Final priesthood.

Chapter 242 Guide, Thunder Magnetic Flying Sword

Chapter 242 Guide, Thunder Magnetic Flying Sword

Lu Yuan has been to Xia Bang twice in total.

The first time Zhou Ling brought him here, he did not enter the city, but just looked at the shadow of this magnificent city from a distance under the night.

The second time is the end of the Huang Xiong new blood assessment.

Although I entered Chabon, I did not make any stop.

After briefly meeting Yu Wentong above the clouds, he left again.

Before leaving, he took a bunch of photos, which are still saved on his phone.

This is the third time.

It was also the first time for Lu Yuan to truly stand on the land in the city of Xia Bang.

He was now standing at a "meter"-shaped intersection, looking at everything around him curiously.

Above his head was the steel sky composed of countless shuttles and aircraft.

The dense steel dome blocks the sky, but in fact, for the people living under this iron curtain, they do not feel any darkness or depression.

On the contrary, it is far brighter and more open than any city I have ever visited.

There is an extremely bright stream of light flowing under the sky, which is not only the trajectory of countless shuttles, but also the sky of the city.

It has the function of regulating and filtering light and air.

Under the streamer canopy, there is a huge and beating light blue character - "B29843".

This number represents the area code of the area where he is currently located.

Judging from the size and length of the figures, you can probably imagine how vast the complete Chabon is.

Under the area code, there are buildings full of technology and futuristic style.

A large number of drones shuttle back and forth between buildings like busy swarms, and their presence eliminates the position of city cleaners.

There are colorful neons everywhere, flashing virtual images, and flowing and jumping electronic notes.

Most of the passers-by on the street are young and good-looking, and their average appearance has reached an incredible level.

Young men and women wear all kinds of colorful clothes, and almost every pattern printed on them can move and even make sounds.

It's the kind Lu Yuan once bought in No. [-] Smoke-free City.

From time to time, you can see people wearing exoskeletons strutting around the market.

Lu Yuan took a quick look and saw that most of the exoskeletons that were allowed to be worn in urban areas had ordinary functions, but their shapes were more exaggerated and cool than the others.

The decorative effect is far better than its function.

"This is not fundamentally different from the old city circle."

Lu Yuan had random thoughts in his mind.

Scenes like this are not uncommon in the old city circle. They just replace the exoskeleton with the latest mobile phones, computers, sports cars, etc.

Lu Yuan stood at the intersection with a calm expression, under a conspicuous neon billboard.

The advertisement slogan "Chashou Technology's Life Source No. [-] Latest Health Product Launched" scrolled above his head, accompanied by a large section of virtual pictures that were so cool that it was dazzling.

It seems that this can slightly cover up the temperament that he naturally exudes that is incompatible with the surroundings.

Lu Yuan is now 1.8 meters tall under normal circumstances and has fair skin, because he gained two points of agility on the way here.

After getting off the shuttle, his figure and appearance seemed to have reached another level.

Wearing a dark blue casual uniform specially provided by Huang Xiong, he has refreshing and thick short black hair.

His eyes were lowered, and he had an inexplicable calm and reserved temperament.

Reminiscent of those noble sons and daughters.

In fact, the innate sense of nobility he now possesses is brought about by the transformation of his life form.

"These two points of agility seem to have brought about more changes than I imagined."

Lu Yuan has been feeling the changes in himself. So far, the subtle transformation of his body has not stopped.

He even caught a hint of inspiration about being promoted to the Grandmaster realm, and his mind became calmer.


Someone was standing on the opposite side of the long street, holding something similar to a camera, pointing at Lu Yuan under the billboard and constantly clicking the shutter.

Lu Yuan did not stop him, nor did he deliberately avoid it. He looked at the other party quietly for a while.

At this time, the person he was waiting for finally arrived.

"The road is far away!"

Zhou Ling jumped off a shuttle that stopped suddenly. He was still wearing a combat uniform, his hair was slightly messy, and he waved to Lu Yuan from a distance.

"I was assigned a small task temporarily, and I came late."

Zhou Ling trotted up to Lu Yuan, his expression a bit reserved, and he explained quickly.

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, he smiled slightly, and then spread his arms towards Zhou Ling.

Zhou Ling looked slightly startled, and then a bright and long-lost smile appeared on his face.

The two hugged each other gently, and the alienation and estrangement they had not seen for a long time seemed to be eliminated.

5 minutes later, a small restaurant on the corner.

This is a rare traditional restaurant that is not made up of robots. Both chefs and waiters are served by real people.

"Chabon's labor is very expensive. Even though this restaurant is small, the price is more than five times that of a restaurant of the same quality."

Zhou Ling ordered the meal, handed the menu back to the waiter, and explained to Lu Yuan at the same time.

Suddenly he came to his senses and said with an annoyed look on his face: "I had forgotten that you have been living in the old city circle, and what you eat every day is food cooked by real chefs, which is completely different from the living habits of the Chabon people.
Let's change places. "

With that said, Zhou Ling stood up directly.

"Forget it."

Lu Yuan stopped him, shook his head and said, "Don't bother, just eat whatever you want."

"Okay okay."

Zhou Ling saw the determination in Lu Yuan's eyes and stopped insisting, but he was still upset.

The waiter brought two glasses of lemonade, and the two chatted casually.

"I think the most correct decision I have ever made in my life was to take over Jiao Yan's task of eradicating the Crow God Sect's insurrectionists."

Zhou Ling said with great emotion.

Lu Yuan smiled and said nothing.

Zhou Ling seemed to have opened up his chat box.

"You don't know, when I heard that the final evaluation of your new blood assessment was SSS+, everyone was dumbfounded.

The excessive brain wave fluctuations burned out several circuit boards, and I was still in the hospital for two days.
Six-winged divine blood flying bear! "

"That is to say, everyone who participated in and learned about the results of the new blood assessment signed the highest level confidentiality agreement afterwards. Otherwise, once the news came out, the entire Yellow Bear internal network would be shaken." Lu Yuan listened to Zhou Ling's sigh, The mental power swept over his body, blinked, and said, "How did you remove your transformation?"

"Did you see it?..."

Zhou Ling took a sip of lemonade and said with a smile: "Because of you, I got into the hands of Master Song Congsong, the Golden Bear.

And he is highly regarded. Mr. Song intends to guide me in the inheritance of Xinwu Uranium Light Saber.

My original transformation was not systematic and too crude, so I simply tore it all down.

Only some of the most basic physical fitness modifications have been left, and he is now receiving sword skills training from Master Song."

"Golden Bear. Uranium Light Knife"

Lu Yuan recited these two words silently.

Although he has never heard of the name of this golden bear, if he can become a golden bear, he must be a master of the new martial arts style.

Zhou Ling's ability to gain the respect of the other party really skyrocketed, and he was much better than before.

"Gao Qing also joined the supervision team because of your relationship. She knew you were coming to Xia Bang, so she planned to come with you.

But something happened at the last minute and I really couldn't make it there. She asked me to say hello to you for her."


Lu Yuan nodded casually.

Zhou Ling can be regarded as his guide in Huangxiong. He values ​​​​the relationship with Zhou Ling, but Gao Qing is just average. It doesn't matter whether he shows up or not.


Zhou Ling picked up the teapot on the table and refilled Lu Yuan's cup with lemonade, and asked curiously: "Why did you suddenly come to Xia Bang this time? Haven't you been running around the old city circle before?"

Lu Yuan occasionally has contact with Zhou Ling, so Zhou Ling also knows a little about his movements.

"I plan to enter an evil mysterious realm."

Lu Yuan replied, not intending to hide anything.

Zhou Ling raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Which one?"

"Screaming ruins."

Zhou Ling lowered his head slightly, probably making inquiries through the Huangxiong Network.

A look of surprise soon appeared on his face.

"I don't have enough authority. What level of secret realm is this?"


"No wonder."

Zhou Ling glanced at Lu Yuan with a rather complicated look, thought for a while, and asked: "Is there anyone you have arranged to go in with?

I know you are very strong now, but it’s your first time to enter the evil mysterious realm, it’s better to have someone to guide you.”

After saying that, Zhou Ling couldn't help but add: "The Master Song I am following now is the Mysterious God Group responsible for the mission of exploring the secret realm."


Lu Yuan shook his head.

He didn't know many people in Huangxiong.

Yu Wentong, Lan Chen, and Xiao Rui.

Their abilities are not bad, but none of them are suitable for him to play the role of guide for his first trip to the secret realm.

"Or, let me ask Mr. Song Cong for you?"

Zhou Ling asked tentatively.

“Master Song knows many golden bear masters from the Mystic Group.

Maybe that can help.”

Lu Yuan didn't expect Zhou Ling to suddenly bring this up. In fact, he didn't think it mattered.

But Zhou Ling had good intentions. After thinking about it, Lu Yuan replied: "If it makes it difficult for you or Song Cong, the uranium light knife, forget it."

"what are you talking about"

Zhou Ling smiled, deliberately lowered his voice, and approached him and said, "You don't know, Lord Song has secretly hinted to me several times.

Let me introduce him to you when I get the chance.

When you go to the secret realm to find someone to take care of this matter, it’s not me asking him for help, but me doing him a favor.”

Lu Yuan was startled, and then laughed dumbly.

After receiving Lu Yuan's permission, Zhou Ling immediately lowered his head and played with his communicator enthusiastically.

During this period, the meals ordered by the two of them were served.

The two chatted while eating, and Zhou Ling would pause from time to time to reply to a few messages.

When the meal was coming to an end, Zhou Ling suddenly showed a smile on his face and said to Lu Yuan excitedly: "There is a reply from Mr. Song Cong.

He inquired and heard that a top-notch Mystic team was preparing to enter the Screaming Ruins recently.

A lineup of ultra-luxurious golden bears that are all S-level and above, and each one is a veteran who has experienced more than five S-level secret realm explorations.

Master Song has already reached an agreement with the other side to get you an extra place in the team.

But you need to discuss specific matters with them yourself.”


Lu Yuan put down the tableware, picked up the tablecloth at hand and gently wiped his mouth, feeling a little surprised.

He didn't expect that Zhou Ling's impromptu idea would actually come to fruition.

To be honest, Lu Yuan didn't have much desire for the so-called "secret realm guide".

But if there is, it would be great, and it can save a lot of the process of groping on your own.

So he asked: "What team? Do you have any information?"


Zhou Ling quickly replied: "I've already sent it to you."

Lu Yuan got the message from Zhou Ling and lowered his head to check.

I saw a large piece of information printed in front of my eyes.

The first line of the information shows - "Captain: Xie Jun. Strength: S+. Ability: S-level new weapon - Thunder Magnetic Flying Sword."

 Recommending a well-received book is enough to make you fat!

  Book title "I Have an Eye of Immortality"

  Author: Zhang Laoxi
  The black sun rises, the blood moon appears, the world of mortals is changing, and a divine eye proves longevity
(End of this chapter)

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