Chapter 136 Truth or Dare
Bai Yao looked around. This is the same equipment as the first car, but there are only 20 people, and there are many novelty things on both sides, glass wine bottles, sulfuric acid, a basin of clean water, a hair dryer, and even a gun...

These are all good things for killing people.

Player No. 079 looked deeply at the car door. After he left, Bai Yao came out alone. What happened in the first car?They can't all die.

The broadcast sounded again, "All players, please sit in a circle and put the wine bottle in the middle. The game is about to begin."

Twenty people of all kinds, some with pale faces and eyes full of fear, some with their hands raised up in prayer.

Bai Yao asked naively, "Before I came, did you experience a truth or dare game here?"

Player No. 079 nodded solemnly, "When I came here, there was already a truth or dare. There were originally 30 people here. At the beginning, the broadcast said that only 12 people would take the truth or dare. Then five people died and left. There were six people, and we didn’t notify the game to start until you came to our side.”

Bai Yao looked at those novel deadly items and said excitedly, "I have a hunch that this game will be very fun!"

Player No. 079 looked at Bai Yao with concern for mentally retarded children. Could this person be mentally ill?

Some people gathered together one after another. Player 079 walked over and sat down, and Bai Yao sat down next to player 079.

Player No. 041 on the opposite side glanced at Bai Yao curiously and asked, "I watched you coming from the previous carriage. Can you please reveal the rules of your carriage?"

Bai Yao looked at the other party's greasy uncle, shook his head and said, "I don't want to tell you."

Player No. 041 wondered, "Why didn't you tell me?" It's not that he never asked Player No. 079, but that person didn't seem easy to mess with, so he ran to ask the harmless little sister in front of him.

Bai Yao smiled and said, "Mom told me not to talk to strangers."

The others looked at Bai Yao with some confusion, deeply doubting whether the person in front of them was still underage, otherwise how could they say such naive words.

The radio started to sound, "The game starts, whoever points the beer bottle at the mouth will be the first round player, good luck to all players."

As soon as the words fell, the beer bottle placed in the middle seemed to be pushed by a force and began to rotate rapidly.

Most of the people present swallowed, praying not to choose themselves.

As time passed, the wine bottle started to rotate, as if hesitating who to choose, a slender hand stretched out to hold the wine bottle, pointing the bottle at himself, Bai Yao excitedly said to the players, "I want to be Players in the first round, don't compete with me!"

Player No. 119 looked at Bai Yao's behavior in shock, and there would be a fool who would take the initiative to lay down his gun. Isn't this too unreal?

Player No. 079 stretched out his hands numbly to his forehead. He knew that the people in front of him often played cards unreasonably, but he really didn't expect that there were still people rushing to die.

The faces of the others were more or less surprised, surprised at Bai Yao's madness.

Ai Yu in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness spat out a mouthful of blood in anger, and said in a deep voice with a dark face, "Yao Yao, didn't you promise Xiaoxi and me that you would not die before entering the dungeon!"

Bai Yao was ashamed, and explained with his mental strength, "No, Xiao Yu, I'm called taking the initiative! Look, if I am the first round player, I have a chance to kill the next nine players and advance to the next level! "

(End of this chapter)

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