I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 122 Game Trading Function

Chapter 122 Game Trading Function
The next day
Su Yue looked helplessly at Bai Yao who was sleeping soundly on the bed, lifted the quilt, pinched Bai Yao's tender face with her hands and said, "The sun is about to dry your ass, why don't you hurry up."

When Su Yue squeezed, Bai Yao woke up a lot, but she just didn't want to get up, she just wanted to lie on the bed and play with her mobile phone, so Bai Yao put the quilt back on and rolled around, saying coquettishly, "Don't get up, I want to lie on the bed!"

Su Yue sighed and said, "As your roommate, it is necessary to remind you that there will be a body strengthening course today, which should be very helpful to you. I will also go there just so you can go there Find me, I have downloaded a lot of information about horror games on the tablet I prepared for you, which can be ready for your next copy."

Bai Yao hid under the quilt, revealing a pair of sleepy eyes, said a long "Oh~", and then asked, "Then is there anything interesting around here?"

Su Yue had a headache. Yesterday Bai Yao told her about the dungeon. The reason why she jumped off the building and died was that she was resurrected because the reward in the first dungeon was Resurrection A. Su Yong said patiently, "Don't even think about playing, there are It’s time to improve your own strength, so that you will have some guarantees for clearing the next dungeon. By the way, if someone troubles you, just call me and I will help you solve it. I’ll leave first, so don’t sleep too late.”

Bai Yao lazily responded, "Hmm..."

After saying that, Su Yue went out. Bai Yao secretly squinted under the quilt, and immediately jumped up happily from the bed after seeing Su Yue leave, then went to the living room, took snacks and fruits, ran to the TV and started the movie, like It's as easy as lying in your own home.

Anyway, Su Yue said, it's not polite to treat this place as your own home.

After Su Yue went out, she took out her mobile phone and turned on the surveillance. As expected, she saw Bai Yao eating fruit and watching a movie on the sofa. She smiled helplessly, "Like Xiao Ye, he is a little liar."

After saying this, even Su Yue was stunned. Is there really such a similar person in this world?Not only are they five points alike in appearance, but even some behavioral habits are exactly the same.

the other side

Bai Yao lazily picked up the mobile phone on one side, clicked on the horror game software, the public screen of the game had already turned upside down, roughly about some players suspected that they had cheated and then reported themselves to the game, but the explanation given by the game was that they Owning the resurrection armor shocked a group of people.

Bai Yao's backstage is full of messages from a group of people requesting to add him as friends, and there are not many people he knows, and even some famous big shots.

Su Yue, Gu Feng, Luo Wei...

But Bai Yao didn't add any of these people as friends, and they all clicked Reject. The system will automatically use real names on the player rankings, and players can choose aliases. Those comments and comments are all using pseudonyms. Bai Yao is too lazy to deal with those .

Checking again, Bai Yao also found that there are still a bunch of unclaimed rewards in the background of the game, which are the rewards from the last live broadcast settlement. Clicking on it immediately pops up a bunch of data:
Player: Bai Yao

Live broadcast copy: Cunning Mom
Number of live viewers: 569 million

Settlement ghost coins: 2600
Number of followers: 1.1
After reading these, Bai Yao received the reward and went to the trading market in the software. The horror game has a trading function. Players can post what they want in the announcement, which can be exchanged for ghost objects and ghost coins. Bai Yao has preliminary understanding.

Players can sell or donate existing ghost coins to others, or conduct transactions between ghosts and ghosts. Cash transactions cannot be used in the game. If you want to use cash transactions, you can only meet the players in private or transfer payment.

(End of this chapter)

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