Chapter 158

10 minutes later
Bai Yao's hands were already stained with blood, he opened the door and walked into the transition room, washed up briefly, and went to the next carriage again.

When Bai Yao stepped into the eighth carriage, everyone turned their attention. The difference from the seventh carriage this time is that there are all male players here.

Player No. 069 was wearing black-rimmed glasses, and he adjusted the frame interestingly, "I never expected to see someone coming out of the seventh carriage."

Player No. 069 came from the sixth carriage. He had seen the irritating looks of the female players in the seventh carriage. He was very interested to see that Bai Yao was not injured at all. After all, the male players in this carriage were More or less, an organ was taken away.

Player No. 071 gave a disdainful "cut", "It's just a girl, and you're here to wait for the next round of game rules to die!"

While they were looking at Bai Yao, Bai Yao was also looking at them. There were [-] male players in total. It was rare to see people with sound limbs here. Some were missing arms, some were ears or eyes, and the ground was covered with blood. , there is nothing in this carriage, no seats, and there are cameras everywhere in the corners.

Bai Yao lowered her head. She had a strong feeling of being watched. When she raised her head, she forced a smile and asked, "Excuse me, what is the rule for the next carriage?"

Player 069 replied, "Before you came here, you have already experienced three rounds of games with different rules. In each round of the game, several people will almost die. It is estimated that it will be broadcast in 10 minutes."


In the ninth carriage
There are only seven seats here, and the seats can be adjusted or extended to be used as a small sofa. This carriage is even equipped with red wine, air conditioning, and a small table on the seat with steaks, which can be said to be quite luxurious.And there are only seven players in the ninth car, three women and four men, code-named players 002, 003, 199, 200, 007, 090, and 197.


A high-definition surveillance video was placed in front of the seven seats, and the content of the video was exactly the surveillance screen in the eighth carriage.

Player No. 007 is a fat house, troubled, "Hell, I have to think about the new rules for the eighth car again, it's really troublesome."

The female player No. 090 is a student girl. She said angrily, "The rule game we finally came up with killed so many players in the eighth car, but another player No. 001 came."

The male player No. 002 said unhappily, "Why is the number of this newcomer player 001, just above me, it's really annoying."

The female player on No. 199 sighed, and said helplessly, "If the players in our ninth car want to go to the tenth car to finish the dungeon, they must complete the mission of the ninth car, which is for the eighth car." The player issued a game rule with a time limit of three hours. If all the players in the eighth car die, then all the players in our ninth car can go to the next car to clear the copy. If any player in the eighth car After completing the game rules we published, all the players in our ninth carriage will only die once."

The male player No. 200 thought deeply, "Then this new round of game rules must be carefully considered. It is best for the players in the eighth car to finish the game, and let them kill each other."

Player No. 007 suddenly laughed and said, "Hahahahaha, isn't that the werewolf killing game I often play, asking the players in the eighth carriage to find a monster that cannot possibly exist in it, hahahaha But It is simply impossible, how can any player be really weird, if there is, the system will use what I said as the rules of the new round of the game."

Player No. 007 was originally joking, but the broadcast sound suddenly sounded strangely, "Ding dong! A new round of rules for the eighth carriage has been successfully generated! The new round of game rules is called catching ghosts. and kill them before you can go to the next carriage!"

Player No. 007's smile suddenly stiffened, and Player No. 199 almost spat out a mouthful of water, "I'll go, that's okay too!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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