I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 123 Bai Yao is mentally ill

Chapter 123 Bai Yao is mentally ill
In terms of market price, 1 ghost coin is equal to 1000 cash, and D-level ghosts cost hundreds of ghost coins.

Bai Yao silently looked at the 3200 ghost coins in his account and fell into deep thought, as if he was an invisible multi-millionaire.

Exited the game page directly, checked the travel guides around here, and after roughly thinking about where to go, Bai Yao turned off his phone, went to the bathroom, changed into a nice dress, and put on his white satchel on his back. out the door.

After all, Bai Yao is still curious about what the courses at Horror University are like.

A silver-blue light flashed on Bai Yao's shoulder, Xiao Xi appeared in that light, small and only the size of a palm, Xiao Xi sat on Bai Yao's shoulder and looked around curiously, not only sighed, " Is this the horror university?"

Bai Yao noticed Xiao Xi and asked curiously, "Xiao Xi, can others see you?"

Xiaoxi shook her head and said with a smile, "Don't worry about it, host, other than you making me bigger with extraordinary force, no one else will be able to see me. I just ran out of pure curiosity."

Hearing this, Bai Yao heaved a sigh of relief, and said happily, "That's good, let's go outside and have a good shake after we finish shopping here, um, and bring Xiaoyu, there is a game mall nearby, we can... ..."

Bai Yao stretched out his fingers carelessly, his eyes lit up, and he shouted, "We can play with so many things!"

Xiaoxi nodded at the side, then stretched out her hand and said excitedly, "I still want to drink milk tea and eat spicy soup!"

Bai Yao walked as he talked, directly from the dormitory area to the teaching area. Along the way, everyone looked at Bai Yao with strange eyes. Some people even took out their mobile phones and took pictures of Bai Yao talking to himself. .

The title is "Surprise! Shocking encounter with a psychopath in college talking to himself! He seems to have a split personality!"

As soon as this video came out, it immediately attracted many people's comments.

[Let me have a meal first: I recognize her, she is Bai Yao, a player who is very popular recently and is suspected of cheating]

[Artificial Lake: It's the lucky player. The first dungeon got the Resurrection Armor, and the second dungeon got the Talent Healing. The talent heals me! 】

[Oh, I understand: I really want to be a dungeon with her. In this case, as long as I am injured and let her heal me, wouldn’t it be outrageous! 】

[Xiao Gongju: Everyone, be careful~ Seeing Bai Yao look like this, he seems a little mentally ill]

[My guess: popular science, Bai Yao is No.2 in the national college entrance examination this year. I heard that the reason why she is No.2 is that she slept in the Chinese college entrance examination, and she only got No.0 with a score of 2 in the Chinese test. full marks.Not only that, he has also won many championships in science and technology competitions, but Bai Yao is an orphan and has suffered from severe mental illness since childhood]

[Oh, the woman in class: So pitiful, no wonder she thought this anchor was stupid when watching her live broadcast, it turns out he is mentally ill]

The other players quietly thought about it. A somewhat stupid mental illness with a talent for healing would be a proper target of bullying by then.

Horror University is a place that all ordinary people yearn for. In addition to getting money, you can also enjoy rights and beauties. Of course, there is also an invisible chain of contempt in Horror University.

Most high-level players despise low-level players. Most low-level players are missing arms and legs. Organs taken away by monsters in horror games can be exchanged for experience points, but it requires a lot of experience points. Only those high-level players can afford it.

Those good-looking high-level players are a symbol of strength and are highly sought after by people, such as Gu Feng and Su Yue.

 The next copy, well, there should be a few more chapters to see

(End of this chapter)

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