Final priesthood.

Chapter 286: Being my stepping stone is something more glorious than your being the Penglai God

Chapter 286: Be my stepping stone, this is a hundred times more glorious than your being the Penglai God (Third update)
Divine Elephant Flow. Swallowing Dragon!

The dark golden martial spirit drew a brilliant trajectory like a swimming dragon on the second-level high platform.

Then the next moment, this trajectory was quickly annihilated bit by bit in a hissing sound.

At the same time, the light in this small area was annihilated.

These lights seemed to be swallowed up by something.

It was Lu Yuan's fist that swallowed up these rays of light!
Lu Yuan had no expression on his face and punched the old man in green clothes in front of him with his fist slowly but quickly.

The two-headed, four-armed elephant figure above his head was blurred and distorted in large areas, and almost disappeared.

His fist showed a collapsed and sunken pitch black.

No one could see clearly that Lu Yuan's fist was striking the shortest distance in a small area at an extremely exaggerated frequency.

True meaning, strength and muscles, countless bursts of power were continuously compressed into one punch by Lu Yuan in an incredible way.

This punch represents the pinnacle of the Shenxiang flow system.

It is the ultimate expression of the core "power" of Shenxiang style martial arts!
Without extremely strong physique and extraordinary saint-like skills, it is simply impossible to achieve.

This is the product of Lu Yuan's flash of inspiration and his skillful hands.

It is also the fruit of his crazy accumulation of pure martial arts achievements all the way up to now!

"The elephant swallows the dragon!
If this punch can be superimposed infinitely, even if the true dragon from myths and legends reappears, I can blow it up with one punch! "

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with light. The moment the punch was delivered, he could already see the face of the old man in green in front of him changing wildly and his horrified eyes trying to escape.

Unfortunately, the terrifying suction and devouring force of this punch's terrifying accumulation of power tightly absorbed his body, and even took the initiative to bump into Lu Yuan's fist.

"Boom boom—"

Under the high-speed concussion of the fist, Lu Yuan's heart was unusually calm.

He heard bursts of thunderous muffled sounds coming from his body, his mental power spread out like water, and the unfathomable and wonderful transformation in his body accelerated rapidly.
The realization of "The Divine Elephant Swallows the Dragon" was a milestone summary of his own martial arts.

This punch created something.
He is closer to the "realm of the extraordinary grandmaster" that belongs to him alone and belongs to extraordinary martial arts.


Lu Yuan's punch was completely knocked out.

It seemed as if a nuclear bomb exploded on the secondary platform!

Those who were watching the battle from afar on the white square could see the sudden dimness of the light on the secondary platform, and then it was released suddenly and dazzlingly.

Immediately afterwards there was a loud sound like the earth was shaking.

Those who were closer, those grandmasters who were standing on the third-level platform and watching, fell into temporary deafness and had constant ringing in their ears.

Some even oozed blood from their mouths and noses, which was the result of the huge and invisible shock wave concussing their internal organs.

A figure who used to be aloof and known as the ceiling of the pure martial arts system was now so horrified that he retreated madly, clutching his chest.

Even his own understanding of martial arts was greatly impacted.

It is simply incomprehensible. How on earth could this be achieved with pure martial arts skills without any evil energy fluctuations? !
They are masters, but at this moment they are as small as ordinary people.


The aftermath dissipated.

Lu Yuan stood calmly on the high platform, still maintaining his punching posture.

There was a trace of fluctuation in his eyes.

He saw that in the area half a meter in front of him, the entire secondary platform had completely collapsed and shattered.

Five figures stood quietly in front of him.

His fist was stamped on the chest of a strong man who was also over two meters tall, with muscles all over his body that were so strong that all the black clothes on his body were broken.

The strong man's face was ferocious, his hands were in a defensive posture, and there was a constant expression of pain on his face.


Lu Yuan blinked and saw the target of his previous attack - the old man in green hiding behind the strong man, with two arms firmly supporting the strong man's back, his face also distorted.

There are three more people like him.

The five elders of Penglai on the second-level high platform are now forming a strange formation in a posture similar to passing on power, as if all the power of five people has been poured into one person, blocking his "swallowing dragon" forcefully. A punch.

"The five elders of Penglai are good at a combined attack method. If five people attack together, there is almost no one on land who can defeat them."

What Xu Weiguo once said to him appeared in Lu Yuan's mind.

He understood immediately.

It seems that what he is seeing right now should be the so-called combined attack technique of Penglai Five Elders.

"Five rounds...reincarnation!"

Just as he was thinking about it, the strong man in black in front of Lu Yuan let out a low roar.

He raised his arms and struck Lu Yuan hard on both sides of his temples with a double-armed move.

"It's good to come."

Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with light, without even looking at the strong man's move.

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Another punch.

"The elephant swallows the dragon!"

The second time I performed it, it seemed more comfortable and smooth to drive than the first time.

The Dragon Swallowing punch puts a huge load on the body.

But in his current state, the greater the load, the greater the stimulating effect on the circulation and evolution in the body!

Another change of sudden darkness and sudden brightness.

A loud noise broke out, this time even duller than last time.

The terrifying aftermath exploded from the secondary platform, launching waves of ripples in the sky.

When the light dissipated, everyone saw that on the secondary platform, two figures had their fists touching each other.

The light around the two was distorted, and the aura that was so thick that it almost turned into liquid collided and squeezed.

Just looking at it will make people feel indescribably depressed and uncomfortable.


There was a strange light in Lu Yuan's eyes, and he shouted: "Come again!"

The eyes of the strong man in black in front of him widened, as if he wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, Lu Yuan's third swallowing dragon came.


"Come again!"


"Okay, okay, one more punch!"


Lu Yuan kept exchanging punches with the strong man in black with four burdens hanging on his back.

There were almost no fancy skills between the two, it was all a battle of pure strength.

Lu Yuan kept using "Elephant Swallowing Dragon". Repeated use of this move made his body unable to bear the huge load, and large muscles and capillaries ruptured.

There was even a thin layer of blood mist oozing out from the surface of the skin.

His eyes became brighter and brighter as they faced each other again and again.

The true meaning of the elephant god, which is only 15 meters tall, will shrink severely after every fight and merge into Lu Yuan's body.

ten meters
nine meters
seven meters
five meters
Only the last meter of the majestic true meaning and spirit around Lu Yuan was not integrated into his body, and blood was oozing out from all over his body, just like a bloody man.


Lu Yuan struck out with a brilliant punch.
But he accidentally hit the empty space.

"Uh" Lu Yuan stopped and realized that the strong man in black standing in front of him had shrunk into a shriveled and thin old man lying on the ground.

Next to him, there were four other figures lying in a mess.

Lu Yuan took two steps forward, lowered his head and looked down at the old man in black who had just fought with him.

The old man in black stared at him, spitting blood from his mouth, and said in a difficult tone full of reluctance: "When our strength declines, it will only be half of what it was at its peak. If we can use the Five Wheels of Reincarnation when we are at our peak."

Before the old man in black finished speaking, Lu Yuan's face showed deep disappointment and regret.

"Even if it is used at its peak, is the power only twice as powerful as it is now?

Then this combined attack technique is indeed a bit useless. Even if five people are tied up without being beaten, I can't enjoy it to the fullest."

As he spoke, Lu Yuan sighed softly, and all the blood seeping from the surface of his skin flowed back into his body.

The load damage caused to the body by the continuous use of "God Elephant Swallowing Dragon" has been completely healed.

His body transformed to another level.

The circulation in the body has been completely formed.

The blood lines emerging from the limbs and bones were converging in the middle of his chest, forming a medium-sized bloody vortex.

It also happened to surround the feathers of the hundred-eyed crow that had been hidden in his chest.

The two seem to have some inexplicable echoes.

Ever since he got the Feather of the Hundred-Eyed Crow, Lu Yuan never knew what use it had except for unlocking the panel.

Now it seemed that he had accidentally touched a certain mechanism, giving him the feeling that he could quickly mobilize this feather.

"Ho ho ho-"

Just as he was thinking about it, the old man in black at his feet made a series of strange sounds.

His eyes stared at Lu Yuan, as if he was angered by what he just said, and his body suddenly twitched.
Then a large amount of blood spurted out, and then his eyes quickly dimmed.


Lu Yuan watched the old man in black die, and then looked at the other four of the Penglai Five Elders. The vitality in his body was also rapidly draining away.

There was a slight fluctuation in Lu Yuan's heart, but it soon calmed down.

He raised his head and looked at the figure on the last level of the high platform in the brilliant glow.

From the time he entered Penglai to now.

There was no movement from this figure from beginning to end.

If you couldn't feel the aura emanating from this figure, you would have thought it was a sculpture or a dead person, just looking at it.

"God. Wu Chao."

Lu Yuan looked at the figure in the glow.

"A little bit."

He touched his chest, and the various legendary experiences Xu Weiguo had told him about God Wu Chao flashed through his mind.

Lu Yuan took a deep breath to completely calm down his agitated mood.

Then with the light in his eyes flashing, he walked step by step along the last stairs towards the last high platform.

At this moment, the entire Penglai Wusheng Island was quiet and there was no sound at all.

Only the clouds and mist in the sky were flowing silently.

Everyone was fixedly staring at the slowly upward figure on the distant steps.

At the feet of that figure.

They are the defeated Five Elders.

The figure's head.

He is the Lord of Penglai in the glow.

In a daze, they seemed to see——

The legends of the old era are slowly coming to an end, and a new myth is beginning to be written.
at last.

The long way to reach the high platform.

He looked calmly at the figure in the glow.

He could feel that the figure in the glow was also looking at him.

"You are the first person in the past 100 years to come to me in this way."

"You are very good."

In the waterfall-like glow, a calm middle-aged male voice came out.

Lu Yuan didn't speak, just stood quietly.

"I'll give you a chance."

The figure in the glow continued in a gentle tone: "Now, kneel down in front of me.

I can accept you as a disciple.

In this era, you will become the only successor of Tiangong Martial Arts.

He will also be the second Penglai God in the future. "


A gaze penetrated the glow and landed on Lu Yuan's face, as if waiting for his answer.

Lu Yuan was silent.

Then he slowly raised his head and faced that gaze with a calm expression.

"I'll give you a chance too."

Lu Yuan said softly:
"Be my stepping stone. This will be a hundred times more glorious than your role as the legend of the old times, the Penglai God!"


This sentence is finished.

Lu Yuan felt that everything on the highest platform was frozen.

The clouds, mist, glow, and air all stopped flowing.


He heard a man chuckle.

follow closely.

The rays of light in front of him broke through, and a middle-aged man with an ordinary figure and ordinary appearance, with only one pair of eyes as gentle as jade and extremely charming, walked out slowly.

With a smile on his face, he was in front of the road in a few steps.

Then he hit Lu Yuan on the head with a light punch, and said lightly: "The first move of Tiangong - Li Nantian!"

Lu Yuan narrowed his eyes and An Ran watched the figure approaching.

The moment the opponent punched, his whole temperament also quietly completed the transformation.

The originally domineering and strong spirit of the god was reduced.

What was released along with it was a mysterious temperament that was deep and cold, like the endless underworld.

Lu Yuan looked calm and retaliated with a punch in the same way.

This punch was also an original creation and was used for the first time.

Boxing name——

【Underworld Crow Stream——Penglai Kingdom of Death】

I'm late. Please give me a monthly ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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