Final priesthood.

Chapter 243: Dissatisfied, Pure Novice

Chapter 243: Dissatisfied, Pure Novice
Lu Yuan and Zhou Ling had a simple meal, and Zhou Ling originally wanted to take Lu Yuan around Xia Bang.

But he had no choice but to leave in a hurry because he received an urgent training mission.

As soon as Zhou Ling left, Lu Yuan immediately received a friend request from "Uranium Light Saber" Song Cong.


Lu Yuan clicked lightly, and Song Cong, who had just been added, immediately sent an invitation to meet and chat in detail.

The location is——

“New Creation Bar”

Lu Yuan blinked, stopped a rental aircraft, and rushed directly to the meeting place agreed with Song Cong.


The intense electronic sound penetrated through the thick soundproof walls, and bursts of slightly dull sounds filtered in.

Lu Yuan was sitting in a room with various stone decorations hanging on the walls.

Directly opposite is a man who looks to be in his 30s.

The figure is particularly tall and straight, and the appearance is very handsome. From time to time, there are silvery white light strips on the exposed back of the hands, neck and cheeks.

Song Cong’s first impression.

It was like an unsheathed saber, sharp and cold.

“I originally thought the atmosphere would be more relaxed here, but I didn’t expect it to be so noisy in broad daylight.”

A look of helplessness appeared on Song Cong's handsome face. He reached out and poured Lu Yuan a cup of light golden alcoholic drink, with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

Lu Yuan nodded slightly, did not refuse, picked up the wine glass in front of him and took a sip.

In one month, he will be eighteen years old and can legally drink alcohol.

But I only tasted it briefly, and after I tasted the spicy alcohol taste, I put it down.

I still miss the time when I and Lao Liu were chatting leisurely in the Linghexuan Bamboo Forest with a bottle of soda each.

Speaking of which, I don’t know how Lao Liu is doing now.
Here, Song Cong also picked up the wine glass and took a sip, and then said: "Zhou Ling should have sent you the information of the team members, right?"

"I saw it."

Lu Yuan nodded.

Song Cong said: "This team was temporarily formed with the purpose of conquering the last few S-level points to be explored in the Screaming Ruins.

Captain Xie Jun is very strong in both strength and ability.

And he has very rich experience in exploring secret places.

With him taking you, the danger of your first exploration trip will be much less dangerous."

Lu Yuan didn't speak.

Song Cong thought for a while, then continued: "I know that you are very strong, and I don't pay much attention to a mere S-level secret realm.

But some dangers are not just what you see on the surface."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Yuan said lightly.

"Screaming ruins."

Song Cong replied, “The official information shows that the Mourning Ruins is just an ordinary S-level secret realm.

But in fact, when this secret place was first discovered, its rating was double S+. "


Lu Yuan's expression changed, slightly surprised.

This was indeed not shown on the information link Lan Chen sent him.

"The secret realm of the Wailing Ruins is quite special. At the beginning, its danger level was indeed double S+, and there was more than one double S-level ancient evil god walking inside.

But later, for unknown reasons, these walking-level beings all retreated and hid in a small area deep inside the Wailing Ruins.

And so far, it has never appeared again.

Therefore, the subsequent exploration of the Screaming Ruins went smoothly, and the rating of the secret realm dropped again and again, until it was finally classified as an ordinary S-level. "

Song Cong said sternly: “Only the senior elders of the Mysterious God Group know this information.

There are many similar information points.

And the team formed by Xie Jun is full of such old people.

If you follow them to the next secret realm, you may gain more than if you went into the secret realm ten times alone."

"Double S+, downgraded to S level, I really don't understand this."

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly, recalling some of the information Song Cong had just revealed in his mind.

Song Cong then continued: "...Of course, because you are a newcomer. So if you join their team, you may suffer a little loss in the distribution of exploration profits."

Perhaps he was afraid that Lu Yuan would be dissatisfied, so Song Cong quickly said: "But I will definitely not suffer too much.

In fact, when a newcomer enters a secret realm for the first time, the gain is secondary. The most important thing is to understand and be familiar with the entire exploration process."

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and thought quietly for a while.

Song Cong has been looking at him.

Until Lu Yuan said: "Then I'll trouble Senior Song."

A relaxed smile appeared on his face, and he nodded: "I just did a small thing, nothing to worry about.

After all, with you joining us, Xie Jun and the others will definitely be more confident in completing their mission.
I'll pass on his contact information to you now. "

"it is good."

Lu Yuan did not refuse.

The atmosphere in the box gradually became relaxed and casual.

In a simple and empty room.

Five figures are standing or sitting.

"Xie Jun, what do you mean?!"

An average-looking woman with half of her hair shaved slapped the table and shouted dissatisfied at a stern man standing among a few people: "We will enter the secret realm tomorrow, and now you tell us that you want to add people temporarily?
Is it a newbie who is little-known? !

Anyway, I don’t agree with this. If you want to add people, then I will quit. "

"I don't think so either."

Next to the woman, a middle-aged man with hair as short as steel nails also frowned and said: "We have been planning this attack plan for half a year.

If you add people temporarily, the benefits will be divided among everyone.

There is also the possibility of lowering the success rate and increasing the risk.
If the entire plan fails because of a new person, who will suffer the loss? "

"It's mine."

The stern man standing among several people said calmly.

All four people were startled, and soon someone couldn't help but say: "Lao Xie, what does this new person who is joining have to do with you?
Are you taking such good care of him, your long-lost illegitimate son? "

Xie Jun glanced at the person who was making fun of him coldly, and said calmly: "I have nothing to do with that person. I just can't lose face to Old Song who recommended him to join."

"Uranium Light Saber Song Cong?"

"Yes." Xie Jun nodded and said, "Song Cong saved my life. It's rare for me to ask for something, so I can't refuse."

Several people fell silent after hearing this, and the half-haired woman who was the first to raise objections spoke again: "That's your business, Song Cong didn't save our lives.

You have to repay his favor, but don't do it at the expense of everyone else's interests. "

Xie Jun looked at the woman who was speaking and said calmly: "I know, so I plan to add eight more points to my original income to compensate everyone."

After Xie Jun said this, the expressions of several people changed.

Calculating based on their pre-estimated income from this mission, each person getting two more points is already a considerable number.

"You are really willing to give up."

Someone spoke, and his tone softened.

Someone couldn't help but said: "Lao Xie, do you have the information about the newcomer? What kind of strength and background? Can Song Cong use such a big favor?"

The other people couldn't help but be curious, and they all looked at Xie Jun.

Xie Jun shook his head and said: "My authority is not far behind.

Lao Song refused to say more.

The information currently known is - 17 years old, Golden Bear, codenamed 'Divine Blood', his strength is estimated to be at S level, no new weapons or modifications, no records of mission completion, and no experience in exploring secret realms."

"I'll rub it, pure noob.

That background is indeed deep enough.”

Someone couldn't help but marvel.

"Without new weapons or modifications, I am only 17 years old, but my strength can reach S level. How many resources will this cost?!"

Someone clicked their tongues and said: "It seems that they are probably going that way.

It is indeed a profound background.”

"If you invite a prince like this who doesn't know anything and still has to take care of you into the team, I think our trip will be in trouble!"

Someone reached out and rubbed his eyebrows, looking like he had a headache.

The others had a similar expression.

Xie Jun said: "Before going in, I will try my best to explain everything to him to prevent him from doing anything that will affect the plan.

If the entire operation accidentally fails because of him."

Xie Jun paused and said in a more serious tone: "Song Cong and I will bear all the losses.

Let's go in again later. "

"What about the wasted time and energy?"

someone muttered.

Someone replied half-jokingly: "Just accompany the prince to a secret place for an outing and a trip in the countryside.

Maybe the prince will miss us a little better when he comes back."

"Eight out of ten people who walk that road have eyes on their foreheads. It's not bad if they don't look down on you. Do you still want him to miss you?"
Hum. Just dream. "

Several people were chatting away, but they seemed to have tacitly agreed to this decision.

Xie Jun glanced at everyone, with a slightly satisfied look on his face.

"Then this matter is settled."

After thinking for a while, his eyes flashed, and he spoke again: "Don't worry, everyone, I will do my best to minimize the impact of this newcomer on our entire action plan."

Several people responded casually, looking uninterested.

Seeing that morale is gradually waning, it seems that he is already thinking about entering the secret realm for the second time.

"Please show me your ID card and register for me."


Lu Yuan stood in a small room, in front of him was a very beautiful young girl.

With an almost perfect smile on her face, the girl patiently and politely gave Lu Yuan the final steps before entering the secret realm.

Seeing the Golden Bear ID card that Lu Yuan took out, the girl's face showed no emotion, and she still had an expression of following procedures.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but lament that Xia Bang's technological capabilities were beyond the reach of the old city.

Robots can do this.

If you are not careful, it is really difficult to tell that the receptionist in front of you is not a real person.

"That's it. Lord Golden Bear 'Sacred Blood'."

The robot girl politely handed Lu Yuan's identity card back to him, and patiently told him: "Your application to enter the S-level secret realm - the Wailing Ruins has been successfully registered.

Information about the Secret Realm of Wailing Ruins and related exploration tasks have been sent to you.

You can take the shuttle that will arrive in half an hour to the entrance to the secret realm of 'Screaming Ruins'.

Next, there are a few things I need to remind you of.

[-]. Never approach the areas marked red in the secret map.

Second, during the process of exploring the secret realm, your communication device may be disconnected from the outside world.

Third, before entering the secret realm, we recommend that you go to the secret realm hall to purchase the resource pack we recommend. There will be many items in it that you may need."

Lu Yuan listened patiently, then thanked the robot girl. After receiving a rude reply, Shi Shiran left the room.

At this time, he was at Huang Xiong's headquarters, the mission management center of the evil mysterious realm.

Yellow bear members can be seen coming and going everywhere. Red bears are everywhere, even golden bear-level ones are not uncommon.

Following the points mentioned by the reception girl, I strolled to the lobby.

In the corner of the hall, find a machine that automatically sells resource packs.

Lu Yuan carefully checked the item information in this recommended resource package.

The main items found were some super high-energy food, drinking water, and some medicines, tools, etc. that might be useful in the secret realm.

There are all kinds of things, there are about fifty or sixty things in total.

The price is not expensive, and you only need one hundred merit points to purchase it.

Lu Yuan was originally worried that there were too many things and would be inconvenient to carry, so he tried to buy one, but found that the entire resource pack was only one foot square.

If you still find it troublesome to carry it, you can rent or buy a drone specifically designed to help carry and collect items.

It can be used in most environments in the secret realm, with a maximum load capacity of ten tons and a battery life of up to 20 days.

It's really considerate.

Lu Yuan was studying the preparations before entering the secret realm when he suddenly noticed new messages flashing in the background.

After clicking to check, his expression moved slightly, and he looked up towards the door of the management center hall.

Soon he saw a tall, straight figure with a cold temperament walking towards him.

"Thunder Magnetic Flying Sword. Xie Jun."

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and stood still.

(End of this chapter)

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