Final priesthood.

Chapter 282 My way is the real supreme way!

Chapter 282 My way is the real supreme way!
The calm voice exploded and echoed in the dead white square like thunder.

Along with the terrifying pressure like a huge wave, it spreads out in circles.

People from various sects in the square had different expressions. Some were young and energetic, with stern expressions on their faces.

As soon as the words fell, seven or eight figures jumped out from the crowd and shot towards the middle of the square.

Lu Yuan didn't even look at them, his eyes were only on the high platform in the distance.

He walked forward calmly and calmly.

No hurry, no slowness, the distance of each step is as precise as if measured with a ruler.

His spirit was released, and those who tried to stop him were ejected by the invisible force before they even got close to five meters in front of him.

Some of those who were ejected exclaimed: "Grandmaster?"

"No, it's just an ordinary warrior's aura."

Someone retorted, but soon spoke in an incomprehensible tone: "But such a powerful warrior aura is simply unimaginable and unheard of."

The road was as long as entering an uninhabited land, running straight through the white square and walking step by step towards the three-level high platform ahead.

At this time, he was in an extremely delicate state.

Spirit, body, and the martial arts skills on the [Fighter] panel are growing and transforming all the time.

He felt as if there was a huge and sophisticated machine inside his body that was slowly accelerating.

It's like there is a seed that has been sleeping deep in the body for a long time without any movement. At this time, it is quickly taking root, sprouting and breaking out of the ground.

If there is a progress bar for promotion to Grandmaster.

The progress before that long distance was only 1%, and it was just a start.

Now, it starts to jump rapidly at 2%, 3%, and 4%.

"It's the effect I want, yes."

Lu Yuan's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Soon, he arrived under the third-level platform.

Penglai is a place where strict hierarchy is evident everywhere.

There is a long stone staircase between the white square and the first high platform.

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked up the stone steps. What he saw were condescending, cold and indifferent faces.

Everyone standing here is a master!

"So many masters"

Lu Yuan's eyes sparkled, looking up at these high-ranking people, with an inexplicable look floating on his face.

"It would be really exciting to think about being able to knock down so many masters at once."

Lu Yuan said, taking a gentle step and stepping on the steps in front of him.

"One thing to say.

This person can indeed be regarded as the craziest and most courageous evil emperor in the history of the League of Gods."

At the edge of the white square, standing on the edge of the black and gold carpet, the meat protector who looked like a mountain of meat looked at the back of Lu Yuan who was walking up the steps step by step, and sighed sincerely.

Next to him, a thick man with snake scales on his neck and cheeks said in a hoarse and deep voice: "Sir, should we follow suit?"

The emotion on Protector Flesh's face gradually disappeared. He withdrew his gaze and glanced at Protector Lei who was expressionless not far away. He shook his head and said, "Although this person is strong enough, Penglai cannot stand for so long. Vegetarian.

Let’s see if he can pass the five old people test.
but. "

The flesh protector looked around, and his eyes suddenly locked on a crew-cut man who had just walked in from outside the island, and his eyes moved slightly.

While walking towards the direction of the flat-headed man, he said casually: "It's useless if you don't take any action at all. Let's just kill a few fish for show."


Several people from the Evil Martial Alliance scattered in all directions.

On the other side, Liu Daoyuan, who had been watching Lu Yuan, briefly looked around.

Then he straightened his clothes and started walking towards the three-level high platform in front of him.

The elephant protector followed him step by step like a shadow.

On the second-level high platform, the Penglai five elders sat quietly in their respective positions, with no expression on their faces, but their eyes were cold in their own way.

"It's been a long time since I've seen such a bold person."

"It turns out that the Evil Martial Alliance still exists. I thought these bugs had died long ago."

"Three Immortality Pills, feel free to kill them. Don't spill blood on them."

"You're not even a grandmaster, but you're still worth three immortality pills?"

"Then just one."

The old man in black, who was the leader of the five people, waved his hand and settled the matter.

The other four people closed their eyes when they should. It seemed that what was about to happen next would not interest them at all.


Lu Yuan breathed slowly, and the rhythm of his breathing matched the rhythm of his footsteps.

It also seems to be consistent with the sound of blood flowing in the body and echoing the frequency of the five internal organs.

His spiritual power, which was like milk, seeped into his limbs and every corner of his body like gurgling water.

This is a very wonderful state.

It's as if the whole person is connected from the inside out, including the spiritual will, and there is a tendency to gradually form a cycle.

And in this cycle, something is accumulating, brewing, and is about to be born.

Lu Yuan felt that his strength was improving every minute.

But this improvement seems not to be visible on the panel.

"Break, reorganize, advance."

These few words suddenly popped into Lu Yuan's mind, and he felt that they were the most appropriate words to describe his current state.

Just as he was immersed in this wonderful state of "advancing", he suddenly noticed that the masters on the high platform in front seemed to be in a commotion.

They all just stared at him with indifferent eyes.

Now this indifference has turned into some kind of enthusiasm.


On the high platform, several figures suddenly jumped out.

Several people moved gracefully, running towards Lu Yuan from the high platform like a rabbit rising and a falcon falling.

The first person is particularly fast.

His feet did not touch the ground, and his feet seemed to be stepping on invisible solid matter. His sleeves were fluttering, white light surged from his body, and he shot toward Luyuan with no expression on his face.

Lu Yuan's eyes brightened slightly when he saw it.

He pushed his right foot gently on the step beneath him, leaving a medium-deep footprint.

However, the whole person also rose into the sky like a big bird and rushed towards the man.Two figures moved up and down, passing each other in mid-air.


The collision of dark golden and white light made a muffled sound.

When both sides landed, Lu Yuan stood firmly on the first step.

The latter had fallen below him.

But above him, there were two more figures on the left and right.

Three people, three master-level experts, all released a master force field called air distortion.

They formed a triangle, with a cold expression surrounding Lu Yuan in the middle.

"We have three immortality pills, how do we divide them?"

A person standing on the left side of Lu Yuan suddenly spoke.

The people below immediately said: "Whoever takes his head belongs to whom."

The person on the right nodded: "Fair."

Lu Yuan blinked and probably understood what the three of them were talking about.

"Am I only worth one immortality pill?"

All three of them looked at him expressionlessly, and no one answered.

Lu Yuan shook his head: "This reward is too small, no wonder only the three of you came down.

No, I have to increase my worth. "

After saying that, Lu Yuan waved his hands, one left and one right, and grabbed the two people blocking his way.

The moment he stretched out his arms, dark gold in color and liquid metal-like martial power wrapped around his hands.

It tore through the air and made a dull low whistle.

"You're not too brave!"

Lu Yuan was one against three, and he dared to attack two people at the same time, making the two grandmasters standing in front of him sneer.

Thick white Gang Qi gushed out from both of them, and the force field around them expanded rapidly like a balloon.

Then, one from the left and one from the right, they attacked Luyuan from a flank.

Lu Yuan's expression was as usual, and two dark golden arms stretched forward when they were about to confront the two of them.
It suddenly swelled, the muscles of the arms became knotted, and the veins protruded, and they quickly grew in size, becoming like elephant hooves.

"God Elephant Flow. Breaking the Territory!"

The arms that looked like dark golden elephant hooves seemed to grow in size immediately afterward.

He fiercely broke into the Grandmaster force field of the two people in front of him.

The air in front of the two people immediately sank rapidly, and the invisible Grandmaster's force field was like a water balloon squeezed by gravity.

Less than half a second later, it exploded!

The dark gold elephant hooves drove straight in and struck heavily on the chests of the two men.

The pure white Grandmaster's protective aura was shattered like pieces of paper.

Just hearing two almost simultaneous sounds of bone shattering, the two masters' chests collapsed, and they flew out like two big birds with broken wings, and fell heavily on the stone steps.

After doing all this, Lu Yuan looked calm, and his arms that had returned to normal size naturally hung at his sides, as if he had never made a move from the beginning to the end.

A face to face.

Instantly defeated two masters!

The grandmaster who had just approached him and wanted to take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack from behind witnessed this scene with his own eyes.

The momentum of the attack suddenly froze, his eyes widened, and he took a breath.

At this time, Lu Yuan, who had his back turned quietly, looked at him calmly.

The sneak attacker hurriedly slapped Lu Yuan's forehead with a palm that he had prepared for a long time.

"God Elephant Flow. Town!"

Lu Yuan sighed softly, the invisible energy around him spread out, and a dark golden light floated on his forehead.

The sneaker's powerful palm imprinted on Lu Yuan's forehead, but it stayed motionless three centimeters in front of his eyebrows.

Circles of dark golden circular ripples emanated from Lu Yuan's body, giving him a mysterious and noble temperament.

"how can that be?!"

The grandmaster who made the sneak attack looked horrified, and felt that his unparalleled palm struck a whirlpool.

The power contained in the palm is being continuously decomposed and spread out along with the dark golden ripples.

" possible."

Under his palm, Lu Yuan blinked at the attacking grandmaster and spoke with a smile.

Then he raised his right hand, and the dark golden "elephant hoof" reappeared.

Wrapped in countless swirling ripples, he punched the latter hard on the chest.

The grandmaster's force field, body-protecting aura... were all exploded. The latter didn't say a word, and flew out like a cannonball, falling directly to the stone steps.


After dealing with the three people, Lu Yuan let out a breath.

Looking at his hands, his eyes were bright, and a "confirmed" sense of satisfaction and accomplishment emerged from the bottom of his heart.

The integration and circulation of spirit, body, and martial arts in the body become faster.

The flow of gods and elephants breaks the territory, the flow of gods and elephants suppresses the territory.

These two moves are the Divine Elephant style martial arts techniques created by Lu Yuan after integrating the panel.

Using a human body to imitate the state when [Elephant God. Walking Stance] is turned on, it also incorporates the essence of the super-kill [Power of One Domain] and the ultimate power-exerting technique of the full-level [Special Power].
One attack and one defense.

It is the true embryonic martial arts of Lu Yuan Chaofan Martial Arts.

He had used these two moves as a sparring partner with Xu Weiguo and the eight guardians of the Evil Martial Alliance, but they failed to give their best.

Now use it to your heart's content, fight against the Grandmaster, and destroy the dead, just as easily as chopping melons and vegetables.

At this moment, the satisfaction and joy in Lu Yuan's heart spread and burned like a flame.

“You haven’t become a master yet, but you can already beat a master like a dog.

If you become a master, you will definitely be shocked and will not be weaker than any extraordinary! "

"My way is the true supreme way of pure martial arts!"

"Come again!"

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with strange light, he laughed loudly, and took a fierce step with his feet, crushing dozens of steps directly.

The whole person jumped up on the steps, like a rapidly rising dark cloud, fiercely covering the dozens of grandmasters on the high platform.

At this moment, countless people's faces changed color.

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(End of this chapter)

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