Final priesthood.

Chapter 283: The divine elephant overturned the sea, and the divine elephant smashed the monument!Th

Chapter 283: The divine elephant overturned the sea, and the divine elephant smashed the monument!There is no one to rely on except pure martial arts!

Three Grandmasters.

From the moment we faced the enemy at the end of the field to the moment we were completely defeated, less than 2 minutes had passed.

Many onlookers didn't react.

I saw three real masters flying out like blown balls under the hands of the handsome young man known as the "Evil Martial Alliance's Contemporary Evil Emperor" at the foot of the stairs.

There was no wave of evil energy in the middle, and there was no earth-shattering collision of moves. The process was as bland as throwing three small stones into a fast current, causing three medium-sized water splashes, and then everything went quickly. subsided.


Before everyone could be shocked, they saw Lu Yuan on the stone steps smashing dozens of steps, and the whole person rose into the air, shrouding towards the third-level high platform like a dark cloud.


When Lu Yuan landed, large spiderweb-like cracks spread under his feet, and a circle of air waves spread out in all directions, setting off a strong wind on the platform.

Several grandmasters standing close to him were startled by the movement of his landing, and their expressions changed, and they subconsciously stepped back.

"What are you afraid of?"

A smile appeared on Lu Yuan's face, he shook his head at the retreating masters and said, "I don't eat people."

After saying that, the ground beneath Lu Yuan's feet exploded, and his whole person disappeared on the spot, suddenly appearing in front of a grandmaster.

The thick, knotted, dark golden hands like elephant hooves suddenly opened up, tearing up the sound of rolling wind and thunder in the air, and grabbing at the opponent's front door like a dark cloud.

The latter watched as his Grandmaster's force field was torn apart layer by layer like a foam board by these big hands.

His face suddenly changed wildly, and he backed away crazily, knocking countless tables, chairs, and coffee tables behind him.

"How brave!"

Seeing this, several grandmaster figures on the side snorted coldly and rushed towards Lu Yuan to intercept and kill him.

In an instant, more than five masters attacked Lu Yuan at the same time.

Their murderous intent, force field, and momentum were intertwined and filled together, and their energy was surging, just like a stormy wave rolling towards Lu Yuan.


Lu Yuan felt that the energy he had released was being squeezed and shrunk, and his body also felt a huge pressure falling heavily on his shoulders.

"The Five Elders have orders!"

At this time, a high-pitched voice sounded on the platform.

"Whoever takes this man's head will get three immortality pills!"

After saying this, seven or eight powerful auras suddenly erupted from the high platform.

From the corner of his eye, Lu Yuan caught a glimpse of a figure approaching like light, and then he felt the pressure around him suddenly increase several times.

Attacks were coming from all directions, and before he even got close, the surging killing intent squeezed his body to the point where it made a "crunching" sound like it was overwhelmed.

Dozens of Grandmasters rose up and besieged one person at the same time.

Each attack contains the will, power and skills that a pure martial arts ceiling-level fighter has spent his whole life condensing.

If it were an ordinary person, he would be crushed to death and turned into a puddle of flesh.

Although Lu Yuan was physically strong, under this unprecedented pressure, his forward momentum was finally blocked.

At this moment, he felt as if he was in the deep sea, with unspeakable terrifying pressure on all sides.

The whole person felt as if the iron liquid had been poured into the same place.

But his eyes are getting brighter and brighter
The grandmaster who was attacked and killed by Lu Yuan before got a chance to breathe now, and the killing intent surged on his face.

Turning back and approaching, he closed his palms, and a dazzling aura shot out from his palms, facing the door on the far side of Lu like an awl, poking towards the center of his eyebrows.

"Aiki. Kill!"

Lu Yuan didn't even look at this move.

He took a quick, deep breath.


The body expanded rapidly, the muscles bulged, the veins protruded, and the dark golden martial energy spread throughout the body.

Spread your hands flat and slowly lift them up in an upward lifting posture.

At this moment, his mental energy boiled like porridge, quickly integrating into his body, and his energy and blood flowed like a wheel.

The circulation in the body seems to be taking shape rapidly with a progress visible to the naked eye.

An inexplicable aura emanated from his body
"The elephants flow across the sea!"


A strange low roar sounded in the void.

Like an elephant neighing, like a whale roaring.

A majestic momentum gradually rose.

The dozen or so grandmasters who besieged Lu Yuan were shocked to find out.

The killing aura formed by the interweaving of more than a dozen of their masters was slowly lifted up by an indescribable and huge momentum.

Not to mention putting down their respective offensives, even their figures were made to "float".


The turbulent air currents stirred up strong winds.

In the center surrounded by more than a dozen masters, a strong and burly figure more than two meters tall was surrounded by an invisible aura and was slowly slapping the top of his head with a palm.

The entire momentum of this area seemed to be within the grasp of his palm.

The terrifying pressure like a turbulent wave was lifted up by him, and with an irreversible momentum, it was about to be completely overturned and reversed.

For more than a dozen grandmasters, the feeling now is simply like a dozen of them working together to push a plate down.

But he couldn't suppress it even if he was dead or alive. Instead, there was an increasing tendency for the plate and the person to be overturned together!

"What monster?!"

A grandmaster blurted out with an ugly expression.

Someone also wants to say this.

"What monster?!"

Putting his hands together, he originally tried to poke the master between Lu Yuan's eyebrows.

At this time, his face was ferocious, and the veins on his forehead were faintly protruding.

But no matter how hard he summoned all his strength, this move couldn't penetrate the flesh of the person in front of him.

Traces of dark golden ripples spread out from between the fingers of his hands, and the offensive seemed to fall into an extremely thick metal vortex, and all the power was offset.


The man suddenly heard the sound of inhaling.

Looking down, he found that the handsome young man in front of him was taking a quick breath.

Like a whale swallowing, the air around was quickly sucked out.

And the opponent's chest also quickly rose up.

A trace of suffocating terrifying power is gathering.

The man's heart was beating like a drum, his face and eyebrows were also twitching, and waves of strong sense of crisis were beating his heart desperately.

The next second, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he only heard a calm voice ringing in his ears.



A twisted and invisible shock wave spat out from Lu Yuan's mouth.

"Boom!" The sound hit the person in front of him hard on the chest.

The grandmaster's force field and body-protecting aura released around him were directly blown away by his breath.

The latter, like being struck by lightning, flew backwards without even making a sound.

At the same time, the momentum of Lu Yuan's "sea-shaking" palm also accumulated to its peak.

The hands that were held above the head suddenly turned upside down, and with an overwhelming force, they pressed down hard.

The terrifying momentum was heavily squeezed, expanded, and then exploded in all directions like a huge wave bursting from a dam.


With Lu Yuan as the center, the surrounding high platform ground all exploded.

The dozen or so grandmasters who besieged him were all blown away.

The air waves carried the smoke and dust, spreading in circles.Lu Yuan stood quietly in the center of the empty battle group, looking calmly in all directions, and an indescribable domineering momentum spread out, soaring up and sweeping the entire place.

At this moment, the huge three-level high platform fell into an eerie silence.

After a while, there was a "hissing" sound of gasping for cold air.

All the masters, whether they were involved in the siege or not, saw Lu Yuan's expressions change at this moment.

When the Evil Martial Alliance entered the scene, they saw that they had a long way to go after getting off the white yacht and calling themselves the "God Emperor". They thought that they were clowns who did not know the heights of the world and life and death.

Now I found out.
Things didn't seem to be what they imagined.


Lu Yuan felt that the energy and blood in his body were huge and stable, his bones, flesh, and five internal organs were vibrating endlessly, and his spiritual power was as thick as milk, constantly transforming.

There is an endless source of strength and an endless flow of will.

The brain becomes clearer and clearer like chewing mint, and inspiration becomes more and more abundant.

A calmness and stability that he had never felt before emerged from his heart, giving him an unparalleled sense of powerful self-confidence.

This is something that has never been brought to him by any career panel before.

This is based on the strong trust in one's own strength, and the heavy feeling brought by countless days and nights of sweating, countless physical fights, countless scars and marks, and countless breaking limits.

"In addition to martial arts, there is no one else to rely on!"

The words Xu Weiguo once said to him suddenly flashed through his mind.

At this moment, Lu Yuan seemed to understand the true meaning of this sentence.

“No matter what extraordinary career panel I unlock, my foundation is still the physical body or pure martial arts.

No matter it is before or in the future, this will not change. "

Lu Yuan had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

After this hint of enlightenment was born, his whole body suddenly shook slightly.

The circulation and transformation in the body suddenly reached a new level.


An invisible force was released from Lu Yuan's body.


He felt as if his strength had skyrocketed again.

Within the limbs and bones, there seemed to be traces of red blood growing out.

A flash of inspiration flashed in Lu Yuan's mind and he hurriedly opened his panel.

Shocked to see——

[Strength: 23 (limit 1)]

[Agility: 23 (limit 1)]

[Physique: 24 (limit 1)]

[Intelligence: 29 (limit 1)]

His four basic attributes all increased by 1 point!
"You haven't fully entered the realm of a master yet, and you've made such a significant improvement?!"

Lu Yuan was pleasantly surprised.

At this time, the high-pitched sound that had sounded once before sounded again on the platform in front of him.

"The Five Elders have orders!"

"Kill the evil martial rebels, and the reward is ten immortality pills, and one enlightenment in the Sutra Pavilion!"


Lu Yuan raised his head when he heard the sound and glanced in the direction of the sound.

There was a bit of surprise on his face.

"Has my reward amount increased again?"

Ten immortality pills, a chance to realize enlightenment in the Hidden Gold Pavilion!
Lu Yuan didn't know what these two things represented.

But it is obvious that it has great appeal to many masters on the platform.

He felt it keenly.

After the reward was issued, the heartbeats of almost all the masters on the platform accelerated.

Gazes focused on him, each gaze carrying a fiery aura.


I don’t know who shouted.

This sound is like a fuse.

In an instant, the aura on the platform exploded, and the auras of the Grandmaster level rose like wolf smoke.

A blink of an eye.

From far away, I could see that the skylight above my head was completely blocked.

He raised his head and squinted his eyes.

Lu Yuan could only see the vigorous figures rising into the sky, the body-protecting auras shining with dazzling white light, and the grandmaster force fields that distorted the air.
If he was besieged by more than a dozen grandmasters before, the pressure Lu Yuan felt was like a stormy sea, which made him almost unable to breathe.

Well now.

The entire platform and all the masters were attacking him.

That overwhelming, terrifying pressure.
It is equivalent to a concrete mountain and a majestic sea.

It fell directly from the sky and hit him hard.

Crush him, crush him, and turn him into a puddle of dust!

Lu Yuan's two-meter-tall body made an overwhelming sound of bones and flesh trembling under this indescribable terrible pressure.

He looked up and squinted.

Under the influence of these dozens of grandmaster force fields, the will, which is as strong as 29 points of intelligence, also begins to have hallucinations, the five senses are distorted, and the consciousness is affected.

For a moment, countless ghostly fantasies flashed before his eyes.

Lu Yuan's heart was still calm.

He even showed a lot of anticipation and intoxication.

"It's good to come."

"Just right."

"Let me see the progress bar of being promoted to Grandmaster... where is it now?"

talking room.

Lu Yuan's whole body was already overwhelmed by the figures of many masters.

The terrifying giant mountains and the majestic sea weigh down.

But the next second.

There was a huge explosion.

Huge mountains crumble and seas overturn.

One after another, the silhouettes of the Grandmaster were overturned and exploded like kites with broken strings.

The center of the battle group exploded.

An extremely majestic spirit quickly rose up.

Ten meters, 20 meters, 30 meters

An elephant figure with two heads and four arms, which is 50 meters high, stands majestically in the field like a magic mountain.

Under the Elephant Man, a majestic figure more than two meters tall with billowing robes stood quietly with his hands clasped together.


The figure suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes as bright as morning stars.

The corners of his mouth rose, and a majestic and domineering aura suddenly spread.

He raised his clasped arms and drank softly.

"The idol. Throw the monument!"

 Ask for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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