I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 107 Pirate ship, scared to death

Chapter 107 Pirate ship, scared to death

The two got out of the car and came directly to the entrance of the amusement park. Bai Yao looked up at the huge sign in surprise, which read, "Happy Song Valley"

[My object method: I never expected that I could see Happy Song Valley Amusement Park in a small copy, where I worked as a conductor in my previous copy]

[A few steps Vnk: Who knows, my family, this looks very interesting, I want to try it too]

[Jianyou: Lightning protection, this amusement park is quite unfriendly to humans. If you go there, you will lose arms and legs at least.]

[Commemorative Coin: I guess my brother will kill the anchor there, the anchor will wish himself well]

When the two came to the ticket gate, everyone looked at them. Bai Yao politely smiled back. There was a person who was measuring his height. Bai Yao's eyes lit up and he ran over to measure. With a speechless face, he looked at Bai Yao, an adult who was fighting for a position with them.

Bai Yao is 1.6 meters tall, and the hair on his head can be as tall as 1.6 meters and a half. Bai Yao waved cheerfully towards his brother and shouted, "Brother, look, I am 165!"

The little monster behind: ...

The elder brother looked helplessly at the conspicuous bag in front of him, resigned to his fate, took out ghost coins and bought two adult tickets, stepped forward and hurriedly pulled away Bai Yao's conspicuous bag, and then he will find a chance to leave Bai Yao behind .

But Bai Yao's eyes lit up after he entered. He grabbed his brother's arm, pointed at the pirate ship swaying in front of him and shouted, "Brother, let's go play that!"

There are some differences between amusement parks in the horror world and amusement parks in the real world.

For example, the tilt of the pirate ship is almost 150 degrees, and you can even see a long-haired man with weird hair getting stuck in the machine and his head being forcibly removed.

Also during bungee jumping, when a fat person jumped off, the rope broke and hit the floor, turning him into a pulp.

There is also a roller coaster, the car turns backwards in mid-air and then suddenly gets stuck, and the first half of the carriage suddenly falls.

The more he saw this place, the more excited Bai Yao became. Oh my god, this is a perfect suicide sanctuary!

Seeing such a scene, Ai Yu swallowed his saliva and reminded, "Yao Yao, you are still young, you can't play in such dangerous ways!"

Bai Yao always went in his left ear and out his right ear, then nodded and said, "Yeah, then I'll just play with the ones that aren't dangerous!"

Anyway, the pirate ships are not dangerous at all in her eyes!
The elder brother looked at Bai Yao's cute look with some difficulty, "Are you sure you want to play?"

Although he wanted to leave Bai Yao behind, he wasn't so wicked as to use this to kill Bai Yao.

Bai Yao directly grabbed his brother's arm, and walked towards the pirate ship, "Don't hesitate, brother, you won't be able to play any later."

Just in time, the two of them caught up.

The crew member of the pirate ship was a human. He looked deeply at Bai Yao with a strange look and repeatedly confirmed whether Bai Yao was a human.

As soon as Bai Yao came up, he chose the most ruthless position, the outermost position of the pirate ship.

Bai Yao was excited throughout the whole process, but his brother's face was a little pale. Although he was also weird, he was also very afraid of playing such exciting and thrilling rides.

After everyone got together, the iron rod was pulled up, and the pirate ship began to rock. Bai Yao excitedly patted the arm of the brother next to him, "Ah, brother, it's about to start!"

The pirate ship was shaking faster and faster, Bai Yao's hair was flying back, Bai Yao opened his arms, and exclaimed excitedly: "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

My brother's whole body was stiff, and he closed his eyes completely without daring to open them.

Bai Yao's eyes widened. When he reached the highest point, the iron rod suddenly loosened. Bai Yao's butt left the chair, and even his whole body flew up. Bai Yao grabbed the seat in front of him with both hands, and his whole body was not touched. Completely thrown away.

But my brother was terrified and clutched the iron rod tightly, the tears in the corners of his eyes were almost frightened, help!He wants to go home! !He doesn't want to play anymore! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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