Final priesthood.

Chapter 275 Mischief

Chapter 275 Mischief

A mountain-shaped flesh protector and an old man in a suit, Protector Lei, looked at each other quietly.

One was smiling, the other was expressionless. When their eyes met and collided, sparks seemed to fly out.

After a long time, the smile on the Protector's face gradually faded.

The body is obviously as huge as a mountain, but it moves with an incongruous flexibility and elegance, like a feather floating into the opened stone door.

When walking, there seems to be some kind of clever light-footing technique.

A stocky and sturdy figure appeared silently.

He is only 1.7 meters tall, with extremely strong muscles all over his body. From his neck up to the sides of his cheeks, he is covered with fine snake scales, and even his eyes look like snakes.

The man glanced at the three of them with a sinister look, and then followed the Flesh Protector into the stone door.

When the two of them walked in, Protector Lei's aura calmed down slightly and he said calmly: "Let's go."

Then he also walked towards the stone door.

The Black Bear Man and the Spider Protector looked grave and followed without saying a word.

Five people passed the stone gate one after another.

There is a main hall upon entering.

Braziers were burning on the four walls of the hall, and the flames flickered, casting the shadows of several people in the hall on the ground.

The eyes of the five people casually glanced at the three people they knew, the Elephant Guardian, the Eagle Guardian, and the middle-aged horse-faced people, and finally their eyes locked on the person sitting on the throne of the Evil Emperor at the top of the hall.

He is a young man who looks to be only eighteen or nineteen years old.

The body is slender and well-proportioned, with close to perfect proportions, and the appearance is also particularly handsome.

The young man placed one hand lightly on the armrest of the throne, and slightly supported his chin with the other hand. He leaned on the word "Shenwu" with black sun patterns on his back. He was looking down at them with interest, giving people a sense of innateness. A mysterious and noble feeling.

The Flesh Protector twitched the corners of his mouth and said nothing.

Protector Lei briefly glanced at the young man on the throne, and quickly looked away with an expression of indifference.

As for the black bear man and others, they crossed their arms and sneered, as if they had seen something extremely funny.

"I didn't expect you all to come in such a timely manner, but we are really flattered."

Here, the Eagle Protector spoke with a smile, as if he was not the one who had just closed the door tightly and deliberately not opened it.

"Where does all this nonsense come from?"

The black bear man glanced at the indifferent Protector Lei, stepped forward, slapped his palm on the stone table, and said impatiently: "Didn't you three say you discovered the evil emperor's treasure?

Let’s take out the clues first and let everyone study them. "

"Guardian Bear's attitude really makes us less interested in talking about treasures."

The Eagle Protector said calmly.

"Then what attitude do you think I should have?"

The black bear man stared at the Eagle Protector, with a bit of a sinister smile on his face, and a look of cruelty and violence in his eyes.

"Guardian Eagle won't think that he has clues to the treasure, so everyone should follow your arrangements and command, right?"

At this time, the pale-faced Spider Protector slowly spoke: "The clue to the treasure was left behind after the previous evil emperor obtained it. Since the previous evil emperor died, this clue naturally belongs to everyone in the Divine Alliance.

After getting the clue, the three guardians were willing to announce it within the alliance, and everyone was naturally grateful for their contribution.

But if someone wants to use the clues to the treasure as a bargaining chip to blackmail everyone."

The Spider Protector narrowed his eyes and said with a half-smile, "That will inevitably make people feel chilled."

After the Spider Guardian finished speaking, the expressions of the Eagle Guardian and the middle-aged horse-faced Guardian suddenly darkened, while the Flesh Guardian standing next to him clapped his hands with a smile on his face.

"Little Spider said it well.

That's the truth.

The evil emperor's treasure is such a big thing, I can't even eat it by myself with such a big appetite.
The three of you are so small and thin."

The meat protector stretched out a white and thick little finger like a carrot to compare, and said with an exaggerated expression: "Don't burst your belly.

If the heart, liver, intestines, etc. leak out, it will be too ugly."

These naked threatening words made the three Eagle Guardians look ugly.

But all the protector-level figures on the field looked at them with cold eyes, and it was hard for them to get angry.

"We will naturally reveal the clues to the Evil Emperor's treasure later."

Guardian Eagle managed to calm down his emotions and slowly said: "The main reason I have called you here this time is to confirm with you the matter of the next Evil Emperor."


Before the Eagle Protector finished speaking, a huge noise suddenly came from the venue, interrupting his words and attracting everyone's attention.

It turned out that the meat protector, who was like a mountain of meat, felt a little tired from standing for too long.

So he casually pulled a chair from the edge of the stone table and wanted to sit down.

As a result, he sat down on it, crushing the chair under his butt to pieces, and even sat on the ground. His huge body shook the whole city slightly.

This funny scene made everyone present look a little weird and couldn't help but want to laugh.

However, the meat protector's next words made everyone stop laughing immediately.

"Ouch, ouch."

The meat protector made an exaggerated expression as if he was hurt by the fall. He covered a large piece of fat on his back and complained with a distressed look on his face: "This chair is too small and too fragile. I can't sit on it at all."

He glanced around the hall, as if looking for a more suitable position.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, he stretched out his white carrot-like finger, pointed at the young man sitting on the Evil Emperor's throne in the middle of the hall, and said with a smile: "This is a good seat! This is the right place for me to sit." "

After saying that, the Protector of Flesh stood up, moved his huge white body like a mountain of flesh, and walked straight towards the throne.


The Eagle Protector's expression immediately changed, and he stepped in front of the Flesh Protector. He scolded loudly with an ugly face: "Rou Boshan, what do you mean?"

The Flesh Protector smiled and looked down at the Eagle Protector, "What do I mean? I want to find a comfortable seat to sit. Didn't you hear me just now?"

"Now that the Evil Emperor is here, you dare to covet the position of the Evil Emperor?"

"Evil Emperor?"

The Flesh Protector raised his eyelids and glanced coldly at the young man on the Evil Emperor's throne. He smiled and shook his head and said, "I didn't see any Evil Emperor in front of me."

"You" the Eagle Protector's face turned violent, and a sudden surge of momentum came from his body, but the Flesh Protector just glared at him, and the latter immediately took a few steps back with a wild look on his face.

Two figures quietly appeared in front of the Eagle Protector. They seemed to be the burly Elephant Protector and the middle-aged horse-faced man.

Immediately afterwards, a figure quietly emerged from behind the Flesh Protector.

Looking at the three people in front of him coldly like a snake, it was the thick man whose neck and face were covered with snake scales.

The two groups of people fell into a tense atmosphere in an instant.

But the momentum of the three Eagle Guardians was much weaker than that of the two Flesh Guardians.

The huge body, more than four meters high, was like a snow-white mountain of flesh lying in front of the three of them. Even the burliest elephant guardian looked like an underage child in front of him.

He alone could completely suppress the momentum of the three of them.

He stood in the field with a smile on his face. His body of flesh covered most of the torch light in the hall, and waves of evil energy as majestic as the sea eroded towards the three of them.

His footsteps did not stop, but the three elephant guardians were retreating unknowingly.

Just as the two sides were about to start a fight, suddenly, a burly and old man in a suit stood between the two groups of people.

"You're too impatient."

The Thunder Protector raised his head slightly and looked at the Flesh Protector expressionlessly.

The latter stopped, and the snake-scaled man beside him also paused, looking at the Thunder Protector in front of him with a slightly fearful expression.

Black Bear Man and Spider Guardian silently surrounded him.

Just now, the three guardians were suppressed and retreated step by step. The aura of the physical guardians was directly blocked now.

Light purple lightning burst out from the Thunder Protector's body, twisting and jumping around like a snake.

The fat on the flesh protector's body rises and falls like waves.

The two most powerful figures among the guardians were facing each other tit for tat, and their momentum was constantly rising.

The evil energy fields released by both sides collided, setting off strong winds in the hall, causing the firelight on the surrounding walls to sway.

The aftermath of the terrifying evil energy competition that had reached the walking level made the ordinary guardians around the two of them couldn't help but step back with pale faces.

There was a dense sound of air explosions in the air, and purple electric lights kept flashing.
However, just when the momentum of both sides reached its peak.

Suddenly, all the aura of the two people was suppressed, and disappeared without a trace in an instant, as if they had never appeared.

Both groups of people were stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Protector Lei turned around slowly, his indifferent eyes passing through the crowd and landing on the throne of the Evil Emperor at the top of the hall.

Glancing at the young man sitting on the throne, he said calmly: "But I still agree with the Flesh Protector on one point.

No matter what, the position must be vacated first. "

As he spoke, two clusters of electric light burst out from the eyes of Protector Lei. He looked at the three Protector Eagles and said coldly, word by word: "You three are quite interesting. You just randomly find a cat or a dog and want to recommend him to evil. emperor's position
Do you really think that Shenmeng is run by your family? "


Along with Protector Lei's words, a violent momentum poured forward and fell heavily on the three of them.

The elephant protector shook slightly, and his whole body sank a few centimeters silently.

As for the Eagle Protector and the horse-faced middle-aged man, their faces were so pale that they took several steps back.

After they stood firm, they looked at the cold-looking Thunder Protector, the Flesh Protector who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and the other subordinates with sneers on their faces. Their expressions instantly became extremely ugly.

Almost subconsciously, the two of them turned their eyes behind them for help.

Behind them was a young man sitting casually on the throne of the Evil Emperor with the word "Shenwu" on his back and the flames blazing from the braziers on both sides.

This handsome young man, full of mysterious nobility, has not said a word so far.

The expression on his face didn't change much.

From the beginning to the end, he had an expression as if he was sitting and watching a show with great interest.

The three Eagle Guardians who surrounded him were forced into this situation by the Thunder Guardian and the Flesh Guardian, and he didn't seem to feel anything.

Seeing that everyone's eyes on the field were unknowingly focused on him.

The handsome young man seemed to have just come to his senses.

He stood up slightly and was about to speak.

Suddenly his eyes blinked, and then he reached out and touched a certain location on his right chest.

Then he lowered his head slightly and seemed to be counting down to a certain number silently.

Just when everyone frowned.

The handsome young man suddenly raised his head, as if he wanted to make a frightening joke to everyone. His face was filled with excitement, and his mouth moved in conjunction with his movements, making a sound of "pong!"

Everyone on the field had not yet reacted to the handsome young man's inexplicable performance.

next second.
"Boom!" There was a loud roar.

The wall on the side of the main hall suddenly exploded.

Among the countless splashing earth and stones, two huge black figures, more than six meters high, with their heads almost touching the ceiling of the hall, rushed in from the outside.

One behind the other, they happened to stand in the middle of the Thunder Protector and the Flesh Protector.

Like two dark and terrifying magic mountains, the shadows cast by the firelight enveloped almost everyone in the hall.

The pressure of evil energy, as thick and heavy as a huge wave in the deep sea, spread out from the two black figures.

Wave after wave, bringing a deep suffocating feeling of terror and oppression.

At this moment, the expressions of everyone in the hall fell into a brief dull state, looking up at the two majestic bodies with elephant heads and human figures, motionless.

The eerie silence lasted for about half a breath.

Immediately afterwards, it was like a drop of water falling into a pot of hot oil
With a "boom", everyone on the field "exploded"!

Only a handsome young man sitting on the Evil Emperor's throne looked at this scene with a satisfied smile slowly appearing on his face.

It's like a prank that Jing Xin planned has achieved the effect he wanted.

Then he supported his chin with one hand and continued to watch the show with interest.

 I recommend this book, it’s pretty good.

  Book Title: "After Marriage, Awakening to the Daily Settlement Panel"

(End of this chapter)

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