Final priesthood.

Chapter 280 The God Emperor of the Shenwu Alliance is here, why don’t the Penglai dogs come to greet

Chapter 280 The God Emperor of the Shenwu Alliance is here, why don’t the Penglai dogs come to greet him!

Lu Yuan asked someone to stop the yacht slowly and wait for the speedboat to come closer.

There were only two people on the speedboat. One was dark-skinned and thin, and was responsible for driving the boat. The other was in his forties and had a crew cut.

Obviously, Lu Yuan and Liu Daoyuan were standing on the deck of the yacht from a commanding perspective.

But this flat-headed man from Wusheng Island always gave Lu Yuan the feeling that he was looking down on him.

It’s hard to imagine how highly one must think of himself to achieve this effect.

"You go back."

The crew-cut man stood on the speedboat, looked at the two of them calmly and said, "Penglai does not welcome outsiders."

"Didn't you see the flag?"

Lu Yuan looked back and pointed at the Tianliu Martial Arts Flag on the mast of the yacht, then took out a gold-plated invitation from his pocket and threw it at the crew-cut man, smiling: "And we have an invitation to the Martial Arts Conference."

Lu Yuan asked people from Mosa to help with the invitation letter. People from Mosa were also involved in the martial arts conference, so getting an invitation letter was not a problem.

Lu Yuan attached the gilded invitation with just the right amount of force, and the crew-cut man caught it steadily.

But without looking at it, he rubbed the entire invitation into fine pieces of paper and scattered them in the sea breeze.

There was sarcasm on the face of the crew-cut man, and he shook his head in amusement: "We never read invitations, and we don't have invitations."

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed and he said nothing.

Liu Daoyuan next to him frowned and said: "My martial arts flag is hanging in Tianliu River, tell me why you are not qualified to enter?

Did Cai Huazhang instigate you to do this?You tell him that I, Liu Daoyuan, am here to find him. "

Liu Daoyuan said word by word: "Isn't Cai Huazhang always thinking about my death?
I also brought what he wanted.

If he wants it, he can get it himself.”

The crew-cut man shook his head expressionlessly, "I've already said that Penglai doesn't welcome you.

If you personally have any grudges against Grandmaster Cai, then go to the main gate of Tianliu River to complain.

This is Penglai, not a place where you can run wild. "


Liu Daoyuan's face flashed with anger, and Lu Yuan standing aside could even hear the sound of the mechanical components in his body starting up.

This was the first time he saw Lao Liu being so angry, and he was just finding it funny.

The flat-headed man below suddenly pointed his finger at him again and said, "I know you have another identity.

But it's a pity that even that level of identity is not easy to use here.

You will definitely not be able to enter the gate of Penglai today, so leave quickly."

The crew-cut man said indifferently: "If your ship doesn't turn around within 10 minutes, don't blame us for taking tough measures.

That's all I can say, do it yourself. "

After saying that, the flat-headed man glanced at the two of them and gave instructions, and the speedboat turned around and headed back in the direction it came from.

After Lu Yuan heard what the crew-cut man said, his expression was stunned for a while.

After a long while, he turned to look at Liu Daoyuan, whose face was almost as dark as the bottom of a pot. He took a breath and said slowly: "Old Liu, it seems that the plan has changed.

I never expected that the master and apprentice of our Tianshuihuhe sect came all the way to Penglai, but they couldn't even get through the door. "

Liu Daoyuan stared at the speedboat that was gradually moving away in front of him, with blue light flashing in his eyes, and with a bit of teeth-gnashing anger, he said coldly: "What about that?

We also turn around and go home? "

"That's not so."

Lu Yuan smiled and shook his head.

He looked up at the Tianshuiliuwu flag fluttering in the wind on the yacht, and said in a low voice: "Times have changed, old willow. People don't recognize your flag now, so it doesn't work anymore.

Fortunately I have another flag.”


Liu Daoyuan frowned and looked at him doubtfully.

But Lu Yuan casually ordered behind him: "Change the flag."

After a while, a huge and brand-new flag slowly rose from the mast, and the yacht beneath him also started to move forward at full speed.

The sea breeze blew, and the huge flag was fluttered by the wind.

The pure gold flag has a huge black sun pattern printed on it.

Liu Daoyuan's pupils shrank and he saw the word "Shenwu" written in big letters in the middle of the black sun pattern.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Lu Yuan's voice ringing faintly in his ears.

"Stop pretending, it's a showdown.

Lao Liu, in fact, your apprentice and I are the current Evil Emperor of the Evil Martial Alliance.

Don't worry, I will definitely break through Penglai this time and help you sit on the throne of the leader of the martial arts alliance."


On the sparkling sea, a group of Yansuiliu disciples were slowly approaching Martial Saint Island, led by a speedboat.

Suddenly, they saw that the five-story luxury yacht flying the Tianliu Liuwu flag that they had longed for and envied before was actually blocked from the island.

“The leader of the Tianshui School is the president of the Wushu Association and a grand master.

Why can't their boat get to the island? "

All the disciples were extremely surprised and started talking about it.

The silver-haired old man, who had been there all the way, sneered and said: "What kind of boat is the water flowing in the sky?

This is simply a fake. "


"Master, stop joking."

"When have I ever joked with you?"

The silver-haired old man glanced at the yacht in the distance and said calmly: "I have communicated with Chairman Cai a long time ago and got confirmation from him.

The people from Tianliu River had arrived on the island two days ago.

It is really ridiculous for this ship to be bluffing under the banner of Tianliu River and trying to get to the island like a fisherman."

After saying that, the silver-haired old man went out of his way to educate.

"I've always taught you that you need to be tough to strike. No matter what it is, the most important thing is your own strength.

No matter how beautiful those fancy things are, what is their use? Whether they are made of real materials or not, their true colors will be revealed immediately when they are casually picked up on the table.

Just like that ship.”

The silver-haired old man pointed at the yacht in the distance and continued: "The five-story yacht is very majestic.

But in the end, wouldn’t he still be unable to get through the door?
The boat we took was small and broken.

But the signboard of Yansuiliu is here, who dares to stop us. "

The silver-haired old man said, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a touch of pride appeared on his face.

On the one hand, all the disciples felt incredible about the bizarreness of this incident, and on the other hand, they felt that what their teacher said was indeed correct, and they all nodded thoughtfully.

The silver-haired old man was very satisfied with their performance and casually said: "Okay, bring your luggage and get ready to land on the island."

"Yes, Master."

A group of disciples responded and were about to pass through the translucent light shield outside the island and completely enter the island.

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

"Grandpa, look at that boat!"

Everyone turned around and saw the oval-faced girl in the crowd looking in one direction with her eyes wide open, her face full of shock and disbelief.

Everyone followed her gaze.

Suddenly I saw——

The five-story yacht that had just been stopped by the Penglai envoy was now rushing towards the island at full power.

He looked like he was about to smash the light barrier outside the island.

And the flag hanging on the ship was changed at some point.

It was replaced by a majestic black and gold giant flag.

When he saw the pattern printed on the flag clearly, the silver-haired old man's pupils suddenly shrank and his expression changed drastically.

As if seeing an extremely incredible scene, he blurted out in shock and shock: "Shenwu?!"


The motor of the speedboat roared slightly, breaking a long white line on the sea, and headed towards the small island in front of it.

The crew-cut man standing on the speedboat looked at the protective light shield getting closer and closer, and said something to the thin black man who was leaving the boat, and the latter immediately slowed down the speed of the boat.

The crew-cut man reached into his pocket, as if he wanted to take out something, and opened a hole in the protective light shield in front of him.

However, at this moment, a huge sound of waves came from behind.

Accompanied by a shadow spreading rapidly across the sea.

The flat-headed man's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly turned his head and looked behind him.

What caught my eye was a large white yacht speeding towards me.


The crew-cut man was stunned for a moment, then cursed with an angry smile.

He was about to take action, but he put it down.

Looking at the yacht getting closer and closer, heading straight towards the protective light shield, a sneer appeared on his face.

"Crash! Crash hard!

Even missiles can't break through this protective mask. I want to see if your ship can make a hole in it.
It’s hard to persuade those damn ghosts, they are really tired of living together! "

The crew-cut man simply stopped moving and stood quietly on the speedboat, watching coldly as the yacht rushed straight towards the protective light shield not far away.

The waves caused by the yacht caused the speedboat under his feet to sway slightly, but his expression remained unchanged.

Seeing the yacht getting closer and closer to the protective light shield, his indifferent eyes were almost rehearsing what would happen next.


Flames, explosions, the sunken yacht, the motionless protective mask, the Penglai Grandmaster who came out after hearing the news, and the young and old who died without a burial place.

However, just when the yacht was less than one nautical mile away from the protective light shield.


On the white yacht, two figures jumped up.

One of the figures was white and huge, with a body over four meters tall covered in fat.

It was like a mountain of meat flying high into the sky, then laughing wildly, stretched out two huge palms, and slapped the light mask hard.


The translucent protective mask instantly appeared clearly under this heavy blow, and countless ripples appeared on the surface of the mask.

The entire mask was swaying violently.

The terrifying impact even spread to the sea surface, stirring up waves in a small area around the area.

And it's not over yet.

Another leaping figure now shot out countless purple electric currents all over his body.

These electric currents quickly gathered in his hands, and finally formed a huge purple plasma ball, which he pushed forward fiercely with a cold shout.

The purple plasma ball hit the protective light shield, and a loud "rumbling" sound suddenly erupted.

A dazzling light bloomed, and countless purple electric currents appeared everywhere.

The protective light shield that had been shaken violently by the meat mountain before was finally unable to withstand the bombardment of the purple plasma ball and completely shattered.

A huge hole appeared in front of the flat-headed man. Behind the hole was the Penglai Wusheng Island, which was like a fairyland on earth.

The five-story white yacht rushed straight into the hole and rushed directly to the beach in one breath.

Amidst the loud noise of the bottom of the yacht rubbing against the beach, six more figures jumped into the air from the yacht.

Together with the two figures before, they each released unspeakable terrifying evil pressure.

The eight pressures intertwined together, like a huge dark cloud, making the light in the sky next to the beach dim.

At this time, another huge black and gold carpet flew into the air and unfolded on the white yacht.

Then each of the eight figures exuding the aura of terrifying evil energy quickly caught a corner and slowly laid it down.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with falcon wings flew into the sky, shouting in a cold voice: "The contemporary God Emperor of the Shenwu Alliance is here, why don't the Penglai dogs come to greet you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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