Final priesthood.

Chapter 277 Notes from the Evil Emperor

Chapter 277 Notes from the Evil Emperor
"What grandpa said is nonsense. Can we still swim across without waiting for the boat?"

The oval-faced girl curled her lips.

The silver-haired old man didn't say anything, but a strong young man next to him smiled and said first: "Don't tell me, little junior sister, I actually swam there before. Not only did I swim to Wu Sheng Island, I was also accepted as an apprentice by Penglai Wu Sheng. Later, He became a famous master figure."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

The young man patted his chest and said with confidence: "This is what I saw in the notes of the previous heads of our Yansuiliu. Can the words of the ancestors of the past heads be false?"

"The notes are passed to you, so you just read these things, right?"

The silver-haired old man next to him snorted, and the strong young man shrank his neck and immediately shut up.

The oval-faced girl's interest was aroused, and she couldn't help but ask: "Grandpa, is what senior brother said true?
Was there really such a person before? "

The silver-haired old man's expression softened a little, and he nodded: "It does exist, and it is even more legendary than what Senior Brother You described.
The person who chose to swim to Martial Saint Island, after inheriting the mantle of the last Martial Saint, became recognized as the number one in the ancient martial arts world.

He is still alive today, in Penglai, with the title of ‘God’.”

At this moment, not only the oval-faced girl, but also the strong young man on the side and several disciples who were paying attention to what they were saying opened their eyes wide, with expressions of shock and amazement on their faces.

"Grandpa, do you think that if we imitate the behavior of this 'God' now, will we still have the chance to get the same great opportunities and great fortunes as him?"

The oval-faced girl had a sudden thought after hearing this.

After hearing this, several Yansuiliu disciples nearby were a little excited and eager to give it a try.

The silver-haired old man looked at these young people with bright minds, shook his head speechlessly and said: "Do you think it is a simple matter to physically travel hundreds of kilometers and find Penglai Wusheng Island in the vast sea?
Penglai God had already become a master before he came to the island. He was a first-rate figure in the world, otherwise he would not have been able to achieve such an incredible feat.
If you really want to imitate me, I won’t stop you. If you are swallowed by the waves or eaten by fish and shrimps, don’t blame the master for not warning you.”

After several people heard this, their thoughts that were about to move immediately calmed down.

At this time, the oval-faced girl who had been staring at the sea suddenly pointed to a white five-story luxury yacht that was slowly approaching in the distance, and said with surprise on her face: "Grandpa, the ship is here!"

The silver-haired old man raised his eyelids and said, "He's here."

When the disciples of Yansuiliu heard this, their spirits suddenly lifted, and they all hurriedly picked up their luggage and prepared to board the ship.

He couldn't wait and was still discussing with excitement: "Master really spent a lot of money this time. I didn't expect to rent such a big yacht!"

"After all, our Yanzuiliu is also one of the best martial arts sects in the northern fighting world. We must fill up the lineup!"

"Master is mighty!"

There were bursts of excited cheers on the pier.

But when the yacht arrived in front of the group of people, it passed by without stopping.

The expressions and movements of the Yansuiliu disciples were frozen on the spot, watching a small, old fishing boat slowly sailing over and docking at the pier.

"Let's go."

The silver-haired old man, who had no expression from beginning to end, picked up his suitcase and said calmly: "This is the boat we rented.

yacht?Everyone wants to eat shit!


The faces of the group of people suddenly fell down. They were so happy that they could only follow with their heads down.

A luxury yacht is sailing slowly by, in a room on the third deck.

Eight figures are besieging the person in the middle.

Some of the eight people have strong fists and kicks, some have sharp claw skills, or some have erratic body movements. Each of them has good attainments in pure martial arts fighting techniques and is a first-class ancient martial arts master.

Each one is full of strength, releasing a powerful spirit that is beyond ordinary people, and has tyrannical strength.

However, the eight people joined forces, and all attacks were blocked by a figure in the middle that exuded a rich dark golden light.

Not only did he not get any benefits, but he was still at a disadvantage.

"Small Monument Palm!"

Among the eight people, a snow-white fat man who was more than four meters tall and looked like a mountain of meat suddenly rushed towards the middle figure and slapped him.

The terrifying power wrapped in the big hands like cattail leaf fans tore through the air, making a series of explosive sounds like cracking silk, dispelling layers of air waves, and the sound was astonishing.

The eyes of the other seven people flashed together. When they found this opportunity, at the same time, they all used their strongest methods.

In an instant, eight powerful attacks came from all directions in almost no particular order.

Like eight huge waves, they all hit the figure in the middle.


The terrifying shock wave that erupted in an instant spread out, shattering all the glass windows around the entire third-floor room.

Even the luxury yacht jolted violently, and its forward momentum faltered.

However, the next moment, circles of dark golden ripples appeared in the room.

Immediately afterwards, there was a "boom" and all eight figures were blown away.

"Congratulations to the Demon Emperor who is about to achieve great success in martial arts. He is only one step away from becoming a master!"

Fatty Roshan, who had led the offensive before, was the first to speak, smiling and complimenting the people in the middle.

The others followed suit, but as soon as they opened their mouths, they heard a faint voice from the latter.

"Everyone go out, I want to stay alone for a while."

Everyone's voices suddenly stopped, they agreed, and then retreated from the room one after another.

One of the men, who was as tall as a hill, stood silently at the door of the room, making a watchful gesture.

In the room, Lu Yuan stood quietly.

All around him, the aerosolized mental energy was churning like milk.

Ever since Long Anshan established himself as the "Devil Emperor" and subdued other evil martial alliance protector-level figures, Lu Yuan has been letting eight people serve as his sparring partners.

Over a period of time, his strength in the field of fighters continued to grow rapidly, and even some wonderful transformations occurred.

At this time, Lu Yuan could feel that his spiritual power was gradually infiltrating into his body.

During this process, his blood was constantly flowing, his musculoskeletal membranes were constantly vibrating, and his internal organs glowed with greater vitality.
Lu Yuan could clearly feel that his physique, strength, and various attributes were continuously and slowly growing.

This is the process of transformation from one life form to another.Lu Yuan tried to slowly release his spirit, and the surrounding air immediately became slightly distorted.

It was very similar to the Grandmaster's force field he had seen before, but much weaker.

"In a sense, I should be considered a master.
It's just that the entry speed is a bit slow. "

Lu Yuan thought about it for a while, and this may be related to the fact that his abilities in all aspects are dozens of times higher than those of ordinary true meaning limit warriors.

To enter the master's true meaning is to integrate the spirit and will into the body.

Others are mentally weak and physically weak, and the two blend together, just like two drops of water blending together, it is natural and simple.

But his spirit is strong and his physique is like two hard stones. It will be difficult to rub the two stones together.

"If there is a large amount of external stimulation, this process can be accelerated a lot."

This is also the reason why he came to participate in the Penglai Martial Saint Island Martial Arts Conference this time.

There are masters all over Penglai, and there are plenty of external forces he needs.

It also allows him to appreciate the essence of martial arts from various sects, taking the integrated pure martial arts system a step further.

He had already felt this benefit during his sparring sessions with Xu Weiguo and the eight protector-level figures from the Evil Martial Alliance.

His intelligence is now as high as 28 points, and his understanding is close to that of a demon. As long as he fights with someone a few times, he can learn the opponent's moves.

Get rid of the bad and keep the good, and integrate it into your own pure martial arts system.

It was so difficult for him to be promoted to Grandmaster, which also had something to do with this.

His own learning is quite complex, and his foundation is unusually strong. In the process of trying to make breakthroughs, he is constantly filling in and expanding his martial arts system, and his foundation is getting thicker.

Therefore, the difficulty factor of breakthrough is also continuing to rise.

Of course, once the breakthrough is successful, the rewards will definitely be beyond ordinary people's imagination.

This is what Lu Yuan has been looking forward to.

Lu Yuan thought and took out a thick old notebook from his pocket.

This is the "Evil Emperor's Notes" passed down by the evil emperors of the Evil Martial Alliance. It records the insights and experiences of the evil emperors of the Evil Martial Alliance in their cultivation.

This thing was originally in the hands of the fat man who protected the meat. He was probably convinced by him, and the latter obediently handed it over to Lu Yuan.

Lu Yuan has read the "Notes of the Evil Emperor" several times.

Most of the contents record the techniques used by evil emperors in past generations to use the power of the evil god they had mastered, and the various killing moves they developed based on the characteristics of the evil god's power.

Many of the effects of evil gods' power are unheard of, and the moves developed by evil emperors in the past are even more bizarre and unconstrained.

Not to mention, it was quite inspiring to Lu Yuan.

He even flipped through it and found out that there was an evil emperor who mastered the power of the Crow God from the Crow God Sect. The few tricks he developed made Lu Yuan feel bright and found several new ideas for using death energy.

However, this evil emperor left very little content in his notes. He probably died young within a few years because he dealt with the energy of death all day long and did not believe in the Crow God.

In addition, there is also the realization of breaking through the evil martial arts master realm.

The significance of breaking through the evil martial arts master is much greater for evil warriors than the average fighter breaking through the master realm.

The ultimate goal of almost every evil warrior who tries to take the path of evil martial arts is to fuse the two powers of pure martial arts and evil energy to achieve the supreme state in their minds.

But Lu Yuan took a look and found that there were many evil emperors who had successfully broken through to the evil martial master level in history, but none of them could achieve the "ideal effect".

The strength is indeed stronger than the average grandmaster, but when it comes to the peak walking level, it is still a piece of cake.

Even if the evil power he masters has reached the walking level, and the pure martial evil energy has reached SS in both areas, he cannot reach the edge of SSS.

"I feel like these people from the Evil Martial Alliance are on the wrong track."

"After SS, pure power stacking is no longer enough, but spiritual potential must be explored.

As I learned from Huang Xiong, the standard for measuring SSS-level powerhouses is the second-order spiritual light, which is a higher level than the so-called master's will.


Lu Yuan thought thoughtfully, "Looking at it this way, my idea of ​​using the evil god's projection as the true meaning of martial arts is actually a false idea, and it is the real road.

Is the extraordinary martial arts path that I have been trying to create the true path of evil martial arts that countless generations of evil warriors from the Evil Martial Alliance have been pursuing so hard?

Am I really the Evil Emperor of Destiny? ! "

A sudden surprise and an inexplicable sense of accomplishment emerged from Lu Yuan's heart.

But even so, before reaching the end, Lu Yuan didn’t know whether this road would work.

He is still crossing the river by feeling the stones, taking it one step at a time.

It's just that he has an advantage that no one can match.

It's because he has a career panel. Once he finds a dead end ahead, he can stop at any time and take another route.

In addition to the insights into evil power and pure martial arts practice, the rest of the contents in the notebook are some little secrets about the evil emperors of the past generations.

For example, the stone tablet recording the evil Quetzalcoatl in the sky was written down in the notes of the previous Evil Emperor.

No wonder it became known to everyone in the Evil Martial Alliance.

There are also some messy, twisted words and symbols.

Lu Yuan guessed that it was probably some random remarks recorded by those evil emperors who were ultimately unable to resist the erosion of the evil god's will before their consciousness became confused.

After all, the power of the evil god is not something that ordinary people can perfectly control.

Evil energy is the bait thrown by the ancient evil god into the world. The more you master it, the deeper you will be poisoned.

Until he completely becomes a follower of the evil god, or leads to self-destruction.

of course.

He is an exception because he has a professional panel by his side.

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan closed the note and took out the two elephant-god walking hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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