Final priesthood.

Chapter 241 Ultimate Defense Form

Chapter 241 Ultimate Defense Form

Lu Yuan checked his [Fighter] career panel.

I found that all the skills related to body training on the panel had disappeared.

For example, [Crane-Shaped Pile] [Spiritual Crane Body] [Wan Lian Shen].
There are also nine Henglian martial arts that have not yet been completed, and they have all disappeared.

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

These skills on the [Fighter] panel cost him a lot of time and effort.

If the effect of the fused panel is not satisfactory
That would be a big loss.

"Let's try it first."

Lu Yuan's eyes flickered and he glanced around the training room where he was now.

After thinking about it, he closed his eyes and chose to activate [Imagine Enemy] and enter the consciousness space.

. . .

The scene in front of him changed, and Lu Yuan had returned to the mine where he was standing a few minutes ago.

In front of him stood a walking elephant god more than five meters high.

The huge body brings bursts of natural oppression.

Lu Yuan looked calm and turned his attention to the new panel he had just unlocked.

"[Elephant God. Walking Stance] is on!"

This is the first time Lu Yuan has encountered a career panel that needs to be opened actively.

The moment the panel is turned on, the entire panel shines with light.


Lu Yuan couldn't help but his body began to swell.

Skin color turns red, muscles swell, heat waves emanate, and black hair grows
In the blink of an eye, he entered a state of two and a half meters and three stages of ultimate transformation.

The growth in size continued.

three meters
Three and a half meters.
four meters
It rose to a height of just over five meters before it completely stopped.

"Growing taller again"

The road was far away at this time, and his whole body was red. His knotted muscles were like a python, like old tree roots, and like pieces of red-hot iron.

An astonishing heat wave was released all over his body, and the air within a ten-meter radius around him was distorting.

His arms are almost as thick as buckets, and his legs are like two large water tanks.

The whole thing turned into a giant. A normal adult man would probably not be able to reach his thighs even if he stood on tiptoe.

Lu Yuan felt that he had swelled to a certain extreme now and was about to explode!
The blood all over his body was like lava, and his whole body seemed to be on fire at any moment.

At this time, a lifelike silhouette of an elephant man, dozens of meters tall, appeared behind him.

Then it quickly shrank and merged into his body.


The power that was boiling to the extreme in the body immediately cooled down after the phantom of the Elephant God merged, and the heat wave around the body suddenly shrank.

The red skin also quickly turned into pitch black.

The whole process is like the quenching of a cold weapon.

The strength of Lu Yuan's body was precipitated and solidified, and the rigidity, hardness, and toughness of his five-meter-tall body were further greatly improved.

An unprecedented sense of solidity and solidity arose from Lu Yuan's heart.


Lu Yuan exhaled a breath and tried to move his body.

He felt as if he could stir up a storm on the ground with just a slight raise of his hand, and could easily collapse the ground beneath his feet with a stamp of his feet.

There is nothing he cannot overturn.

Nothing can overthrow him.

"A little bit clumsy."

Lu Yuan moved a little and felt almost completely familiar.

Then he looked up at the walking elephant god who was level with him opposite him, and a fierce smile appeared on his rough face that could no longer match his handsomeness.

He stretched out a hand to the elephant god walking opposite, with his thumb pointing down, and said softly: "The magic mountain you believe in will eventually collapse under my feet. The elephant god will also kneel down and kiss my feet." "


The single eye on the forehead of the elephant man in front of him opened instantly, as if some mechanism had been touched, and thick flames of violence and anger spurted out from it.

The Elephant Man roared, stamped his feet on the ground, and lunged towards Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan grinned and stepped forward without fear.


Two huge bodies over five meters high collided heavily, like two hills colliding.

The air waves cleared away, Lu Yuan's body remained motionless, and an unprecedented feeling of joy arose from the bottom of his heart.

There is no sense of oppression, difficulty, or heaviness.
[Elephant God. Walking Stance] gives him a physical body that is comparable to the walking level of the real Elephant God Cult.

He could finally fight head-on with the walking-level Elephant Man on a purely physical level!

This was something that had not been possible before with all ten doors open and all defenses stretched.


Lu Yuan raised his hand and punched the Elephant Man in front of him.

He didn't use any force-generating techniques, but the power of his punches easily exceeded the [-] tons of power that was the limit of the previous three stages of ultimate transformation.

The five-meter-tall Elephant Man was punched by Lu Yuan and flew hundreds of meters away, directly smashing into a hill in the distance.

It climbed up from the ruins, shook its head, and soon roared and rushed towards Luyuan again.

Lu Yuanyuan didn't hide or even fight back.

He stood quietly, squinting his eyes, watching the Elephant Man's figure roar and zoom in, and finally hit him hard.


Like being hit by a cannonball.

Lu Yuan flew out involuntarily.

After a moment, he stood up again as if nothing had happened.

He lowered his head to look at his unmarked chest, and the curve of his mouth became wider.

He rushed up again.

Fighting with the Elephant Man like two ferocious prehistoric mammoths.

There is no skill.

It’s all a collision between flesh and flesh.

The battle continued until Lu Yuan had almost figured out the upper limit of [Elephant God. Walking Stance], and then it came to an end. "LV2 [Invincible Instinct], activate!"

A bit of silver light bloomed from Lu Yuanyuan's eyes, and the "king" level consciousness occupied his body, driven by undefeated instinct.

It can easily kill the Elephant Man in all three transformation states.

After the physical strength reaches the same level as a walking-level elephant person,
This battle suddenly became "easy mode".

In just a few breaths, the walking-level Elephant Man turned into broken stones on the ground at Lu Yuan's feet.

Amidst the chaos, a vigorously beating heart of the Magic Mountain quickly became dim.

Lu Yuan maintained his "walking posture" and stood quietly, appreciating what he had gained from the battle just now.

"[Elephant God. Walking Stance] almost completely brings me into the category of double S-level, and it is not an ordinary double S-level.

After turning on lv2 [Invincible Instinct], it should reach double S+, or even a higher level."

For Lu Yuan, this was a leap forward in strength.

"But there is still a gap between it and my ultimate trump card - a limit-breaking perfect form [Demon].

[Elephant God. Walking Stance] is estimated to be on par with [Devil] in terms of strength, and even exceeds [Demon] in defense, but there is a huge gap in flexibility and overall combat power.
The [Demon] form is my true strongest form.

This can only be regarded as my ultimate defensive form."

However, there is one thing about [Elephant God. Walking Stance] that cannot be compared to the [Demon] form.

[Elephant God. Walking posture] There is no time limit, you can maintain it for a long time!
"Skills can be unlocked in the future, and the defense and strength are expected to be even greater."

Lu Yuan looked at the bare panel with skills to be unlocked, feeling increasingly satisfied.

After dealing with this wave of elephant god's curse, it's time for him to explore the evil and mysterious realm.

There are too many unknowns and dangers lurking in the evil mysterious realm. With the unparalleled defense of [Elephant God. Walking Stance] as a backing, he can feel more at ease.


Lu Yuan looked at the progress bar behind the [Elephant God. Walking Stance (Extraordinary)] panel, his eyes flashing.

I don’t know what will happen to the walking posture when the progress bar is full.

He was looking forward to it.


A terrifying heat wave swept across the world, seeming to melt everything.

Lu Yuan suddenly opened his eyes and exited the space of consciousness.

Just now, he tried to use the "credit-seeking boy" Lan Chen as an "imaginary enemy" to test the defensive limits of the "Elephant God. Walking Stance".

The result is
"The transformation department is still awesome. Lan Chen's dark blue exoskeleton armor actually has several small nuclear bombs hidden in it. It's really outrageous."

Lu Yuan picked up a glass of boiled water at hand and drank it slowly, calming down the mood of having just been washed by a nuclear bomb.

[Elephant God. Walking Stance] is indeed powerful, but its disadvantages are also obvious.

Even the walking-level Elephant Man cannot fly in the air and is the overlord on land.

If you encounter Lan Chen, a double S-class transformation with flying ability or a new martial arts powerhouse, your shortcomings will be immediately apparent.

Only passively beaten.

"The Pure Martial Arts Grandmaster is also double S-level, but he can't fly either. No wonder he has declined."

Lu Yuan gently put down the empty glass of water, thinking that after all, the [Demon] form is his true support.

The method to improve the [Demon] form is quite simple.

The [Demon] form is based on Lu Yuan’s four basic attributes.

Improving the surrounding attributes is equivalent to improving the [demon] form.

Lu Yuan still had 4 attribute points saved in his hand. He glanced at his current attribute panel.

Strength 21, Agility 20, Constitution 22, Intelligence 22.

Agility is slightly worse.

So I simply added all 4 attribute points to agility.

Agility changes from 20 points to [22 (limit 1)].


After adding points, Lu Yuan's body immediately let out a series of slight explosions.

Among the four basic attributes, agility not only represents speed and neural reaction speed, but also the effects of coordination and balance.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa chair, he could clearly feel that his body was beginning to undergo various subtle adjustments and reconstructions, transforming in a more "perfect" direction.

Turning to look out the window of the shuttle, the scenery passing by outside also became frame by frame. It was extremely slow.

When Lu Yuan slowly adapted to this change, the scene in front of him slowly returned to normal.

As Lu Yuan thought, the smart butler robot on the shuttle immediately came over to refill his glass of water.

At this time, he was sitting on the shuttle to Chabon.

He subconsciously touched the elephant god's curse mark on his right chest.

After killing the elephant god walking last time, this mark seemed to stop briefly.

He had not dreamed about the figure with three heads and six arms on the top of the magic mountain for several nights.

It seems that the curse will not appear again in a short time.

of course.

Wait until it starts to get hot again.
If you find someone farther away, you may be attacked and killed more ferociously.

“Constantly high-quality experiences delivered to your doorstep.”

Lu Yuan put down his hand and thought quietly: "It's actually quite good."


Lu Yuan's communicator suddenly sounded a prompt.

He called up the message and took a look, his eyes flickering slightly.

The message shows - [Are you here?I'll pick you up. 】

Contact person: Zhou Ling.

Lu Yuan thought for a while and quickly replied: "I will come directly to you."

Zhou Ling was silent for a while.

The quick reply: "Okay."

Then a coordinate was sent.

Lu Yuan directly input the coordinates into the shuttle's navigation system, closed his eyes, and continued to enter the [imaginary enemy] consciousness space.

 Recommend a book titled: "The Age of Mythology: I Use Simulation to Become the Lord of All Realms"

  Introduction: Travel through the resurrected mythical city of Gaowu, and get a life simulator and a chat group from all walks of life!Use simulation to become the master of the worlds!
(End of this chapter)

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