I'm the king of horror in the horror world

Chapter 137 Eliminating Players

Chapter 137 Eliminating Players
Ai Yu said angrily, "You also know there is a chance, why don't you say 100%?"

Bai Yao nodded again and said, "Yes, yes, 100%."

Bai Yao forgot to convey the latter sentence with his mental power. Player 079 next to him glanced at Bai Yao in shock. Was she talking to herself just now...?
Ai Yu took a deep breath, not angry or angry, and then thought about the countermeasures, and said, "When the time comes, you choose to tell the truth and then lie. According to the rules, you can not be punished. After that, you can judge the truth of the players in the next round. I will judge whether it is true or false, and if it is a big adventure, I will use ghost energy to kill it."

Just when Bai Yao wanted to choose the big adventure against Ai Yu, Ai Yu said leisurely at this moment, "If you dare to choose the big adventure, believe it or not, I will come out and beat you right now."

Bai Yao's back was covered in cold sweat, Xiao Yu...when did she become so fierce.

After swallowing, Bai Yao said, "I choose the truth."

The broadcast sounded at the right time, "Congratulations to player No. 001 for being selected in the first round. Due to the special nature of the first round, player No. 079 will ask questions to player No. 001. Regardless of whether it is true or false, player No. 001 will not be selected in this round. Any punishment will be meted out.”

Player No. 079's eyes lit up. This was a good opportunity. He immediately asked Bai Yao, "What happened to the people in the first carriage after I left?" Two people came out for no reason.

The corner of Bai Yao's mouth was smiling, but his eyes were icy cold, and he said in a teasing tone, "Of course they are all dead."

As soon as the words came out, the others felt a chill. It was hard to imagine what happened in the first car. Some people thought that Bai Yao was joking. After all, the players in the first round would not be punished.

Player No. 079 then asked, "Then how did they die?"

Bai Yao's eyes turned cold, and he reminded, "This is the next question."

Player No. 079 frowned and stopped asking. It was strange just now. There was always a sense of being stared at by a cold-blooded animal, but this feeling disappeared after a while. Maybe it was his own illusion.

The announcement sounded, "Second round begins"

The wine bottle started to spin, then stopped slowly after ten seconds, and finally pointed to player No. 092. She had a sallow complexion and a bloated figure, and she seemed to be in her 40s.

Player No. 092's face was full of panic, fear spread in his heart, and he was trembling and unable to say a word.


When hesitating whether to choose the truth or the big risk.

Bai Yao suddenly interjected, "Why don't you choose a big adventure? Your thoughts are written on your face. It's too easy to guess if you choose to tell the truth."

Player No. 092's eyes lit up and he immediately replied, "Okay, I choose the adventure!"

Bai Yao looked at the strange gadgets around him. He stood up and directly picked a pistol. He took a look at the configuration inside. There were six positions for installing bullets. In fact, only three bullets were installed. Isn't this a Russian turntable? Bai Yao Yao turned the gun axis casually, then pointed it at player No. 092, and said softly, "The big adventure is about to be exciting. Guess whether there are bullets in this shot~ If I press the button, there will be bullets shot here, I’m sorry you’re going to be eliminated.”

Player 092 trembled for a while, and even felt a little unsteady, suddenly realized something, looked at Bai Yao with hatred and said, "Did you make me choose the big adventure on purpose! You just set a trap to wait for me Go jump and say, did you do something to this gun a long time ago!"

(End of this chapter)

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