Final priesthood.

Chapter 247 Are you ready to face the second death?

Chapter 247 Are you ready to face the second death? (Third update, please vote for me)

Stepping out of the black mist was a young man 1.8 meters tall, with fair skin and a handsome face.

He was wearing a dark blue golden bear-level combat uniform, and his calm and calm posture showed a trace of nobility that ordinary people did not have.

There was no energy shield around the young man, and the black mist flowing in the air lingered around him, giving him a somewhat mysterious color.

"Where did this stupid Qing come from? In such a strong death aura, you can't even open the energy field, are you afraid that your body will be corroded by the death aura?"

Someone in the team couldn't help but mutter. Halfway through his words, he suddenly remembered something and looked at Xie Jun with strange eyes.

Xie Jun pursed his lips slightly and said "hmm" softly.

The expressions of the four people in the team suddenly became weird.

One by one, they looked at the young people coming forward, with a hint of inexplicable amusement in their eyes.

The young man faced the gazes of several people, his face always calm.

The direction he was going in was different from the direction the five-man team was going, and he passed by the five people.

Neither side said a word.

Until the young man's figure completely disappeared into the vast black mist.

"he looks like"

After the young man left, someone in the team turned around to take a look, and said with a slightly strange expression: "We are going to the ruined city that we dare not go to."

"You are really brave to go to such a dangerous place without turning on the protection."

"It's normal for a fledgling, proud son of heaven."

A few people talked for a while, and someone asked Xie Jun: "Old Xie, should we remind him?
In a place like this, talent and background cannot be used as a means of strength, otherwise it will cost one's life. "

Xie Jun stood there, his eyes flickering a few times, and he shook his head calmly: "No need.

Since he dared to choose to come in alone, he must have someone to rely on.

It shouldn't be a problem to protect yourself for the time being at least.

Suffering some losses is not necessarily a bad thing for people like him.

For Lao Song's sake, we can consider taking him with him in the future.

But now, we still focus on our own tasks. "


The few people had no objections, stopped talking, and continued on their way along the established route.


Lu Yuan tore off the wrapping paper, put a finger-long energy bar into his mouth, and chewed it slowly.

At this time, he was standing in front of a dilapidated city.

This city has a towering city wall of more than 30 meters. Although most of it has collapsed and broken, and is shrouded in countless black mist, the once magnificent posture can still be vaguely seen.

The chance encounter with Xie Jun and his group did not have any impact on Lu Yuan.

After discovering the secret clues hidden in the Wailing Ruins, he now resembles a player immersed in a puzzle game.

A large part of the interest lies in discovering the truth behind this secret place.

He was even glad that he refused in the first place, otherwise he would most likely have missed such an interesting part.

Lu Yuan finished chewing the energy bar and cheated on his stomach.

I tried to contact the outside world with a communicator, but there was no response.

Lu Yuan didn't care. As soon as he moved, he quickly moved towards the ruined city ahead with a calm expression.

As he approached, some fragmented and blurry pictures would flash through his mind from time to time.

It was the memories about this city that he had absorbed from those farmer monster memories.


Lu Yuan spit out a few weird syllables.

This is the current pronunciation of this city in [Old Brunt language]. Literally translated, it should be - Maple City.

"Spiritual power is improving, but it seems to be mixed with some impurities."

Lu Yuan passed through the completely decayed city gate, while spreading out his mental power to control the undead crow, he gently rubbed his temples with his fingers.

He had discovered this before.

After absorbing the memories of more than 100 farmer monsters, his [Ancient Brent Language] has been raised to lv2, the progress of [Ancient Language Expert] and [Student] professional integration has reached 1%, and his mental power has increased.
It has many benefits, but it also brings some side effects.

It’s just that from time to time some messy and unfamiliar memory images pop up in my mind.

It's like sand melted into a basin of clear water. When stirred a little, the impurities underneath will float up.

This was a bit unaccustomed to Lu Yuan, who had always maintained a pure will.

"We can only wait for the brain to slowly clear itself."

Lu Yuan imagined that a progress bar would pop up in his mind at this moment, and it said - garbage cleaning in progress
"If you get black beads later, you have to control the absorption."

Although he didn't know what the consequences would be if there was too much garbage in his mind, Lu Yuan didn't think it would be a good thing after thinking about it.

Lu Yuan stepped into the city.

The alloy boots made crisp footsteps on the gray stone road.

The sound of footsteps was like a pebble falling into water, causing ripples to spread outward.

Soon, the black fog around Lu Yuan began to billow.

It became more and more intense, as if boiling.

Through the images fed back by the undead crows, Lu Yuan was able to "see"——

Around the main road of the city where he was standing, figures appeared one after another in the thick black fog, running quickly in his direction.

Soon these decaying figures wrapped in rich death aura appeared around Lu Yuan. They were obviously more powerful than the farmer monsters Lu Yuan had encountered before.

There are warriors wearing armor and holding swords or spears in their hands. Every time they take a step, they will bring up the black mist and make a whimpering sound.

Lu Yuan looked calm and still walked along the main road unhurriedly.

The figures around him gathered to such an extent that the cold weapons surrounded by death were about to fall on him.
Lu Yuancai spoke in a low voice: "Panic... boiling!"

[Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] The first core skill - lv1 [Panic Boiling]!

In an instant, an invisible and twisted force field quietly formed around Lu Yuan.

The flame of fear was silently ignited in the air.

Those death energy monsters that tried to besiege Lu Yuan became sluggish in their movements for a moment, and even had the tendency to retreat and turn around to escape.

The lv2 [Clothes of Hades] is attached to Lu Yuan.

As he walked, many different afterimages appeared around his body, quickly clearing away the monsters around him.

He struck out at will, as long as he touched her.

The bodies of these monsters will collapse like building blocks, then quickly weather and disappear.For Lu Yuan, who normally has at least S-level combat power, these monsters whose general strength does not exceed A-level are like weeds.

His hands are scythes.


Just patches of weeds falling over.

Lu Yuan collected the black beads left by these monsters and crushed them one by one.

Mowing and absorbing at the same time.

On the [Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel, the experience points of several skills are jumping all the time.

Finally, on the panel, the original lv8 [Death Wind Coil] skill quietly became lv9 (0/25600) after the experience value accumulated to a certain limit.


The death energy around Lu Yuan suddenly surged, like a blazing black flame burning to full intensity.

His expression moved, and two black wings more than five meters long formed on his back, with edges as sharp as blades.

He suddenly leaned forward and rushed forward, his wings spread out, and a long black line suddenly slid out of his body.

Wherever he passed, the monsters on both sides froze.

Then the body quietly separated from the middle, and then turned into sand.
The fragmented memory images in Lu Yuan's mind never stopped for a moment.

The outline of this city called Maple Dew City is becoming clearer and fuller.

"Holy Light. Bishop Crow Natural Disaster Death! Death! Death!"

Lu Yuan suddenly stepped into the air, two huge black wings flapping vigorously.

The black wings condensed by the lv9 [dead air entanglement] have made a qualitative leap compared to the lv8.

Although it still couldn't support Lu Yuan's ability to soar in the sky like a bird, it could greatly slow down his falling momentum.

Can fall smoothly like gliding.

Lu Yuan, whose mind was filled with countless messy images, rubbed the slightly raised eyebrows, narrowed his eyes, and looked down.

Only then did he notice that on the surfaces of many streets and buildings in this ruined city, the same sentence, large and small, was engraved in the ancient language - Praise Death!Praise death! .
It stretches all the way to the end of the main road, in a dilapidated and empty square.


Lu Yuan landed lightly, his feet on the ground.

He raised his head and looked carefully at the sculpture standing in the center of the square.

The death energy was still surging behind him, and there were still countless figures eroded by the death energy rushing towards him.

But he looked calm, as if he didn't feel anything at all, just looking up quietly.

It is a broken and decaying statue.

It looks like a woman wearing an exquisite long dress, with one arm on her chest, and one of her hands seems to be holding something high.

Unfortunately, it was broken, and everything above the wrist was empty.

Judging from the lines of her body and arms, she should be an extremely dignified and beautiful goddess.

But it has a dark crow head.

Lu Yuan noticed an obvious cut mark on his neck, and it felt like the crow's head had been replaced later.

The base of the statue is engraved with a line of words in ancient spiritual language - Praise death, we are all the people of the Crow God.
There are also traces of smearing on the writing.

"Crow God Lamashto? She doesn't seem to have such a figure."

Lu Yuan recalled the woman in black dress bathing in the River Styx whom he had seen countless times in Crow's dream.

Compared with the statue in front of me, he is not the same person.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly

Directly ahead of Lu Yuan, three figures slowly appeared.

The leader was covered in a huge and decaying black robe, his head lowered, and he seemed to be holding something in his hand.

On the left and right sides of this figure stood a knight more than two meters tall, wearing black heavy armor and holding a two-handed sword.

The three figures were all wrapped in extremely rich death aura, and the intensity of this death aura was even greater than that of Lu Yuan.

"Walking level? No, not yet walking level."


There were bursts of howling wind behind him, and a large amount of death energy gathered towards the square.

A dense and huge cloud formed, suspended overhead.

The death-qi monsters that had been chasing them from far away kept appearing, and gradually the square was surrounded by water.

The consciousness of all the monsters focused on Lu Yuan, and a bunch of empty and cold eyes enveloped him.

The cold, weird, decayed, and dilapidated atmosphere came from all directions like a tide, and the temperature of the entire square dropped rapidly, gradually reaching freezing point.

Far away on the road, he was surrounded by an army of dead bodies, but his expression was calm without any fluctuation.


Suddenly there was a slight sigh in the square.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yuan stretched his body outward.

His body shape continued to rise and grow taller.

The black hair on the top of the head is also growing.

After a few breaths, a surging heat wave spread out in all directions.

A huge figure with a height of two meters and five meters, covered in red, and wildly dancing black hair appeared on the scene.

The black death energy flowed freely on this body like a flame.

Two black wings more than five meters long spread out from behind.

A low, hoarse voice muttered to himself.

“I hate being interrupted when I’m pushing the main plot.”

"Are you ready for the second death?"

The voice finished.

Just heard a loud "Boom!"

The deathly clouds over the square suddenly broke.

Underneath, the dead energy monsters were flying around like weeds that had been uprooted and thrown around.
 Please vote for the third update, thank you

  I recommend another book, titled "I just want to dedicate myself to the sect, how did I become a god?" 》

  Author: Feng Shaoyu

(End of this chapter)

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