I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 108 Exciting Amusement Park

Chapter 108 Exciting Amusement Park
After the project ends
Brother's legs were a little weak, but Bai Yao looked energetic, and even faintly had the intention to challenge other rides.

Without saying a word, Bai Yao dragged his brother to play other sports.

roller coaster
Bai Yao opened his arms and enjoyed the excitement when the roller coaster rushed to the top. Then the chain on the car track loosened, and the car behind Bai Yao fell instantly. The roller coaster began to accelerate downwards, and the car Bai Yao was riding shook. It seemed like it would fall off the next moment, and the brother sitting next to him looked lost.

water tanker

The wooden doll in the pool randomly beheaded someone in the waterwheel, and the head of the person behind Bai Yao was instantly beheaded, and the blood that burst out sprayed Bai Yao all over, and Bai Yao, who was sitting outside, reached into the pool to wash The fish with a face was swimming in the pool. When he saw the white and tender human hands, his eyes lit up. He rushed forward and showed his sharp teeth as if to pull off Bai Yao's arm. Bai Yao happened to stretch his hand back. Face Yugui hit the water tanker directly and got a big swelling.

The horses on the merry-go-round are real horses. When they sit on them, they will keep shaking up and down. Many passengers are shaken off, and then let a group of horses trample back and forth.

Bai Yao was so happy that he stretched out his hand and hugged the horse's neck vigorously. The horse jumped more and more happily, and Bai Yao hugged him tighter, while urging, "It's so exciting, hurry up!"

Ma'er: ...You strangle me to death

After playing for a while, Bai Yao was very energetic, and even wanted to do a second brush.

My brother simply fell to his knees, vomiting but couldn't vomit out. Tears overflowed. He thought to himself that he must not come to the amusement park next time. It was really a waste.

[New Oriental vVV: Who knows, family members, is the anchor still a human being, so crazy! 】

[Yes, I'm jealous: I was really shocked to see the anchor escape from death several times. It turns out that people who are stupid to a certain extent are really lucky]

[Look at the beauty: I don't think the host is in a dungeon, it seems like he's on vacation...]

[Ding dong!Xiaosu players who love Xiaoye reward a yacht! 】

After a few 10 minutes of delay, my brother finally came to his senses while sitting on the wooden chair.

Bai Yao looked at his brother with a smile on his face and said happily, "Brother, today is simply the happiest day for me!"

The elder brother nodded guiltily, not daring to look directly at Bai Yao's fiery eyes.

I can't continue playing like this, I have to find a reason to sneak away.

Bai Yao suddenly said, "Brother, do you hate my little sister?"

The elder brother nodded in a favorable manner, was taken aback for a moment, looked at Bai Yao in a panic, quickly shook his head and said, "No, that's not what I meant."

Bai Yao smiled bitterly, with tears rolling in his eyes, he said softly, "My brother who knows everything, I'm sorry, you have suffered a lot because of me."

My brother looked at the tears in Bai Yao's eyes, and couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. In fact, my sister did nothing wrong, but the source of my pain came from her existence, but my happiness these few days was brought by the people in front of me. for yourself.

My brother has mixed emotions towards Bai Yao, both love and hate.

Bai Yao rummaged through his white satchel and took out a small jar filled with star paper and handed it to his brother. Bai Yao showed a sweet smile and said, "No, brother, I made this for you myself. "

My brother took the little jar, looked at the little stars in the jar, and asked in confusion, "Why did you give it to me?"

Bai Yao laughed and said, "Because I like my brother, I worked so hard to break it, you can look through the little jar inside, there will be surprises~"

 Completed the update, the author is exhausted, come to a reader to comfort me QAQ
(End of this chapter)

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