is promising!"

Lu Yuan walked out of the hole in the inner wall of the villa and walked to the yard outside.

The blow from the Demonic Crane just now knocked Pei Ye hundreds of meters away.

If it were an ordinary true-level fighter, that one blow would be enough to knock the opponent out.

As expected of the "Ye Emperor", anyone who can withstand beatings will not even die.

Under the induction of [Hunting Sense], Lu Yuan "saw" a figure rushing towards him crazily!

A long roar came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan heard the sound of "whirring" wind.

Then a huge black tornado appeared in his field of vision, heading towards him at an extremely fast speed.

The black tornado stirred up the air currents and stirred up strong winds, making the surrounding yellow vegetation rustle.

Lu Yuan squinted his eyes and could vaguely see Pei Ye's figure in the black tornado.

He inhaled slightly and his legs suddenly expanded.


The next second, the ground beneath Lu Yuan's feet exploded.

His whole body soared into the sky like a big bird, and the golden martial energy rolled between his body and arms like molten amber.

At its highest point, he dived downwards.

The 30-meter-tall dark magic crane behind him spread its wings and made a sound that was unclear whether it was a crane or a crow. Following Lu Yuan's movements, it swooped forward.


The Demonic Crane Dharma Phase ran straight into the huge black tornado.

The expected collision did not occur.

When the two collided, the huge black chaos suddenly spread out.

Then it turned into countless black smoke, wrapping the entire Demonic Crane Dharma Appearance.

The huge magic crane was entangled in the black smoke, fluttering its wings and struggling, but could not break free.


Lu Yuan's expression changed slightly.

Only then did he notice the black smoke and the black tornado from before.
It is completely composed of strange black moths.

These moths are about the same size as ordinary moths, with black wings and black moth bodies, but their heads are weirdly twisted human faces with laughing expressions.

The mouthparts open, revealing densely packed jagged teeth.

Countless moths lay on the magic crane's appearance, biting and biting.

The magic crane's wings kept fluttering, trying to disperse the black smoke.

But there were too many strange moths in the black smoke, and the huge body of more than 30 meters high was quickly eaten away until it faintly collapsed.

The Demonic Crane Dharma is the collection of Lu Yuan’s spiritual will and is subject to this kind of attack.

Lu Yuan also immediately felt a slight tingling sensation in his mind.

After thinking about it, he simply dispersed the entire dharma image with a bang, and his mental power turned into an invisible and qualityless mist and was withdrawn.

Is this the power of the evil god that Pei Ye possesses?

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, but his face was quite calm, without any fluctuation.

At this time, the black smoke that had lost its target had begun to gather again.

Countless black smoke composed of strange moths quickly formed a huge black ball.

This black ball is rolling, constantly collapsing inward, shrinking
At the end, a figure completely appeared.

"I originally wanted to fight you as a pure fighter."

Pei Ye floated quietly in the air.

On his body were densely packed tens of thousands of strange moths.

These moths stick to each other and bite together to form a strange, penetrating, and inexplicably gorgeous black armor.

The armor almost covered Pei Ye's whole body.

A pair of huge black moth wings extending several meters wide extended from his back.

The giant black wings flickered slightly, bringing a sweet smell.

Pei Ye was condescending, looking down at Lu Yuan with indifferent eyes, and said softly: "You forced me to do this, and you asked for it yourself."

Lu Yuan blinked and said nothing.

Pei Ye in the distance had already flapped his wings and suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yuan as if teleporting.

Then a thick evil smile appeared on his handsome and charming face, and he reached out and pointed at Lu Yuan.


"The bite of evil!"


In an instant, a huge black "torrent" suddenly spurted out from Pei Ye's arm.

This "torrent" completely submerged Lu Yuan in less than a second.

Countless human-faced moths fly out of the "torrent", hovering and flying
Small, weird, twisted smiling faces flashed and appeared rapidly.

Soon the entire space was filled with an evil and penetrating aura.

Pei Ye looked at all this, with his hands open and his eyes slightly closed, with a look of deep confidence and enjoyment on his face.

In this realm, Pei Ye felt that he was the god who controlled everything!
This is the power of Xiewu.

Mysterious and transcendent above the mundane.Even if you are a monster in the ancient martial arts world, so what if you are an outstanding genius?

How can mortal fists and feet compete with the mighty power of gods?
The figures of the three elephant guardians appeared quietly at the door of the villa.

The three of them looked at this scene with somewhat complicated and emotional expressions on their faces.

"I didn't expect that he has developed the power of the Evil Emperor's relic to this extent. He is indeed arrogant."

"That's good, it proves that we were right."

"With his current strength, he may be qualified to be recognized by the other guardians."

As they were speaking, Pei Ye seemed to hear their praise for him in the distance.

The moth's wings flapped, and it slowly flew towards a few people in a king-like manner.

Black moths danced behind him. He smiled and said softly: "The game is over, everyone."

Not finished yet.


There was a loud noise, and the torrent of black moths behind Pei Ye exploded.

The four people all looked startled, and then Pei Ye turned around quickly.


A surging heat wave hit my face.

Countless black strange moths flying around were like black paper dust that had been suddenly scattered.

Among the "paper dust" flying all over the sky, a strong figure more than two meters tall, with dark red body, wildly dancing hair, stood quietly.

Waves of surging heat spread around the figure, and all the black moths close to his body had their faces distorted and melted silently.

He was like a blazing hot furnace, exuding an extremely violent and fiery aura.


The expression on Pei Ye's face fell into a moment of astonishment.

Before he could react, the trace of the figure suddenly disappeared in front of him.

The next second, there was a dull and low sound in the air, like the sound of lava rolling.

"The power of one domain!"

An unprecedented sense of crisis immediately enveloped Pei Ye.

In an instant, a dark red shadow spread rapidly.

His pupils suddenly shrank, his hair stood on end, and his scalp felt numb as if someone had pinched it with his hands and pulled it up.

The huge moth wings behind him flapped.

Pei Ye's figure pulled out afterimages in the air and dodged quickly.

But in the next second.
Penetrated by life and crucified in the void!

A thick arm as thick as an ordinary person's thigh penetrated Pei Ye's entire abdomen, like a spear picking up prey, hanging his whole life in the air.


The breathing sound was like a giant beast, and the thick white air was exhaled along with the breath.

Pei Ye opened his eyes wide and looked at the ferocious yet handsome face that was so close at hand.

"Uh uh uh--"

Strange sounds came from his mouth, and moth wings flapped wildly behind his back.

With a sound of "Bang——", the whole person suddenly exploded.

It turned into countless black moths and disappeared into the arms that penetrated him.

"Whirring whirring--"

Tens of meters away, Pei Ye's figure reappeared.

At this time, his face was as pale as white paper, the strange and gorgeous moth armor on his body also shattered and disappeared, and the huge moth wings behind him were so thin that they were almost transparent.

The chest that had been penetrated before was intact, and it was not known what kind of means were used to escape.

"The bite of evil!"

Pei Ye barely paused after he stopped.

While full of shock, horror and disbelief, he pointed directly at the figure in the distance.

The black torrent reappears.

Countless black monster moths appeared for no apparent reason within a radius of tens of meters, swarming towards the terrifying figure.

After doing all this, Pei Ye turned around and fluttered his wings to escape without looking back.

Then, a calm and indifferent voice sounded immediately.

"Panic boils over."

In an instant, countless scenes that had made him tremble, tremble, and fear flashed through Pei Ye's mind like a lantern.

In my heart, emotions related to fear surged like wildfire.

It swept through his body in an instant.

His body was trembling uncontrollably, and tears and snot were streaming down his face. He was clearly trying to escape frantically, but neither his body nor his will would obey his words.
Except standing there shaking.

He couldn't do anything.

The strong body surging with heat walked towards Pei Ye step by step, a shadow enveloped him, and terrible pressure pressed down on him like a tsunami.

A big hand gently pinched Pei Ye's head and lifted him up in the air.

Pei Ye's face was full of panic and fear, and his handsome face was covered with tears and snot.

He struggled desperately, worked hard, mustered up the last bit of strength and courage in his body, and finally...
He could shout to the three evil martial alliance guardians who were watching the battle in the distance: "What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and do it!!"

The three Elephant Protectors, who had been stunned for a long time, were awakened by Pei Ye's hoarse shouts. Their bodies were shaking, and they were hesitating whether they should take action.

At this moment, a pair of scarlet eyes glanced at them.


A large amount of rich death energy suddenly surged out of the body that was more than two meters tall and looked like a demon.

This deathly aura is like burning black flames, and also like a black cloak wrapping that body.

The black hair that reaches her waist is flying freely.

The next moment, a cold and calm hoarse voice sounded softly.

"My moves are not as good as mine, my sincerity is not as good as mine, my strength is not as good as mine, my talent is not as good as mine
Even the power of the evil god I control is not as good as mine! "

"You think this good-for-nothing is the Evil Emperor, why not respect me as the Demon Emperor!"

"Wait for him to overthrow Penglai and unify the martial arts world.

You can sit on the lotus platform! "

When the three elephant guardians heard this, their eyes widened and their pupils shrank sharply.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

The next chapter will be updated during the day tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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