Final priesthood.

Chapter 279 Penglai Miaomiao

Chapter 279 Penglai Miaomiao
Liu Daoyuan's seemingly thin limbs and body concealed at least fifteen kinds of high-tech nuclear and radiation thermal weapons.

The small suitcase he carried also contained many replacement weapon parts and energy cores.

He looked at Liu Daoyuan, who was standing in front of the railing with his hands behind his back, blowing the sea breeze and looking at the sea level with an indifferent expression.

A few words popped into Lu Yuan's mind - "Expert of the evil sect of the new era", "Liu Daoyuan, the explosive genius?", "Poisonous nuclear demon".
It's hard to imagine what kind of restless and crazy heart Lao Liu has hidden behind his calm appearance.

No wonder Lao Liu didn't even look down on Grandmaster.

With his hot weapon configuration, even if he couldn't defeat the Grandmaster, there would be no problem in holding him to death together.


Lu Yuan tried his best to choose his tone, stood next to Liu Daoyuan, and looked at the sea view in front of him with him, and said with emotion: "I thought you were very dedicated to Chun Wu."

Liu Daoyuan glanced at him and said calmly: "My obsession has never been pure martial arts."


Lu Yuan nodded.

He heard the meaning behind Lao Liu's words.

What he is obsessed with is not pure martial arts.

He just clings to strength.

And pure martial arts is just one of the ways to obtain powerful power.

Lu Yuan suddenly remembered the shot he fired from a distance when he got off the shuttle during the Southern Hundred Cities Martial Arts League to save Lao Liu.

It seemed like that shot had a great impact on Lao Liu.

Perhaps it was that shot that quietly turned the gears of Lao Liu's destiny.

But having said that, seeing the grandmaster realm that I had worked hard for most of my life approaching, I decided to give up and take the path of transformation.

Lao Liu's determination and perseverance are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The Grandmaster is not even comparable.

Lu Yuan wanted to talk to Lao Liu about the extraordinary martial arts he was creating, but he didn't even know whether this path was right or wrong. It was really not good for Lao Liu to take risks with him.

And with Lao Liu's temperament, since he has chosen to take the transformation route, he should not change again in a short time.

So he swallowed his words again.

However, Liu Daoyuan saw the drifting of his thoughts and said, "Don't be influenced by me.

Your situation and mine are different.

You are still young and have many choices.

Even if you go the wrong way, you will still enjoy the scenery along the way."

Lu Yuan couldn't help but be surprised, "Teacher, I didn't expect that you, who drinks soda every day, could say such philosophical words."

"Little bunny!"

Liu Daoyuan smiled and scolded him.

The master and apprentice stood by the fence, chatting while enjoying the sea breeze.

From time to time there are schools of silver fish and gray dolphins leaping across the sea.

Suddenly, Lu saw a small fishing boat in his sight from a distance, with a flag hanging on it.

The pattern printed on the flag is vaguely identifiable as the word "rock" in ancient Xia text.

"What sect is that? Teacher."

Lu Yuan pointed to the fishing boat and asked Lao Liu casually.

Liu Daoyuan glanced at it and said calmly: "Lang Slayer Yan Suiliu is a sect in the northern martial arts world.

The inheritance and strength are not weak, but the leader of the sect is stingy and very picky.

I remember hearing before that if you go out with the leader of the Yansu sect, he will even have sex with you while eating a bowl of fried rice on the roadside."

"So outrageous?"

Lu Yuan had a surprised expression on his face.

To be honest, he quite enjoyed listening to Lao Liu talk about these things.

Sometimes he felt that part of the reason why Lao Liu was hated by people in the martial arts world was because he was full of scandals about the leader of his sect, so everyone wanted to get rid of him.

I was just about to talk to Lao Liu about some more related gossip.

Suddenly Liu Daoyuan changed the topic and asked, "What are your plans for going to Penglai?"

Lu Yuan thought for a while and replied: "Let's attend the conference as normal first. At the conference, I will help you beat up your old enemies one by one... Well, you can make a list for me later.

Then challenge the group of grandmasters in Penglai to see if they can break through their own grandmaster realm.

I have a hunch, Lao Liu, that this time I break through the Grandmaster, and it is very likely that I will reach an unprecedented level.
When the time comes, unifying the ancient martial arts world will not be a problem! "

Lu Yuan faced the open blue sky and sea in front of him, opened his arms, and felt that the speed of spiritual power integrating into the body seemed to be a little faster now.

He felt that something was brewing in every corner of his limbs and internal organs.

This feeling was something that none of the few master-level pure martial arts experts I had known and asked about before had ever mentioned it.

Lu Yuan felt that what he was breaking through was the Grandmaster realm, but it didn't seem to be the Grandmaster realm in the traditional sense.

Liu Daoyuan chose to ignore his irrelevant words, thought for a while, and said: "It doesn't matter to others in Penglai, you remember to pay attention to the Five Elders and God.

These few people are living like human beings because they insist on not dying.

If they come to beat you shamelessly, remember to find a chance to run away.

You are still young and have plenty of opportunities to come back with revenge.

If you really can't wait, I recently came into contact with an underground channel where you can buy nuclear bombs. It would be great if we secretly drop two here later."


"Look, it's that yacht again!"

On a small fishing boat that was almost too crowded to fit in, a Yansuiliu disciple pointed in the distance and slowly caught up with him. A five-story luxury yacht in the same direction as them called out in surprise.

The sound immediately attracted the attention of everyone on the boat.

They soon noticed the flag flying from the mast of the yacht. "It turns out it's Tianliu Water! No wonder it's so grand."

"The leader of the Tianshui School is the current president of the Xia Bang Wushu Association and a grand master. Naturally, he can afford to rent such a magnificent yacht."

One by one, the disciples who were bouncing around on the boat were almost vomiting from the tossing. The disciples looked at the yacht in the distance with envy and sighed.

They even saw two figures, an old man and a young man, standing on the deck of the yacht.

I thought that the two of them could occupy such a big place and chat in the breeze, while I and my party had to squeeze into a small broken boat. Some people didn't even have a place to sit, and the pungent fish smell was everywhere on the boat.

My heart suddenly became even more unbalanced.

Suddenly, the oval-faced girl in the crowd remembered something and hurriedly asked the silver-haired old man beside her, "Grandpa, don't I remember that you have a good relationship with President Cai of Tianliu River?

Can you let them give us a ride? It’s really uncomfortable for us to sit on this boat.”

"Nonsense, what's the point of taking another sect's boat to land on the island!"

The silver-haired old man reprimanded, then squinted his eyes and looked at the yacht in the distance, and said slightly suspiciously: "Besides, this doesn't look like President Cai.

And as far as I know, the people from Tianliu River should have arrived on the island two days ago."

"Maybe it's the second batch they made later."

The oval-faced girl was still brooding over the fact that she couldn't change ships.

The silver-haired old man ignored her, took out a mobile phone from his pocket, and started sending text messages.

This is a small island with beautiful scenery.

The entire island is covered by a translucent light mask.

Milky white mist surrounds the island and lingers all year round.

A huge pot-shaped gap flashed in the sky. Sunlight fell from the gap, reflecting colorful misty colors in the mist, making the entire island look ethereal and beautiful, unlike the human world.

Under this glow, there is a stone staircase rising straight up.

In front of the stairs is a huge high platform. There is a figure sitting quietly in the glow of the glow, and his face cannot be seen clearly.

Under the high platform, there are five men and women with different temperaments sitting upright, as if sleeping.

Further down, there is a denser area of ​​seats.

There are fruits and snacks placed between these seats, and there are boys and girls with good faces and figures serving them carefully beside each seat.

The people sitting on the seats also have extraordinary bearings and have the air of a master.

These people are chatting or thinking alone. The atmosphere is relaxed and the mood is easy-going.

Further down is an extremely broad and flat white square. There are many people around the square, wearing clothes from various sects.

From time to time, people walked back and forth in the square, hurriedly making arrangements.

On the third level platform, a middle-aged man with black hair and a rosy complexion was chatting with someone next to him.

Suddenly his pocket vibrated, and he took out his cell phone and took a look at it, with a strange and cold look on his face.

After thinking for a moment, the middle-aged man called the attendant waiting beside him and whispered a few instructions.

The latter immediately nodded and left. After a while, he quickly came back and talked to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man received the reply, apologized twice to the people around him, then stood up and quickly walked up to the second level of the platform.

"Is that the yellow bear boy who killed one of us last time?"

On the second-level high platform, an old man in black, who looked in his fifties but had no wrinkles on his face, said with his eyes closed.

The middle-aged man who came to report looked respectful and almost humble in front of the five people, and replied in a low voice: "Yes, he is the one who killed the messenger in the Southern League.

He is a remnant disciple of Tian Shui Shui Yi's rebellious sect. I don't know what kind of fate he got to be able to join Huangxiong.

I just got the news that the two of them are heading towards the island, I'm afraid they want to use their identities to help the traitor..."

“We mentioned this matter to Mr. Wu last time and gave him a beating.

I didn’t expect that this kid didn’t know how to repent and dared to do it again. He really thinks that there is no one in Penglai who can bully me.”

As soon as the old man in black finished speaking, a woman in red beside him immediately opened her eyes.

She looks like a seventy-year-old woman, but her voice is as clear and sharp as a teenage girl's voice-changing period.

"Why are you talking so much? Just kill him at the door!
He's just a golden bear, but he still thinks he's a person? "

The old man in black was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "When someone comes, have someone drive them away.

If he doesn't leave, I'll kill him again. "

The middle-aged man below had a smile on his face when he heard this. He said some polite words such as disturbing the five elders, and then slowly turned around and retreated.

When I returned to my original seat, the people around me asked curiously.

The middle-aged man picked up the tea cup at hand and took a sip. He shook his head casually and said it was okay.

Then he picked up the previous topic again and started laughing and chatting softly.

"Is that Penglai Wusheng Island?"

After two and a half hours of sailing, the shadow of a small island finally appeared in the distance.

Looking from a distance, you can see the island is shrouded in clouds and mist, and there is a beautiful glow falling like a waterfall, which is really strange.


Liu Daoyuan squinted his eyes and looked at the small island, as if it brought back some long-lasting memories, and his mood was not too high.

Lu Yuan glanced around and saw that several ships were about to land on the island.

Among them was the boat that I had seen on the road before, the rock debris boat that the faction leader was obsessed with.

Looking at the island getting closer and closer, Lu Yuan thought of the killing move called "Peng Lai Miaomiao" in the inheritance of the Crane Sect, and felt calm in his heart.

When there were only five or six nautical miles away from the island, Lu Yuan noticed that the entire island was actually shrouded in a translucent energy shield.

It probably means that you don't want outsiders to go up casually.

Just as he was thinking about it, several speedboats came out of the island and quickly approached the ships that were about to land on the island.

(End of this chapter)

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