Final priesthood.

Chapter 235 New career, I’m going to die

Chapter 235 New career, I’m going to die
Lu Yuan's life has entered a rare period of regularity and calm.

He spends most of his time in the gravity training room every day, practicing the body-building method.

Then he set aside a fixed hour to "wash himself" under Liao Yu's rain of spears, and practiced spear skills for an hour, mainly the "first move".

He activates [Imagine Enemy] at least three hundred times a day and fights with the Elephant Man walking in the consciousness space.

Time is like water, half a month flies by.


Gravity training room.

170 times gravity.

Lu Yuan exhaled for a long time, and white waves came out of his mouth, pushing the air in the entire training room and making bursts of slight squeezing and popping sounds.

His body shape was significantly different from half a month ago.

The whole person seems more solid and condensed.

The skin that was originally as fair as jade has also darkened a bit, and even shows a metallic sheen at certain angles when illuminated by light.

He seems to have become a centimeter shorter.

Above Lu Yuan's head, a shadow of an elephant man, as towering as a magic mountain, was floating quietly.

It is only seven meters high.

But it is much more solid, clear and lifelike than half a month ago. Even the lines of the Magic Mountain Rock on the body are almost replicated.

“The more real the image of the true meaning, the more powerful the true meaning.
Whether it is the true meaning of the spiritual crane, the true meaning of the dragon shape, or the true meaning of the giant whale.
There is no way I can do this in terms of image details.

Because I directly copied the way Lord Ganesha walks. "

Lu Yuan gradually lowered the gravity multiplier in the gravity training room and relaxed his whole body.

“Legendary background information is also an important support for this sense of reality.

If I can get more information about Ganesh Cult and the Magic Mountain, the power of Ganesh's true meaning will definitely be improved to a higher level.


Lu Yuan blinked, and a figure with three heads and six arms standing on the top of the magic mountain appeared in his mind, pointing at him and shouting curses.

"If I could see clearly the appearance of the high-level elephant man with three elephant heads and six arms, my power of the elephant god's true will would also skyrocket."

It's a pity that Lu Yuan has been dreaming of the Elephant God more and more recently.

But he could only stay at the foot of the magic mountain, unable to climb up even a little bit, let alone see the people on the top of the mountain clearly.

Lu Yuan called up his [Fighter] career panel.

On the panel, the skill level 3 [True Will of the Elephant God] has already appeared.

But unlike the other true meanings, there is no full level displayed after lv3 [The True Meaning of the Elephant God].

This proves that Lu Yuan's idea of ​​using the evil god's projection to replace the true meaning is correct.

"The evil god's projection is based on reality, and its potential is higher than that of spiritual cranes and real dragons. There are too many fictional images."



Lu Yuan looked up and saw that after the 170 times gravity was canceled, his original six-meter-high Elephant God's true meaning instantly skyrocketed to more than ten meters, or even 20 meters!

"Being in a high-gravity environment really has a sharpening effect on my mental will. Although the panel doesn't show it, my intelligence has definitely improved.

Feedback to True Meaning means that True Meaning’s body size has increased again.”

However, Lu Yuan was not happy, and instead frowned slightly.

The continued rise in true meaning is not entirely a good thing.

Because his ultimate goal is to integrate the true meaning into the body, integrate it with the body, and form a master force field.

so far.

Instead of getting closer to this goal, he is getting further and further away.

"Know your mind and see your nature."

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, recalling the step that Lao Liu took towards the master realm, and thought to himself: "Maybe what I need is not pressure but release."

His eyes continued to move up and down the panel.

Amitabha Golden Clothes lv4 (234/800)

Tiangang Ba Lie lv3 (76/400)

Kasaya skill lv4 (34/800)

Martial God Strength lv4 (234/800)]

In the past half a month, Lu Yuan had mastered all the S-level horizontal martial arts he bought from the merit store.

And all of them have been trained to level 2 or above.

[Amitabha Golden Clothes], [Tiangang Ba Lie] and [Cassock Kung Fu], the three horizontal training methods that mainly rely on anti-strike training, have all reached a relatively high level.

"There are a total of nine S-level and above Henglian martial arts. Although it has not improved my physical attributes, the nine doors are opened together, and the stacking effect is enough to increase my physical defense to a considerable level.
It’s a pity that there is still no idea of ​​integrating the nine gates into one and including them in the "Illustrated Book of the God of War".

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh every time he thought of this.

He has even thought of several names for the techniques - Heavenly Tyrant Body, Heavenly Demon Golden Body, Immortal Chaos Holy Body.
I still don’t have enough brain power to be able to create a law!
Lu Yuan quickly scanned the improvements and changes on the [Fighter] panel.

Then switch the panel and look at another panel.

A new panel.

A newly unlocked career panel——

[Occupation: Weapon Master lv3 (34/400)]!
On the day he and Liao Yu learned to shoot, this panel was unlocked smoothly.

Although there is only one basic professional skill displayed on it - [Basic Spear Skill lv4 (45/800)]

But he also forced Lu Yuan to rush to level 3.
Get 2 attribute points and 2 skill points!

In the past half a month, Lu Yuan only learned one move from Liao Yu.

It's the kind of gun-throwing stunt that Liao Yu's family passed down as the best marksmanship - a desperate move.

Lu Yuan adapted it into a spear and changed its name to - [Get the first shot]!
For now.

Still very effective.

“Sure enough, it’s the fastest way to obtain attribute points and skill points by opening a new profession.
However, it is best for the new professions to be unlocked to be related to martial arts, or in other words, they can continue to help me in the future.
Otherwise, even if it is just for attribute points and skill points, it would be a pity to waste this time and energy."

Just like Lu Yuan's two sub-professions [student] and [ancient language expert].

The former is not worth wasting his time and energy on. Unlocking two professional cores that have been useful to him so far - [Absolute Focus] and [Flash of Inspiration] is already very good.

Lu Yuan even wanted to raise the level of [Flash of Inspiration] to a higher level.But asking him to continue to level up the [Student] profession is really cost-effective.

"[Ancient Language Expert] might consider picking it up and brushing it up when I have time. After all, the level is low, and it should be helpful for me to explore the evil mysterious realm next."

Lu Yuan thought, while considering how to use the two attribute points and two skill points he had saved.

As he walked out of the branch base, he came to the empty outdoors.

The Huangxiong branch base was built in an abandoned metal mine and was completely deserted within a radius of [-] kilometers.

Lu Yuan slowly climbed to the top of a lead-gray mine. Liao Yu, Peregrine Falcon and others had been waiting here for a long time.

"grown ups."

Peregrine Falcon greeted Lu Yuan respectfully.

Liao Yu also called "Sir" with the same respectful expression.

For more than half a month, Liao Yu's knowledge of martial arts has been constantly broken by Lu Yuan, and he is no longer as arrogant as when they first met.


Lu Yuan nodded slightly towards the two of them and walked up calmly.

He lowered his head and glanced at the black metal spears placed on the metal table in front of him, picked up one casually, and then said calmly to the peregrine falcon beside him: "Let's get started."


The peregrine falcon immediately transmitted a signal to the yellow bear members who had been waiting on the top of the mountain opposite the mine.

Soon, solid metal balls with a diameter of more than five meters were pushed down from the top of the mine opposite.

There was no movement on Lu Yuan's face, his arm shook slightly, and the metal spear in his hand disappeared instantly.

"Pa! Whoosh——"

The sound of air explosion suddenly sounded in my ears, followed by an extremely sharp low whistle.

In the field of vision of everyone on the top of the mountain, only a black shadow could be seen, jumping forward like black lightning.

It is almost impossible to capture the trajectory of the black shadow with the naked eye, and can only be judged by dragging a long and clear white air wave behind it.

It's almost as long as you take a breath.

Thousands of meters away, a huge metal ball rolled down from the opposite mountaintop and exploded.

No one has yet to respond.

There was another burst of sound, and then the second metal ball exploded, followed by the third and fourth.
The number of metal spears in front of Lu Yuan continued to decrease one by one.

Every time one is reduced, one of the metal balls rolling down from the top of the mountain will explode.

Because the throwing speed is so fast, sometimes the speed of the metal ball pushed down from the opposite hill cannot keep up, and the ball will have to wait a little longer.

This is his daily mandatory spear throwing training.

Lu Yuan was immersed in the pleasure of the experience value increasing bit by bit on the [Weapon Master] career panel.

Liao Yu, who was standing next to him, had his eyelids twitching wildly.

Although he had seen this scene countless times, he still couldn't help but feel shaken and swayed every time he saw it.

Then, in a heart filled with confusion, I asked myself a question that struck straight to my soul - Is this guy really a human?
Lu Yuan threw nearly a hundred times in a row and felt his arm was a little sore and numb.

The mine beneath his feet was already filled with a thick layer of metal ball fragments.

He was about to continue when suddenly the Peregrine Falcon next to him spoke.

"Sir, the Golden Bear from Xia Bang is coming soon. Do we need to go and greet him?"

Peregrine Falcon said while looking at the light curtain floating on his wrist.

There was no movement on Lu Yuan's face and he didn't speak.

Peregrine understood this and shut up obediently.

And just when Lu Yuan threw 132 metal spears, he suddenly felt a hot burning sensation in his right chest.

Curse of Ganesha? !
Lu Yuan moved his hands.

At the same time, the peregrine falcon's urgent report came to my ears: "Sir, the Sky Eye has detected an extremely strong wave of evil energy, which is rapidly approaching us.
The estimated level of evil energy is... above double S level! "

When he said the last few words, Peregrine Falcon's voice was slightly trembling.

Lu Yuan's eyes fluctuated slightly.

Calmness soon returned again.

He reached out and gently grabbed a metal spear in front of him, and said calmly: "Don't worry, continue."

In the wilderness far away from the city, three figures were walking leisurely at a speed that exceeded the speed of ordinary people.

"Why don't we take the car instead of walking?"

Among the three, the old man with a hooked nose and a slightly sinister face spoke with an unhappy expression.

Beside him, a middle-aged man with a horse face glanced at the elephant guardian who was over two meters tall and as burly as a hill, and said expressionlessly: "What kind of car do you think you can fit in? Can you carry this guy?"

The elephant protector said nothing.

The hook-nosed old man said dissatisfied: "I don't believe the dump truck can't pull him."

"That would be so inconsistent with who we are."

The horse-faced middle-aged man consoled him: "Okay, it's good to go for a walk.

It’s not slow anyway, it’s urgent.”

A gray light flashed in the eyes of the horse-faced middle-aged man, and he said: "I met the Sheep Protector, convinced him, and then"

Before the horse-faced middle-aged man finished speaking, he suddenly noticed that the elephant guardian beside him, who had been silent all this time, suddenly stopped.

Then, facing a certain direction, the huge body began to tremble slightly.

The trembling became more and more intense, until it even affected the ground beneath their feet.

The hook-nosed old man and the horse-faced middle-aged man were shocked and suspicious, and did not wait for them to ask.

I heard that Protector Xiang's low and peaceful tone, which seemed to have remained unchanged for thousands of years, had long been distorted out of shape at this moment.

They hear.

The elephant protector murmured repeatedly:

"I'm dying"


(End of this chapter)

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