I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 106 Going out to the amusement park

Chapter 106 Going out to the amusement park
When the elder brother looked at Bai Yao, his eyes were full of complexities, but more of resentment, why did my mother always think about her younger sister, why could she never be noticed, why did she have to trade her own future for her younger sister's chance of surgery.

If his sister was still as violent as before these two days, he could have tricked her into killing her without hesitation after going out, but it happened that her sister was very obedient these two days, so obedient that he couldn't do it.

Since you can't kill your sister, just throw it away in the amusement park.

Brother's eyes drooped and he walked faster and faster. Bai Yao stepped forward and carefully pulled his brother's sleeves, "Brother, wait for me, I can't catch up with you."

Jiao Didi's voice made my brother tremble, and couldn't help it, my brother slowed down a bit and let Bai Yao pull him.

Taking the elevator all the way down, Bai Yao arrived at the bus stop led by his brother.

Bai Yao looked around curiously, this time she was not wearing a white transparent raincoat, many greedy eyes were stuck on Bai Yao without exception, but she didn't dare to step forward.

The brother's aura was very gloomy, and he stared at the weird people who were targeting Bai Yao one by one with his murderous eyes.

In the white mist, a No. 14 bus came slowly, and my brother said coldly, "You will follow me later, don't wander around."

Bai Yao smiled sweetly at his brother, "Brother, you are so kind, you took me there when you knew I always wanted to go to the amusement park."

The elder brother was taken aback for a moment, and lowered his head in shame.

The No. 14 bus stopped slowly, the front door opened, my brother got on the bus, and Bai Yao pulled his brother's clothes and followed closely.

As soon as Bai Yao got into the car, everyone in the car immediately looked at Bai Yao, with direct gazes and sinister smiles. There was even a weirdo who stretched out his long head and leaned towards Bai Yao carefully. sniffed.

It's the smell of human beings, the experience value is so fragrant, I really want to kill it.

Bai Yao hid behind his brother in fear. With a cold face, his brother stretched out his hand and blew off the head. Black blood sprayed everywhere in the car.

A thin layer of black mist blocked Bai Yao and his brother, and also blocked the black blood.

The driver opened his eyes wide and turned his head stiffly. If he looked carefully, he could see his trembling body.

High-level monsters can kill these low-level monsters at will.

Suddenly, no one dared to look at Bai Yao and his brother, and all lowered their heads.

There was a sudden silence in the carriage, it was very quiet.

The elder brother sat in the last row with Bai Yao, and the car started slowly.

Bai Yao lay curiously on the glass window, looking at the constantly changing scene and feeling very novel. There were strange pedestrians, shops similar to the real world, and even one or two humans could be seen.

Bai Yao said expectantly, "Brother, do you think the amusement park has exciting projects like a big pendulum, a pirate ship, and a roller coaster?"

The elder brother pursed his lips and nodded silently, "Yeah."

Bai Yao was so happy that the smile almost burst out from the corner of his mouth, "Brother is the best!"

About 10 minutes later

Bai Yao saw the tall Ferris wheel and the roller coaster that went round and round from the window. He immediately turned his eyes and patted his brother's hand. Bai Yao said excitedly, "Look, brother, let's go in and play later." Go all over!"

Bai Yao's smile was dazzling, so dazzling that it deeply hurt his brother's eyes. The brother's nose felt sour and he responded lightly, "Yeah."

(End of this chapter)

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