Final priesthood.

Chapter 285: He is worthy of being a 5th-level expert. He is really powerful!

Chapter 285 He is worthy of being a strong man of the Five Elders level, he is really powerful!

From the moment Lu Yuan climbed onto the third-level platform, everyone in the White Square was in an almost sleepwalking state.

The great master who was usually aloof and like a man in the clouds was suddenly swept around like a minions under the young man who was known as the "God Emperor" and looked to be only eighteen or nineteen years old at most.

One person fights dozens of masters alone!
The key is not to lose, the more they fight, the more brave they become, even turning dozens of grandmasters into weak opponents.

Now it's even more extreme.

There was actually a master-level figure who was thrown down as a ball, making a big hole on the ground.

Dreamy feeling.

Many young fighters who are still practicing dirty tricks or in the true state of mind are confused.

For a moment, they seemed to have suddenly lost their way forward.

The main reason is that I don’t know what the meaning of the Grandmaster I yearn for and work hard for is.

What is the significance of being promoted to the Grandmaster realm?
Become a grandmaster and then be beaten like a ball?

"Uh uh uh"

Yan Suiliu and his party were standing on the edge of the white square at this time, looking blankly at the figure who was thrown from the high platform, with a lot of confusion in their eyes.

"Is that person the president of the Xia Bang Martial Arts Association and the head of Cai Huazhang Cai from Tianliu Liu?"

"It seems. Is it?"

"Who is this God Emperor of the Divine Martial Alliance? He is so fierce!"

"The key point is that he seems to be younger than us. He is almost like a junior sister."

"Youkai, I really learned a lot when I came out this time."

A few people were talking when they suddenly saw a figure in front of them jump up and spit out a few mouthfuls of salty sea water.

Yan Suiliu and his party were suddenly surprised, "Master! Master is awake!"

The silver-haired old man, the leader of Yansuiliu, whose head hit the protective light shield and fainted briefly due to drowning, was slightly red now, but he still tried hard to maintain his image.

He mobilized his strength, stirred up his qi and blood, and steamed out bursts of white qi above his head and body.

Yan Suiliu and his party saw their leader wake up. After the surprise, some people couldn't help but worry.

"Master, the God Emperor of the Divine Martial Alliance is so powerful. You just said bad things about him on the ship, and you even secretly tipped off Head Cai. Will he come to trouble us later?"

The silver-haired old man's expression froze, but he quickly regained his composure and said calmly: "Are you causing trouble for us?

That depends on whether he can solve his own troubles first.

Do you think Penglai's status in today's martial arts world is only supported by a few grandmasters?
Although this evil emperor is strong, the Five Elders and God are much more terrifying than you imagine. "

The silver-haired old man narrowed his eyes, stared at the figures crisscrossing the high platform, and said word by word: "

Don't look at his current glory, but he is actually not far from death. "

All the Yansuiliu disciples looked solemn, nodded one after another and stopped talking.

"I've changed my mind a little bit now."

In the white square, one hand was pinching the flesh protector of a man with a flat head like a chicken. He was looking in the direction above the high platform, with a strange look on his snow-white and round face.

He murmured: "Our young emperor is truly unparalleled in talent.

I seem to see the dawn of true evil in him.

That is an area that none of the previous evil emperors have touched."

The flesh protector murmured softly, the light in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

Not only him, but also almost all the other protector-level figures.

Some thoughts that were ready to move in their hearts were wavering and disappearing, and an existence called "faith" quietly took root and sprouted.

At this time, Liu Daoyuan's heart was also filled with shock.

He knew that Lu Yuan might be very strong.

But I didn't expect that I, the only true disciple whom I had accepted at the end of my life, could be so strong? !

Beating a grandmaster is like beating a dog!

Fortunately, he did not choose to become a master.
Liu Daoyuan has a big heart.

At this moment, I felt a little bit numb from the impact.

But soon, this shock turned into a surge of great joy and pride from the bottom of my heart.

"After all, God still treats me Liu Daoyuan well.

It left me wandering and disabled for half my life, but also gave me a true dragon-like disciple!

Ha ha"

At this time, Liu Daoyuan was so happy that he just wanted to laugh.

At this time, I suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the huge pit in front of me.

"A gift from my true dragon disciple!"

Liu Daoyuan's eyes flashed with blue light and he strode over quickly.


Cai Huazhang, who was thrown down from the third-level platform as a ball by Lu Yuan, stood up from the pit in embarrassment.

He was not actually injured, but the psychological damage he suffered made him feel ashamed and angry.

There were dozens of grandmasters on the high platform, and there were more than one or two grandmasters who were knocked down by Lu Yuanggan.

But he was the only one who was thrown away as a toy.

After all, he is also the dignified president of the Xiabang Martial Arts Association and a well-known figure in the ancient martial arts world.
Being humiliated this time, I am afraid that my face will be completely lost.

"Damn. Damn"

Cai Huazhang's face was gloomy, and he was thinking about how to save some face in front of the public.

Suddenly, I heard "click-click-click" sounds of machines turning in front of me.

Cai Huazhang subconsciously raised his head, but his pupils shrank in the next second, and his whole person suddenly froze.

He saw a dozen black gun barrels aiming at him.

Light emerges from the barrel.

Behind the barrel of the gun, Liu Daoyuan's old face was looking at him coldly, and said in an indifferent tone: "Get up here quickly.

Next, it's my turn to beat you up. "


"The divine elephant shakes the earth!"

On the platform, Lu Yuan slammed his foot on the ground.

The terrifying huge force was transmitted under the feet, shaking the ground of the entire platform like waves, rolling around and spreading out.

His whole body also rose into the air.

He stepped three times in mid-air, and each step produced ripples of air visible to the naked eye.

There was a dark golden force under his feet that rushed out with his aura, crushing the force fields and body-protecting Qi of several masters through the air, causing their chests to collapse and vomiting blood.


Lu Yuan landed on the ground, and a puff of white air breathed out from his mouth, circled around him like a snake, and then dissipated.

At this time, Lu Yuan could clearly feel that part of his originally aerosol-like mental power had turned into a liquid state and was rapidly infiltrating into his body.

Stimulated by this spiritual power, his blood was as thick as lava flowing in a volcano crater.

The bones, flesh, and five internal organs were vibrating, and from time to time there would be a muffled sound like thunder coming from the chest.

The blood energy that emanated from the limbs and bones became more and more intense, and gradually gathered into blood lines, with a faint tendency to converge towards one location.

Everything is rapidly evolving towards an unpredictable realm.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, and the true meaning of the elephant god with two heads and four arms above his head quickly compressed.

Directly reduced to a height of only about 15 meters.

But it is so solid that it can be observed even with the naked eye.

During this battle, Lu Yuan "stolenly learned" the essence of countless martial arts schools.These essences were integrated into his own martial arts system, making his martial arts foundation stronger and more stable.

The whole person's body and mind seemed to be sublimated.

This kind of sublimation brought Lu Yuan the calmness of a martial arts overlord, and the calmness of looking down at everything from a higher level.

His two-meter-tall body stood in the field, like an immortal magic mountain.

Thick shadows continued to rise from behind him, spreading towards the entire high platform, making the remaining masters feel frightened.

"Come again."

Lu Yuan spoke.

He took a step forward, but no one stepped forward.

All the masters who were still standing around them couldn't help but retreat.

Not even the immortality materials can make them take another step forward.

Being able to persist and not escape from the high platform is their last bit of dignity as a master.

Lu Yuan took two steps forward.

Whichever direction he walked, the crowd in that direction retreated.

It was like an eagle catching a chicken. The scene was inexplicably funny, but no one could laugh at all.

Lu Yuan tried several times and was finally speechless.

He also realized that the "potential" of the group of masters in front of him had been completely tapped by himself.

Their morale has been completely shattered and dispersed by him, and they will never be able to do it again.

Even if he forced himself to fight, he wouldn't be able to put any pressure on himself.

"never mind."

Lu Yuan shook his head and simply let the group of people in front of him go.

He looked up the steps and saw five figures still sitting on chairs.

The five people closed their eyes tightly, and they were all still as still as a mountain in the presence of the old god.

"Amazing, he can still sit here, he is worthy of being one of the Five Elders of Penglai."

Lu Yuan's eyes showed some anticipation and he took a step forward.

The whole person appeared directly on the second-level high platform as if teleporting.

His martial arts has completely changed compared to when he first came to the platform, no matter in every aspect.

As soon as he stepped onto the second-level high platform, Lu Yuan immediately felt his body sink slightly.

On this high platform, there is a trace of pressure everywhere in the air.

He was locked tightly by five auras at the same time, and he had a sense of crisis like a ray of light on his back.

"Good good!"

The road is far away and I am extremely happy.

He felt that the "grandmaster progress bar" he had frozen was now starting to move again!
Lu Yuan was full of expectation and looked around at the five people who had their eyes closed and remained motionless.

With a smile on his face and a polite manner, he spoke softly: "May I ask the five seniors, which one will come up to die first?"

The voice just fell.

The old man in green who was sitting first on his left suddenly opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a flash of lightning in the void.

"Ignorant child, watch me tear your mouth apart!"

The old man in green snorted coldly, jumped up from his seat, and struck towards the road like a hurricane.

"This senior is so brave!"

Lu Yuan was overjoyed, and with a long smile with bright eyes, he advanced instead of retreating, and took the initiative to meet the old man in green.

"Then this junior will be the first to kill you!"

"The elephant scatters flowers!"

Lu Yuan raised his hand and palmed it, and the 15-meter-tall elephant man with two heads and four arms behind him immediately synchronized with him.

His big hand wrapped with dark golden martial power was shot out lightly, but there was no trace of elegance and beauty at all. Instead, it felt as heavy and majestic as a millstone being pushed horizontally.

This is also the killing move that Lu Yuancai learned from below.

He now has almost too many killing moves in the Divine Elephant Style to use up.

No matter what kind of martial arts it was, he would take it and stuff it into the stream of sacred elephants.

No matter what the original artistic conception of the move is, once it enters the Shenxiang flow system, it will immediately be "reborn", with a unique charm of "big bricks flying".

The same goes for this move of Scattered Flower Palm.

Lu Yuan's palm shot out, creating a momentum similar to a huge wave in the air.

Just as the old man in green clothes was about to be knocked away by the palm, the latter's body suddenly bent in mid-air and jumped past Lu Yuan's armpit.

"Nandou Ten Stars. Click to kill!"

A cold voice sounded from Lu Yuan's ears.

Then he saw a flash of green spiraling up from the bottom of his eyes.

Lu Yuan was caught off guard, and for a moment he felt as if his whole body had been hit countless times, with a stinging sensation like needles.

He staggered back two steps, his momentum stagnant.

The old man in green clothes from before had appeared in front of him at some point, looking at him with a sneer on his face, and then softly uttered: "Explode!"

"Bang bang bang-"

In an instant, countless white lights exploded all over Lu Yuan's body. His whole body shook as if he had been hit by a machine gun, and countless dark golden ripples spread out.

The old man in green couldn't help but laugh when he saw this: "Haha, I hit all the acupoints all over my body, and the gang energy burst out in the acupoints at the same time, even the copper skin and iron bones will be blown to pieces.

This move is enough to kill you ten or twenty times.

Feel honored, boy, in the past 50 years, you are still the first person qualified to die under my ultimate killing move."

But the old man in green clothes smiled and laughed, but his voice suddenly stopped, and he frowned, making a sound of surprise.

"Huh? Why aren't you dead yet?!

Why don't you fall down? "



A series of white lights flashed, and after the explosion, Lu Yuan let out a long breath, then reached out and pulled off his shirt that had been torn by the blast, revealing a pair of body muscles with almost perfect contours.

On the fair and smooth skin of his upper body, a series of dense red spots like a star map remained.

However, these red spots are quickly dissipating and fading, returning to the original skin color.

"He is worthy of being a strong man of the Five Elders level."

Lu Yuan looked down at his body, his expression slightly condensed, and he said: "This move can actually break my Elephant Suppressing Body Protector, break my clothes, and even almost explode my oily skin. It's really powerful. "

Lu Yuan took a deep breath, with a solemn expression, clasped his hands together, saluted the old man in green in front of him very seriously, and said seriously: "I take back what I said before.

Next, I will definitely beat my senior to death very seriously. "

"Uh uh uh"

The old man in green looked stunned, staring blankly at Lu Yuan's smooth body without any scars. He was so shocked that he couldn't say a word.

And before he could come to his senses.

He saw that the face of Lu Yuan in front of him quickly turned indifferent, and a strong murderous intent overflowed from his eyes. Then he punched suddenly, across a huge distance, and suddenly hit him in front of him.

"Elephant. Swallow the dragon!"

Suddenly, on the huge second-level platform, the light dimmed, and there was a loud roar of an elephant and a dragon.

The other four figures sitting on the chairs also opened their eyes at this moment, their eyes shining brightly.

(End of this chapter)

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