Final priesthood.

Chapter 268 God Wu Chao, the end of the old era

Chapter 268 God Wu Chao, the end of the old era (third update, please vote for me)

"The specific process when I broke through to become a master."

There was a hint of reminiscence in Xu Weiguo's eyes.

"I remember that that night I had a conflict with someone at the 'Red Romantic KTV' because of a waitress.

He was young and energetic at the time and accidentally beat someone to death on the spot.

As it turned out, the identity of the other party was extraordinary, and as soon as I went out, I was pointed at dozens of guns and fell into a situation where I was almost certain to die."

When Lu Yuan heard this, his hand holding the tea cup paused for a moment.

He remembered that Xu Weiguo became a master in his 60s.

In his 60s, he is still young and vigorous. In his 60s, he is still jealous of a bartender.
It seems that Master Xu Weiguo's adolescence is quite long.

"In that situation, I had nothing to rely on, except my martial arts skills.

Between life and death there are great horrors and great opportunities.

I narrowly escaped death that time, and after surviving, I successfully broke through to the Grandmaster realm."

Lu Yuan listened quietly, his eyes reflecting the light of the incandescent lamp on the ceiling above his head that was reflected in the tea beside his mouth, flickering slightly.

"Except for martial arts, there is nothing to rely on. Except for martial arts, there is nothing to rely on."

Lu Yuan seemed to have caught something, and gradually he had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

"Has Grandmaster Xu ever heard of the breakthrough process of other grandmasters?"

Lu Yuan asked next.

Xu Weiguo thought for a while and said: "Yes, I have an old friend who has no children because of the special martial arts he learned.

He spent half his life brooding over this.

Later, a woman finally gave birth to a son for him. He was overjoyed and set foot in the master realm that night."

"and after?"

Lu Yuan found it interesting and couldn't help but ask one more question.

Unexpectedly, Xu Weiguo sighed with emotion and said: "... Later I found out that his son was not his biological son, but the bastard that the woman had with someone else.

Not long after he became a master, and his realm was not yet stable, when he heard the news, his blood rushed to his head, he went crazy, vomited blood, and died. "


Lu Yuan looked stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

I could only comment silently: "What a sad story."

"Yeah. Afterwards, I skinned the adulterer and the adulterous couple alive for him and knelt before his grave."

As Xu Weiguo spoke, he drank all the tea in his hand as if he was drinking wine.

Seeing that this final Q&A was heading towards a close friend story meeting, Lu Yuan quickly coughed and said.

"It seems that the way a grandmaster breaks through varies from person to person, and there is no fixed shortcut."

Lu Yuan sighed casually and wanted to bring the topic back.

Unexpectedly, Xu Weiguo replied: "Not at all"


Lu Yuan was quite surprised.

He increasingly realized the benefits of communicating with a master like Xu Weiguo.

Regardless of their strength, their extremely rich life experiences are a treasure to others.

"Hundreds of different masters' wills are engraved on Penglai's ladder to heaven. The ancient martial arts world of Xia Kingdom has been passed down for so long, and almost every master has left his or her own mark on the ladder to heaven.

These master marks will not be erased after hundreds of years, and are very effective in sharpening the will of a fighter.

In just 11 years in Penglai, I have seen no fewer than three people become masters by climbing the ladder to heaven."

Xu Weiguo said.

Lu Yuan looked slightly startled. He had already heard the story of Penglai ascending the ladder to the heavens from the original You Long.

I didn't expect it to have such an origin and such an effect.

“If I have the chance, I will definitely go to Penglai.”

Lu Yuan nodded and said seemingly casually.

He poured tea for Xu Weiguo, and then asked casually: "Why did Grandmaster Xu leave Penglai? Is this convenient? If it's not convenient, forget it."

Xu Weiguo smiled, shook his head and said, "There's nothing inconvenient about it.

The reason is actually very simple, three words——"

Xu Weiguo said calmly: "There is no future."


Lu Yuan blinked, "What should I say?"

Xu Weiguo sighed: "There are too many masters in Penglai.

The Five Elders control all the resources, and a low-level master like me can't even drink soup, let alone meat."

"Five old men."

Lu Yuan caught the word in Xu Weiguo's words, but did not ask. Instead, he wondered: "To be honest, I don't understand either. Why is Penglai so aloof and so important to worldly wealth?"

"I don't know."

Xu Weiguo shook his head, "Actually, it's not all about money.

Mainly materials for longevity.”

"Eternal life materials?!"

Lu Yuan's expression changed. This was the first time he heard this statement.

Seeing Lu Yuan's reaction, Xu Weiguo looked at him with a rather envious look and said, "Master Lu is young and talented, and his life is as bright as the rising sun at seven or eight in the morning.

There is still a lot of good time to waste in the future.

But our group is different.

Even if you become a master, even if you pay attention to your health, you will only live a few decades longer than ordinary people.

What really attracts many masters to join Penglai is that Penglai has a steady stream of immortality materials.

Most of these immortality materials come from the secret realm."

"I see."

Lu Yuan suddenly realized.

Xu Weiguo's words solved another doubt he had before - the reason why Huang Xiong actively explored the secret realm.

If it is connected with the "eternal life issue", then everything seems reasonable.

The reason why Xu Weiguo left Penglai is indeed simple.

In Penglai, people with low strength and low status cannot get anything.

It's better to just join Huang Xiong, and the gangster's achievements will at least have something tangible to look forward to.

A very wise choice.

"What exactly are the materials for immortality? Has Grandmaster Xu ever seen them?"

Lu Yuan asked.

Xu Weiguo seemed a little embarrassed when faced with this question and shook his head in embarrassment.

So Lu Yuan smiled and ignored the topic, and then said: "Master Xu, please tell more about Penglai.

I love hearing this. "

Xu Weiguo said: "What does Mr. Lu want to know about Penglai?"


Lu Yuan casually put down the tea cup in his hand and said casually: "For example, the five elders that Grandmaster Xu just mentioned."

Xu Weiguo's eyes were strange, and he glanced at Lu Yuan meaningfully, and then said: "The five elders are the five most virtuous and respected grand masters in Penglai Pavilion."

"Great master?!"

Lu Yuan was startled for a moment, "Is there such a thing as a grandmaster?"

"It's just a conventional name."

Xu Weiguo replied: "In Penglai, a master who is several times stronger than an ordinary master is honored as a great master.

There is no clear division of strength, and there are differences in strength and weakness among Grand Masters.

The five elders are all at this level." Xu Weiguo even told Lu Yuan all the information he knew about the five elders of Penglai in detail.

For example, what are the names of the five elders, what sect they come from, and what martial arts they are good at.

Although most of it was hearsay, it also made Lu Yuan feel like he had learned a lot.

"It is said that the Five Elders are good at a combined attack method. If five people attack together, there is almost no one on land who can defeat them.

But I've never seen it, and I don't know if it's true or not. "

"Then it seems that the Five Elders are the five most powerful people in Penglai."

Lu Yuan said.

According to Xu Weiguo, the average strength of the Penglai Five Elders is several times stronger than the average grandmaster, so they can be considered SS+.

If the five-person attack is really as mysterious as the rumors say, it will only have SSS-level combat power to survive.

With his current strength, it is not difficult to chew it.

If the combined combat power of five people can reach SSS, then don't give them a chance to combine.

Lu Yuan was just thinking when he heard Xu Weiguo say: "That's not true. The strongest person in Penglai Pavilion is God."


Lu Yuan was slightly shocked, "What a big name."

"It's big enough."

Xu Weiguo nodded, but said seriously: "But he deserves it."

"How to say?"

Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed, and a faint light flickered.

Xu Weiguo replied: "God Wu Chao is a generation before me and a true legend in the ancient martial arts world.

He was born in Pingzhou...well, it is now Pingzhou City in Wangchuan.

I have been practicing martial arts since I was a child, and it is said that I was promoted to the martial arts master level at the age of 13."

"13 years old?"

Lu Yuan frowned and interrupted Xu Weiguo's words: "No way, you haven't started to develop at the age of 13, and you have already been promoted to a martial arts master by tempering your body?"

Xu Weiguo glanced at him silently. Lu Yuan shrugged, picked up the teacup on the table, and motioned for Xu Weiguo to continue.

Xu Weiguo cleared his throat and continued: "Later, Wu Chao went all the way north and picked up more than 500 sects, large and small."

Lu Yuan resisted the desire to complain, nodded and let Xu Weiguo continue.

"Well, you haven't experienced that era, so you don't quite understand.

In fact, this data is not an exaggeration.

Three generations ago, the practice of martial arts in the Xia Kingdom was very strong. There were martial arts schools all over the country. It could be regarded as the fastest, most glorious and most prosperous era of ancient martial arts.

The last Martial Saint was born in that era.
We digressed and continued talking about God Wu Chao.

Wu Chao was extremely talented, and even at that time, he was one of a kind.

That year, he killed the grandmaster in full public view and became the youngest grandmaster-level figure in the history of the martial arts world, a young grandmaster! "

"Young master."

Lu Yuan's heart was slightly touched when he heard this word.

Then carefully calculate how far away you are.
It's still early.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

There is still a chance, a chance to break the opponent's record.

Why compare with others?
It’s just a man’s desire to win.


Lu Yuan waved his hand and regained his composure and calmness.

"After Grandmaster, Wu Chao entered Martial Saint Island and stayed in seclusion for ten years under the guidance of the last Martial Saint.

Ten years later, Wu Sheng passed away.

Wu Chao came out of seclusion, set up a hundred-day arena, and threatened to challenge all ancient martial arts masters in the world, and the whole country was excited.
In those one hundred days, a total of almost eighty masters went there, and there were countless other fighters of different abilities.

During the Wu Chao period, he almost never slept and only ate rice and water."

"The results of it?"

Lu Yuan became somewhat interested when he heard it and couldn't help but ask.


Xu Weiguo's eyes also had a hint of yearning.

“As a result, he only lost three out of more than a thousand duels.

After that, he never lost again. "

"so smart?"

Lu Yuan was slightly amazed, then asked doubtfully: "What does that have to do with the title of God?"

Xu Weiguo glanced at him and said: "After a hundred days in the arena, Wu Chao created his own 'Tiangong style' martial arts, named himself God, and officially became the master of Penglai.

There were too many people who tried to challenge him in the future. But the result was that his name as God and the reputation of the "Tangong-ryu" martial arts became even louder.

After that, he rarely took action."

"Tiangong Martial Arts"

Lu Yuan muttered softly, and his expression showed a bit of splendor.

Xu Weiguo's legendary experience of God Wu Chao seemed to open up a once glorious world in front of him, and countless talented people who were as bright as shooting stars passed through it.

Unfortunately, that era is long gone.

What's even more regrettable is that he no longer has the opportunity to compete with those characters.

No, it's not like there's no chance at all.

“According to Grandmaster Xu’s opinion, God Wu Chao is still alive?

Wouldn't that mean he is over two hundred years old? "


"Wouldn't that strength be reduced a lot?"

"It's definitely not at the peak, but it's still much better than the average grandmaster."

Xu Weiguo said with emotion: “When I was in Penglai, I heard people say that just a year before I joined Penglai, God took action.

Killed a great master with one move.

Think about it, how strong was he at his peak?
It’s unimaginable.”

"Kill a great master with one move"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed, thinking in his mind.

Then the strength of God Wu Chao is estimated to be very close to the SSS level even if he has not reached the SSS level.

Plus Penglai Wulao.

No wonder Penglai is so hard to crack. Even the Flying Bear class stumbles in Penglai.

However, the more this happened, the more interested he was in going to Penglai.

Lu Yuan looked at his hands, with inexplicable hot thoughts surging in his heart.

"After all, someone has to come and smash these old antiques and completely draw the curtain on the end of the old era."

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket (bang bang bang! kowtow)

 Recommended book: "Join the weird chat group and refresh cheats every month"

  Author: Nen Ling Rumeng
  Gu Xuan traveled to the big world of Lingxu and accidentally entered the "weird chat group", and was mistaken by the weird people for being the boss of the Great All Heavens.

  Then, he discovered that he could refresh his golden fingers every month.

  In the first month, he obtained a life simulator, refreshed various talents, and upgraded violently.

  In the second month, Gu Xuan joined the time traveler chat group and began to brag and fight with the time travelers, conduct various transactions, and sell 'weird' information.

  Later, Gu Xuan obtained many golden fingers such as "Teammates sacrifice to the sky, boundless mana", "Modify time system", "Emotional points bonus system" and so on, and thus embarked on the road of invincibility.

  A few months later, Gu Xuan found that his system had been upgraded again.

  Wait, what the hell is this "weird generator"! ?
(End of this chapter)

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