Final priesthood.

Chapter 276 Who agrees?Who is against it?

Chapter 276 Who agrees?Who is against it?

A walking elephant god suddenly took a step forward.

The evil energy field belonging to the peak of walking level and the body as tall as a magic mountain suddenly moved forward, and the terrifying aura surrounding it made the pupils of the Thunder Protector who was close to it shrink.

Then, a large amount of lavender electric current burst out from all over his body, as if he was in a state of stress.

These electric currents quickly converged on his palm, and a dark purple electric ball quickly formed at a speed visible to the naked eye.
But before the Thunder Protector could strike out with this blow containing the power of thunder, the Elephant God Walking, who felt the dangerous aura in front of him, opened his single eye on his forehead, and a violent light flashed.

The elephant's trunk was raised, and the mouthparts hidden underneath suddenly let out an angry roar.


Sound waves visible to the naked eye erupt from the elephant's mouth.

Protector Lei was the first to bear the brunt. The peaked cap on his head was instantly lifted off, revealing a head of short white and purple hair that was close to his scalp.

The wrinkles on the old face were smoothed away by the terrible sound waves, and the whole body was shaking, and electricity was flowing everywhere.
With a ferocious look on his face, he raised his hand to punch out the spherical plasma in his palm.

But an elephant hoof as thick as a water tank tore through the air and suddenly appeared on his chest.

A dazzling electric light burst out in the hall, and the Thunder Protector who was originally standing in the field "disappeared" in an instant.

There was a synchronized loud noise from the side wall of the hall not far away.

Walls cast with superalloy mixed with rainbow steel will not collapse.

But on the wall where large chunks of stone had fallen down, there was a clear human-shaped pit.

The Thunder Protector, whose heart stopped and his pupils dilated, was now deeply trapped in the huge pit.

a bit.

In just one moment, the Thunder Protector, who was at the top level among the eight great protectors, was kicked out by the terrifying Elephant Man, and he did not know whether he was alive or dead.

In an instant, the movements of several protector-level figures who had just been preparing to take action all froze, and a terrifying feeling that made their scalps numb instantly arose spontaneously.

Two elephant gods, who are more than six meters tall, are walking and standing in the hall, with their heads on the ceiling of the hall.

Like two huge dark clouds hanging over everyone's heads and hearts.

A protector-level figure turned pale and stiffly stepped back step by step.

The atmosphere in the venue was extremely depressing.

This is simply a disaster coming from nowhere, a catastrophe from heaven.

If one thing goes wrong today, the Evil Martial Alliance will have to be wiped out right here today.


The sound of something being crushed suddenly sounded.

It seemed so clear in the quiet and dead scene at this time.

Everyone looked towards the direction of the sound, including the six-meter-tall elephant men at the two ends.

Under the gaze of all the strange eyes, the flesh protector accidentally "stepped" on a stone when he just retreated. At this time, the fat all over his body was trembling slightly.

Layers of thin sweat oozed from the fat flesh, and the white and greasy skin even began to turn slightly red.

The two elephant men looked at him quietly and condescendingly with expressionless faces.

The flesh protector's body stiffened, and his movements were frozen in place for several seconds.

at last
The extremely tense nerves broke, and the Flesh Protector screamed suddenly, then collapsed and attacked an elephant man in front of him.

The white fleshy palms the size of cattail leaf fans struck wildly on the Elephant Man's body, making a series of dull sounds like wooden stakes hammering the ground.

"Boom boom-"

The flesh protector felt that he had never been so explosive in his life.

He slapped forward an unknown number of times in one breath.

Every palm contains his terrifying power and the essence of martial arts he has learned throughout his life.

The ultra-high frequency of waving palms brought up the fat all over his body, directly setting off a white and oil-stained wave of fat in the field.
The potential of the Flesh Guardian has been greatly developed. This is definitely the peak of his unprecedented combat power.

The terrifying offensive caused the other protector-level figures to shrink their pupils and look moved.

He imagined that if he faced such a violent attack from the Flesh Protector, he would be beaten into a puddle of flesh within a few breaths.


It was accompanied by a dull loud noise similar to when the Thunder Protector flew out before.

The spectacle of fat waves on the field disappeared, and the sound of intensive beatings suddenly stopped.

Everyone only saw - a big lump of snow-white fat sunk in, then swayed like a wave, and then...
With a "boom", it was knocked away and clung to another wall not far away like a puddle of rotten meat.

One more time, the meat protector is also
The eyes of all the protector-level figures widened and they froze on the spot for a few seconds.

Then no one knew who it was and yelled in horror - "Let's go!"

In an instant, the remaining guardians on the field were about to disperse like birds and beasts.

Yet at this time.

A young, lazy voice that seemed to be still yawning came from behind them.

"Go what?"

The words did not fall.


Everyone's heart was shattered.

Immediately afterwards, a sense of heaviness and trembling for no reason quickly rose from their hearts.

The light in the hall seemed to be swallowed up in an instant.

Everyone clearly felt that there was a terrifying aura that could not be described in words. It was blooming quietly behind them.

But no one dared to look back. Everyone's blood and bone marrow seemed to be frozen, and their bodies stood stiffly in place.

They can only see——

The moment this breath appeared, the two six-meter-tall elephant gods walked as if they were suddenly stimulated and became furious at the same time.

The two elephant men roared in unison, then stepped over their heads, screaming and rushing towards the direction where the breath came from. "Boom!"

It was like the concussive sound of a plane crashing into a mountain.

The whole hall was shaking and shaking. Debris kept falling from the ceiling, and it felt like the whole hall would collapse in the next second.


This terrifying movement came and went as quickly as it came.

In just a few breaths, all sounds disappeared.

The main hall completely returned to calm.

In the deathly silence, everyone could only hear the pounding sound of their own hearts.

In the end what happened?
What's going on behind now?
A large number of questions arise in the hearts of every protector-level figure.

Their faces were pale, their foreheads were sweating, their blood was flaring, and their mouths were dry.

Their extremely strong curiosity drove them to turn around and take a look.

But his body was dominated by a sense of fear that came from his bones, and he didn't dare to move.


A burst of noise came from the side and front.

Everyone followed the sound and found that the Thunder Protector and the Flesh Protector who had been blasted into the wall by the Elephant Man had now come down from the wall.

However, the expressions of both of them were very strange.

His eyes were blurred with bursts of trance and sluggishness, as if he had seen something extremely unbelievable and unbelievable, and was falling into some deep self-doubt.


Everyone took a deep breath.

Finally, unable to contain his curiosity, he turned around little by little.

The scene behind him was completely in front of everyone's eyes.

When they saw clearly what they saw in front of them, the bodies of these people all trembled violently.

My brain felt as if something heavy had hit me in the head.


All that was left was a blank space and a constant ringing in the ears.


I saw at the end of the main hall, under the "Shenwu" wall with a black sun ring, on top of the evil emperor's throne.

A figure over three meters tall was sitting casually.

It can be called a perfect body, with large bloody patterns growing wantonly.

Long hair as black as a waterfall floats on both sides. Whether it is air or light, approaching this body will show a distorted state.

A demonic aura that seemed to come out of a forbidden legend came to my face.

And right at the feet of this demonic figure, two elephant men with no heads and a big hole in their heart knelt down silently.

There was no more movement.

Sitting on the throne, the demon-like man was casually playing with the two huge hearts emitting a faint black light in his hands.

Seeing everyone's gazes on him, the man's charming and handsome face immediately showed a smile.

I saw him leaning slightly, stepping on the headless body of the Elephant Man, looking down at everyone, smiling and saying: "Why are you leaving in such a hurry?
It was just a small episode.

What a great chat the guardians just had, I want to hear what the guardians are talking about."

"Oh, right."

The man seemed to have just remembered something.

He slowly stood up, his tall and perfect body gradually melting into the flickering firelight, as if an extremely huge shadow rose from his body, quickly enveloping the entire hall.

The next moment, everyone in the hall heard the man's calm voice.

"Forgot to say one thing."

"From now on, I will take over the position of the Evil Emperor of this alliance.

Who agrees?
Who objects? "

At this moment, the only sound left in the hall was the sound of flames burning in the braziers on the four walls.

The clear blue sky.

Below is the same blue boundless sea.

The salty sea breeze blows slowly, and seagulls draw beautiful arcs between the sea and the sky.

"It's so beautiful"

A group of men and women wearing uniform white martial arts uniforms stood on the pier, as if waiting for something.

Among the crowd, a short-haired girl with big eyes and an oval face looked at the sea and let out a heartfelt sigh.

“Even if it’s just a trip, it’s worth it.”

The girl muttered to herself, then turned to ask a pale old man with silver hair next to her, eyes slightly closed, "Grandpa, are Penglai and Wusheng Islands on this sea?"

The old man opened his eyes and said softly "Hmm".

"Then how do we go?"

The girl asked again: "Grandpa, do you know the road?"

"Waiting for the boat."

The old man replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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