Final priesthood.

Chapter 267: What is a Grandmaster? The divine image breaks through the realm!

Chapter 267: What is a Grandmaster? Divine Elephant Style - Breaking the Territory!
Lu Yuan's body trembled slightly, and he was forced to take a few steps back by the sudden burst of momentum around Xu Weiguo.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that the air around him became thicker, his thinking speed slowed down, and the scene in front of him seemed to be distorted.

Everything looks like there is a layer of frosted glass in between.

At the same time, the light in the room dimmed.

Lu Yuan looked towards Xu Weiguo, and was shocked to find that there were five more colorful tigers all in black around Xu Weiguo.

Each of these five tigers was more than five meters tall, with red eyes, staring at him viciously, as if they wanted to choose him and devour him.

In a daze, Lu Yuan even felt the stench blowing against his face, as if there were five more jungle overlords in front of him.

The aerosol-like mental power shrank, a little clarity appeared in his mind, and Lu Yuan immediately returned to normal.

Looking back at Xu Weiguo, he was still the same Xu Weiguo. All the strange phenomena he had seen before had disappeared.

However, the air around Xu Weiguo was really distorted. The incandescent light projected from the ceiling above his head would be distorted and swallowed when it shined in, giving people a sense of both physical and psychological depression.

"Grandmaster force field."

Lu Yuan looked at Xu Weiguo with bright eyes.

Xu Weiguo didn't answer. At this time, he seemed to have changed.

Standing quietly in the field, there was a kind of majestic and majestic demeanor that was not angry but self-proclaimed.


Xu Weiguo sighed softly, and then made a slow gesture of raising his fist.

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes, not yet thinking about how to respond.

Xu Weiguo's fist suddenly came to him.

So fast? !

Lu Yuan was suddenly startled. He subconsciously raised his hands and folded his arms in front of him. His arm muscles swelled slightly, and dark golden martial energy surged out.

"Deng deng deng-"

After receiving this punch, Lu Yuan felt as if he had been hit face-to-face by a high-speed heavy truck.

The whole person was pushed and collided with an unprecedented force, and he kept retreating.

Every step back made a big hole in the super-alloy steel floor beneath his feet. He took more than 20 steps back before he could barely stabilize his body.


Lu Yuan took a long breath and slowly put down his hands, his eyes even more radiant.

Xu Weiguo's punch was at least twenty times more powerful than his previous moves!
It's a bit like hitting people in the gut with his fist in his [demon] form.

And while he was losing his strength, he also thought clearly that the reason why he was overwhelmed just now was not because Xu Weiguo was too fast, but because his master's force field affected his mental and five sense judgments to a certain extent.

Been "deceived".

"Awesome, even 28 points of intelligence and mental strength will still be affected.

I really underestimate the level of a master."

The more this happened, the more Lu Yuan looked forward to it.

"Yu. Erhu style!"

Ahead, Xu Weiguo saw that Lu Yuan's condition had calmed down, so he took up his stance and continued to attack.

But Lu Yuan shouted to stop.

He looked slightly stunned before he realized that he was not really here to discuss with others, but to cooperate with others in their understanding and research.

Damn... I accidentally got it on my head.

Lu Yuan told Xu Weiguo not to remove the Grandmaster's force field, and he walked towards him slowly.

The distortion force field around Xu Weiguo is only about three meters visible to the naked eye, but its range of influence is actually much wider.

As Lu Yuan continued to approach Xu Weiguo, the influence of the force field on him became more and more severe.

When he walked about half a meter in front of Xu Weiguo, Lu Yuan began to have slight hallucinations. He felt like he was suddenly in a deep mountain forest surrounded by tigers, and suddenly he was in a martial arts field.

Lu Yuan shook his head slightly, feeling the impact of the grandmaster's force field on his spirit and will, and said to Xu Weiguo: "Grandmaster Xu, how is the grandmaster-level force field generated?"

Xu Weiguo thought for a while and replied: "Spirit, blood, and martial arts insights are integrated and coordinated to form a cycle, and the grandmaster's force field is naturally generated. No matter how much there is, it can only be understood and cannot be explained in words. "

Lu Yuan nodded and said no more. He just closed his eyes and experienced the mystery of the Grandmaster's force field.

I have to say, it’s really nice to have Hitomi-sama taking care of me.

Knowing that Lu Yuan wanted to break through the master, he immediately found a master for him, broke it apart and crushed it for him to learn from.

Otherwise, Lu Yuan can only inspire himself through text and video, and the effects of the two are too different.

After feeling it for about 10 minutes, Lu Yuan opened his eyes and politely said to Xu Weiguo: "I have troubled Grandmaster Xu today. I also ask Grandmaster Xu to come again tomorrow."

Xu Weiguo had no objections, so he cupped his hands and said goodbye to Lu Yuan.

As soon as Xu Weiguo left, Lu Yuan immediately entered the [imaginary enemy] consciousness space, and his consciousness entered Xu Weiguo's body.


After sensing Xu Weiguo's physique in detail, Lu Yuan found that his physique was not even as good as his own.

But as he himself described, the three elements of essence, energy, and spirit merged into one, forming a cycle of their own, and some indescribable and wonderful changes occurred, which caused Xu Weiguo's entire life form to undergo tremendous changes.

“Will, will is the key to it.

That is the spiritual light in the new military and transformation system! "

The power of the mind is extremely powerful. Not to mention this world, even in the previous life, Lu Yuan had heard in reality that "80-year-old mother lifted a car weighing several tons with her bare hands to save her child" and "The day before school started, an eight-year-old primary school student exploded. News about writing three hundred blank test papers in one night."

When the power of the mind is strong to a certain extent, it will indeed develop the huge potential contained in the human body to a great extent.

The pure martial arts master has achieved this to a certain extreme.

"If I can break through to the Grandmaster realm, my overall strength will inevitably undergo a huge transformation, and maybe even the [Demon] form will evolve accordingly."

Lu Yuan's martial arts background is dozens of times stronger than that of ordinary pure martial arts fighters.

Once the qualitative change occurs, the improvement is likely to be amazing.

It's just that this process is dozens of times more difficult than for ordinary people, and requires more energy and patience.

Lu Yuan exited the consciousness space and checked his [Fighter] panel again.

I found that after a simple discussion with Xu Weiguo, his [Martial God Strength] experience value, which was originally at level 4, increased significantly and was almost approaching level 5.
The experience value of many scattered skills on the panel has also increased a lot.

Of course, what he feels has improved the most is things outside the panel - such as his understanding of the pure martial arts, and his true meaning!


Let go of your true intention and be like God’s true intention.

The elephant god's true meaning, which was originally nearly 200 meters, has now shrunk to 180 meters.

But the oppression brought by the elephant god's true intention not only did not decrease, but instead became greater and thicker.

"Because the quality of my mental power has become higher, my martial arts will has been tempered. It seems that fighting against a master-level powerhouse can speed up the process of spiritual transformation."

Lu Yuan was thoughtful, and then continued to construct his true meaning of the Hundred-Eyed Dark Crow.

For the next six days, Xu Weiguo came to Lu Yuan every day.

Three hours, sparring, solving doubts, and providing research.

During these seven days, Lu Yuan's heart seemed to have completely settled.

He put aside several other professional aspects of his career and completely regarded himself as a pure ancient martial artist.

While getting along with Xu Weiguo, his attainments in pure martial arts also improved by leaps and bounds.

He made up for many details that had been ignored before, and the foundation of Chunwu continued to be consolidated.

His moves are becoming more and more delicate, there are fewer and fewer flaws in his moves, and his own style is gradually taking shape.

You can also feel that you are getting closer and closer to the realm of pure martial arts master.

So far, there are three people who have had the greatest influence on Lu Yuan on the path of pure martial arts.

The first one is Lin Zhiqin. Lin Zhiqin laid the foundation for him as a martial artist and was his guide into the field of ancient martial arts.

The second one is Liu Daoyuan. Liu Daoyuan is his serious martial arts mentor and taught him a lot.

The third one is You Long from the Dragon Sect, who once taught Lu Yuan. The martial arts of the Dragon Sect also had a great influence on Lu Yuan's own pure martial arts system.

And Xu Weiguo.

is the fourth.

Although he only asked for help on Yu Wentong's behalf, his help to Lu Yuan was more than the sum of the first three.

Because he is the master.

No matter how rubbish the master is, his martial arts attainments, various insights and insights are not comparable to those of ordinary fighters.


In the huge, fully enclosed martial arts gym, two figures were fighting.

The air around a person is distorted, an invisible force field is opened, and every move has the bearing of a master.

The other person has a tall and straight figure, with a dark golden luster flashing on his body, a deep and mysterious temperament, and a majestic look between his fists and feet.

The movements of the two people were not very fast and could be caught by the naked eye.

But every time they fight, there will be huge noises. The air waves will roll and hit the four super alloy walls with a thunderous rumble.

Lu Yuan's body was like a dragon, like a long dark golden sword, suddenly piercing into Xu Weiguo's grandmaster force field.

The fist, which seemed to be wrapped in a dark golden metal liquid, seemed to be blocked by an invisible wall of air when it was one meter away from Xu Weiguo's door, and was frozen.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded.

"God Elephant Flow. Breaking the Territory!"

In an instant, an inexplicable force burst out from the fist, and the invisible wall of energy in front of the fist shattered.

Drive straight in!

Xu Weiguo's eyelids twitched fiercely.

He raised his hands, and the body-protecting energy surged out like a waterfall, clamping Lu Yuan's fist.

Between the palms of the fists, dark gold and pure white collided and squeezed, making a harsh sound like metal friction, and it seemed that you could see the sparks splashing out.

"Yu. Sihu style!"

Following Xu Weiguo's cold shout, four illusory black ferocious tigers sprang out of his body.


The invisible storm surged, the terrifying impact spread out, and Lu Yuan's figure also retreated.

However, as he retreated, the skin on his body showed traces of ripples.

There were only a few shallow footprints left under him, and he stood still ten meters away.

The battle is over.

Xu Weiguo's grandmaster force field and body-protecting aura all converged, and his look at Lu Yuan became extremely complex.

During these seven days, he witnessed with his own eyes the growth of the young man in front of him.

The terrifying progress speed of a monster.

On the first day, as a master, he could still see many imperfections and even flaws in the opponent's martial arts system.

Then, with each passing day, these errors and omissions will be reduced and the clutter will be eliminated.

It’s the seventh day now.

The opponent's martial arts has been thoroughly sorted out and perfected for several rounds, and by the time Xing Li takes action, everyone's spirit has been established!
If this matter were told, Xu Weiguo believed that the entire ancient martial arts world would be shocked.

I don’t know how many people will be shocked. Even the old people in Penglai Pavilion will be shocked and amazed.

"Master Lu, these seven days have almost wiped out Xu's decades of accumulation."

Xu Weiguo sighed with complicated expressions.

What he said couldn't be more true.

He is the master of the Gotora style. Now, in addition to a few of his own unique secret techniques, he also has the Five Tigers' unique moves, the last form of the Gotora style of martial arts.
The rest of the methods have basically been seen by Lu Yuan.

"Thank you for your hard work, Master Xu."

Lu Yuan thought for a moment, and then said calmly: "After today, Grandmaster Xu doesn't need to come again.

I will personally pay another 20 merit points to Grandmaster Xu to thank Grandmaster Xu for his generous support these seven days. "

"20 meritorious service"

Even though it was Xu Weiguo, his pupils shrank slightly when he heard this number.

He has been with the Yellow Bear for many years and naturally knows how rare merit is.

A grandmaster is also a human being, and a grandmaster also has to eat. A grandmaster will not resent having little meritorious service.

Lu Yuan noticed the subtle fluctuations in Xu Weiguo's mood, smiled, and then said: "I have a few last questions to ask Grandmaster Xu."

The face of 20 meritorious service was there, Xu Weiguo replied decisively: "Master Lu, just ask.

As long as Xu knew it and could say it, he must know everything and tell it in full. "

"it is good."

Lu Yuan nodded, then sat directly on the floor with Xu Weiguo, and then asked someone to bring tea and snacks.

After everything was arranged, he slowly said to Xu Weiguo: "I would like to know the specific process of how Grandmaster Xu broke through to the Grandmaster realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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