Final priesthood.

Chapter 246 Praise for death, meteorites and catastrophe

Chapter 246 Praise for death, meteorites and catastrophe
"May the Holy Light grant Anska fertility and a good harvest"

Lu Yuan read it again.

The first time it was jerky, the second time it became smooth and natural, as if it was his second mother tongue.

In fact, many of the characters on the handle of the steel fork in my hand have been rusted and cannot be read.

But for some reason, Lu Yuan naturally filled in the missing parts.

It was as if this steel fork belonged to him, and the words on the steel fork were carved by him himself.

"The bead I just absorbed, in addition to the death energy, also contains a small part of the monster's memory when he was alive."

Lu Yuan came to a conclusion that made him feel incredible.

He quickly clicked on his career panel, and the several messages that popped up on it made his pupils shrink.

[Congratulations on your new skill - [Old Brunt language]! 】

[Congratulations, you have obtained career advancement materials. Do you want to choose career advancement? 】

[The preconditions are not met, and the advanced stage fails. 】

[Whether to choose professional panel integration? 】

The first information tip comes from [ancient language expert].

On the [Ancient Language Expert] panel, there is indeed a lv1 [Ancient Brent Language] skill.

The following few information prompts really made Lu Yuan feel unexpected.

At this time, Lu Yuan's two career panels, [ancient language expert] and [student], were both glowing slightly.

The professional fusion prompted on the panel should be an opportunity for the fusion of these two professions.

"It reminds me that I have obtained materials? What materials?
Are the memories of the monster's life remaining in that black bead? "

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed rapidly, and his brain was thinking.

The Red Pearl of the Crow God Cult that he had absorbed before had no experience similar to that of gaining the other person's memories during his lifetime.

However, by absorbing the black beads produced by the monsters wandering in the Wailing Ruins, one can inherit part of the memories of the monsters during their lifetime.

He can probably figure this out.

Maybe it's because the former has a body of flesh and blood, but the latter's body has long been corroded by time, and is only supported by the remaining obsession and death energy.

but why.
Will inheriting the lifetime memories of monsters in this secret realm trigger career integration opportunities?

Lu Yuan tried to search for information about "Ancient Brent" in existing databases, but did not get any results.

The [Ancient Brunt] language he had just learned could not find any similar ancient languages ​​in the database.

"It exists within the secret realm of the Screaming Ruins. It didn't take long for this evil secret realm of the Screaming Ruins to be discovered.

No information is included, which is normal."

The Evil Mystic Realm is a "paradise" created by the ancient evil god for its believers. It is not unusual for an independent ancient civilization to exist in an isolated environment.

"It's just that the common language of the Crow God Cult is not Ancient Spiritual Language?"

He has also learned this language to level 2 by himself.

"Also, what is the Holy Light?"

In addition to the holy light on the steel fork, in the memory picture, the last word that the farmer named Anska shouted in ancient Brunt language the second before he was swallowed by the black mist was also - holy light. Meaning of blessing.

Lu Yuan had many doubts in his heart. After thinking about it, he decided to choose career integration.

A progress bar popped up immediately, showing the fusion progress: 0.1%
Lu Yuan glanced at the map of the secret realm, which also showed the current exploration level of 0.1%, with no fluctuation in his expression.

He checked several of his career panels again and found that on the [Tell the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel, the experience value of [Clothes of Hades] had also increased by a few points.

Now it is lv1 (82/100).
It's not far away from reaching level 2.

"My intelligence seems to have increased as well."

Lu Yuan noticed this from his own mental power.

The total amount of his aerosol mental power has increased, but the increase is so small that it would be almost impossible to detect it if he didn't have keen perception.

Lu Yuan crushed the remaining twenty black beads in his hand one by one and absorbed them.

On the [Report to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel, the professional experience and the experience values ​​of [Death Wrap] and [Clothes of Hades] are constantly increasing.

And he himself is constantly being instilled with various memory scenes.

——The scenes are almost the same, almost all of them are scenes of being swallowed up by black mist before death, wrapped in despair and fear.

Occasionally, one or two scenes of people working in the fields with hoes pop up.

It seems that all the people living in this village are poor farmers.


When Lu Yuan absorbed the No. 17 black beads, he received a message that the level of [Clothes of Hades] had been improved.

lv2 [Clothes of Hades].

Lu Yuan immediately tried to start.

In an instant, a large amount of death energy gathered and condensed on his body, and a thin layer of translucent gauze covered Lu Yuan's whole body.

The light film is much thicker than the one at lv1, and there are sporadic patterns on it.

"better than nothing."

Lu Yuan looked at it briefly and continued to absorb the remaining black beads.

Wait until all the black beads are absorbed.

He closed his eyes and stood quietly for a while.

At a certain moment when he opened his eyes, Lu Yuan's body moved quickly.

He quickly disappeared into the black mist ahead and shuttled through the black mist.

After a while, he stopped in a ruins.

The tentacle-shaped air column formed by the condensed death energy rushed out with a roar, smashing and overturning several boulders in the ruins.

Lu Yuan walked in, leaned down, and pushed aside the sand and gravel in a corner of the decayed ruins. Finally, he found a palm-sized statue with the upper body missing.

The statue is completely unrecognizable to its original appearance.

Turn to the back and there is writing residue.


These two words are [Old Brunt], followed by two words - "death".

"Death" is written in [Ancient Spiritual Language].

Four characters, two different characters, but the handwriting appears to be from the same hand.


Lu Yuan stood up, his eyes flashing, feeling as if he had caught a piece of truth.He had a vague guess in his mind.

But further confirmation is needed.

The statue is recorded and entered into the database, and the statue itself is packaged by the drone.

The remaining handwriting on the previous steel fork was also recorded.

These are all important information related to the origin of the secret realm. After leaving the secret realm, it is uploaded and judged to be valid information after identification, which can be converted into the corresponding exploration degree.

The ruined village where Lu Yuan is now is not big. After he cleaned up all the farmer monsters, it became clean.

Then he saw the death energy lingering in the ruins of the entire village flowing forward.

Correspondingly, the black fog in this area also became thinner.

"More of the death energy will stay in the area where monsters exist. When the monster dies, the death energy will also flow away."

Lu Yuan roughly understood the principle.

He moves on.

Along the way, we encountered several similar ruined villages and killed about a hundred farmer monsters.

The strength of these farmer monsters is actually not strong. Putting aside the bonus of death energy, their strength and speed are probably only a little stronger than those of professional-level fighters.

One-on-one, even a martial artist-level fighter can easily kill them, not even as good as the Divine Attendant of the Crow God Cult.

The exploration degree has finally been pushed to 1%, and several skills in the [Tell the Dead (Extraordinary)] profession have also been improved.

What makes Lu Yuan most gratified is that after a series of broken memories were instilled, the improvement in his intellectual attributes became more and more obvious.

The aerosol-like mental power increased by about 300%. The detection range of the mental power was originally 330 meters, but now it has increased to about [-] meters.

"This is the first time I have encountered a method that can directly improve intelligence attributes. For this reason alone, this trip to the secret realm is worth it."

In addition, Lu Yuan also got new clues from the memories of a bunch of farmer monsters——

That's a picture.

In the picture, in the blue sky, a huge black meteorite fell from the sky, bringing with it a flock of crows that blocked the sky.
Lu Yuan recalled the scene in the memory picture, closed his eyes, and kept adjusting the position of his body.

When moving to a certain position.
He suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a thick black fog in front of me. Compared with the secret map, the direct direction was——

The bright red restricted area at the deepest point of the map!
"Perhaps it is necessary for me to enter the so-called restricted area."

Lu Yuan is now full of curiosity about the stories that happened in this ruins.

This civilization called Ancient Brent seems to have experienced a great catastrophe.

This catastrophe led to the formation of the now mournful ruins.

The initiator of this catastrophe seems to come from the Crow God Cult.

"Continue to explore further. According to the memory of the farmer monster, there should be a city ahead."

Lu Yuan glanced at the map of the secret realm and walked quickly forward.

The two black wings of death that were several meters long were like two huge sharp blades, breaking through the heavy black fog.

The drone followed faithfully, carrying a resource pack and some scattered objects that Lu Yuan had rummaged through from the ruins.

After this exploration, Lu Yuan's ability to control death energy has improved a lot.

The wings of death that transformed again are no longer as blurry as before. At least the clear outline can be seen now.

Lu Yuan even tried to use the death energy to condense the shape of a spear for throwing.

It's a pity that his [Death Aura Winding] level is still low, and the concentration of death aura is not enough to carry too much of his power. After being thrown, it will dissipate before it can fly very far.


When Lu Yuan was about to reach the target location, the shadow of the ruined city already appeared in the picture transmitted back by the undead crow.

Lu Yuan checked the time and found that nearly seven hours had passed since he entered the mournful ruins.

It was difficult to notice the passage of time in the secret realm, but the long-established work and rest habits reminded Lu Yuan that it was time to eat.

He thought for a while, took off the resource bag on the drone, and was about to take out food to replenish some energy.

Suddenly at this time, Lu Yuan's expression moved slightly, and the death energy in his body suddenly disappeared, and he stood quietly on the spot.

Soon, the shadows of dozens of drones appeared in his field of vision.

Then there are five figures.

He was walking slowly in his direction.

The five-person team walked proudly on the wilderness surrounded by death.

Almost everyone is surrounded by a thin light mask. The light mask blocks out the death energy and allows them to unleash their full combat effectiveness.

Xie Jun was walking at the front of the team, with a dark blue superalloy long sword over one meter long stuck on each shoulder.

There are tiny electric rays dancing on the long sword, which looks very impressive just for its appearance.

"I didn't expect it to go so smoothly. It only took less than five hours to complete the first exploration point."

In the team, a young man wearing a dark red exoskeleton armor was talking and playing with a dark black bead the size of a thumb in his hand.

"S-class evil energy crystals. It is said that the scientific research team is currently researching and developing a Crow God series evil energy suit. The value of this thing is rising."

“Be careful not to crush this thing.

It’s nothing if you lose your meritorious service. This thing contains a curse. Without the light of condensed spirit, those who have reached double S level cannot bear it at all and will directly go crazy.”

The person next to me couldn't help but remind him.

The young man responded with a smile, and then carefully put away the beads.

After putting it away, he couldn't help but ask: "Lao Xie, we are passing by anyway, why don't we clean up this area as well?"

Xie Jun, who was leading the way, kept his pace unchanged and replied unhurriedly: "This ruined city contains multiple S-level evil energy fluctuations. With the combat power of our team, there is no problem in eating them.

But the evil energy field inside is very strong, and the death energy is especially strong.

The energy of the protective force field may be exhausted before the battle is over, and the gain outweighs the loss."

The young man nodded thoughtfully.

Just as he was talking, Xie Jun's footsteps suddenly stopped.

As if he had seen something, his eyes narrowed slightly, with a somewhat unexpected look on his face.

The other people were slightly surprised.

Follow Xie Jun's gaze and look forward.

They saw that the black mist surging ahead parted heavily, and a figure gradually appeared in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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