Final priesthood.

Chapter 248: Give you time to read skills

Chapter 248: Give you time to read skills
"I heard you were injured recently?"

In a room with bright windows, Song Cong and Su Zhaohui were sitting opposite each other.

Outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows is the endless flow of shuttles in the Milky Way, which seems to never end or stop.

Song Cong nodded and said calmly: "The Sea of ​​Vine Whale is the sub-legendary secret realm closest to the legendary secret realm. It is normal to be injured. It is strange to come out intact."

Wearing a black casual denim jacket with an open collar, Su Zhaohui looked more casual and unruly today. He picked up the square wine glass at hand and took a sip, sighing: "Old Song, you and I are already old. , why are you still working so hard? Isn’t it better to just wait for retirement like me?”

"I'm different from you. I still want to break through double S level in my life."

Song Cong looked out the window and said in a low voice with a lonely expression: "Actually, this time I entered the Sea of ​​Vine Whales, I was almost able to condense the light of spirit. It's a pity."

Song Cong shook his head and did not continue.

Su Zhaohui's eyes flashed, he was silent for a while, and then suddenly said: "Do you know that the nine legendary secret realms are about to open?"

Song Cong's expression moved slightly and he nodded: "I heard about it."

"I got news that the higher-ups attach great importance to this legendary secret exploration operation, and it seems that something very important is involved.

The joint action team may even adopt a cooperative competition mode. In addition to the gains from the secret realm itself, those who rank high in the competition will also receive additional rewards.
The Far Star Federation's research on spiritual light has always been more in-depth and advanced than ours. If you can get their secret breakthrough method, it may be of great help to you. "

"Are they willing to give out this kind of core inheritance?"

Song Cong couldn't help but frown.

Su Zhaohui said lightly: "The secret method of condensing the first-level spiritual light is not considered a core inheritance. To put it bluntly, it is a process of exchanging resources. After this exploration of the legendary secret realm, there is a high probability that a large number of high-level people will be born. Strong."

Song Cong thought thoughtfully and nodded: "I understand."

"Come on, Old Song, that's all I can help you with.

If I get promoted to Feixiong later, remember to hug me! "

Su Zhaohui picked up his wine glass and made a "wishes for success" gesture towards Song Cong, half jokingly.

After a while, he seemed to remember something and asked casually: "Speaking of which, what did you call Zhou Zhou when I asked you to collect it last time?"

"Zhou Ling."

"Yes, accept the white bear named Zhou Ling into the group and cultivate him carefully.

Are you following Hitomi-sama’s line? "

Song Cong didn't say anything. He opened the contact list of his communicator with a calm expression and handed the chat history between himself and one of them to Su Zhaohui.

Su Zhaohui glanced at the words "God's blood has a long way to go", his pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and he subconsciously sat up straight.

"Okay, Old Song.

You have some tricks up your sleeve, we started chatting so quickly, and they still call you senior! "

Su Zhaohui gave Song Cong a thumbs up with some admiration.

Song Cong gently twitched the corner of his mouth and said reservedly: "Actually, it was just a coincidence. Lu Yuan wanted to go to the Mourning Ruins to practice, and Xie Jun happened to have formed a team to enter the Mourning Ruins, so I asked Xie Jun to take him with him."

"Xie Jun paid for it this time."

Su Zhaohui couldn't help but clicked his tongue, "If he knew that Lu Yuan was under Lord Tong, and led Lu Yuan this once, Lord Tong would have to accept some favors from him, and he would go crazy with joy?!"

"Listen to what I have to say."

Song Cong let out a breath and said with a hint of regret: "Xie Jun didn't want to be a nanny and delay his own mission. He had a long way to go and was arrogant. So in the end, it didn't work out."


Su Zhaohui patted his thigh lightly and said, "I'm relieved now. That guy Xie Jun has average abilities but a notoriously bad temper. Seeing him lucky is more uncomfortable than me being unlucky.
Xie Jun can’t do it either, he can’t take advantage of the opportunity given to him.”

Song Cong looked at Su Zhaohui with a gloating expression rather speechlessly.

Su Chaohui was happy for a while, then turned back to look at Song Cong and said with a smile: "

But even though it didn't work out, you still made a real contribution. Master Hitomi knows that he has to praise you for your "good intentions".

By the way, who did Lu Yuan enter the secret realm with in the end? "

"I didn't follow anyone. I entered by myself."

"On your own? Alone? First time?"

Su Zhaohui raised his brows slightly, his eyes flickered a few times, and his expression suddenly became a little serious.

"Did you tell him about the forbidden area in the Wailing Ruins?"

"of course."

Song Cong nodded, "I specifically told him many times not to get close."

"That's good."

Su Zhaohui nodded with a slightly relaxed expression, but then became a bit complicated.

"The Screaming Ruins. I remember that Lao Zhao died in that restricted area.

Three flying bears were organized from behind, and they entered again, but only one came out."

Su Zhaohui seemed to be reminded of some past memories, and his words were full of emotion.

Song Cong also nodded with a complicated expression and said in a low voice: "Fortunately, the restricted area has now shrunk again, and the way to enter has become much more complicated. If it weren't for bad luck and just happened to break in by accident, ordinary people would You can't get in even if you want to.
The level of danger in other areas is similar to that of ordinary S-level secret realms.

With Lu Yuan’s strength, it may be difficult to travel unimpeded, but it will definitely be no problem to save one’s life.”

"That's good."

Su Zhaohui picked up the wine glass and took a sip, sighing softly.


Lu Yuan's arms turned like windmills, and his figure left a dark, dragon-shaped trajectory with a hint of red tail flames in the dense death aura.

Two hands, one on the left and one on the right, firmly held the heads of the two Crow God Knights.

Bring your hands together in front of you.

Grabbing two burly bodies over two meters high, they collided violently.


Lu Yuan watched as the heavy armor condensed by death energy on the two of them crushed each other like porcelain after the collision.

He clasped his hands together and gently rubbed the two heads wrapped in the death-qi helmets in his palms.


Lu Yuan landed lightly, his five-meter-long black wings stretched behind his majestic body, his death aura as bright and wanton as fireworks.

Lu Yuan's hands naturally drooped.

The weathered black sand on the bodies of the two Crow God Knights slowly slid down from his fingers.He looked calmly at the figure in front of him who was wrapped in a huge black robe. He looked at the two dry and long black arms stretched out from under the other person's black robe, holding a huge black book in his hands.

Waves of strange consciousness fluctuations spread out from the other party.

Lu Yuan tried to catch it, but couldn't identify any of the syllables.

can only be distinguished.
The other party should be singing!

"Give you time to read your skills"

Lu Yuan said lightly.

Then his eyes moved down, searching around at will.

He quickly found a large sword left on the ground.

This was the weapon of one of the two Crow God knights he had just killed.

Lu Yuan picked it up casually.

This cross-shaped two-handed sword is nearly two meters long, and the hilt is nearly half a meter long.

Broad and thick.

There is a lot of rust left on the sword body, and the blade is full of chips. There seems to have been writing on the hilt, but it has been erased.

Lu Yuan grabbed the long sword, held it backwards, and pointed the tip of the sword at the man in black robe who was "singing" in front of him.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the right arm holding the sword hilt slowly bulged, and the earthworm-like veins bulged one by one.

The black wings behind him automatically disintegrated, turning into water-like death energy that passed through his body and converged on the long sword in his hand.

After successive battles, Lu Yuan's control over the death energy has reached a new level.

He couldn't rely solely on death energy to condense a weapon strong enough to withstand the power of his physical body.

If there is a real cold weapon as the core support.

can do.

As the man in black robe "sings", a large amount of death energy in the square converges towards him, gradually forming a huge vortex of death energy.

The death energy in the vortex surged violently, as if some terrifying existence was about to crawl out of the vortex.

The death energy on Lu Yuan's hand is also gathering, as if he is competing with it for the ownership of the death energy in this space.

The original outline of the long sword he held in his hand was completely unclear.

A large amount of death energy gathered and condensed on the long sword, and even showed a faint crystal-like luster.

When Lu Yuan attached all the death energy that his level 9 [Death Energy Coil] could mobilize to the long sword, his whole aura also climbed to a certain peak.

On the back, the bloody lotus eyes covered by the dark blue combat uniform squirmed and suddenly opened completely.


Lu Yuan's body was like a bowstring that was stretched to the extreme and then suddenly loosened.

On the [Weapon Master] panel, the lv4 [Basic Throwing] skill shines.

In an instant, Lu Yuan's arm disappeared.

The "black spear" wrapped in the death energy in his hand, which was more than three meters long and about half a meter thick, roared out like an angry dragon.

A long, transparent and twisted trail is clearly visible along the way.


The "singing" fluctuations of consciousness came to an abrupt end.

The death air vortex above the square also suddenly froze, and then gradually dispersed.

Lu Yuan looked straight ahead and saw a place more than 100 meters away directly in front of him.

He was wearing a black robe and his half-broken sword was nailed to a gray wall.

The huge black book in the hands of the man in black robe fell to the ground, and his whole body turned into pieces of black ash and quickly dissipated like a piece of paper burned through by fire.
"I said I would give you time to read the skills, but I didn't say I would let you finish reading them."

Lu Yuan gently spread his hands, the battle was over, and looked around casually.

At this time, the square was covered with black sand remains left by the death energy monsters.

He couldn't remember how many death energy monsters he crushed in this battle, but he just kept killing them anyway.

It's like mowing grass.

Until no new monsters appear in front of them.

In this ruined city called Maple Dew City, he has probably almost finished cleaning up the death energy monsters wandering inside.

Lu Yuan activated [Crow Whisper] and summoned a large group of undead crows to help him collect the black beads left behind by the death energy monsters on the wreckage.

As usual, I glanced at the panel and saw that [Fighter]'s professional experience had increased by almost [-].

The most exciting part of group battles is here, [Fighter]’s professional experience can be refreshed.

But Lu Yuan had a vague feeling for no reason in his heart——

"The [Fighter] panel seems to be reaching its peak soon."

This feeling is very strong, just like the inexplicable "feeling of hitting the wall" described in the novel when a realm is about to come to an end.

"The [Fighter] profession is at full level, and the next level up. It should be a career upgrade, right?"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he was guessing silently in his heart.

The undead crows quickly cleaned up the battlefield, and what finally reached Lu Yuan's hand was a total of 230 black beads.

Adding in the three black beads from the two Crow God Knights and the man in black robe, there are 230 four beads.

An unprecedented harvest.

The black beads of the Crow God Knight and the man in black robes are significantly larger than the black beads of ordinary death-qi monsters. They are about the size of a thumb, and the color is darker.

"How much can my intelligence increase if all these black beads are absorbed?"

Lu Yuan looked at the handful of black beads in front of him, thought for a while, and finally picked up only one of the three large black beads, and then crushed it gently.

Dark black viscous liquid flowed down between his fingers and seeped into his skin.

[Speak to the Dead (Extraordinary)] On the panel, the experience values ​​​​of several skills suddenly increased sharply.

At the same time, a large number of memory scenes quickly appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

The follow-up "main plot" he was looking forward to began.

(End of this chapter)

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