Final priesthood.

Chapter 255: Shocking change, calling "You must get it!"

Chapter 255 Shocking change, call - "You must get it!"

The billowing death energy poured out like a flood.

It thickened into a liquid and collapsed everywhere.

The pupils of Xie Jun and the others shrank, and they retreated again and again. They were about to be unable to escape the wash of this black torrent.

But right now.

The death energy that was originally vented outwards suddenly retracted.

Turn and flow inwards.

An inexplicable suction force came from the center of the penalty area.

The massive amount of dead energy formed a huge black vortex under this suction force, and even the sky changed into the shape of a funnel.

Xie Jun and the other three stood in the open wilderness holding protective light shields.

Looking around him, around him, and beyond in the secret realm behind him, wisps of deathly energy gathered from all directions like smoke, heading towards the huge whirlpool.

The entire mournful ruins seemed to be shaking.

The vague whining and whimpering in the air suddenly became louder and turned into a sound similar to howling.

Countless undead crows flapped their wings and flew in, circling around a direction like worshipers.

Xie Jun and the others raised their heads in confusion.

They looked at the restricted area that was completely exposed to the sky.


They saw that under the huge funnel of death energy, in the center of the whirlpool, the sixth stone pillar stood tall.

The endless death energy converged on a huge black dome at the top of the stone pillar, as if something was brewing.

At this moment, the Yellow Bear members are in every corner of the secret realm of the Screaming Ruins.

Everyone felt this sudden change.

An indescribable and deep throbbing emerged from everyone's heart.

For no reason, a sentence popped into my head.

"Something big is going to happen."

"Okay, I'll leave first if nothing happens.

Stopped by to see you, I'm still on vacation."

Su Zhaohui put down the square wine glass in his hand, stood up from the sofa, looked at Song Cong who looked indifferent in front of him, and said half-jokingly: "Whenever you hug Master Hitomi's lap, don't forget me.

As long as we are rich and noble, don’t forget each other, Lao Song. "

Song Cong's face flashed with a hint of speechlessness, and he waved his hand casually, with a posture of "I won't send you far".

Su Zhaohui yawned and lazily walked out.

But before he took two steps.

He and Song Cong almost unanimously paused.

after a few seconds.

One of them stood up, the other turned around, and looked at each other.

Each of their pupils reflected the other's slightly shocked face.

"You also got the news?"


Su Zhaohui looked at the message he had just received and read it quickly, word by word, in a low voice with a frown.

"Half an hour ago, Golden Bear Xie Jun sent a signal for help from the restricted area of ​​the Wailing Ruins.

Two members of Xie Jun's team downloaded the Golden Bear consciousness, their clones were revived, and it was confirmed that their original bodies had died.
It has been confirmed that a fel energy riot has occurred in the Wailing Ruins of the original S-level secret realm. The monitoring danger level has been temporarily raised from S-level to SSS. Golden bears and flying bears above S-level are urgently recruited to suppress it."

"Depend on!"

Su Zhaohui couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: "What kind of crazy things did Xie Jun and these guys do in the mournful ruins?

In the past, those who were unlucky enough to enter the restricted area died without causing such a big fuss.

Evil energy goes rampant, and the danger level of the secret realm is temporarily raised by two levels.

Directly upgraded from ordinary S to sub-legendary level. I haven't encountered such a thing in decades! "

"It's no use talking about this now. The most urgent task is how to solve it!"

Song Cong's face was much uglier than Su Zhaohui's. He squeezed out a sentence through his teeth: "We are still in the mournful ruins a long way away."

"I know.

But the dangerous level of SSS, the sub-legendary level of evil and mysterious realm, wouldn’t it be dangerous for ordinary S-class like us to go there?”

Su Zhaohui looked helpless and sighed.

Suddenly his face changed slightly and he let out a sigh.

“The call-up has been cancelled.

The top flying bear with four wings will take over this suppression task.

Now the top only needs ten golden bears with double S or below to assist in the search and rescue.
Lao Song! "

Su Zhaohui called Lao Song and looked up at Song Cong.

I found that Song Cong had already put on his combat uniform and looked like he was about to set off.

"Lu Yuan is a pure martial artist, and the S-class wailing ruins are inherently dangerous to him.

Now it has risen to the sub-legendary level.”

Song Cong had a gloomy face and bit his teeth lightly: "

I don’t know if his consciousness has been backed up and uploaded.

Even if you upload it, once you 'die' for the last time, your talent potential will be greatly reduced."

At the end of the sentence, Song Cong only had worry on his face.

After Su Zhaohui heard what he said, he was silent for a moment and said, "I'll go with you!"

While taking off his casual denim clothes, he was cursing.

"Xie Jun, this guy is really a bumbling star, he just causes trouble for the organization.
It's a pity that Lu Yuanyuan didn't join his team.

Don't worry, Old Song. Just on this point, Lu Yuan is also a man of great luck.

This time, if we can bring Lu Yuan out completely,
Hitomi-sama’s heaven-shaking wealth is waiting for us! "


Lu Yuan, who was enduring the impact of a large number of memory images in his mind, immediately noticed the changes happening around him.

He saw the entire death air barrier collapse and the formation of a death air vortex.

Also, on the sixth stone pillar, the black giant egg is emitting waves of strange fluctuations of consciousness.

The battle ended temporarily and unilaterally.

After the change occurred, the three walking-class arakkoa who had been besieging Lu Yuan just now turned around and headed towards the square ahead without hesitation.

When they arrived at the square, they all jumped onto the stone pillars that originally belonged to them.

Kneel on one knee at the top of the stone pillar, facing the black dome in the center, making a devout posture of worship.

"Monarch. Attendant and spokesperson."

Lu Yuan clasped his twitching eyebrows with one finger while watching the experience value on the [Tell the Dead (Extraordinary)] panel to increase crazily.

While frowning, he endured the impact of the waves of memory images.

He tried to find more clues about the original battle from these memory scenes.

But it was discovered that these two walking-class arakkoa
In other words, they were the two saints of the ancient Brent Kingdom.

He was so "brainwashed" that he had very few valuable images in his memory, and almost all of them were songs and praises for the Crow God.

The only thing that shocked Lu Yuan was a picture——

In the sky, a huge crow shadow that covered the sky and the sun slowly flew by.

Its spread wings blocked the light of the stars and the moon.

The shadow cast plunged the entire ancient Brunt Kingdom into eternal night.The majestic sea-like aura of decay and death emanating from its entire body rings the death knell of Hades for everyone who sees it.
"Is this the creature from the underworld that was born from that meteorite? It's so big. No wonder several people from Gubrent defeated players who are not even in the same weight class."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but sigh.

Then he subconsciously turned his gaze to the black dome on the sixth stone pillar in the distance.

His eyes couldn't help but condense slightly.

"Isn't it the Hades creature waiting to be hatched in this thing?"

Lu Yuan's heart suddenly tightened.

If it were true, then he would still have his hair shaved.

A terrifying existence that can easily destroy an entire kingdom, Huang Xiong must arrive in an army of mechas to be able to fight him.

"No, we can't let it hatch!"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, looking around for something for him to throw.

He tried to use his death energy to condense a few spears and shoot them out with his thoughts.

But before the spears could hit the black dome, the three walking-level arakkoa in worshiping postures quickly stood up and blocked the spears one by one with their bodies.

"Bang!" "Bang!" "Bang!"

Lu Yuan shot the three walking-level arakkoa one by one with one spear.


Lu Yuan was startled, wondering if the death-qi spear he shot casually was so sharp.

But soon he discovered that these three walking-class arakkoa seemed to be actively sacrificing themselves.

After their bodies exploded, they turned into a torrent of rolling death energy, all rushing towards the black dome on the sixth stone pillar.

A large amount of death energy was completely absorbed by the black dome.

This behavior seemed to speed up the hatching process of the dome, and the fluctuations of consciousness spreading out of the dome became increasingly intense.

Lu Yuan gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and began to dive.

The pure black wings of death suddenly spread out behind his back, which seemed a bit "stunted" despite his current body of more than five meters tall.

But Lu Yuan didn't intend to fly directly with the help of these wings.

He strode towards the direction of the stone pillar. Every time he took a step, a huge pit would be left under his feet, and the surrounding rocky ground was undulating rapidly like water ripples.

When he rushed to the corpse square, Lu Yuan stomped his feet.

A body as big as a magic mountain suddenly rose up.

The black wings were stretched to the extreme, and the clothes of Hades, which had been upgraded to level 5, formed a classical and gorgeous heavy helmet on his body.

He raised his right arm, and a large amount of death energy gathered on his fist, and the dark golden martial power burst out, intertwined with the death energy.

Driven by the ultimate power, the already exaggerated power of the Elephant God walking level has been raised to another level.

It is extremely risky to activate the ultimate power in [Ganesha Walking Stance].

Because the base number is too large, it may be "overloaded" if doubled slightly, and the whole thing will explode with a "bang" if you are not careful!

Lu Yuan only dared to try this when he was in the state of lv2 [Invincible Instinct].

With a king-level fighting consciousness, he could barely control his power to a subtle limit that his body could bear.


Even so, the elephant god's walking body far away began to groan under the surge of this huge force.

The body like a magic mountain is cracking slightly.

The power was transmitted upward inch by inch until it converged on his fist like all the rivers returning to the sea.

This punch hit the surface of the black dome without any tricks.


There was a sound like something breaking.

Lu Yuan landed, with no expression on his face.

He raised his hand and silently looked at his cracked fist.

Take another look at the black dome with a smooth surface and no traces at all.

Without hesitation, he turned around and left.

Can't even break the eggshell.

Lu Yuan really couldn't find any reason to stay here.

He rushed out of the corpse square like a hurricane and ran towards the outside of the restricted area.

He silently calculated in his mind that at his own speed and running at full strength, how certain he could be that he could successfully escape from the Screaming Ruins before the dome was completely hatched.

the truth?Main line?
Go away.

Curiosity is not as important as life.

This trip, he has gained enough.


Just as the road is far away, one foot is about to step out of the land that used to belong to the capital of King Brent.

Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"and many more."


Lu Yuan's forward momentum came to an abrupt halt. One foot made a big hole under his body, while the other foot hovered in mid-air.

He was stunned.

The moment he stepped into the mournful ruins, Lu Yuan felt a vague call.

The call came and went intermittently, and he almost forgot about it.

Now, it's so clear.

"and many more."

The voice in my head continued to ring.

He turned around little by little and looked back in disbelief.

Until his eyes locked and he was sure that the voice calling him to stop came from the black giant egg on the sixth stone pillar.

"Don't go."

The voice continued to ring in his head.

Like the calm water under the moonlight, there are slight ripples.

"He left something for you"

The voice was so unclear that he could not distinguish between male and female, old or young.

It's not even sure how far it will go.

Is this voice really speaking to me?

It was at the moment when this voice said its last words.


In Lu Yuan's heart, an unprecedented strong desire suddenly emerged.

His eyes were fixed on the big black egg, as if he wanted to see through the eggshell what was hidden inside.

There was a voice telling him repeatedly in Lu Yuan's heart.


"Don't go, stop.

Be sure to get it! "

ps: I’m not in a good state today, it’s too late for the third update!
This month is full of updates.Also, please give me a monthly ticket (bang bang bang kowtow!)

(End of this chapter)

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