Final priesthood.

Chapter 234 What is this move called?

Chapter 234 What is this move called?
I saw two figures walking towards the door of the martial arts hall.

The leader is a young man of about seventeen or eighteen years old, with black hair and black eyes, handsome appearance, and a faint air of superiority in his movements.

"Is this the lord you are talking about?"

The middle-aged man named Liao raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at the peregrine falcon.

Peregrine Falcon ignored him, but bowed his head and saluted respectfully and said hello to the visitor.

The middle-aged man surnamed Liao noticed the red bear mark printed on the left chest of the person following the young man, and his pupils shrank slightly.

Before coming here, he had thought that the person Huang Xiong was looking for was probably a red bear-level figure. Outside of Xia Bang, the high-level figures Huang Xiong could come into contact with were almost at the red bear level.

But looking at his current posture, he was probably not the son of a big shot above the red bear level, who came to him to learn how to shoot.

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man surnamed Liao felt a little relaxed.

Being young also means that he is easy to fool around. It seems that his teaching this trip will be much easier than he expected.

The young man quickly walked up to the middle-aged man surnamed Liao. Seeing that he had a gentle temper, he smiled politely at him.

The middle-aged man surnamed Liao responded with a slightly reserved fist and cupped his fists.

"Mr. Liao Yu Liao is the president of the Southeast Spearmanship Association, the vice president of the Xiaguo Spearmanship Association, and the vice president of the Xiaguoleng Weapon Fighting Association.
An ancient martial arts master who uses his spear to convey his true meaning, a true master of spear skills. "

Peregrine Falcon came up and quickly introduced the identity of the middle-aged man named Liao to Lu Yuan.

The latter smiled when he heard this and said nothing, but there was a hint of pride in his brows.

"I have long admired the name."

Lu Yuan smiled and nodded at the middle-aged man named Liao, and then asked the strong red bear man beside him in a low voice: "What are the conditions for inviting you here?"

The red bear brawny man quickly replied: "This Liao Yu's youngest son wants to compete for the position in the Eastern Conference this year, but his advantage is not obvious among several candidates. I promise to say hello to the Eastern Conference for him."


Lu Yuan nodded and said nothing, but raised his eyes and looked Liao Yu up and down.

Liao Yu looks like he is in his early forties from the outside, but his actual age may be older. After all, fighters have strong bodies, abundant energy and blood, and their bodies age much more slowly than ordinary people.

In his hand, he held a cold-weapon spear with a lead-gray body and a silver-white tip. His whole body seemed to be integrated with the spear, which was quite impressive.

This was the first time for Lu Yuan to see such a fighter who specializes in cold weapon martial arts.

Whether official or private, there are very few cold weapon fighting competitions, so warriors who specialize in cold weapons are considered a niche group even in the ancient martial arts world.

After all, this is a society ruled by law, and cannons and mechas are rampant. You can practice boxing and kicking and compete in competitions to become famous.

Practicing cold weapons is really useless.

It's hard to believe that some people can persevere and even enter the true artistic conception.

"What kind of marksmanship did Mr. Liao learn? What school did he inherit?"

Lu Yuan asked.

Liao Yu said lightly: "There is no school, just family tradition. The marksmanship is called bloody battle, with a total of 130 two styles and thousands of variations."

"A bloody battle? It sounds like marksmanship honed on the battlefield."

"Liao's ancestors had generals."


Lu Yuan nodded, ended the simple greetings, and said to Liao Yu: "Mr. Liao, you can start now. I will first learn Mr. Liao's bloody battle marksmanship."

Liao Yu looked startled, and then saw the peregrine falcon and the strong red bear man beside Lu Yuan taking a few steps back.

Liao Yu frowned slightly and said, "Let's change it to someone else. Swordsmen have no eyes."

"It doesn't matter."

Lu Yuan interrupted Liao Yu's words, shook his head and said: "Mr. Liao, feel free to use it, here, the damage caused by cold weapons is still irreversible."

Liao Yu's eyes flickered and he said, "Then I'll change my gun."

"Need not."

Lu Yuan returned lightly.

Liao Yu's face darkened, his eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a faint aura gathering around him.

Suddenly he chuckled, and the spear in his hand jumped out like a swimming dragon, its sharp edge approaching the door in front of Lu Yuan.


Lu Yuan stood there calmly, without any fluctuation on his face.

The tip of a silver-white spear hovered silently less than an inch between his eyebrows, vibrating crazily at an ultra-high frequency.

The red bear brawny man and Peregrine Falcon frowned as they watched. They subconsciously wanted to step forward, but Lu Yuan raised his hand to stop them.

"Mr. Liao, can we officially start now?"

At this time, Liao Yu was also very serious.

His shot test showed that no matter how strong Lu Yuan was, at least his character that remained unchanged despite the collapse of the mountain was far beyond the vast majority of skilled fighters.

It's worth his shot.

"Then you have to be careful."

Liao Yu spoke softly, and when he said the last word, the ending sound suddenly lengthened.

Then his body twisted, and the spear hanging in front of Lu Yuan quickly retracted, and then he thrust out again at a faster speed than before.


There was a dull sound like it was being punched into a thick wooden board.

Lu Yuan lowered his head slightly and watched as the spear in Liao Yu's hand was stabbed below his left sternum. The tip of the spear was blocked by the powerful physique tempered by 22 points of physical fitness and various horizontal martial arts, and could not move forward.


Liao Yu was stunned for a moment, and a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

Although he didn't use all his strength just now, the force of the gun was still several tons, and the long gun in his hand had a gun head made of super alloy.

Even a solid cement pier made of high-strength concrete can be punctured and broken at once.
As a result, Lu Yuan's skin membrane was not even punctured.

Just kidding?

Liao Yu reacted quickly.

Lu Yuan didn't answer, just smiled.

Liao Yu was completely relieved.

No wonder the person in front of him was so young that he dared to try his gun. It turned out that he had been transplanted with a new defensive weapon.

Then there is really no need for him to hold back.

Thinking about it, a cold light flashed in Liao Yu's eyes, and the spear in his hand danced, and a rich white light of power bloomed on his arms and spear.

In an instant, he shook his hands and thrust out hundreds or thousands of spears.

The spear tore through the air, emitting a dense and sharp whistle, and transformed into numerous spear shadows, pouring down like a violent storm.

Lu Yuan did not dodge, but stood still.

He watched as the clothes on his upper body made of ordinary materials opened and shattered like snowflake fragments under Liao Yu's gun skills.
Revealing the almost perfect contours of the muscles underneath.

A large number of dense red spots appeared on his chest, then quickly disappeared, then appeared again
At first, Lu Yuan felt no pain or itching, but later he gradually felt a stinging sensation.

some moment.


The skin was broken somewhere where the tip of the spear had been poked dozens or even hundreds of times, and a drop of blood seeped out.

"Cold weapons indeed have their advantages. Such ordinary strength and ordinary strength can actually hurt me. If it were fists and feet, it would be impossible."

Lu Yuan blinked, and then took a breath.

In an instant, his body expanded slightly, and nine blood lines snaked out from his chest, winding into a dragon shape.

The golden martial power rushed out, and in just half a breath, his whole body was dyed into a brilliant golden color.

The next second, the sound of Liao Yu's gun hitting Zhong Luyuan immediately changed to——

"jingle jingle."

It was like the sound of a bullet being bounced off a metal plate.

Liao Yu, who was drawing the gun, shook his hands, and even the speed of the gun slowed down by a minute. His face instantly showed a look of strong shock and disbelief.

The voice also became high-pitched and deformed.

"Tiangang Balie. Amitabha Golden Clothes"

"Are you... Chunwu?!"

Lu Yuan has now seen that on the [Fighter] panel, the experience values ​​​​of several horizontal martial arts such as lv3 [Amitabha Golden Clothes], lv2 [Tiangang Balie] and lv2 [Cassock Kung Fu] are increasing rapidly.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, with a sense of unexpected joy.

So he stepped forward and directly faced Liao Yu's spear.

"Mr. Liao's marksmanship is good, but unfortunately his strength is a bit soft, which makes it almost useless."

Liao Yu recovered from the brief shock and confusion. Hearing Lu Yuan's words, he gritted his teeth and the light of strength in his body became even stronger.

He shouted loudly: "A bloody battle with thousands of armies!"


If Liao Yu's marksmanship was like a storm before, then now it's a stormy sea!
In the huge martial arts hall, the only sound that could be heard was the sound of spears piercing the air.

The dense shadow of the gun in front of Liao Yu seemed to turn into a raging black tide, swallowing up most of Lu Yuan's body. Only the occasional golden light and the continuous jingling sound proved Lu Yuan's existence.

Under Liao Yu's clothes, the muscles in Liao Yu's arms were knotted and veins were bulging. Sweat was pouring down his face and back, and his face was somewhat ferocious.

At this time, he had forgotten that this was just a simple gun test, and there was almost only one thought left in his mind - to penetrate his defense!pierce his defenses

An extremely clear sound sounded, the gun shadows all over the sky disappeared, and the continuous clanking sound disappeared.

Liao Yu paused in holding the gun, and after a moment of astonishment, joy and hope gradually appeared on his face.

Broken..Breaked the defense?
However, the next second.

He looked stunned.

Lu Yuan, who was naked from the waist up, covered with a faint golden light, with nine streaks of blood on his chest and no trace of scars on his body, raised his right hand. The index and middle fingers of his right hand came together and gently held the tip of his spear. He shook his head with disappointment and sighed: "Mr. Liao's marksmanship does not look like it was honed on the battlefield, it looks more like it was performed on the stage.
Is Mr. Liao here just for fun? "


Liao Yu looked dull for several seconds.

The next moment, a great feeling of humiliation and anger emerged from his face.

"To shut up!"

Liao Yu almost shouted this.

Lu Yuan quietly let go, letting Liao Yu take back the spear, his eyes clear, with a hint of expectation.

Liao Yu's violent thrusts just now caused his experience points in several horizontal martial arts to skyrocket, ranging from dozens to hundreds of experience points.

Regardless of anything else, Liao Yu is worth keeping because of his role in assisting cultivation.

And he deliberately used sarcastic words, as if he was forcing the other party to use some trick.


Liao Yu took a deep breath like a whale sucking water, retracted his spear, held it behind his back with one hand, and pointed it at Lu Yuan in a gesture that looked like throwing.


A wave of true meaning spread out from his body, quickly forming a blurred shadow of a warrior wearing armor above his head.

And Liao Yu's whole body was filled with a decisive and tragic aura.

At this moment, Lu Yuan felt a stinging pain between his eyebrows, as if he was locked by something extremely sharp.

Even the faces of Red Bear Strong Man and Peregrine Falcon, who were standing aside to watch the battle, changed a bit.

There was no trace of nervousness in Lu Yuan's eyes, but the light was getting brighter and brighter.

Lest Liao Yu wake up from his rage and make this killing move aborted, Lu Yuan simply added fuel to the fire and laughed loudly: "Mr. Liao's move is not bad, it looks a bit like a circus juggler."


The blood in Liao Yu's eyes surged, he shouted, his shoulders shook, and the arm holding the gun seemed to disappear.

Immediately afterwards, something seemed to explode suddenly in the huge martial arts hall, and an invisible barrier was broken.

No one could clearly see the trajectory of the spear cutting through the air, only a "buzz" was heard.

An extremely thick and heavy aura rose from the ground and spread quickly, as if a majestic wave suddenly came and weighed heavily on everyone's hearts.

Liao Yu's mind immediately returned to clarity the moment the spear was pierced, and he realized that he had actually used the decisive move in his family's marksmanship.

The person used to deal with it was still a certain big shot with extremely noble status.

His face suddenly changed wildly.

But before he could panic for long, the expression on his face immediately froze and froze.

In front of him, he saw a young man with an upright posture clasping his hands together and holding his spear tightly to his chest.

The barrel of the spear was still buzzing and trembling.

The young man's feet plowed out two deep ravines, seven or eight meters long, and large pieces of floor masonry rolled up.

And behind him.
A full 15-meter-tall elephant-headed and human-like true image is suspended like a black magic mountain, constantly exuding a terrifying aura like rolling mountains.

Liao Yu made a "plop" sound, and he fell to his knees under the terrible pressure due to exhaustion.

He stared blankly at the scene in front of him that was beyond his cognitive scope, his Adam's apple twitching, and he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

A voice slowly sounded in the air that seemed to have become stagnant.

"What's this trick called?"

Liao Yu slowly turned his head with a dull expression, and he saw that the young man standing under the majestic Elephant Man's true intention had raised his face.

His eyes were burning, and there was an inexplicable look on his handsome face.

Liao Yu subconsciously replied: "It's a desperate move."

"not good."

Lu Yuan slowly held the spear in his palm, narrowed his eyes, and said word by word: "It should be called the first move!"

"I will learn this trick from Mr. Liao."

 Good Brother Xianyu’s new book is very interesting.Book title "Crown of Shadows"

  Introduction: Gods play chess, and all living beings play chess.

  All mankind was forced into the war between high-dimensional gods and became conquered by the gods.

  Zhao's game chess piece
  Su Nian originally thought that he could not escape the fate of becoming a pawn of the gods, until

  When he turned 18, he set foot on the gods for the first time as a conscripted warrior.

  On the battlefield, I found that there seemed to be a slight problem with my start.

(End of this chapter)

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