Final priesthood.

Chapter 256 I give you a gift called death

Chapter 256 I give you a gift called death

Song Cong and Su Zhaohui, who were well equipped, arrived at the gathering place.

Although the mission clearly stated that ten golden bears with double S or below were required to cooperate in the search and rescue, only seven people were actually present.

And except for the two of them, the identity patterns on the left chests of the other five people are all small golden bears with pairs of wings.

Flying Bear General!
The five powerful double-winged flying bears mean that their strength is at least double S level.

It seems that few golden bears are willing to take a dip in this muddy water.

In front of the five winged flying bears, Su Zhaohui, who had always been undisciplined, also looked more serious, standing next to Song Cong with a stern face and saying nothing.

The two waited for a while, and soon, a figure slowly walked towards them.

With the appearance of this figure, Song Cong and Su Zhaohui immediately felt that the temperature in the area where they were located began to drop rapidly.

A thin layer of white frost has condensed on the ground.

A man who looked very ordinary appeared in front of several people.

The man was of average height and average appearance, but his temperament was particularly outstanding. He was like a steep and rugged iceberg, exuding a biting aura of coldness all over his body.

He was wearing a pure black combat uniform. There were two pairs of wings growing on the back of the golden bear on the left chest, and a faint white light shone under the clothes.

Four-winged flying bear!

Seeing the man's appearance, whether it was Song Cong, Su Chaohui or the five flying bears, they all immediately lowered their heads and greeted the man in a respectful tone: "I have met Mr. Han."

After saluting and saying hello, Song Cong and Su Zhaohui quietly glanced at each other, and they both read the meaning of "it's this guy" in each other's eyes, followed by an inexplicable sense of relaxation.

The reputation of the person in front of Huang Xiong is still well-known within Huang Xiong. Han Xun is the first and only person to have successfully transplanted the new top SSS weapon - "Cold Prison Combat Body" and cultivated it to the "Control State".

"Is everyone here?"

Han Xun's indifferent eyes, which seemed to have no trace of emotion, swept across the crowd and asked.

A Feixiong replied: "There are three more who are on their way here. They will be there in about 10 minutes."

"Then don't wait."

Han Xun said calmly, "Let's go."


Everyone had no objections and quickly boarded a shuttle under the leadership of Han Xun.

The Shuttle is entirely icy blue and has very high specifications. It is Han Xun's personal car.

The speed is far beyond that of an ordinary shuttle.

Song Cong and Su Zhaohui sat in the shuttle and waited quietly.

After only about 15 minutes, the group arrived at their destination.

The gap that represented the entrance to the Wailing Ruins was flashing with intense white light, and violent waves of evil energy were escaping from it.

Han Xun's face was expressionless as he stepped in.

The other flying bears followed one after another.

Song Cong and Su Zhaohui ranked last.

Song Cong quietly clenched the silver-white sword at his waist, and a young and handsome figure subconsciously appeared in his mind.

Looking at the entrance to the secret realm with undulating light in front of him, he took a deep breath and stepped in.

"But don't let anything happen."

or not to go?

Lu Yuan fell into a dilemma.

Reason told Lu Yuan that the most correct decision now was to escape immediately, the further away the better.

Otherwise, when the things in the black dome hatch out, he will most likely fall into the biggest crisis in history.

This time, there was no Yu Wentong to help him behind the scenes.


He really wanted to know the truth.

Who is that voice?

Who is he?

Why would He keep something for Himself?

What is that thing?
This feeling is like being in an Internet cafe and looking at the game screen in front of you.

On the one hand, I really want to finish this promotion round of life and death.

On the other hand, I got the definite news that the teacher's parents were on their way to kill him.

How to do?
How to choose?

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed rapidly, and he was hesitating.



A crisp sound, as if something was breaking, sounded in his ears.

He raised his head suddenly, his pupils narrowed.

I found the top of the sixth stone pillar in the distance, the black giant egg that was swallowing the billowing air of death. At this time, a clearly visible crack appeared on the surface of the smooth and hard eggshell.


Lu Yuan blinked, feeling a little surprised.

Obviously, the funnel in the sky and the huge vortex formed by the death air are far from being absorbed completely.

He thought he would have to wait until all the death energy was swallowed up by the dome before the latter would break out of its shell.

I didn't expect this thing to play out of common sense.

While I was thinking wildly, the sound of the shell breaking became louder and more frequent.

Lu Yuan didn't even react.

Then he saw the cracks on the surface of the black dome spreading rapidly, almost in the blink of an eye.

With a loud noise, the black dome on the sixth stone pillar exploded.

In an instant, an indescribable terrifying aura spread out from it.

The moment this breath comes out.

Time seemed to have stopped all around.

The death air flowing in the sky was stagnant, and the huge death air funnel and death air vortex were frozen.

The air was thick as pulp.

Lu Yuan felt an unprecedented terrifying pressure suddenly imposed on him.

The five-meter-tall elephant god's walking body creaked under the pressure.

He gritted his teeth and found that he could hardly move, like a flying insect trapped in amber, his whole body was frozen.

Xie Jun and the other two people who were still staying in place in the distance were almost in the same situation at this time.

The faces of the three of them were as pale as pieces of paper.

There is a huge amount of data flowing down in the pupils like a waterfall.

They didn't know what results they detected, but unspeakable fear and despair surged out of their eyes, swallowing up the three of them.

at the same time.

Song Cong and his party, who had just stepped into the secret realm, also felt the fluctuation of this aura, and all of a sudden they looked up.

Han Xun stood at the front of the team.The moment the fluctuation appeared, a chilling cold light suddenly shot out from his indifferent eyes.

Without saying hello to the people behind him, Han Xun quickly moved forward.

Immediately afterwards, the whole person rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky in an instant.

The flying bears looked at each other and reached a certain consensus. They took off one after another and followed Han Xun's footsteps.

Only Song Cong and Su Chaohui were left looking at each other.

After a short silence, Su Zhaohui cursed somewhat depressedly: "Fuck!"

Then the two men started running wildly to catch up.


Lu Yuan gasped for air, his eyes fixed on the place where the breath burst out in front of him.

I saw the exploding death energy spreading around like water.

Immediately afterwards, a figure appeared completely in front of Lu Yuan.


This is a young man with profound features and handsome appearance.

He is about five meters tall, which is almost the same height as Lu Yuan's elephant god in his walking posture.

The body shape is unusually well-proportioned.

His whole body was covered with jet black crow feathers, including the sides of his cheeks.

These feathers are shiny and combed up on the back, like a noble and gorgeous black cloak.

The man's body floated quietly on the top of the sixth stone pillar, his indifferent eyes looked down at everything, with an extremely noble temperament like a monarch.


The man spoke suddenly.

Weird and awkward syllables came out of his mouth one after another.

It is the ancient spiritual language of the Crow God Sect.

Although many of the pronunciations are slightly different from what Lu Yuan learned and are more ancient.

But Lu Yuan still understood the meaning of every word the man said.

"I am the King of Ancient Brent, the lost man who was deceived by the Holy Light, and the most loyal servant of the Lord of Crows."

Lu Yuan was stunned, listening to the man speaking out titles one after another as if he was announcing the names of dishes.

Five Saints. The last king of the ancient Brunt Kingdom.
He didn't expect that this person would be hatched from the black dome.

What I didn't even think about was.
The Kingdom of Ancient Brunt has been destroyed for who knows how many years, and most of the Ancient Brunt people have turned into bones and dust.

This guy who is known as the King of Ancient Brent is actually still alive and kicking, and he can even talk.

The goddess of death believed in by the Crow God Sect, the god of black crows, and the god of the Styx. Does Lamashto really have the ability to control life and death?
"He asked you to wait for me here?
Is he Ramadho?
What has He left for me? "

During the handsome man's seemingly endless self-introduction, Lu Yuan finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted him.

The sound echoing in the sky suddenly stopped.

The ancient King of Brunt, who woke up from the black dome, stopped singing to himself.

The dark eyes slowly moved downward.

Finally it fell on Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan's body tensed up and he narrowed his eyes slightly, ready to prevent any unexpected changes.

Then, he heard the handsome man covered with crow feathers in front of him really respond to his words.

"Two gifts."

The handsome man looked at Lu Yuan quietly and said to him word by word in the ancient language: "Here is a copy."

He stretched out his extremely long fingers and gently tapped the heart on his left chest.

"You need to pass my test before you can get it."

"I can give you the other one now."

Lu Yuan looked slightly startled, and subconsciously blurted out: "What?"

The handsome man said nothing, just looked at him, and then
He raised one hand, stretched out his index finger with a black feather attached to it, and gently tapped Lu Yuan.

At the same time, he said two words calmly: "Death."

The moment these two words were spoken.

The man's index finger silently emitted a pure black light.

This black light immediately crossed many distances and was in front of the road in an instant.

The timeline seemed to be stretched infinitely at this moment.

All the sounds in heaven and earth faded away.

Lu Yuan's pupils shrank rapidly, and driven by instinct, he raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest.

On the panel, the light of skills bloomed.

An extremely thick dark stone wall quickly rose.

But he could only watch helplessly as the black light penetrated the protection of [Blessing of the Magic Mountain] as easily as it pierced a piece of paper.

This was followed by his arms folded in front of him.

Then there is the [Clothes of Hades] armor that has been upgraded to level 5.

Then there is the majestic body of the elephant god in his walking posture.
He watched as the black light tore through his layers of defense like a razor-thin sword, and finally shot into his chest and penetrated out from behind.

"Deng deng deng-"

Lu Yuan couldn't help but take a few steps back, leaving several big holes in the ground.

Then he lowered his head in astonishment and disbelief.

He could clearly see where his heart was on his left chest, and a bloody hole as thick as his thumb penetrated him from front to back.

A strong sense of impending death swept over me like a tidal wave.

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked at the handsome man standing on the sixth stone pillar calmly.

Lips twitched.

at last.
He uttered a curse word in a harsh tone.

"I fucking."


Lu Yuan's body fell straight back like a collapsed magic mountain, raising a large cloud of smoke and dust.

Everything seemed to have calmed down completely.

Standing in the distance, Xie Jun and the other two people who witnessed this scene were trembling all over. They no longer knew how to express the fear and despair in their hearts at this time.

But only a second later

There was a loud noise far greater than before.

A small mushroom cloud exploded directly where Lu Yuan fell.

Countless amounts of smoke, dust, earth and rocks rose up.

Amidst the sudden burst of movement, a hoarse voice filled with biting coldness slowly sounded in the square.

"Are you kidding me?!"

(End of this chapter)

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